Friday, October 6, 2017

I Hate Facebook

I hate Facebook Carly said out loud. Barry heard her say that and asked her why she said that. Well it seems that I can't get in anymore. If f I want to get in I need to give them my mobile phone number. My Barry Friend Rita told me her sister Zoe can't get on Facebook anymore either. Rita thinks it's because Facebook is kicking off anyone who is a conservative Republican. Or anyone they think is a conservative Republican whether they are or not. All of the stuff that gets posted over on Facebook that's political liberal Democrat stuff or related to HRC. How the  people who run Facebook found out Zoe is a Republican is beyond me. Zoe never posted anything dealing with Donald Trump or anything Republican. She stuck with posting stuff on all her favorite stuff. Me, Rita and Zoe know that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is a liberal Democrat. Mark's a close personal friend of Hillary Clinton. He also backed her for president last year said Carly. Mark's upset just like all the liberal democrats ate that Hillary Clinton didn't win last year. Rita mentioned she left Facebook right after her sister Zoe left. Rita then mentioned that loads of other Barry Manilow Friends left Facebook.
Right before Rita left Facebook she let Mark Zuckerberg have it. You mean she told the head of Facebook off. Yes she did said Carly. Well good for her said Barry. I met him just once a few years back and found him to be arrogant. Me, Rita and Zoe never did go over to MMN. Someone else who hung out over there told us it was being run by The Manilow Mafia. The Manilow Mafia figured that Barry was the don or head of the mafia. While Garry Kief and Marc Hulett were his bodyguards. She also mentioned MMN became very snobbish. The Manilow Mafia took over MMN. Me, Rita and Zoe started our own Google+ community for you. In fact Vikki Thomas joined our community. Vikki mentioned she got kicked off MMN and she's the director of the BMIFC no less. She said she doesn't know if anyone from the BMIFC is managing MMN. Now I never bothered with MMN said Barry. I have my website, Twitter account and Google+ site. I got rid of my Facebook page because I couldn't get on there anymore. I'm sure most of my fans don't like the fact that I got rid of my Facebook page. I've discovered that my friends are starting to joining my Google+ communities. Which is better since I can have separate communities for different things. I have one that I used as a message board where even I participate. A few communities used for posting photos of me. Video communities for me and all you fans to share videos of me. Every sanctioned BMFC can have their own communities. I put a message up on my website telling all my local BMFC's about having their own communities over on Google+. I suggested the BMIFC get rid of MMN for good. The Manilow Mafia can start a secret group over on Facebook. The BMIFC has The Barry Net run by Gary Oye. They also take care of shopManilow my merchandise site. I have my site. Along with my charity sites The Manilow Fund, Manilow Music Project and the One Voice Foundation. Now I did get a "How come you left Facebook and shut down you Facebook page Mr. Manilow" from Mark Zuckerburg. I told him I got kicked off my own Facebook page and couldn't get in. Oh but Mr. Manilow your a viable part of Facebook and we need you over here. We will fix the problem of you not being able to get into your Facebook page Mr. Manilow. I told Mark Zuckerberg that I already had my manager David Taylor delete my Facebook page. I then heard from Jack my only Palm Springs friend that Suzie and Scott Nevins are pissed that my Facebook page was taken down. Because I took down my Facebook page those two can't follow me anymore. Well too band Suzie and Scott Nevins. Jack also mentioned he's thinking about leaving Palm Springs for good. He said he was getting tired of Suzie and Scott Nevins pestering him about me. I asked him where would you go? He said he was thinking Seattle Washington would be better. Since he was getting sick of the 100+ temperature in the summer. Jack is even more of a coffee junky than I am said Barry. Jack's the one who turned me on to Seattle's Best brand coffee. He said "Once I move up there I'll invite you and Carly for a visit. So once Jack gets settled we have an invitation to go visit him there. While we're there we can go visit your sister Jill and her husband said Barry. Debbie who still hangs out on Facebook told me that fans were pissed
that Dana Carter didn't get any of her photos in this years calendar said Carly. Every one of my fans should be allowed to have a chance to get one of their photos in my yearly calendars said Barry.  Now for this years calendar I took June, July and August and made them all candid shots of me. June photo is of me in my summer running gear. I was running from the Brooklyn Bridge Park over the Brooklyn Bridge, to East River Out and Back Path. July is me working in my vegetable garden in the backyard. August is me on my Brooklyn bicycle cycling through the Williamsburg neighborhood. I don't have tooth pick legs like Brian Murphy does. You can see me wearing bike, cargo, kaki and running shorts during the summer. I also wear sleeved and sleeveless tee shirts in the summer too. I'm also an adventurous kind of guy. Now I will agree with everyone that Brian Murphy sure loves wearing black said Barry. Garry called to tell Carly that Brian Murphy was on The View today to serenade Joy Behar on her birthday. He also was over on Facebook where some fans wondered why Barry wasn't on there as well. Barry's isn't friends with Joy Behar, Whoppie Goldberg or anyone from The View. As for Barry being on daytime TV he's done The Today Show, Ellen, Joan Rivers, Rachel Ray, The Talk and Meredith. When it comes to late night he's done The Tonight Show staring Johnny
Carson, The Tonight Show staring Jay Leno and the Arsenio Hall Show. Rosie O' Donald is a huge Brian Murphy fans. She gushed when Brian Murphy first appeared on her daytime talk show. Garry said he heard Rosie was at Brian's Newark New Jersey show last night. Now where's Barry? Garry asked. He's in Chicago said Carly. Chicago said Garry what for? Well Barry threw a huge surprise on all us fans. He posted a message last Sunday telling us it was finished and he was going out on a short book signing tour. We fans figured Barry was talking about his coffee table photo book. Well Barry told us the coffee table photo book was a ruse. That was to throw all us fans off. What Barry had finished was his autobiography called Barack Alon Manilow Williamsburg. He started his book
signing tour on Wednesday October 4th New York, Thursday October 5th was Philadelphia, Saturday is Chicago October 7th, Monday October 8th is Los Angeles and Wednesday October 11th is San Antonio. All the book signings are taking place at Barnes and Noble book stores. Also while in San
Antonio Barry will be announcing At The Mayflower's first regional run at The Majestic Theatre. He'll be making a second stop in Philadelphia to announce At The Mayflower's second regional run at The Forrest Theatre. You mean to tell me Barry's been working on his autobiography not a coffee table photo book said Garry. Yes he has said Carly. I know you and Denise just got back from your vacation to China. When you weed through your mail you'll find your signed copy of Barry's book. He thanked you in the forward section of the book. You helped him get out of debt back in nineteen seventy eight right before Copacabana went to Broadway. Miles Laurie really never checked that guy out thoroughly enough who managed Barry's money. Barry kept saying the guy wasn't a crook. Well he sure didn't know a lot about financial stuff said Carly.

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