Monday, December 30, 2013

First Single Autumn In New York

Barry was going to give his fans an early Christmas present with a single from the Night Songs album. However he decided instead to surprise them by making the Cd single a part of their membership kit. They would still get their membership card, pin and welcome to the club card. He  told the fan club he wasn't going to tell them about this. That way it would be a complete surprise when they got their kit.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When It's Over That's The Time I Fall In Love Again.

Barry wondered was he unlucky in love. First it was Abigail who broke up with him. Now it was   Julie who had broken up with him. Maybe he should lay low when it comes to women for a while. Guess what the gay rumors has started up again. Maybe that's why Julie dumped him. Who really knows except Julie. At least Max and Maggie his two dogs would never dump him. Barry decided to concentrate on his Borgata shows.  That he figured would take his mind off of Julie. Barry was on his way to the studio where he was meeting up with Rett Turner his costume designer. He was going for his first fitting. Barry was not watching where he was going. Thud he bumped into something or so he thought. When he looked up it turned out to be a person. That person turned out to be a woman. Oh I'm sorry he said. That's ok said Skylar. When your minds somewhere else your not paying attention to where your going or what your doing she said. Barry looked up and there was this angel. Barry said if you're ever in Atlantic City come to the Borgata. I'm starting my show on February 14th of next year. Just go to the box office and tell them Barry Manilow sent you. I'll let them know you might come and they can give you a comp ticket. Oh! One more thing I need a name to leave at the box office. So when you say I'm whatever your name is they can say we have your name on the list and give you your ticket. My name is Skylar Herzbach she said. That's an interesting name said Barry. Skylar means scholar she said. I guess my parents thought something different was in order when they named me.  Well I've got to get going Skylar said. Nice to meet you Barry Manilow she said. Nice to meet you too Skylar Herzbach said Barry. Barry started down the sidewalk when he turned around. He said wait a minute. Yes said Skylar did you forget something. Well sort of said Barry. Herzbach is your last name right. Right said Skylar. You aren't related to recording engineer Andrew Herzbach by any chance asked Barry. Yes I am Andrew Herzbach is my uncle said Skylar. My dad is John Herzbach he's an airline pilot.I know your uncle he was the recording engineer for my Here At The Mayflower album. When I see him on Sunday I'll tell him I saw you said Skylar. Skylar went on her way. Come Monday now wasn't that a title of a Barry Manilow song? Yes it was Skylar thought as she walked home.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Platinum Packages

 Barry Manilow decided for the first time ever to do platinum package for his fans. Barry decided his platinum packages would consist of the following.  Front row seat, Backstage pass lanyard, Manilow wine glass and Manilow's Night Songs program autographed by Barry Manilow. Each platinum package cost $500.00 with the entire amount going to Barry Manilow's own charity The Manilow Music for Kids Fund. The wine glass would be filled with wine instead of  champagne. The wines would be from his own wines called Manilow. There would be two reds a merlot and a cabernet sauvignon. Two whites melody and a Riesling. Along with sparkling red and white grape juice plus ginger ale.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Manilow's Night Songs Show

Barry Manilow's new performing home. The Music Box at the Borgata Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. Barry's starts his new show Manilow's Night Songs on Thursday February 14, 2019. During the months of January, March, May, July, September and November Barry's doing two weekends each of these months. Then during the months of  February, April, August, October and December Barry's doing three weekends each of these months. Shows are Thursday through Sunday and they start at 8PM.  Barry is doing a total of eighty-four show a year.  June is Barry's off month. The only time a show will not fall on a Thursday through Sunday is on New Years Eve. That is when New Years Eve falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday. If New Years Eve falls on a Monday the New Years Eve show will the day before.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

An Offer He Couldn't Refuse

Barry wondered what his fans were going to do when they find out he canceled his world tour. The main reason the tour got canceled was because Barry got an offer to headline at the Borgata in Atlantic City.  Barry had said many times in interviews that he hated Las Vegas. But this was not Las Vegas. No this was Atlantic City and he loved Atlantic City. The Atlantic City  hotel/casino was the Borgata. The venue at the Borgata was the Music Box. Barry would in  permanent residence for as long as he wanted to stay. Boyd Gaming and Marina District Development  who owned the Borgata contacted Barry and asked him if he'd like to have permanent residence at the Borgata's Music Box theatre. Barry didn't hesitate to say yes to their offer.  For a number of reasons. One it wasn't in Las Vegas. Two it was in New Jersey which was close to New York City where he lived. So he could go home after his last show on Saturday night. Three Amtrak now had direct train service to Atlantic City. So no flying or even driving down there if he didn't want to do either.. Four The Music Box was an intimate 1,000 seat theatre which he liked. The unobstructed views from every seat in the theatre was another thing Barry liked. So he happily signed the contract. Then he got together with his writing team of Ken and Mitzi Welch. Together they came up with the perfect show. The show was being  called Manilow's Night Songs. This was going to be a very jazzy show. Because that's what Barry Manilow was a jazz artist on the side. Not a pop artist like Brian Murphy was. The other thing Barry kind of wondered about was what Brian Murphy was going to say when he discovered he lost four of his band members for good. In fact the four band members Barry snitched Russ McKinnon drums, Ron Pedley keyboards, David Rosenblatt percussion/vocals and Mike Lent guitar/vocals were thrilled to be working with Barry. It must have been because Russ, Ron David and Mike were all crazy about jazz like Barry was. Barry and Marc went down to Atlantic City to check out the Music Box to what it looked like. Once inside the theatre Barry said to Marc I'm going to really like it here. Barry was calling his Borgata show at the Music Box Manilow's Night Songs. Which was going to open on Valentines Day Thursday February 14, 2019. Fan club tickets would go on sale Friday November 30, 2018 at 1:00PM eastern time. With tickets for the general public going on sale Thursday December 13, 2018 at 1PM eastern time. Barry was going do something he'd never done before  platinum packages. Barry knew Brian Murphy did platinum packages during his road trips. Barry decided the package would consist of  a backstage meeting with him, front row seat, wine glass with your choice of wine, ginger ale or sparkling grape juice and an autographed program. Barry thought four different wines would be nice instead of champagne. Which is what he had heard Brian Murphy did for his platinum's. Barry decided on two red wines and two white wines. The reds were a cabernet sauvignon and a merlot. The whites were a Melody and Riesling . Plus ginger ale and sparkling red and white grape juice for those who didn't drink wine. Barry had decided that January, March May, July, September and November he would do two weekends. Then February, April, June, August, October and December he would do three weekends. The shows would be Thursday through Sunday except in December. Because he wanted to be there on December 31st to ring in the new year. Barry was even thinking platinum's on New Years Eve would be nice for his fans to do. Platinum's would cost five hundred dollars with the money going to his Manilow Music Fund for Kids. The Manilow Music Fund for Kids raises money for musical instruments that go to schools that needed them. Also for his Manilow Music Scholarship at Julliard Music school. Every year a deserving high school student gets a twenty-five thousand scholarship to Julliard Music school. Barry thought charging one thousand five hundred for platinum's was to much. He knew a lot of fans couldn't afford that amount. So that's why he was going to charge five hundred for his platinum's. All 
he needed to do now was rehearse with the band. Have them try on their costumes to make sure they fit. Then get ready for his third musical to open on Broadway. Harmony was still on Broadway at the St. James Theatre. Copacabana was back on Broadway and playing at the Music Box. Copacabana had been at the Music Box since February.  And now Here At The mayflower was going to open in December at the Gershwin Theatre. Wow three musicals on Broadway at one time. That's something no other Broadway songwriter had ever done. That should be one for the Guinness Book of World Records. The first Broadway songwriter to ever have three musicals on Broadway at one time.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Put A Ring On It

Marc came into JFK airport around 2:45PM. He had taken United flight 265 earlier that morning. Barry was there waiting for him. Hi Marc how was your flight asked Barry. Fine said Marc. You know you should move out eat said Barry. Yeah I know said Marc. Lets got get your bag said Barry. So off they went to the baggage claim area. Marc found his bag and off they went to catch a cab. Barry gave the cab driver his address. The driver went off to Barry's town house. When the cab driver pulled up to the town house Barry paid the driver. The drover got out of the cab and got Marc's bag out of the trunk. Marc's bag and marc gave him a tip and thanked him. Barry and Marc headed into the town house. Barry showed Marc to the guest bedroom. Marc said I want to show you something Barry. Marc unzipped his suitcase and found the small bag with the box in it. He took the box out of the bag and opened it up. Inside was a light blue topaz ring with diamonds around it. WOW said Barry that sure does sparkle. Remember the last time I was here I meet Julie Anne Berkovic's friend Susan Barrett. Yes I remember. Well Susan and I exchanged phone numbers. Since then we've been talking on the phone just about every day. Susan even came out to LA twice. Besides coming here for business I'm putting a ring on it. You're doing what said Barry. I'm putting a ring on it. said Marc. The it being Susan's left finger. You're going to propose to Susan said Barry. Yes said Marc. Congratulations said Barry. I not only fell in love with her cupcakes but I fell in love with her said Marc. Of course Barry I want you to be my best man. Why sure I'll be your best man said Barry. If Susan says yes I'm going to talk her into a destination wedding said Marc. Wherever she want to get married is fine with me. The only thing I'd like is something small and intimate said Marc. I thought we'd go to the empire state building before dinner. That's where I'll pop the question. From there we'll go to the Copacabana for dinner. Are you going to get down on one knee asked Barry. I guess I should said Marc. Well I think your ring is gorgeous said Barry. She'd be a fool not to say yes. I hope you're right said Marc. The next day Darren Griffin called and Barry told him the news about Marc proposing to Susan Barrett. Darren said I know the perfect place to get married Martha's Vineyard. I'm a member of the Vineyard Haven Yacht Club. Samantha and I have a summer home there so I can get the yacht club for Marc's wedding. They can get married on the beach and have their reception inside the yacht club building.  Let me know the date so I can reserve the yacht club for them.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

