Monday, July 22, 2013


Barry got off the subway train and head to Central Park. While in Central Park he headed to the place where all the food trucks were parked. Ah there it was the fried dounut truck.. Man he loved those fried cinnamon apple dounuts they made. He also got a coup of coffee to go with it. Barry found a bench to sit on while he ate his donut and drank his coffee. Barry couldn't believe that recording artist B.A. Murphy did a 360 degree turn. Wearing raunchy   clothes and coming out of the closet was not a good move for a recording artist who fan base was mainly women. OH well to each his own Barry thought. After the premier of Harmony Barry and Bruce's musical turned into a motion picture. Barry had another premier to go to. This one was on Broadway at the St. James Theatre where his new musical Here At The Mayflower was going to open in the fall of 2015. He wrote Here At The Mayflower with lyricists Adrienne Anderson, Bruce Sussman, Enoch Anderson and Marty Panzer who also wrote the book. HATM as it was called dealt with an apartment building in Brooklyn NY and the tenants who lived there. "So many windows. So many walls. Double locked doors down carpeted halls. Somebodies crying somebody calls Do you know who living next door? Right here at the Mayflower." There was the old couple Esther and Joe, Freddie the elevator operator, Diane the receptionists, Ken the mechanic and all the rest. Marty, Adrienne and Enoch were coming from CA for the premier. While Bruce and Jack would come by cab for the premier since they lived here in the city. Barry couldn't believe he got Lorna Luft to play Esther and Joseph Bologna to play Joe. Diane Degarmo was going to play Diane. Ace Young was playing Ken. Barry's iPhone began to ring. So he answered it. Hello he said. Hi Barry it's Marc. Marc Hulett was Barry's manager and dear friend. So what's up Marc said Barry. Marc said I've got you booked for a couple of talk shows next week. Your doing Rachel Ray on Monday. In fact you're her co-host for the whole hour. GMA is on Tuesday. Then The View is on Friday. That's because it's Guy Day Friday and your sitting in with the co-hosts for hot topics and etc. Should be fun said Barry. I guess you heard about B.A. Murphy Marc said Barry. Yeah said Marc I heard all about the stuff he did. I bet his manager is ready to kill him said Marc. Peeing on some one's tires is not a good thing to do. Being drunk is also not a good thing to do said Barry. Well I'll let you go said Barry. OK Barry bye for now and I'll talk to you soon said Marc. Barry hung up with Marc.

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