Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When It's Over That's The Time I Fall In Love Again.

Barry wondered was he unlucky in love. First it was Abigail who broke up with him. Now it was   Julie who had broken up with him. Maybe he should lay low when it comes to women for a while. Guess what the gay rumors has started up again. Maybe that's why Julie dumped him. Who really knows except Julie. At least Max and Maggie his two dogs would never dump him. Barry decided to concentrate on his Borgata shows.  That he figured would take his mind off of Julie. Barry was on his way to the studio where he was meeting up with Rett Turner his costume designer. He was going for his first fitting. Barry was not watching where he was going. Thud he bumped into something or so he thought. When he looked up it turned out to be a person. That person turned out to be a woman. Oh I'm sorry he said. That's ok said Skylar. When your minds somewhere else your not paying attention to where your going or what your doing she said. Barry looked up and there was this angel. Barry said if you're ever in Atlantic City come to the Borgata. I'm starting my show on February 14th of next year. Just go to the box office and tell them Barry Manilow sent you. I'll let them know you might come and they can give you a comp ticket. Oh! One more thing I need a name to leave at the box office. So when you say I'm whatever your name is they can say we have your name on the list and give you your ticket. My name is Skylar Herzbach she said. That's an interesting name said Barry. Skylar means scholar she said. I guess my parents thought something different was in order when they named me.  Well I've got to get going Skylar said. Nice to meet you Barry Manilow she said. Nice to meet you too Skylar Herzbach said Barry. Barry started down the sidewalk when he turned around. He said wait a minute. Yes said Skylar did you forget something. Well sort of said Barry. Herzbach is your last name right. Right said Skylar. You aren't related to recording engineer Andrew Herzbach by any chance asked Barry. Yes I am Andrew Herzbach is my uncle said Skylar. My dad is John Herzbach he's an airline pilot.I know your uncle he was the recording engineer for my Here At The Mayflower album. When I see him on Sunday I'll tell him I saw you said Skylar. Skylar went on her way. Come Monday now wasn't that a title of a Barry Manilow song? Yes it was Skylar thought as she walked home.

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