First There Was HARMONY

Julie Anne decided since there wasn't a local Barry Manilow Fan Club in New York City she would start one. There was one sort of but Brooklyn wasn't Barry's home town. Brooklyn was one of the five boroughs in Barry's home town of New York City. The other four were the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.  Barry definitely need a local fan club in his home town of New York City. Julie Anne got her BFF's Susan Barrett, Lu Ann Heiner Drebot  and Tracy Quagieri Herbert to be her co-directors.  Julie Anne knew she couldn't call her group just Harmony . Then there was a FB page called First There Was Harmony. Which she knew she couldn't use or so she thought. When Julie Anne called Vikki Thomas to tell her she had started a local fan club for Barry in his hometown of New York City. Vikki said well it's about time. Julie Anne told Vikki the name she wanted to use First There Was Harmony. She also mentioned there was a FB page using that name and she figured she better not use it. Vikki told her to go ahead and use that name for her fan club. Vikki reminded her she needed to support a local charity. That's when Julie Anne told Vikki they already had a local charity. Plus they just had their first charity raffle. Grand prize was a pair of tickets to see Harmony on Broadway and the original Harmony cast album. First prize was an autographed Harmony poster. Second prize was an autographed Harmony playbill. Third prize was the original Harmony cast album autographed. Fourth prize was the Harmony t shirt and key chain.  Fifth prize was a Harmony coffee mug and a fridge magnet. We raised twenty thousand for the Harmony Program Inc. Julie Anne told Vikki the Harmony program Inc. is an after school music program for communities in New York City where there were no  after school  programs. Since she knew Barry Manilow she asked him if he would get everyone to sign the Harmony Broadway poster, Harmony Broadway playbill and Harmony original cast album. Just then Barry walked in. Vikki told him she was talking to Julie Anne Berkovic. Julie Anne started a local New York City fan club for you said Vikki. Oh she did said Barry. Yes said Vikki she has one hundred and fifty local New York City members. Plus two hundred members from outside New York City. Wow three hundred and fifty  that's a lot of members said Barry.  Just then the mailman came and left a large package. Are you going to open the package said Barry. Vikki replied not now while I'm talking on the phone. Vikki looked at the package and noticed it was from Julie Anne. I see you sent a package to us Julie Anne. Oh good said Julie Anne. You can open it up. So Vikki opened it up. Inside was some tee shirts with the fan clubs logo on it. All but one had Barry's photo on it. The one without Barry's photo on it was for Barry to wear. Also inside was copies of  the First There Was Harmony BMFC newsletter called The Quarter Note. There's one for Barry, Marc, Kirsten and you Vikki said Julie Anne. You can visit our group over on Facebook said Julie Anne. Barry asked Vikki for the phone which she gave him. Hey Julie Anne can I join your group? asked Barry. Julie Anne said sure Barry you can. In fact I'll make you an honorary co-director said Julie Anne. Wow I've never been a co-director of anything before said Barry. Well now you are said Julie Anne.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Boys and Girls In The Band

Barry went about putting together his band for hid latest gig at the Music Box Theatre Borgata Hotel/Casino in Atlantic City.  Barry actually snitched all of Brian Murphy's band members Mike Lent guitar, David Rosenblat percussion, Ron Pedley keyboard and Russ McKinnon drums Stan Sargent bass, Joey Malotte keyboards/musical director Kye Brackett vocals,  Muffy Hendricks vocals and Keeley Vasquez vocals for his band. Talk about being sneaky. LOL!! Besides Brian Murphy wasn't on the road right now. The scuttle butt in tinsel town Hollyweird was a nip here a tuck there. You know plastic surgery to look more plastic. Which he already was starting to look like plastic. It's all in the genes thought Barry. Barry Manilow's band was now complete. So he couldn't wait to start his gig at the Borgata.  Barry got a hold of his favorite designer Rett Turner to create his concert attire. Rett was also doing costumes for the band. The only thing black in his stage attire would be his pants and shoes. Barry wasn't like Brian Murphy who wore all black except his colorful jackets.  Rett had Barry come to his New York City studios to try on some of the finished clothes. Rett suggested Barry wear black loafers, black dress pants,with colorful shirts and jackets. Rett got a hold of Dominic Dolce and Stephano Gabbana to create dress pants and loafers for Barry to wear on stage.  Rett was going to design the jackets himself. A couple jackets with tails and some regular length jackets in assorted colors. The boys in the band and Kye would wear black shoes, pants, shirts and colorful jackets. Muffy would wear black and red dresses with high heel shoes. The behind the scenes people for the tour were. Seth Jackson lighting from Bandit lights, Ken Newman sound engineer, Ken and Mitzi Welch stage patter, Joe Clayton tour manager, James Simone stage manager, Phillip Gregg wardrobe, John Bunker scenic designer, Karl Heinz, Leo Rodgers, Tom Curtis and Jay Riggins carpenters. Barry couldn't hardly wait to get back on stage again. While in the middle of his clothes fitting his cell phone rang. Hello said Barry. Barry it's  Marc. What's up Marc said Barry. Well I just got off the phone with Neil Portnow  he called me to   ask if you would host the 2020 Grammy Awards next year. Oh BTW your album Night Songs has just entered the Billboard 200 album chart at number one.  Your kidding said Barry. No said Marc I'm not kidding. You can tell Neil Portnow I'll gladly host the Grammys next year said Barry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

There's No Place Like Home.

There's no place like home. Barry lived many places over the years. Besides Williamsburg where he grew up. He lived in Greenwich Village, Flatbush, Upper West Side all in New York City. Beverly Hills rental,  and Bel Air In Los Angeles. Palm Spring house one, Palm Springs house two Palm Springs.  Malibu beach house Malibu. A few years ago he sold the Malibu beach house. He bought a condo in Brooklyn's Fort Green neighborhood. He started thinking why do I live in Palm Springs when I don't work on the west cost. I'm a Broadway songwriter who dabbles in making records. So I should be living back in New York City. So he put his Palm Springs house up on the market for $9,569,675. The real estate agent called him two days latter to tell him he had an offer on his house. for $105,500,00. The person who made the offer was pop singer Brian Murphy. Barry took the offer which was way more than what he was asking for. Barry got Marc, Garry, Enoch and Marty to help him pack his things. He used Mayflower movers to move his stuff a cross  country. Once he got his stuff out east he storied it in a friends warehouse till he found somewhere bigger to live. It didn't take long for him to find something bigger. It was a five floor town house. With a small one bedroom apartment on the Garden floor. The rest of the town house had four bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms.  Along with a living room dining room kitchen and an office. It also had a decent backyard for Maggie and Max to run around in. His new address was on Hicks St. in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn.. All of his furniture would fit into his new house. Barry was also within walking distance to the subway train so he could easily get into Manhattan. Barry decided to have Julie Ann, Susan and Lu Ann  cater his house warming party. Julie Anne would provide the eats. While Susan and Lu Ann would provide the sweets. Julie Anne decided on Mexican food for Barry's house warming party. While Susan and Lu Ann made some of their mini cupcakes. Julie Anne, Susan and Lu Ann got some of their employs to do the serving so they could enjoy the party also. Marc came all the way from the west cost for the party. He saw Susan and thought she was cute. He asked Barry who she was. Barry explained Susan Barrette was a friend of Julie Anne's. Really said Marc. Oh I wonder if she's married. Barry said that I don't know but you could ask her. Barry walked over to Julie Anne, Susan and Lu Ann to tell them the food was delicious. Oh by the way Susan and Lu Ann your Sweet Heaven Cupcake van will be ready next week. It's a silver grey Fiat Doblo van with your logo on both sides. Barry showed the ladies around his new town house. The only room he didn't show them was the garden floor bedroom where Maggie and Max were hanging out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Surprise Surprise

