Friday, October 20, 2017

It Figures

Yes it figures that Suzie and Scott Nevins would be having a cow. Both of them were very upset with Barry's interview he did for Fox News program OBJECTfied. Why because Barry lied during the one hour program. How did Barry lie well he didn't tell the truth about his sexual orientation. When he was asked about his sexual orientation Barry told Harvey Levin he was straight. Which he was not according to Suzie and Scott Nevins he had always been gay. Suzie said she always knew from the moment she was introduced to Barry that he was gay. Nothing was off limits when it came to topics. Barry told Harvey that he hadn't hid anything from anyone. My mom in fact got asked a lot about me being gay. "Oh come on now be honest. Your son Barry Manilow is gay?" My son Barry is not gay my mom said. Does everyone who is single have to be gay? Edna asked in an interview with People Magazine. In that interview my mom mentioned that my first name was actually Barack which was a Jewish name. She told the People interviewer that her son grew up an orthodox Jew. Both her parents Joseph and Esther were orthodox Jews. Saturday mornings were spent going to synagogue. Which I've been doing since I was a little kid. My mom knew I was way too young to get married when my high school girlfriend Susan and I decided to get married. I was twenty and Susan was nineteen when we got married. The reason we eloped is because our parents were fighting about the wedding. At the time my parents were helping out my mom's parents. They really did have the money to help Susan's parents with their daughters wedding. Susan's parents wanted the big fancy Jewish wedding for their daughter. They figured my parents would help them pay for it. A year and five months after we were married I left Susan. Susan wanted a nine to five husband who stayed home after he got off work. Well that wasn't me I didn't stay home after I got off work from CBS. I went to the Thirteenth Street Theatre to work with Bro Harold and everyone there. I tried to get Susan interested in that. But no such luck. In November of nineteen sixty-five I asked Susan for a divorce. Susan wasn't happy about that at all. In the beginning she wouldn't give me anything. After she calmed down she let me have the rest of the stuff I brought with me when we got married. I ended up moving to a studio apartment in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn. The apartment had a partial wall between the sleeping area and living room. In the sleeping area I had a large closet. The kitchen, dining and living were all in one space. The bathroom was a separate room. Later on I moved to the lower eastside and a one bedroom apartment. After that apartment I moved to the west side into a condominium across from Central Park. Then I moved to the west coast. I rented the house with the dancing waters first. Then I bought the house in Bel Air. I did go down to Palm Springs where I rented the Kaufman house. I then bought my own home. Sold that one and bought the one in the Mesa neighborhood. I sold the house in the Mesa to Brian Murphy fourteen years ago. I discovered I was spending more time traveling  between Palm Springs and New York. That is why I sold the house. Suzie and Scott Nevins were not happy I sold the house and moved back east to New York. However I sure was glad I moved back to the east coast. I decided to move back to Brooklyn. The real estate agent I found showed me a bunch of homes in different neighborhoods. But when she showed me the townhouse at 96 1/2 Hicks Street I knew I'd found my forever home in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn. It has five floors a garden floor, parlor floor second master floor third floor and fourth floor. The fourth floor was perfect for my new at home recording studio. I have two extra bedrooms on the third floor for guest who come to visit. I could have rented the garden floor out. But I decided not to. I use the living space down there as a family room. After I married Carly the bedroom on garden floor became her computer/ Barry Manilow room.  I've done some renovating. I remodeled the master bathroom. Got rid of the master bathtub and made the shower even bigger. The parlor floor kitchen remodel was just finished. All the rooms have been painted by me and Carly. The deck off the living room was redone. The backyard got a makeover. I put in a small greenhouse for my vegetable garden over in the left back corner of the backyard. I am centrally located to a lot of things a great bagel/coffee shop the subway into Manhattan. The Brooklyn Bridge so if I can walk across the bridge to Manhattan.Great places close by dog park, parks for people, restaurants, grocery store, shops, fitness club and ETC. So I'm glad I moved back to New York City. Sorry Suzie and Scott Nevins but I am never moving back to Palm Springs. I remember when I still had the beach house in Malibu.. I invited some of my pals for fourth of July weekend 2009.  I invited my pals Garry Kief, Brian Murphy, Gregory Knoffler, Marc Hulett, Andy McKenna, Marty Panzer, Ench Anderson, Bruce Sussman and Rob Shuter. Brian was the one who asked me if he could invite Kye Brackett, Scott Nevins and Rick Travis. I said sure even though I didn't want Scott Nevins there. I told Garry  before everyone arrived that Scott Nevins was way to creepy. In fact he crawled all over me that weekend. Scott loved to go wherever I went. That was even way more creepy to me. That's why my girlfriend Gabby Barrett was uncomfortable being around Scott Nevins. He made sure that he was always super close to me and kept Gabby as far away from me as he could. That's why If you see any photos on Pinterest of three guys on the beach. That's Kye Brackett, Scott Nevins and Brian Murphy.  Brian Murphy is the  skinny toothpick in the black tee shirt and blue jeans. If I had been in those photos taken by the paparazzi you would have seen my legs. I was wearing denim shorts to my knee, a tee shirt and my Adidas athletic shoes that day. At 6'0" and 165lbs I look good in shorts so I can show off my legs. That was how I lost my last LA girlfriend Gabby. Gabby hated being around Scott Nevins. She told me he kept staring at her whenever he was around us giving her an evil look. It was after that weekend that I told Garry that I was going to sell the Malibu beach house. I also told him why I was going to sell it. Garry said he didn't blame me for selling it or for permanently moving back east. When I came back to finish up the paperwork on selling the house. Garry told me Scott Nevins really gave Gabby a hard time. Scott told Gabby that I used her as beard to cover up my homosexuality. Also to cover up the fact that he and I were a couple. Things had quieted down for a while until I started dating Dr. Carly Nichole Simon doctor of veterinary medicine. Once Scott figured Carly and I were serious about each other that's when he went after her. Something I didn't like at all. I let Scott know what I thought of him going after Carly like that. I told Carly how I felt about what Scott Nevins was trying to do to her. Now the only time Carly got scared was when the paramedics showed up at our door.  Said tat they had been called to 96 1/2 Hicks Street. Because of some crazy woman who was disturbing the neighbors. The caller claimed the woman was mental insane and needed to be put into a insane asylum. Scott then said she needs to be locked up for good. Garry follows Scott's blogger account. Garry said he saw in graphic detail what Scott thought should happen to her once she were institutionalized. Garry that what Scott said was something me and Carly didn't need to know about. Garry did give the URL to Scott's blogger account to my attorney Jack McCoy so he could see what Scott posted. I can only guess that what Scott Nevins posted there wasn't something me and Carly didn't need to see.

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