Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Opening Night Gala Cape Fear Cominity College

Barry went on his iMac to check his email. He saw he had one from Cape Fear Community College. They wanted him to be a part of their inaugural performance season along with Alanis Morrisette, The B-52 and Natalie Cole.  Liza Minnelli was going to open the Humanities and Fine Arts Center on Saturday October third. Cape Fear Community College wanted these other artists to be a part of the inaugural performance. Barry emailed them back to tell them he was busy with opening night of the musical Hare At The Mayflower that night. He also mentioned he was free after October third and could do a solo concert on another Saturday night. He told them to email him if they wanted him to do a show at their Humanities and Fine Arts Center. He then shut off his iMac and went downstairs to take the dog out. Once the dogs were done doing their business he brought them back in. He then went out got into his car to meet up with the guys. It was boys night out. Mean while earlier in the day over at the zoo Carly was giving the penguins their annual checkups. CJ the newest veterinarian came into her office to give her a batch of papers that needed her signature. Carly quickly signed them all. Since CJ said some needed to get sent out today. Carly then went to the lunch room for lunch. Someone had ordered four extra large Napoli's Best pizzas with the works. Carly took two slices and put them on a paper plate. She then went into the fridge for a diet Coke. Carly went and sat in between CJ Nelson and Jeff Freeman. She ate her lunch and then went back to doing checkups on the penguins. Soon it was time to go home. Once Carly got home she saw Barry's note. Carly decided to get a shower and put on her pajamas. Then she went downstairs to make some dinner,. Out of the fridge she got the leftover meat loaf, provolone cheese and Italian bread. She got the Panini press out of the pantry. She made herself meat loaf and provolone sandwich on Italian bread. She got some chips and a glass of skim milk to go with the sandwich. She put everything on a tray and took it into the living room to eat.  Carly decided to eat dinner in the living room while watching TV. She turned on the TV and put it on WCBS channel 2. She looked at clock on the wall. The time was seven thirty. The Insider came on with hosts Kevin Harris and Thea Andrews. Kevin Harris was first up with some breaking news. Kevin said that according to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow were getting a divorce. The reliable source also said they saw the divorce papers with Carly Manilow's signature. Holy Mackerel said Carly. She picked up her iPhone and called lawyer Jack McCoy. Jack was at home when he said hello this is Jack McCoy speaking. Jack it's Carly Manilow. What's up Carly? said Jack. I'm at home watching the Insider TV entertainment show. Host Kevin Harris said he had breaking new to report. According to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow are getting a divorce. Also according to the reliable source they saw the divorce papers with my signature on them. My newest veterinarian CJ Nelson came into my office right before lunch with a batch of papers for me to sign. CJ mentioned that some of them needed to get out today. So I quickly signed all the papers before I went to lunch. I didn't really look at the papers as I signed them. I could have signed divorce papers without knowing it. Barry's not here right now. It's boys night out. Now I'm by myself. I have a good idea who might be behind this said Carly Scott Nevins. Scott came to our wedding on Sunday July twelfth to stop us from getting married. He then came to Montreal and met us at the fake hotel. Barry figured Scott Nevins might try bothering us at our Montreal hotel. So he told only his manager Marc Hulett and former manager Garry Kief the actual hotel in Montreal we were staying at. Everyone else was told a fake hotel. Scott has always said that Barry was gay. Also that Barry was his boyfriend. Back in the mid sixties Barry married his high school sweetheart Susan Dexiler. They were married for a year and a half. Barry left Susan and asked her for a divorce. Since then Barry's had his share of girlfriends. Lorna Luft, Lorraine Mazzola, Linda Allen, Roberta Kent, Dana Robbins, Abigail Stern, Julie  Berkovic, Skylar Herzbach and me. We saw each other on GMA back in November 2011.  Zoo keepers Tom Hart and John Curtis  were to be on that day. Tom and John were going to show some of the zoos newest baby animals. John got sick so I took his place. Barry, Enoch Anderson, Adrienne Anderson and the cast of 15 Minutes was also on that Friday. That's how we first saw each other said Carly. I wouldn't put it past Scott Nevins to do something to get us divorced, I don't have my own lawyer. I use to use my dad's lawyer James Shift. If I need a lawyer now Barry has  your law firm McCoy, Carmichael and Southerlyn at Law.  The only way that someone else would have been able to file divorce papers would be if they're doing it on my behalf. That would be because I couldn't file the papers on my own due to mental or physical health issues. Well I'm going to let you go said Jack. I'll see what I can find out seeing as I use to be a district attorney. Once I find out something I'll let you and Barry know. Jack said goodnight to Carly. Carly said goodnight to Jack. Carly went back to watching TV. She turned on the Cooking channel to watch Unwrapped 2.0, The Best Thing I Ever Ate and Unique Sweets. She wasn't in the mood to go on her computer. Soon she heard the car door slam. Then she heard someone coming up the front steps. The door opened and it was Barry. Hello sunshine Barry said. How was your day? he asked. Ok until I got home. What happened Carly? asked Barry. I came home took a shower and put on my pajamas. Came downstairs and made myself some dinner. Which I took into the living room to eat while watching TV. I turned on WCBS channel 2 and the Insider came on. Host Kevin Harris said he had breaking news to report. I wondered what the breaking news was. According to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow were getting a divorce. Also according to the reliable source they saw the divorce papers with my signature on them. Just then the phone rang. Carly said let me get it. Carly picked up the phone. Hello is Barry there. Carly knew who that was. Listen here  you sob you're going to wish you had never tangled with me said Carly. Oh really said Scott.

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