Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oh Julie Anne

Julie Anne pulled something out of her handbag to show her friends. When Barry came to the restaurant last week I got him to autograph a cocktail napkin. However I forgot to tell him to put just his full name and  the date. So he signed it "To Julie Anne Sloppy Wet Kisses With Love, Barry Manilow. I got a second Trattoria Itlalia cocktail napkin and made him sign that the right way. I took both over to Jim's Photography where I got them laminated. I told Barry the one with just his autograph and date was going on the restaurants wall with all the other celebrities autographs. George Clooney, Bobby Flay, Robert Irvine, Rachel Ray, Harrison Ford  and others. The other one was going on my living room wall. Before he and Darren left I showed them Bruce Sussman's and Jack Feldman's autographed napkins. I told Barry when Here At The Mayflower opens on Broadway. He has to bring Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson and Marty Panzer  in so they can also autograph a cocktail napkin. Barry saw Julie Anne sitting with her friends. So  walked over to where Julie Anne and her friends were sitting. Hi everyone said Barry. Michele looked up and her jaw dropped . Lu Ann said Michele close your mouth. Then she looked up and her jaw also dropped. Susan thought what's going on. She looked up and saw Barry Manilow standing there Then her jaw dropped too.. The rest of the ladies looked up and saw Barry Manilow standing  there looking at them.  Julie Anne said oh hi Barry. Barry said hi  Julie Anne. Julie Anne then introduced Barry to Deborah, Anita, Susan, Lu Ann, Michele and Rhonda her BFF's. Julie Anne said just a second while I get some paper. Julie Anne then asked Barry if he would give each of her friends his autograph. They're all huge fans of you and your musicals. Barry said sure why not. So Barry signed a piece of paper for each of Julie's friends. Let me get back to my friends said Barry. He said nice meeting you ladies. He looked at Julie Anne and said see you the next time I'm in Trattoria Italia. As he walked away he turned towards Julie Anne and blew her a kiss. Oh My God  How luck can you get said Rhonda he blew you a kiss. Damn said Susan he's even cuter and sexier in person. Julie Anne asked her friends for their piece of paper autographed by Barry. I'll take these to Joe's Photography tomorrow and get them framed so you can put them up on your walls. That way they'll keep forever. That was what her friends did. When they were ready to leave Mesa Grill Julie Anne asked their waiter for the check. This will be my treat girls said Julie Anne. When the waiter came Julie Anne asked him for the check. He said it's already been paid for by that gentleman over there as the waiter pointed over at Barry's table. Deborah said that sure was nice of Barry Manilow to pay the bill. As Barry left Mesa Grill he came past their table. He  introduced them to Dana Robbins and her husband Billy Kidd.  He told them good night and to have a nice evening ladies. Julie Anne and her friends left Mesa Grill. They headed for the Time Square cinemas. Where they were going to see the remake of the movie musical Gypsy with Barbra Streisand as Momma Rose. Then afterwards  they decided to go to Cocoa's pastries for a sweet treat.

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