Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Surprise Surprise

When Julie Anne got home there was Barry standing in front of her building. He was standing in front of something. What's behind you Julie Anne asked? Oh just a little something said Barry as he turned so she could see it. Surprise he said. It's a Fiat Qubo Trekking and it's for you. How much did you pay for this asked Julie Anne? Barry replied I'm not telling you as he handed her the car keys. Barry said besides your beater has seen better days. Thank you said Julie Anne but you shouldn't have. Now all you need to do is to transfer your car insurance and license plate. Hey wait a minute said Barry where is your car? It got a small dent in it. What do you mean it got a small dent in it asked Barry. Well I was driving to Hoboken to my favorite restaurant supply place when a guy ran a red light and hit the front of my car. I'm fine said Julie Anne but my car was totaled. Thank goodness your ok as Barry gave Julie Anne a hug. Would you like to come in asked Julie Anne. I'm making tuna casserole for dinner. Barry said sure why not. Julie Anne made tuna casserole and carrots. I have two of the latest Sweet Heaven Cupcake creations. I'll split them in half so you can taste each one. One is a fancy version of the Hostess Cupcake and the other is a fancy version of the banana flip. The banana flip was the banana cake with cream on it and the flipped in half. Man am I stuffed said Barry. But I could get use to this Barry said. Well you had two helpings of tuna casserole and half of each cupcake. So I can see why you'd be stuffed. Well I'm not like Brian Murphy who forgets to eat. I do eat. I had raisin brain with skim milk, bagel with fat free cream cheese and coffee with a splash of cream for breakfast this morning. Then for lunch I had left over pot roast on bread with gravy, mash potatoes and peas. Oh who made the pot roast? asked Julie Anne. I did said Barry. You cook said Julie Anne. Yeah said Barry I cook. I make a mean turkey divan said Barry. It's asparagus wrapped in sliced turkey with a cheese sauce over it. I usually serve it with rice. It was either I learn to cook or I'd starve. I'll have to have you over some day for huevos rancheros. Plus my home made killer salsa and nachos. I kept a lot of my grandmothers recipes. Now I'm no gourmet cook like you Julie Anne said Barry. But I manage not to starve. Oh by the way I called Susan Barrett to tell her about an empty store in Santa Monica. That would be perfect for a west cost branch hers and Lu Ann's Sweet Heaven Cupcakes.

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