Sunday, October 27, 2013

Julie Anne Berkovic

Julie Anna Anne Berkovic was born in Providence Rhode Island on March 25, `1957. Julie Anne  parents are Joseph and Stella Berkovic. Joseph Leonard Berkovic is a chef. Joseph owns three restaurants in Providence. Tuscany Ristorante  fine dining Italian restaurant, Napoli Trattoria  casual Italian restaurant and 5th Ave Chop House steak place. Stella Marie Berkovic is a baker and owns Sweet Surrender bakery. Joseph and Stella met at Johnson and Wales culinary school in Providence. That's where Julie Anne got her love of cooking from her parents. Julie Anne has one older brother Eric Andrew Berkovic.  Eric is English professor at Yale University. Eric is married to Lisa Grean. They have two kids Joseph and Melanie. Julie Anne attended Johnson and Wales culinary school just like her parents did.. After culinary school Julie Anne worked at one of  Lidia Bostianich's  Italian restaurants Felidia before opening her first restaurant Trattoria Italia  in Greenwich Village. Julie Anne is getting ready to open her second restaurant Mojave a Southwestern   restaurant in the theatre district. Julie Anne lives in Greenwich Village neighborhood of new York City. Julie Anne lives with her Golden Retriever named Charlie. Julie Anne loves to hang out with her BFF's Deborah Grogan, Susan Barrett, Anita Lyles, Michele Rae Thomson Rhonda Rice Brennan and Lu Ann Heiner Drebot.  On Friday night the girls all got together for dinner. They decided to go to Bobby Flay's  Mesa Grill. Boy did they get lucky when who should come to their table but owner and chef Bobby Flay himself.  Bobby told Julie Anne that he had been to her Tattoria Italia and loved the food there. Julie Anne said to Bobby I'll have to invite you to the opening of  Mojave a southwestern restaurant  in the theatre district. After Bobby left Julie Anne told the girls what she told Deborah over the phone earlier. Your kidding said Michele. No said Julie Anne he was in my restaurant with Darren Griffin the record producer. Speak of the devil ladies. Look who just walked into Mesa Grill. Who said Anita Barry Manilow said Julie Anne. They all turned around to get a look at Barry. Damn is he hot said Lu Ann. All the other ladies agreed with her. Black loafers,  charcoal grey pants, light blue shirt and a navy jacket. GQ ladies said Lu Ann. No actually Details magazine June 2019 issue. Barry's Details first ever style icon. This is like GQ's "Man of the year issue." Only difference is Details is calling this their  "Style Icon" issue. You all will have to pick up a copy when it comes out. Barry Manilow walked into Mesa Grill with another one of his friends Billy Kidd and his wife Dana Robbins. Billy and Dana were visiting from Nashville. Barry saw Julie Anne sitting with her girl friends. He said to Billy and Dana tomorrow I'll have to take you to Trattoria Italia  the food their is to die for.

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