When Julie Anne got home there was Barry standing in front of her building. He was standing in front of something. What's behind you Julie Anne asked? Oh just a little something said Barry as he turned so she could see it. Surprise he said. It's a Fiat Qubo Trekking and it's for you. How much did you pay for this asked Julie Anne? Barry replied I'm not telling you as he handed her the car keys. Barry said besides your beater has seen better days. Thank you said Julie Anne but you shouldn't have. Now all you need to do is to transfer your car insurance and license plate. Hey wait a minute said Barry where is your car? It got a small dent in it. What do you mean it got a small dent in it asked Barry. Well I was driving to Hoboken to my favorite restaurant supply place when a guy ran a red light and hit the front of my car. I'm fine said Julie Anne but my car was totaled. Thank goodness your ok as Barry gave Julie Anne a hug. Would you like to come in asked Julie Anne. I'm making tuna casserole for dinner. Barry said sure why not. Julie Anne made tuna casserole and carrots. I have two of the latest Sweet Heaven Cupcake creations. I'll split them in half so you can taste each one. One is a fancy version of the Hostess Cupcake and the other is a fancy version of the banana flip. The banana flip was the banana cake with cream on it and the flipped in half. Man am I stuffed said Barry. But I could get use to this Barry said. Well you had two helpings of tuna casserole and half of each cupcake. So I can see why you'd be stuffed. Well I'm not like Brian Murphy who forgets to eat. I do eat. I had raisin brain with skim milk, bagel with fat free cream cheese and coffee with a splash of cream for breakfast this morning. Then for lunch I had left over pot roast on bread with gravy, mash potatoes and peas. Oh who made the pot roast? asked Julie Anne. I did said Barry. You cook said Julie Anne. Yeah said Barry I cook. I make a mean turkey divan said Barry. It's asparagus wrapped in sliced turkey with a cheese sauce over it. I usually serve it with rice. It was either I learn to cook or I'd starve. I'll have to have you over some day for huevos rancheros. Plus my home made killer salsa and nachos. I kept a lot of my grandmothers recipes. Now I'm no gourmet cook like you Julie Anne said Barry. But I manage not to starve. Oh by the way I called Susan Barrett to tell her about an empty store in Santa Monica. That would be perfect for a west cost branch hers and Lu Ann's Sweet Heaven Cupcakes.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Something's Coming Up!

Yes something's coming up. Garry Kief  was retiring. He gave his daughter. Kirsten his company Stiletto Entertainment. Garry asked Marc Hulett  to take over as Barry's manager. Chris Burton  took over as Barry's new personal assistant. Vikki Thomas took Kirsten Kief's job as head of the Manilow Fund for Health and Hope and Manilow Music Project. Barry decided to makes some changes to his international fan club. He hired web designer John Smith to create an internet fan club. John showed Gary Oye how to run the new internet fan club. Barry then decided to let some fans run the physical internet fan club.  Barry asked Deborah Grogan, Rhonda Rice Breman, Michele Rae Thomson and Tracy Qualieari Herbert to take over as directors of his fan club.  Deborah, Rhonda, Michele and Tracy couldn't believe it when Barry Manilow tapped them to run his new internet fan club. Barry invited the four ladies to New York City to tell them the news. Barry paid for everything. Barry even made a weekend out of it for the ladies. He told them Friday night over dinner. Then on Saturday he let them do some shopping with one thousand dollar pre-paid visa cards. Saturday evening Barry and girls went to dinner and the theatre. Sunday they went to hear some jazz at Lincoln Center. Then he told them they would be getting together with Vikki Thomas at the Inglewood offices so they could learn the ins and outs of the fan club The ladies would also get together with John Smith and Gary Oye to help create the new logo. Barry went online to check his Facebook page. He couldn't believe how many fans replied to his post about changing the Barry Manilow International Fan Club to the Barry Manilow Internet Fan Club. Everything from "Your dead meat if you change the name." To "Kate Naughton would be rolling in her grave if she knew you what you did." Barry emailed the directors Deborah, Michele, Rhonda and Tracy to tell them the name of the fan club name would stay the same. What he did do that fans were thrilled about was allowing local fan clubs to get sanctioned with fifty members from anywhere. That was all you would need to get your fan club sanctioned was fifty members. Barry went into the sanctioned and up and coming fan club lists that the BMIFC had. He check to see which clubs were still active and which fan clubs were not. The ones that were not he took them down. Barry also told the girls he was resurrecting the conventions to what they once were. Plus he told them he was going to make an appearance at every convention. At every convention there would be a Q&A with him. Conventions would also surround him being in concert. Or one of his musicals doing a regional run. Barry told the ladies the first convention with them as directors would take place in the UK in London. Barry knew that would make the UK fans happy. He also told them to put up some questions on the BMIFC's face book page. Asking fans what they would love to do during the convention. Like local fan club display day, discos, games, seminars and etc. Barry wanted lost of feedback from his fans. Barry couldn't wait to get the ball rolling on this. All Barry needed to now was to get two fans from Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and the UK to become the international directors of the fan club. Barry had loads of ideas coming out of his mind. So much that he decided I need a break. So he got his jacket and went outside. He decided to go to his favorite pizza place in Brooklyn. He thought pizza with the works and extra cheese sounded good to him. Barry called Bruce and told him to call Jack.  I want you to meet me at the Brooklyn Pizza Pub and Grub for lunch. Since Barry changed the way he felt about food he had gained twenty-five pounds. Then after lunch he thought he, Bruce and Jack could hit Sweet Heaven Cupcakes for something sweet. Barry heard through the grape vine they had a brand new cupcake flavor called Carmel Apple Cranbarry.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Chew

It was Monday November 18, 2019. Time for The Chew with Clinton Kelly, Michael Simon, Mario Batali, Daphne Oz and Carla Hall. Todays special guests are Broadway songwriter Barry Manilow to talk about his latest project. His standards album called Night Songs.  Julie Anne Berkovic to talk about her first cook book Tratoria Italia easy Italian cooking. Also to cook something from her first book. Plus Lu Ann Heiner Drebot  and Susan Barrett to make one of their cupcakes.  Barry was in one green room.  Julie Anne was in another. While Lu Ann Heiner Drebot and Susan Barrett were in another. None of them knew the other was going to be on the show. Julie Anne went out first. She talked about her book with everyone. After the commercial break she was going to cook with Mario Batali.  Julie Anne had decided to make her linguini with white clam sauce. Plus she made her drunkin pasta dish. When she was done she went back stage. That's where she ran into Barry Manilow. I didn't know you were going to be on he said. Same here said Barry I didn't know you'd be here either.  Then out come Lu Ann and Susan to talk about their new cupcake shop. I didn't know you two would be on said Julie Anne. Barry got us a slot on todays show said Lu Ann. We're next said Susan. So out they went to talk about their cupcake shop Sweet Heaven Cipcakes.
I guess I'm last said Barry when it was his turn Barry went out and talked about his new album with Clinton, Carla and Daphne. After another break Barry was going to sing  One For My Baby. After the Chew was done Barry saw Julie Anne again. He thought now's my chance to ask her out. Excuse me Julie Anne what are you doing this Friday night. Nothing that I know of said Julie Anne. I was wondering if you'd like to go out Friday asked Barry. Sure why not said Julie Anne. Barry said I've got tickets for Adrienne Anderson's musical Daybreak. Maybe before we can go out to eat somewhere. Do you like Chinese said Barry. Yes said Julie Anne. In fact there's a new Chinese restaurant called Shanghai Breezes in the theatre district that I've been wanting to try said Julie Anne. Sounds yummy said Barry. Give me your address and phone number. Then I'll call you Thursday to finalize our date. Ok said Julie Anne as she wrote down her address and phone number on a piece of paper. Barry quickly but them into his iPhone so he wouldn't loose them. See you Friday said Julie Anne. Talk to you Thursday said Barry when I'll give you more details for Friday. Oh one thing do I need to make reservations for dinner. I'm not really sure said Julie Anne. I'll call them just incase. I'm sure their phone number is in the book.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oh! "Sweet Heaven"

