Tuesday, October 3, 2017

New Google+ Post.

Hi Everyone.
It's me Barry. Now even though I don't like Las Vegas. I wanted everyone to know that I am thinking about the people in Las Vegas. To those who died my their souls go to heaven. Then to the ones who were shot  and are in local hospitals I hope they recover from their injuries soon.  Lets keep political profiling out of this. This is not about what kind of music Democrats, Independents and Republicans like. It's about banning together as a nation to stand up to all the evil that's out there. Also denouncing the evil that is allover this earth. If we ban together maybe we can get rid of radical terrorism and the people behind it. Before anyone says Barry hates people. No I don't hate people. Just the radical ones who want to take over the world. Your religion isn't better than mine and mine isn't better than yours. Also everyone no matter who they are, what religion they follow, what sexual preference they are has a place on earth. In terrorists eyes I have one strike against me. So does Carly and that is we are both Jewish. Just like Brian Murphy and Gregory Knoffler have one strike against them both their gay. Also let the Las Vegas police, Nevada police and the FBI do their job. When they have things figured out they will tells us why the shooter did what he did. Until then do not speculate on what happened and how it happened. Lets let the families burry their love ones who will be terribly missed. Also let the families who love ones who are injured take care of getting them healthy again. Tell your friends and family how much you love them. Just like I love each and everyone you my dear ones.

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