Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello You

It was Thursday morning. Barry went to his piano to practice. After practice Barry went the phone. He dialed up Abby's number. Abby picked up the phone and said hello. Hello you said Barry. Who is  this said Abby. It's Barry he said. Oh hi Barry said Abby. Abby I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight. Ok why not said Abby. I'll pick you up at 5:30 said Barry. That's fine said Abby. Oh by the way you can dress casual Barry said. Abby decided to wear charcoal gray pants , navy sweater and a charcoal blazer. Barry had on navy pants, blue shirt, navy and grey stripped sweater vest and navy blazer. Barry pressed Abby buzzer. Abby asked who's there. Barry said it's me Barry. So Abby let him in.  This is interesting said Barry of her apartment. What do you call this type of apartment. Abby said it's called a micro loft. Interesting said Barry. There is this new restaurant called Mr. Wu's I hope you like Chinese said Barry. Love it said Abby. Great said Barry then after words I thought we'd hit the Blue Note for some jazz. I love jazz said Abby. I've been to the Blue Note twice. Once to see Lena Horn and once to see Nancy Wilson and Ramsey Lewis said Abby. They went down stairs and Barry hailed a cab. Mr. Wu's on thirteenth street said Barry. So off the cab went to Mr. Wu's on thirteenth street. Once there Barry ordered some pot stickers as an appetizer. When the waitress  came Abby ordered the sesame chicken. While Barry ordered the sweet and sour chicken. The both had a glass of zinfandel with their dinner. They talked so they could get to know each other. So where are you off to next asked Barry. Where am I off to next? Well said Abby I'm following the route John Steinbeck's  took in his book Travels With Charlie. John got himself a huge pickup truck with a camper on the back. He then went all across the outer edges of the US. His travels started in Long Island and ended in the same place he started. Only I've already made sure my dog Charlie is able to go to Canada. John Steinbeck wanted to go there however his dog Charlie a poodle wasn't ok for going to Canada. I'm going by RV said Abby. This is going to be turned in to a book like Steinbeck's was. I'll start right after Labor Day. I'm taking my MacBook Pro with me and iPhone 5s. I'm also taking my Nook color for reading the latest stuff. So I can't wait to go.

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