Two of Julie Anne's friends  Lu Ann Heier Drebot and Susan Barrett decided to open up a cupcake shop.  The found and empty building in Greenwich Village in which to put their cupcake shop in. They came up with a real catchy name for their cupcake shop. They decided on Sweet Heaven Cupcakes.  They used three cupcakes one on top of another. With a G cleft in the center of the bottom cupcake liner. Then underneath the cupcakes they put "Sweet heaven Cupcakes." Barry said he would invest money into their shop and that's what he did. He got to go to Lu Ann's brownstone in Brooklyn to sample some of the cupcake flavors. These are to die for said Barry. You and Susan are going to have to put a Sweet Heaven Cupcake shop in LA and Palm Springs once you get the one in the Village up and running. Lu Ann and Susan did the regular sized cupcakes and the mini sized cupcakes. The signature Sweet Heaven cupcake was a raspberry flavored cupcake with pale pink raspberry whip cream frosting, some pink sugar sprinkles and a fresh raspberry on top. This all started when Barry and Marc went to Trattoria Italia for lunch one day. When the waiter came to take their plates. Marc ordered the Cream Brule cupcake. He and Barry split the cupcake to try it. Oh my God is this cupcake to die for said Barry. He signaled for the waiter to come over. When the waiter got to their table Barry asked if his boss was in. The waiter said yes and went to get her. Julie Anne came to the table and asked what did you want. Barry told her the Cream Brule' cupcake was to die for and who made this. Well my pastry chef Lorie Fisher made it. However the recipe comes from my fiend Lu Ann Heier Drebot. She and Susan Barrett gave me the recipes for a couple of cupcakes I could put on the menu. Have they ever thought about opening a cupcake shop? asked Barry I don't really know said Julie Anne. So Julie Anne got out her cell phone and called Lu Ann. Lu Ann said hello and Julie Anne said Lu Ann did you and Susan ever think about opening up your own cupcake shop? We did said Lu Ann but we don't have the capitol to do it. Julie Anne said just a minute and told Barry yes. Would they like a silent partner who would help finance their cupcake shop? asked Barry I don't know said Julie Anne. Just a minute and she handed Barry her phone. You talk to Lu Ann and ask her about the shop. So Barry asked Lu Ann about having a silent partner to help finance their cupcake shop. Who asked Lu Ann. Me said Barry. I tried one of yours and Susan's cupcakes. It was  Cream Brule cupcakes man was it to die for. So that's why I was wondering if you and Susan wanted to open up your own cupcake shop. Let me talk to Susan about that and we'll let Julie Anne know. Then she can let you know our decision ok said Lu Ann. That's fine said Barry. But I hope the answer is yes. The world needs to taste yours and Susan's to die for cupcakes said Barry.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oh Julie Anne

Julie Anne pulled something out of her handbag to show her friends. When Barry came to the restaurant last week I got him to autograph a cocktail napkin. However I forgot to tell him to put just his full name and  the date. So he signed it "To Julie Anne Sloppy Wet Kisses With Love, Barry Manilow. I got a second Trattoria Itlalia cocktail napkin and made him sign that the right way. I took both over to Jim's Photography where I got them laminated. I told Barry the one with just his autograph and date was going on the restaurants wall with all the other celebrities autographs. George Clooney, Bobby Flay, Robert Irvine, Rachel Ray, Harrison Ford  and others. The other one was going on my living room wall. Before he and Darren left I showed them Bruce Sussman's and Jack Feldman's autographed napkins. I told Barry when Here At The Mayflower opens on Broadway. He has to bring Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson and Marty Panzer  in so they can also autograph a cocktail napkin. Barry saw Julie Anne sitting with her friends. So  walked over to where Julie Anne and her friends were sitting. Hi everyone said Barry. Michele looked up and her jaw dropped . Lu Ann said Michele close your mouth. Then she looked up and her jaw also dropped. Susan thought what's going on. She looked up and saw Barry Manilow standing there Then her jaw dropped too.. The rest of the ladies looked up and saw Barry Manilow standing  there looking at them.  Julie Anne said oh hi Barry. Barry said hi  Julie Anne. Julie Anne then introduced Barry to Deborah, Anita, Susan, Lu Ann, Michele and Rhonda her BFF's. Julie Anne said just a second while I get some paper. Julie Anne then asked Barry if he would give each of her friends his autograph. They're all huge fans of you and your musicals. Barry said sure why not. So Barry signed a piece of paper for each of Julie's friends. Let me get back to my friends said Barry. He said nice meeting you ladies. He looked at Julie Anne and said see you the next time I'm in Trattoria Italia. As he walked away he turned towards Julie Anne and blew her a kiss. Oh My God  How luck can you get said Rhonda he blew you a kiss. Damn said Susan he's even cuter and sexier in person. Julie Anne asked her friends for their piece of paper autographed by Barry. I'll take these to Joe's Photography tomorrow and get them framed so you can put them up on your walls. That way they'll keep forever. That was what her friends did. When they were ready to leave Mesa Grill Julie Anne asked their waiter for the check. This will be my treat girls said Julie Anne. When the waiter came Julie Anne asked him for the check. He said it's already been paid for by that gentleman over there as the waiter pointed over at Barry's table. Deborah said that sure was nice of Barry Manilow to pay the bill. As Barry left Mesa Grill he came past their table. He  introduced them to Dana Robbins and her husband Billy Kidd.  He told them good night and to have a nice evening ladies. Julie Anne and her friends left Mesa Grill. They headed for the Time Square cinemas. Where they were going to see the remake of the movie musical Gypsy with Barbra Streisand as Momma Rose. Then afterwards  they decided to go to Cocoa's pastries for a sweet treat.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Julie Anne Berkovic

Julie Anna Anne Berkovic was born in Providence Rhode Island on March 25, `1957. Julie Anne  parents are Joseph and Stella Berkovic. Joseph Leonard Berkovic is a chef. Joseph owns three restaurants in Providence. Tuscany Ristorante  fine dining Italian restaurant, Napoli Trattoria  casual Italian restaurant and 5th Ave Chop House steak place. Stella Marie Berkovic is a baker and owns Sweet Surrender bakery. Joseph and Stella met at Johnson and Wales culinary school in Providence. That's where Julie Anne got her love of cooking from her parents. Julie Anne has one older brother Eric Andrew Berkovic.  Eric is English professor at Yale University. Eric is married to Lisa Grean. They have two kids Joseph and Melanie. Julie Anne attended Johnson and Wales culinary school just like her parents did.. After culinary school Julie Anne worked at one of  Lidia Bostianich's  Italian restaurants Felidia before opening her first restaurant Trattoria Italia  in Greenwich Village. Julie Anne is getting ready to open her second restaurant Mojave a Southwestern   restaurant in the theatre district. Julie Anne lives in Greenwich Village neighborhood of new York City. Julie Anne lives with her Golden Retriever named Charlie. Julie Anne loves to hang out with her BFF's Deborah Grogan, Susan Barrett, Anita Lyles, Michele Rae Thomson Rhonda Rice Brennan and Lu Ann Heiner Drebot.  On Friday night the girls all got together for dinner. They decided to go to Bobby Flay's  Mesa Grill. Boy did they get lucky when who should come to their table but owner and chef Bobby Flay himself.  Bobby told Julie Anne that he had been to her Tattoria Italia and loved the food there. Julie Anne said to Bobby I'll have to invite you to the opening of  Mojave a southwestern restaurant  in the theatre district. After Bobby left Julie Anne told the girls what she told Deborah over the phone earlier. Your kidding said Michele. No said Julie Anne he was in my restaurant with Darren Griffin the record producer. Speak of the devil ladies. Look who just walked into Mesa Grill. Who said Anita Barry Manilow said Julie Anne. They all turned around to get a look at Barry. Damn is he hot said Lu Ann. All the other ladies agreed with her. Black loafers,  charcoal grey pants, light blue shirt and a navy jacket. GQ ladies said Lu Ann. No actually Details magazine June 2019 issue. Barry's Details first ever style icon. This is like GQ's "Man of the year issue." Only difference is Details is calling this their  "Style Icon" issue. You all will have to pick up a copy when it comes out. Barry Manilow walked into Mesa Grill with another one of his friends Billy Kidd and his wife Dana Robbins. Billy and Dana were visiting from Nashville. Barry saw Julie Anne sitting with her girl friends. He said to Billy and Dana tomorrow I'll have to take you to Trattoria Italia  the food their is to die for.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Let Me Go

Well it was over and there was nothing Barry could do. Barry dialed up Marc Hulett. Marc said hello. Barry said hi Marc it's Barry. What's up? asked Marc Well said Barry it's over. What's over? asked Marc Abby and I said Barry. What do you mean it's over between you and Abigail said Marc. Just that said Barry it's over between me and Abby. I found out from Darren Samantha Griffin's husband that Abby's former fiancé has come back into the picture. He wants to rekindle their relationship. From what Darren said this was the one that got away. Seems he needed to figure things out before he made the big commitment. Well it looks as though he did and now he's back in the picture for good. Actually Darren asked me to meet him at this restaurant in the Village called Trattoria Italia 
it's a new café in Greenwich Village owned by chef  Julie Anne Berkovic. That's where Darren told me the news about Abby and her old fiancé coming back into the picture. Are you going to be ok with this? said Marc Yeah said Barry I'm ok with this. Maybe it's a good thing I'm going on a mini US and UK mini tour. Oh and the next time you're in New York we'll have to go to Italia Trattoria. The food there is to die for said Barry. Julie Anne called her friend Deborah Grogan to tell her the exiting news. Ring Hello this is Deborah Grogan. Deborah it's me  Julie Anne Oh hi Julie Anne said Deborah. So what's up with you? Deborah asked You'll never guess who came into the trattoria yesterday. Who? said Deborah Broadway songwriter Barry Manilow said Julie Anne the man behind the musicals Jump Shout Boogie, Copacabana,  Brooklyn Blues, Harmony and etc.  You're kidding aren't you said Deborah. No said Julie Anne I'm not kidding. He was in the trattoria yesterday about 1PM said Julie Anne. He ordered the linguini with white clam sauce and a glass of chardonnay. Who was he with? asked Deborah. Record producer Darren Griffin who produced all the cast albums for Barry Manilow's musicals. Barry was wearing blue jeans, navy socks, white tee shirt, blue plaid shirt, black tie shoes and a black sued jacket. I figured you'd want to know that since your a big fan of his. Well so are you said Deborah. Oh BTW for a seventy year old man he's one hot guy. Full head of  light brown hair with zero grey in it. Big baby blue eyes. Plus a smile that goes on forever and ever. Then today JD Taylor from WKQX 104.9 FM comes in. I over hear him telling the guy he was with that Barry Manilow's new album Music Is You a tribute to John Denver comes out in two weeks. That's just in time for the holidays. Oh really said Deborah. I didn't know Barry sang. You didn't said Julie Anne. No! said Deborah. Did you ever hear of 2:00 AM Paradise Café, Swing Street, Showstoppers and Here At The Mayflower?  Well those albums were recorded by Barry Manilow. Barry's a jazz artist on the side. He was suppose to put out Paradise Café II his follow up album to 2:00 AM Paradise Café . But it looks like he's putting out an album that pays tribute to his long time friend John Denver. I understand Barry and John go way back when it comes to being friends. For Christmas I'll get you copies of 2:00 AM Paradise Café , Swing Street, Showstoppers, Here At The Mayflower and Music Is You. I know you already have all of the cast albums to Barry Manilow's musicals. You know that in March Barry's latest musical Here At The Mayflower opens at the August Wilson theatre. Isn't that the title of one of Barry's albums you promised me for Christmas said Julie Anne. Yes it is but I guess he's taking that album and turning it into a musical. I heard Diane Degarmo, Ace Young and Lorna Luft are in it. Diane Degarmo is Diane Parr, Ace Young is Kenneth Stone and Lorna Luft is Esther the older lady who's married to Joe in the songs Not What You See and I Miss You.

