Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Chew

It was Monday November 18, 2019. Time for The Chew with Clinton Kelly, Michael Simon, Mario Batali, Daphne Oz and Carla Hall. Todays special guests are Broadway songwriter Barry Manilow to talk about his latest project. His standards album called Night Songs.  Julie Anne Berkovic to talk about her first cook book Tratoria Italia easy Italian cooking. Also to cook something from her first book. Plus Lu Ann Heiner Drebot  and Susan Barrett to make one of their cupcakes.  Barry was in one green room.  Julie Anne was in another. While Lu Ann Heiner Drebot and Susan Barrett were in another. None of them knew the other was going to be on the show. Julie Anne went out first. She talked about her book with everyone. After the commercial break she was going to cook with Mario Batali.  Julie Anne had decided to make her linguini with white clam sauce. Plus she made her drunkin pasta dish. When she was done she went back stage. That's where she ran into Barry Manilow. I didn't know you were going to be on he said. Same here said Barry I didn't know you'd be here either.  Then out come Lu Ann and Susan to talk about their new cupcake shop. I didn't know you two would be on said Julie Anne. Barry got us a slot on todays show said Lu Ann. We're next said Susan. So out they went to talk about their cupcake shop Sweet Heaven Cipcakes.
I guess I'm last said Barry when it was his turn Barry went out and talked about his new album with Clinton, Carla and Daphne. After another break Barry was going to sing  One For My Baby. After the Chew was done Barry saw Julie Anne again. He thought now's my chance to ask her out. Excuse me Julie Anne what are you doing this Friday night. Nothing that I know of said Julie Anne. I was wondering if you'd like to go out Friday asked Barry. Sure why not said Julie Anne. Barry said I've got tickets for Adrienne Anderson's musical Daybreak. Maybe before we can go out to eat somewhere. Do you like Chinese said Barry. Yes said Julie Anne. In fact there's a new Chinese restaurant called Shanghai Breezes in the theatre district that I've been wanting to try said Julie Anne. Sounds yummy said Barry. Give me your address and phone number. Then I'll call you Thursday to finalize our date. Ok said Julie Anne as she wrote down her address and phone number on a piece of paper. Barry quickly but them into his iPhone so he wouldn't loose them. See you Friday said Julie Anne. Talk to you Thursday said Barry when I'll give you more details for Friday. Oh one thing do I need to make reservations for dinner. I'm not really sure said Julie Anne. I'll call them just incase. I'm sure their phone number is in the book.

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