Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oh! "Sweet Heaven"

Two of Julie Anne's friends  Lu Ann Heier Drebot and Susan Barrett decided to open up a cupcake shop.  The found and empty building in Greenwich Village in which to put their cupcake shop in. They came up with a real catchy name for their cupcake shop. They decided on Sweet Heaven Cupcakes.  They used three cupcakes one on top of another. With a G cleft in the center of the bottom cupcake liner. Then underneath the cupcakes they put "Sweet heaven Cupcakes." Barry said he would invest money into their shop and that's what he did. He got to go to Lu Ann's brownstone in Brooklyn to sample some of the cupcake flavors. These are to die for said Barry. You and Susan are going to have to put a Sweet Heaven Cupcake shop in LA and Palm Springs once you get the one in the Village up and running. Lu Ann and Susan did the regular sized cupcakes and the mini sized cupcakes. The signature Sweet Heaven cupcake was a raspberry flavored cupcake with pale pink raspberry whip cream frosting, some pink sugar sprinkles and a fresh raspberry on top. This all started when Barry and Marc went to Trattoria Italia for lunch one day. When the waiter came to take their plates. Marc ordered the Cream Brule cupcake. He and Barry split the cupcake to try it. Oh my God is this cupcake to die for said Barry. He signaled for the waiter to come over. When the waiter got to their table Barry asked if his boss was in. The waiter said yes and went to get her. Julie Anne came to the table and asked what did you want. Barry told her the Cream Brule' cupcake was to die for and who made this. Well my pastry chef Lorie Fisher made it. However the recipe comes from my fiend Lu Ann Heier Drebot. She and Susan Barrett gave me the recipes for a couple of cupcakes I could put on the menu. Have they ever thought about opening a cupcake shop? asked Barry I don't really know said Julie Anne. So Julie Anne got out her cell phone and called Lu Ann. Lu Ann said hello and Julie Anne said Lu Ann did you and Susan ever think about opening up your own cupcake shop? We did said Lu Ann but we don't have the capitol to do it. Julie Anne said just a minute and told Barry yes. Would they like a silent partner who would help finance their cupcake shop? asked Barry I don't know said Julie Anne. Just a minute and she handed Barry her phone. You talk to Lu Ann and ask her about the shop. So Barry asked Lu Ann about having a silent partner to help finance their cupcake shop. Who asked Lu Ann. Me said Barry. I tried one of yours and Susan's cupcakes. It was  Cream Brule cupcakes man was it to die for. So that's why I was wondering if you and Susan wanted to open up your own cupcake shop. Let me talk to Susan about that and we'll let Julie Anne know. Then she can let you know our decision ok said Lu Ann. That's fine said Barry. But I hope the answer is yes. The world needs to taste yours and Susan's to die for cupcakes said Barry.

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