Night Songs songs Titles

Barry's Paradise Café II original material album is not quite done. Some of his songwriting partners were in the middle of other projects they were working on. So they couldn't finish their part of the songs. Since Barry hadn't put an album out in quite a while. He decided to do a standards album. It
 would be just him on the piano and bass. With the bass sound coming from a keyboard that can could like a bass. Barry chose sixteen songs total fifteen old songs and one new song  called Night Songs. These are standards  by some of his favorite standards by some of his favorite songwriters. On the album is. Side one 1.It's Magic Sammy Cahn/Jule Styne 2.Night and Day Cole Porter 3. Blues In The Night Harold Arlen/Johnny Mercer 4.Moon River Henry Mancini 5.Summer Wind Henry Mayer/Johnny Mercer/Hans Bradke 6.One For My Baby Johnny Mercer 7. It Had To Be You Isham Jones/Gus Kahn,8. A Kiss To Build A Dream On, Side two 1.I've Got You Under My Skin Cole Porter 2.Stormy Weather Harold Arlen, 3.All The Way Sammy Cahn, 4.Again Lionel Newman/Dorcas Cochan 5. Isn't It Romantic Richard Rodgers/Lorenz Heart, 6.Witchcraft Cy Coleman/Carolyn Leigh, 7. The Way You Look Tonight Jerome Kern/Dorothy Fields, 8. Night Songs  Barry Manilow/Adrienne Anderson. Barry got the gig of a lifetime playing The Music Box at the Borgata hotel and casino in Atlantic City NJ. His band consist of Russ McKinnon drums, David Rosenblatt percussion/vocals, Larry Antonio bass/vocals, Mike Lent guitar/vocals, Ron Pedley keyboards, Billy Kidd keyboards/vocals, Tony Levine horns, Brandon Clarkson trombone, Dane Robbins saxophone/vocals, Melanie Dean vocals and Joey Malotti keyboards/vocals/musical director.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Night Songs

Night Songs Barry Manilow's latest album. Fifteen classic standards and one new song Night Songs which was written by Barry Manilow music Adrienne Anderson lyrics. With Barry accompanying on bass and piano.

Details! Details! Details!

Marc called Barry to tell him he was voted Details magazine's first ever style icon. Details is a magazine for men just like GQ. GQ does their man or men of the year in their November issue.
Details decided to do a style icon issue for their June issue. They chose as their first ever style icon Broadway songwriter and jazz artist Barry Manilow. Barry was doing two articles and a one page photo shoot for the magazine. The first article was in the home studio with the man who writes the songs.  Barry telling everyone what kind of pianos, computer equipment and etc. he used in his Peppertree Studios. The second article was Unforgettable Harmony an article on his and Bruce Sussman's musical and movie musical Harmony. How they discovered the Comedian Harmonists and created their musical Harmony and all that went with getting it to Broadway. Plus a page with photos of Barry in different outfits. Heck the entire magazine was geared towards stuff on Barry or things he liked. such as two of his favorite cities New York City where he was born in the borough of Brooklyn and Paris France. One of his favorite cuisines Tex-Mex.  Barry also liked Chinese, Italian and French cuisines. Even the ads were stuff Barry liked or used. Land Rover SUV's, iPhones, Jo Malone men's cologne and Mac computers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Ah! Abby Cadabby

Barry ran into Samantha Griffin. Barry said hi Samantha. hello Barry said Samantha. Barry asked Samantha if Abigail had a nickname. Samantha said well she does. However she's not real crazy about it. Oh really said Barry. Yes said Samantha. Ever heard of the PBS kids show Sesame Street asked Samantha. Sesame Street said Barry. Yeah Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Elmo, Cookie Monster, Grover and etc. Huh said Barry.  How about Kermit the frog he was on Sesame Street too. Oh Kermit the frog I've hear of him said Barry. I was even photographed with him and Jim Henson years ago. Well there is a Sesame Street muppet called Abby Cadaby. That's Abigail's nickname. She got that name from some friends she went to school with. Abigail actually hates it. Really I think it's kind of cute said Barry. Well I've got to get going he said. Ok I'll tell Abby I saw you said Samantha. Barry continued walking till he cam to Tiffany jewelers. There was his manager Marc Hulett standing there. We're going in said Barry I have something to pick up and I want to show it to you. So they went inside Tiffany's jewelry store. May I help you said the clerk. Yes you can I'm Barry Manilow and I'm here to pick up some jewelry. You bought jewelry here said Marc. Yes said Barry it's two pieces that will go together eventually. The clerk came out with the black velvet box and opened it up. Is this exactly what you ordered the clerk said. Yes said Barry. What do think Marc said Barry. What do I
think of what asked Marc. The rings said Barry. There very beautiful said Marc. Ok so who are these for? asked Marc.  There for Abby Cadabby said Barry. Abby Cadabby who is that? asked Marc. You know Abby Stern the girl  I've been going with for a while now. I ran  into Abby's friend Samantha Griffin who told me that Abby Cadabby was Abby's nickname when I asked her what it was. Ok so what dose this have to do with these rings asked Marc. Well I'm going to ask Abby to marry me.
You're going to what asked Marc. I'm going to ask Abby Stern to marry me. That's what I thought you said. Abby doesn't know this but I met her parent and two brothers last week for lunch. I was a good boy and asked for Abby's hand in marriage. I showed everyone a photo of the rings I took on my iPhone. Samantha gave me Abby's ring size. I told Samantha I wanted to get Abby a vintage ring
for Christmas. Little does she know I was buying an engagement ring and matching wedding band for Abby. Well I guess that takes you off the market said Marc. You know you'll no longer be a bachelor. Yeah I know that. I'll now be a husband after we're married said Barry. Mrs. Barry Manilow it kind of has a nice ring to it said Barry. So when are you giving her the ring asked Marc. Christmas day said Barry. I'm going up to Saratoga Springs to her parents home for Christmas. Abby doesn't know I'm coming. This will be a complete  surprise to Abby.

Abigail Elizabeth Stern

Abigail Elizabeth Stern was born March 27, 1957 in Saratoga Springs New York to Edward James Stern and Margaret Anne Stern. Edward Stern is a baker who owns Le Crepe bakery in Saratoga Springs. Margaret Stern is a veterinarian assistant for doctors Ray Charles and Daniel Dwyer veterinarians. Abigail has two older bothers  Cody James Stern program director at WQXR radio 105.9 FM New York. Mark Andrew Stern chef and owner of  Brooklyn Burger Bar  American burger joint.. Abby graduated from Saratoga Springs HS in 1975. Abby then went on to Parsons A New School for Design in New York City. Where she got both her bachelors (BFA) and masters in fine arts (MFA) She majored in photography and minored film. Abby knew how to use both still cameras and video cameras. Abby got her love of photography from her grandfather Joseph Goldwin her moms dad. James was a photographer for the New Yorker magazine. Her dads father Edward Stern  Sr. was a journalism teacher at Saratoga Springs High School. Abby started out at the New York Times as a travel photographer. Then she decided to go out on her own as photographer. Her first book was a coffee table book of photos of  fall in New England. She titled the book A Weekend In New England. Then she did books on New York City, Montreal, the south, the Big Easy (New Orleans), Seattle, France, Quebec and The Back Roads Of America. Abby had an idea for her next book. But first she had to ok it with Barry Manilow. Abby was thinking wouldn't it be cool if she did a book called A Year With Manilow. The book would be a year with Barry Manilow in photos. But then again he might not be interested in her idea. Abby lived in a studio apartment in Soho with her beagle Charlie. Abby did have a few boyfriends over the years but none you could write home to mother about. Maybe that's why she never got married. She never found a guy she wanted to take home to meet her parents. Beside a couple of the guys were very pushy. One even wanted to marry her right after their first date. He was a real looser. Abby  remembered the one time while she was still at the New York Times. When she was asked to photograph famous New York City mothers. One of the many mothers she photographed was Barry Manilow's mom Edna. This was when Edna was doing her cabaret act a clubs in New York City. She photographed Edna at Panache before and during one of her shows. She remembered Edna saying to her "Let me introduce you to my son Barry. He's a really nice and single." However her  great grandfather Elliot Stern passed away then. She and her brothers and parents had to go to his funeral. So she never got to meet Edna's son Barry back then. Abby though I ought to tell Barry about that. He just might get a kick out of hearing that story about his mom.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm Ready For My Close Up!

