Saturday, November 23, 2013

First There Was HARMONY

Julie Anne decided since there wasn't a local Barry Manilow Fan Club in New York City she would start one. There was one sort of but Brooklyn wasn't Barry's home town. Brooklyn was one of the five boroughs in Barry's home town of New York City. The other four were the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.  Barry definitely need a local fan club in his home town of New York City. Julie Anne got her BFF's Susan Barrett, Lu Ann Heiner Drebot  and Tracy Quagieri Herbert to be her co-directors.  Julie Anne knew she couldn't call her group just Harmony . Then there was a FB page called First There Was Harmony. Which she knew she couldn't use or so she thought. When Julie Anne called Vikki Thomas to tell her she had started a local fan club for Barry in his hometown of New York City. Vikki said well it's about time. Julie Anne told Vikki the name she wanted to use First There Was Harmony. She also mentioned there was a FB page using that name and she figured she better not use it. Vikki told her to go ahead and use that name for her fan club. Vikki reminded her she needed to support a local charity. That's when Julie Anne told Vikki they already had a local charity. Plus they just had their first charity raffle. Grand prize was a pair of tickets to see Harmony on Broadway and the original Harmony cast album. First prize was an autographed Harmony poster. Second prize was an autographed Harmony playbill. Third prize was the original Harmony cast album autographed. Fourth prize was the Harmony t shirt and key chain.  Fifth prize was a Harmony coffee mug and a fridge magnet. We raised twenty thousand for the Harmony Program Inc. Julie Anne told Vikki the Harmony program Inc. is an after school music program for communities in New York City where there were no  after school  programs. Since she knew Barry Manilow she asked him if he would get everyone to sign the Harmony Broadway poster, Harmony Broadway playbill and Harmony original cast album. Just then Barry walked in. Vikki told him she was talking to Julie Anne Berkovic. Julie Anne started a local New York City fan club for you said Vikki. Oh she did said Barry. Yes said Vikki she has one hundred and fifty local New York City members. Plus two hundred members from outside New York City. Wow three hundred and fifty  that's a lot of members said Barry.  Just then the mailman came and left a large package. Are you going to open the package said Barry. Vikki replied not now while I'm talking on the phone. Vikki looked at the package and noticed it was from Julie Anne. I see you sent a package to us Julie Anne. Oh good said Julie Anne. You can open it up. So Vikki opened it up. Inside was some tee shirts with the fan clubs logo on it. All but one had Barry's photo on it. The one without Barry's photo on it was for Barry to wear. Also inside was copies of  the First There Was Harmony BMFC newsletter called The Quarter Note. There's one for Barry, Marc, Kirsten and you Vikki said Julie Anne. You can visit our group over on Facebook said Julie Anne. Barry asked Vikki for the phone which she gave him. Hey Julie Anne can I join your group? asked Barry. Julie Anne said sure Barry you can. In fact I'll make you an honorary co-director said Julie Anne. Wow I've never been a co-director of anything before said Barry. Well now you are said Julie Anne.

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