Friday, November 8, 2013

Something's Coming Up!

Yes something's coming up. Garry Kief  was retiring. He gave his daughter. Kirsten his company Stiletto Entertainment. Garry asked Marc Hulett  to take over as Barry's manager. Chris Burton  took over as Barry's new personal assistant. Vikki Thomas took Kirsten Kief's job as head of the Manilow Fund for Health and Hope and Manilow Music Project. Barry decided to makes some changes to his international fan club. He hired web designer John Smith to create an internet fan club. John showed Gary Oye how to run the new internet fan club. Barry then decided to let some fans run the physical internet fan club.  Barry asked Deborah Grogan, Rhonda Rice Breman, Michele Rae Thomson and Tracy Qualieari Herbert to take over as directors of his fan club.  Deborah, Rhonda, Michele and Tracy couldn't believe it when Barry Manilow tapped them to run his new internet fan club. Barry invited the four ladies to New York City to tell them the news. Barry paid for everything. Barry even made a weekend out of it for the ladies. He told them Friday night over dinner. Then on Saturday he let them do some shopping with one thousand dollar pre-paid visa cards. Saturday evening Barry and girls went to dinner and the theatre. Sunday they went to hear some jazz at Lincoln Center. Then he told them they would be getting together with Vikki Thomas at the Inglewood offices so they could learn the ins and outs of the fan club The ladies would also get together with John Smith and Gary Oye to help create the new logo. Barry went online to check his Facebook page. He couldn't believe how many fans replied to his post about changing the Barry Manilow International Fan Club to the Barry Manilow Internet Fan Club. Everything from "Your dead meat if you change the name." To "Kate Naughton would be rolling in her grave if she knew you what you did." Barry emailed the directors Deborah, Michele, Rhonda and Tracy to tell them the name of the fan club name would stay the same. What he did do that fans were thrilled about was allowing local fan clubs to get sanctioned with fifty members from anywhere. That was all you would need to get your fan club sanctioned was fifty members. Barry went into the sanctioned and up and coming fan club lists that the BMIFC had. He check to see which clubs were still active and which fan clubs were not. The ones that were not he took them down. Barry also told the girls he was resurrecting the conventions to what they once were. Plus he told them he was going to make an appearance at every convention. At every convention there would be a Q&A with him. Conventions would also surround him being in concert. Or one of his musicals doing a regional run. Barry told the ladies the first convention with them as directors would take place in the UK in London. Barry knew that would make the UK fans happy. He also told them to put up some questions on the BMIFC's face book page. Asking fans what they would love to do during the convention. Like local fan club display day, discos, games, seminars and etc. Barry wanted lost of feedback from his fans. Barry couldn't wait to get the ball rolling on this. All Barry needed to now was to get two fans from Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, South America and the UK to become the international directors of the fan club. Barry had loads of ideas coming out of his mind. So much that he decided I need a break. So he got his jacket and went outside. He decided to go to his favorite pizza place in Brooklyn. He thought pizza with the works and extra cheese sounded good to him. Barry called Bruce and told him to call Jack.  I want you to meet me at the Brooklyn Pizza Pub and Grub for lunch. Since Barry changed the way he felt about food he had gained twenty-five pounds. Then after lunch he thought he, Bruce and Jack could hit Sweet Heaven Cupcakes for something sweet. Barry heard through the grape vine they had a brand new cupcake flavor called Carmel Apple Cranbarry.

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