Harmony was being produced by Robert Zemeckis  and direct by Tony Speciale for Paramount Pictures. Robert Zemeckis saw Harmony when it played the Ahmanson Theatre in 2014. Robert wanted to turn it into a motion picture then. But he figured Barry Manilow and Bruce Sussman would want to get it on Broadway first. So he waited until Harmony was fully established on Broadway before he went calling. Barry was surprised to hear from Robert Zemeckis. Barry remembered the day Robert called. Ring Hello is Barry Manilow there? Yes this is Barry Manilow. Who is this please? asked Barry. It's movie  producer Robert Zemeckis. Oh   said Barry. Barry I was calling because I would like to talk to you about your musical Harmony. Really said Barry. Yes said Robert. I saw Harmony back in 2013 when it played the Ahmanson Theatre. I knew then I wanted to turn it into a movie musical. However I knew you would want to take it to Broadway first. So I've been waiting till Harmony had been on Broadway for while before I contacted you. Now what I'd like to do is keep the Broadway cast intact for the movie. I'd even like to keep your director Tony Speciale on as the movies director. I would do double duty as both a producer and director so I can give Tony help if he needs it. Now I'll give you and Bruce Sussman some time to think about it then I'll call you back for your answer. Bye for now said Robert Zemeckis Bye back said Barry. As soon as Barry hung up with Robert Zemeckis he called Bruce. Ring! Hello said Bruce. Bruce you'll never guess who called. Barry is that you said Bruce? Yes said Barry it's me. Ok who called? asked Bruce. Movie producer Robert Zemeckis said Barry. Ok what did he want? asked Bruce. Bruce he wants to produce Harmony. He wants to what? asked Bruce. Robert Zemeckis wants make Harmony into a move musical Like  all those Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals were turned into movie musicals. You're kidding said Bruce. No I'm not kidding said Barry. Robert Zemeckis said we would be filming in Germany, New York and a London studio which would be used for all the other places. He also mentioned something about doing the concert scenes  at Carnegie Hall, Philhamonie  in Germany and Royal Albert Hall in London. Robert said he's call back in a few days for our answer said Barry. Bruce told Barry yes about Robert Zemeckis turning Harmony into a motion picture musical. Days later Barry called Bruce to tell him he told Robert Zemeckis yes to turning Harmony into a movie musical. Barry then called Shayne Kennon, Chris Dwan, Tony Yasbeck, Douglas Williams, Will Blum,  Will Taylor, Lee An Larkin and Hannah Corneau. He told them he and Bruce wanted to take them out for dinner. Barry also called Tony Speciale to tell him about the dinner. Barry and Bruce took them all out for dinner to tell them the great news. Everyone you've heard of movie producer Robert Zemeckis. Well he called me recently to tell me he wants to turn Harmony into a motion picture musical. Like all the Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals were turned into movie musicals. Robert said he wants to keep the entire cast for the movie. Plus Tony he wants you to direct the picture. Robert said he'll do double duty as the producer and executive director to give you some help if you need it. When I said the entire cast that includes the secondary cast members. We' ll start filming late August in Berlin Germany. Then we will also film in New York City and a London studio. If you've ever thought about being a movie star here's your chance to do so said Barry.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Barry Manilow

Barry and Bruce got their first big break with a musical titled Jump Shout Boogie. They couldn't believe it when Jump Shout Boogie got rave reviews. The musical was about the swing era and two young kids who just loved to dance. They were even more shocked when Jump Shout Boogie got nominated for a bunch of Tony's. Then on Sunday June 17th the day of the Tony awards. Barry and Bruce couldn't believe their ears when Liza Minnelli announced Jump Shout Boogie won best Broadway musical. All Barry could say was he was freaking out. Bruce was no better with  his oh thanks speech. After that Barry and Bruce had a string of hits and misses. Then  Bruce introduced Barry to friend another songwriter named Jack Feldman. Then together in 1994 they wrote a musical based on the 1940's. They called their musical Copacabana after the famous nightclub in New York City. The musical dealt with aspiring Broadway songwriter  Anthony Stern (Tony Starr) and aspiring Broadway actress Luella Higgins (Lola Lamar). Plus Sam Silver the owner of the Copa. Rico Castilli the owner of the Tropicana nightclub in Havana Cuba. Actually Tony Starr was a guy named Stephen Goldberg who was a Broadway songwriter. Stephen was the one who came up with idea for Copacabana. He also imagined his wife Samantha as Lola Lamar, his father-in-law as Sam Silver and his mother-in-law as Gladys Roberts the cigarette girl. The very next year in 1994 their musical went to London's West End. It finally ended up on Broadway in the fall of 2001. Copa was nominated for a bunch of Tony' 2002 best book, costume, choreography, director, musical,  musical score, producer, set design. When Copacabana swept the Tony awards by winning all the ones they were nominated for Barry and Bruce again couldn't believe their eyes. At least this time they were prepared with acceptance speeches. In 1984 Barry wrote some jazz songs. He did so with his songwriting partners Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson, Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer and Bruce Sussman. At first they thought about turning it into a musical about a jazz club called the Paradise Café. But tit didn't appeal to them.  So Barry decided to record it as a jazz album which he did. He titled it 2:00 AM Paradise Café and the album shot straight to number one on Billboard's Hot 200 album and jazz charts. For the album he gathered some jazz greats like Mel Torme, Sarah Vaughan and Gerry Mulligan. He also did a VHS tape of the making of the album. Barry decided to do a small tour to promote the album. So he put together a band. He added Mark Scholl on drums, Vanessa Brown percussion,  Larry Antonio on bass, John Pondel on guitar, Joey Malotti on keyboards, Billy Kidd on keyboards,  Dana Robbins on saxophone, Brian Claxton on horns and Doug Fender on trombone. Everyone but Mark, Brian and Doug sang backup. For this tour Barry and company would hit the jazz clubs. He was kicking off the tour  at the Manchester Craftsman Guild in Pittsburgh. This show was sold out within twenty minutes of the tickets going on sale. Because of that he added a second show at the guild which sold out in the same twenty minutes.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Barry Alan Pincus Manilow

Barry Manilow was born Barry Alan Pincus on June 17, 1943 at Beth Moses Hospital. Barry is the son of Harold Pincus and Edna Manilow Pincus. Edna proclaimed her son the most beautiful baby you had ever seen. Edna mother Esther hated her son-in-law Harold so she called him a monster. Hence Harold the Monster. So two years after Barry was born Edna divorced Harold the Monster. Barry and his mom moved in with his grandparents Joseph and Esther Manilow. When Barry was little he use to dance around the room in his dippers. By the time Barry turned seven his family rented an accordion for him to play. Because that's what all Italian and Jewish kids learned to play. Barry wasn't half bad at the accordion. When Barry turned thirteen three things happened. One he got braces. Two he got a step-dad named William Murphy. Third he got a spinet piano. Barry had a choice to make live with his grandparents or his parents. Barry chose the latter and ended up sleeping in a closet. Barry also had two cool friends. Fred Katz and Larry Rosenfield who he hung out with. Barry went to Eastern District HS. Barry also met this raven haired beauty named Susan Deixler. Soon after high school Barry and Susan got married. They were married one year and four months when they divorced. As Barry said the music was coming out of his ears. Plus Barry had just become friends with a guy named Bro Harold who worked at the Thirteenth street theatre. Bro had Barry put a score to a melodrama called The Drunkard and off Broadway production. Barry knew Susan wanted a nine to five husband which Barry was not. So Barry moved back to Brooklyn from Manhattan. He settled in to a studio in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn. However soon after he moved in so did his parents. Barry figured his mother just couldn't let go of her twenty-four year old baby boy. So he just went with the flow so to speak. Barry decided to get a sofa sleeper which allowed him a place to sleep at night. Also loads of room during the day. Barry figured by living in Brooklyn he could save some buck towards an apartment in Manhattan. Barry had quit his day job at CBS-TV in New York. He took on the job of vocal coaching. As Barry said "If the check cleared I was there." He vocal coached for Lorna Luft Judy Garland's daughter as well as many others. Plus he played piano in lounges ad piano bars throughout Manhattan. One time Barry went into a restaurant where he meet Bruce Howard Sussman a waiter. Barry and Bruce hit it off right from the start. They both realized they wanted to write musicals for Broadway. So by golly that's what they were going to do. Be Broadway songwriters like Bernstein and Sondheim, Rodgers and Hammerstein, George and Ira Gershwin, Cole Porter and many others. They started by going to theatre workshops at night while still keeping their day jobs. Around the same time Barry and Bruce met Ron Dante a jingle singer who introduced them to a guy who was looking for jungle writers. Barry and Bruce got commercials for Chevy, Dodge, Polaroid cameras, Comet, Pepsi, KFC, Mickey D's, State Farm insurance, Dr. Pepper as well others. Barry wasn't half bad as a singer so he actually sang on a few of them. At least it paid the rent, bills and groceries.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Barry Manilow's 2001 album Here At The Mayflower. "Do you know who's living next door? Right here at the Mayflower. who who!"

Jazzy Time At The Blue Note

After dinner Barry a hailed a cab to go to the Blue Note. Once there he got Abby a table next to the stage. He then told Abby he had to go to the men's room. The house lights went down before Barry got back. So Abby wondered how Barry was going to find his way back to the table in the dark. Out comes Russ McKinnon drums, David Rosenblat percussion, Stan Sargent bass, Mike Lent guitar, Ron Pedley  keyboards, Joey Malotti keyboards and musical director and Melanie Taylor vocals. Ladies and gentlemen Barry Manilow. Out walked Barry on to the stage. He started off with Paradise Café  from the album 2:00 AM Paradise Café.. Then Barry mentioned he was going to do some new stuff from his latest album Paradise Café II which was coming out in November. This was a follow up to his 1984 album 2:00 AM Paradise Café. Abby thought I didn't know that Barry was a jazz pianist. Or that he sang real good. Barry Manilow did about a ninety minute set. When Barry got to the table Abby said I didn't know about this. This is my secondary career said Barry. I've been doing this on and off since 1984. Starting in January I'll be going on the road and playing theatres. I hate arenas said Barry they're way too big. I love playing theatres with less than six thousand seats more intimate you know said Barry. We're kicking off the tour in Chicago Illinois at the Chicago Theatre  in December of this year. Then we're going all over the US through April 30th of 2019. December 28th through 31st.  I'll be at the Pantages Theatre in LA. So that's where I'll be ringing in  2020.  I'm also playing San Francisco, Denver, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Seattle, Detroit, Pittsburgh, New Orleans Atlanta, Columbia, Charlotte, Washington DC,  New Haven, Philadelphia, and Boston. Then I'm headed up north to Canada. Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver.  This should be a fun road trip since I'm traveling by train instead of by air. I've always wanted to travel by rail. Oh by the way I heard Brian Murphy is touring Florida in January and the UK in May said Barry. I know he's not promoting anything new. But then his fans love it when he does his dirty boy moves on stage. You know the raunchier the better. So I guess they don't care that he doesn't have any new material to show them said Abby. I have one of his earlier albums Here's Murphy.  It's ok but it's not my kind of music. I'm not in to mushy gushy songs. Barry said I better get you home so I can get up early tomorrow. You know the Virgin Mega Store Cd signing  tomorrow. Oh yeah right said Abby. Barry got Abby to her door and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello You

It was Thursday morning. Barry went to his piano to practice. After practice Barry went the phone. He dialed up Abby's number. Abby picked up the phone and said hello. Hello you said Barry. Who is  this said Abby. It's Barry he said. Oh hi Barry said Abby. Abby I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight. Ok why not said Abby. I'll pick you up at 5:30 said Barry. That's fine said Abby. Oh by the way you can dress casual Barry said. Abby decided to wear charcoal gray pants , navy sweater and a charcoal blazer. Barry had on navy pants, blue shirt, navy and grey stripped sweater vest and navy blazer. Barry pressed Abby buzzer. Abby asked who's there. Barry said it's me Barry. So Abby let him in.  This is interesting said Barry of her apartment. What do you call this type of apartment. Abby said it's called a micro loft. Interesting said Barry. There is this new restaurant called Mr. Wu's I hope you like Chinese said Barry. Love it said Abby. Great said Barry then after words I thought we'd hit the Blue Note for some jazz. I love jazz said Abby. I've been to the Blue Note twice. Once to see Lena Horn and once to see Nancy Wilson and Ramsey Lewis said Abby. They went down stairs and Barry hailed a cab. Mr. Wu's on thirteenth street said Barry. So off the cab went to Mr. Wu's on thirteenth street. Once there Barry ordered some pot stickers as an appetizer. When the waitress  came Abby ordered the sesame chicken. While Barry ordered the sweet and sour chicken. The both had a glass of zinfandel with their dinner. They talked so they could get to know each other. So where are you off to next asked Barry. Where am I off to next? Well said Abby I'm following the route John Steinbeck's  took in his book Travels With Charlie. John got himself a huge pickup truck with a camper on the back. He then went all across the outer edges of the US. His travels started in Long Island and ended in the same place he started. Only I've already made sure my dog Charlie is able to go to Canada. John Steinbeck wanted to go there however his dog Charlie a poodle wasn't ok for going to Canada. I'm going by RV said Abby. This is going to be turned in to a book like Steinbeck's was. I'll start right after Labor Day. I'm taking my MacBook Pro with me and iPhone 5s. I'm also taking my Nook color for reading the latest stuff. So I can't wait to go.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


After doing her laundry Abby got ready to meet Samantha for lunch at the Carnegie Deli. When Abby got there was Samantha waiting for her. The waitress seated them. Samantha said you've got to try the Barry Manilow. What's that said Abby. Samantha said it's a sandwich with marbled rye corn beef, Swiss, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo. OH you mean Barry Manilow has a sandwich named after him. Yes said Samantha he has a sandwich named after him. Sounds delicious said Abby. So that's what she ordered. Samantha ordered the  Bette Midler which was pumpernickel, turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onion and mustard. As they were eating Samantha noticed these guys walking in. OMG  said Samantha. Turn around slowly. Which Abby did. In walked Barry Manilow and another guy. Barry saw Abby and walked towards her table. Hi Abby said Barry. Hi Barry said Abby. OH Samantha this is Barry Manilow. Barry this is my BFF Samantha Griffin. Samantha Griffin said Barry. Your not by any chance related to Darin Griffin are you? Yes Darin is my husband. I know your husband Darin said Barry. Darin produced the Harmony Broadway cast album back in 2014. Darin said he'll be glad to produce your next Broadway cast album said Samantha. Darin loved working with you on the Harmony cast album. Oh am I forgetful said Barry. This is my manager Marc Hulett. Marc this Abigail Stern the girl I was telling you about. Oh hi Abigail said Marc. Hi said Abby back. This is Samantha Griffin my BFF said Abby. I'll have to get another copy of my latest coffee table book for Marc and it will also be autographed.  Well we need to go to our table said Marc. Nice to meet you ladies he said. Damn said Samantha he's cute. I mean gorgeous. And you've got a date with him next week Abby? Yes said Abby I have a date with him next week. I'd hang on to him if I were you said Samantha.  Samantha he's not my boyfriend said Abby. Well he should be she said. What are you trying to do fix me up with him. Um you do need someone in your life beside your dog Charlie. We'll see said Abby. What do say we go shopping. I know you need some new shoes for next week said Samantha. So off they went to do some shoe shopping. Marc said Abigail is very beautiful. You know you need someone else in your life beside Maggie and Max your labs. Marc are you trying to get me to date Abby. Um maybe I am said Marc. You know it's lonely being by yourself. All you do is eat, sleep and drink music. You need something or someone else in your life. Think about it said Marc. I guess said Barry as he took a bite of his sandwich. Just then who walks in but Brain Murphy and his manager Jon Carson. Marc said don't look now but Brian Murphy just walked in. Man does he dress tacky. He's even worse than Elton John was back in the seventies.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Man Is He Hot!

Man is he hot thought Abby. He must be at least six feet tall. Light brown hair, eyes are blue and he's got a nice build.  As she was walking towards the bus stop Abby said. I got a date with Barry Manilow for the premier of his movie musical Harmony next week. I have the perfect little black  dress I can wear said Abby It's a sleeveless shift type of dress. What I do need are some new black heels. The ones I have are scuffed up really bad. My hair also needs a trim. Which I can get next week Abby thought. Barry continued on towards the Virgin Mega store in Times Square. Barry wanted a copy of Paradise Lounge by Kevin Brackett. Kevin is one of Barry's favorite jazz artists. Barry made it to the Virgin Mega store to pick up his copy of the album. Barry couldn't believe that they had both the LP and Cd versions of the album. So Barry picked up both and an extra copy of the Cd for Abby. Ah yes Abigail Stern his date for next weeks Harmony movie premier. Boy was she cute. Strike that. Abigail was beautiful. Not to tall, brown hair, blue eyes and a curvy figure. Barry made one extra pit stop at this floral shop where he had a bouquet of red roses sent to Abigail's apartment in SOHO. On the card Barry put "Can't wait till our date next week. Hugs, Barry." Barry then stopped at the Carnegie Deli. You know they named a sandwich after him. Corn beef on marbled rye with Swiss, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo. So he ordered his name sake sandwich the Barry Manilow. It also came with chips and a pickle. He had ice with that as well. Then his cell phone rang. Barry answered it. It was Marty Panzer his book writer for Here at The Mayflower. Marty said that he talked to Adrienne about the song Freddie Said. Barry told Marty he found a date for next weeks Harmony movie premier. Her name is Abigail Stern. She's a travel photographer said Barry Abigail goes all over the world to photograph interesting places for coffee table books. Marty said she sounds like a real special girl. I can't wait to meet her next week when I come out for the Harmony premier. I talked to Enoch and we're on the same flight to JFK on Monday. That's great said Barry. Adrienne called me last night and said she and Neil were coming in on Sunday afternoon. So I can't wait to see you all next week said Barry. When Abby got home she called her BFF Samantha and told her the news about going to the Harmony movie musical premier with songwriter Barry Manilow. Samantha told Abby about what she heard on the news about B.A. Murphy. You mean he did what? said Abby. You heard me said Samantha. He went on Oprah's OWN show and came directly out of the closet. B.A. Murphy who's full name is Brian Alan Murphy. Said he was relieved to come out of the closet as a gay man. He also introduced his manager Jon Carson as his life partner. I wonder if he'll loose a lot of his female fans or not said Abby. Who knows said Samantha. Well I've got to start supper  for Daniel said Samantha. I'll see you tomorrow for lunch said Abby. Yeah see you tomorrow said Samantha.

New York City Rhythm Cover

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who's That Girl?

Yes Who's that girl? Barry wondered as she walked towards him.  She too had one of those fried cinnamon apple donuts and a cup of coffee. She asked if it was ok to sit there. Barry said yes. Barry not wanting to be rude said Hi I'm Barry Manilow. Oh hi I'm Abigail Stern but my friends just call  me Abby for short. Hi Abby it's nice to meet you said Barry. So what do you do? said Barry Abby replied I'm a travel photographer. I go all over the world photographing interesting places. Then I put the photos in coffee table books. My latest book is called The Back Roads Of America. It comes out next month. Give me your address and I'll sign a copy for you. So Barry gave Abby his address. OH so you live over in Brooklyn Barry said Abby. Yes I do said Barry. I live  in SOHO said Abby.   I live in a loft. I have an extra room that I use as my dark room for developing my photos. Now I know what you do said Abby. You're a Broadway songwriter and composer. I've seen everyone of your musical on Broadway. I was even in the audience at Radio City when Copacabana won for Best Musical in 1998. I remember you, Bruce and Jack giving your speeches. Jack saying holy mackerel it's for real. Bruce said man that's heavy and you just saying thank you. So I heard that your musical Harmony is now a movie musical produced by Cameron Macintosh. Yes said Barry the premier is next month here in New York. Then in November my musical Hare At The Mayflower opens at the Richard Rodgers theatre here in New York. Then after the Here At The Mayflower opening night I'll need a vacation somewhere. If it wasn't cold I'd go to Nantucket but it will be in December. So I'll have to go somewhere else. Abby said you ought to go to Key Largo or Key West both of which are in Florida. You can rent a house to live in while you're there said Abby.  What's next for you?  asked Abby after your much needed vacation. I'm not sure said Barry. I was thinking about a musical about a rock star who hides behind this cover. I do have one song already written called "He's A Star." Which is what I might called the musical. That song was written with Enoch Anderson. So the two of us might get together and create that musical. Don't you just love those fried cinnamon apple donuts? said Barry. Yes said Abby they are super. I hear the owner of the truck is getting an actual store in SOHO. You're kidding said Barry. No said Abby The owner wants to branch out and make other kinds of donuts. Like maple pecan, blueberry crumble, pumpkin spice, chocolate walnut and etc. He also said something about bagels and biscuits. Raisin cinnamon is my very favorite said Abby. Oops it's two pm and I need to get home said Abby. Charlie is waiting to go out I'm sure. Charlie  is my two year old beagle. OH you have a dog too said Barry. I have two black Labrador Retrievers named Maggie and Max. It was nice meeting you Abigail said Barry. It was nice meeting you too said Abby. OH one little thing said Barry I need a date for the Harmony movie premier next week. Would you consider going with me as my date asked Barry Yes said Abby I'd love to go with you to the premier.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Taking A Walk

He decided to take a good long walk to clear his head. He was having a major brain freeze.  Because of the brain freeze he couldn't come up with any new. So he grabbed his jacket and scarf and headed to the subway station. He only had to wait a few minutes before the train in to Manhattan came. As he was sitting on the train he decided to head for Central Park. Years ago he use to live across from Central Park. He had moved to LA and then to Palm Springs. Palm Springs was OK but every summer there were wild fires to deal with. So he still kept the house there. But decided to get himself an apartment in Brooklyn. He bought himself a K2 bicycle for cycling into the city and around Brooklyn. Then he went totally crazy as his friend Marty said and he bought himself a four door 2013  red Land Rover Defender. Marty thought he was crazy driving it all the way cross country with two dogs. But he made it back to his old stomping grounds of Brooklyn New York in one piece. Adrienne still lived in Mill Valley. Marty and Enoch live in the LA area. While Bruce and Jack stayed in New York City. Brooklyn felt like home to him. So he was glad to be back in the city that never sleeps as Frank Sinatra sang in the song New York New York. Earlier in the day Adrienne sent him a texts message tell him to watch The Insider. Because pop singer B. A. Murphy was coming out. B.A. Murphy was a real winner. He wore very tacky clothes on stage. He pranced all over the stage like a peacock. Barry thought thank goodness I didn't get into show business. Or at least on  stage end of show business. Barry sort of was in show business considering he was a songwriter. Barry had written scores for many Broadway musical and for a few motion pictures. In three months his motion picture Copacabana was going to have it's premier in New York City. Copacabana started as a musical in London's West End in 1995. Then it came to Pittsburgh's Benedum Center June  2000   where it did it's first regional. The second regional was in Los Angeles at the Ahmanson  Theatre January 2001. Cameron Macintosh  saw it when Copacabana came back to LA for a tour of major US cities. Cameron loved it so much when he saw it in LA. So much that he asked Barry, Bruce and Jack if he could turn it into a major motion picture musical. To which both Barry, Bruce and Jack were over the moon about.


Barry got off the subway train and head to Central Park. While in Central Park he headed to the place where all the food trucks were parked. Ah there it was the fried dounut truck.. Man he loved those fried cinnamon apple dounuts they made. He also got a coup of coffee to go with it. Barry found a bench to sit on while he ate his donut and drank his coffee. Barry couldn't believe that recording artist B.A. Murphy did a 360 degree turn. Wearing raunchy   clothes and coming out of the closet was not a good move for a recording artist who fan base was mainly women. OH well to each his own Barry thought. After the premier of Harmony Barry and Bruce's musical turned into a motion picture. Barry had another premier to go to. This one was on Broadway at the St. James Theatre where his new musical Here At The Mayflower was going to open in the fall of 2015. He wrote Here At The Mayflower with lyricists Adrienne Anderson, Bruce Sussman, Enoch Anderson and Marty Panzer who also wrote the book. HATM as it was called dealt with an apartment building in Brooklyn NY and the tenants who lived there. "So many windows. So many walls. Double locked doors down carpeted halls. Somebodies crying somebody calls Do you know who living next door? Right here at the Mayflower." There was the old couple Esther and Joe, Freddie the elevator operator, Diane the receptionists, Ken the mechanic and all the rest. Marty, Adrienne and Enoch were coming from CA for the premier. While Bruce and Jack would come by cab for the premier since they lived here in the city. Barry couldn't believe he got Lorna Luft to play Esther and Joseph Bologna to play Joe. Diane Degarmo was going to play Diane. Ace Young was playing Ken. Barry's iPhone began to ring. So he answered it. Hello he said. Hi Barry it's Marc. Marc Hulett was Barry's manager and dear friend. So what's up Marc said Barry. Marc said I've got you booked for a couple of talk shows next week. Your doing Rachel Ray on Monday. In fact you're her co-host for the whole hour. GMA is on Tuesday. Then The View is on Friday. That's because it's Guy Day Friday and your sitting in with the co-hosts for hot topics and etc. Should be fun said Barry. I guess you heard about B.A. Murphy Marc said Barry. Yeah said Marc I heard all about the stuff he did. I bet his manager is ready to kill him said Marc. Peeing on some one's tires is not a good thing to do. Being drunk is also not a good thing to do said Barry. Well I'll let you go said Barry. OK Barry bye for now and I'll talk to you soon said Marc. Barry hung up with Marc.