Monday, September 28, 2015

A Sweet Surprise

Barry said that donkeys backside. I wish the police would lock Scott up without bail. But most likely is not going to happen he said. Barry took Carly to New York Methodist Hospital at 506 6th St. in Brooklyn. He parked the range rover in the emergency parking lot. Both he and Carly got out of the range rover and went in the emergency doors. Barry went to the desk and told the person behind the desk His wife had a slashed right wrist and she need some medical attention. The person called for a nurse. Nurse Jamie Farr came down the hall. What's up? she asked Meg behind the desk. This lady need medical attention right now. Ok said Jamie. Follow me she told Barry and Carly.  They went into one of exam rooms. Jamie told Carly to get on the exam table. Carly did just that. Ok now tell me what happened. I came in from the back yard with the dogs. I then hear someone banging on the front door. He was yelling "Let me in bitch." I went to the front door stood on my tippy toes to look out the glass piece in the front door. There was Scott Nevins. I wasn't going to let him in. However he busted  the door down came in and grabbed my right wrist. He pulled out a pocket knife ran the knife across my right wrist. He wanted my left wrist to do the same thing to it. He wanted everyone to think I slit my wrists so everyone would think I wanted to commit suicide.  Nurse Jamie took off the bandana to see how bad the slash was. That's pretty deep said Jamie. Let me go get Dr. Andrews the physician that's on call. Jamie went to get Dr. Andrews . On the way back to the exam room she told Dr. Andrews what happened. Dr. Andrews came into the room. He said let me take a look at your wrist. Carly looked at Dr. Andrews name tag.  Dr. Andrews said he'd be right back. Carly said to Barry his name tag said Dr. Archie Andrews. So it made me think of the comic books titled The Archies. Dr. Andrews came back in. He told Carly she need some stiches. He numbed her wrist and then he gave Carly sixteen stiches. He wrapped her wrist with some gauze bandages. Meg from the desk came back with Carly's insurance card. Carly here's your insurance card back. Dr. Andrews said  now I remember a Carly. Her full name was Carly Simon and she was at  Duke University the same time I was. She was in my freshman biology class. We did our homework in the library with some others in our freshman biology class. I was studying for my bachelors in science. Because I wanted to be an emergency room doctor. Carly was also getting her bachelors in science. She wanted to be a veterinarian and work in a zoo just like her dad did. I wonder whatever happened to her? said Dr. Andrews. I'll tell you exactly what happened to me Archibald said Carly. After I graduated from Duke with my bachelors in science. I went to North Carolina State where I got my doctors in veterinary medicine. I'm the head veterinarian at the Bronx zoo. So that's what I've been up to said Carly. Carly is that you said Archie. Yes it's me said Carly Archie was at Duke the same time I was. We both graduated in nineteen seventy nine with our bachelors degree in science said Carly. Now where did you go for the doctors degree? asked Carly . I went to the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine said Archie.  Dr. Andrews asked Carly when was the last time she got a tetanus shot. Carly told him about five years ago. I think it's time you got another one said Dr. Andrews. He told nurse Jamie to give her a tetanus shot. Nurse Jamie did just that. Ok you're free to go said nurse Jamie. Barry and Carly left the exam room and went out to the range rover. Once in the rover Barry called Ron Martin. He told Ron what happened a the hospital. Ron said he temporarily fixed their front door. He also told them Scott had been taken to the precinct for booking. The captain on duty told him Scott's finger prints were all over the pocket knife not Carly's. Barry told Carly what Ron told him. Then Barry said lets go for that drive I promised you said Barry. Ok said Carly. Barry soon got on the Jack Robinson parkway. He told Carly they were headed to Hicksville New York. So why don't you call your friend Susan Barrett and see if she busy today. Tell her if she's not we'd like to take her out for lunch. Carly looked up Susan Barrett on her cell phone pressed to call her. Susan picked up her phone. Susan it's Carly. Oh hi Carly what's up? Barry and I are going for a drive. Now we're heading out your way and Barry said to ask you if you're free today. If you are we'd like to take you out for lunch. Sure I am said Susan. Barry made reservations at Fanatico at the Jerecho Mall. We'll call you when we get into Hicksville ok. That's fine said Susan. Maybe seeing your friend Susan Barrett will make you feel better said Barry. Soon they came into Hicksville. Carly called Susan again and told her they were in Hicksville. They found Susan place and Carly went to the front door and knocked. Susan came to the front door and I'm ready to go. She came out locked her front door and went to the rover. Oh wow said Susan. I get a ride in the range rover. Hi Susan said Barry. Hi Barry said Susan. I made reservations at Fanatico said Barry. Once at the restaurant the waitress gave them a booth. Susan noticed Carly's bandaged right wrist. She asked Carly what happened to you? Carly told Susan what happened to her. What a jack ass said Susan. I remember when he showed up at your wedding to stop you from marring Barry. My UK friends are a little discussed with me because I'm not going to the BMIFC's UK convention in June said Carly. I'm going in July so Barry and I can celebrate our first wedding anniversary together. I'm also taking off in November for Barry Manilow's first ever cruise at sea. I didn't know Barry was doing a cruise at sea said Susan. Dave Koz ahs been doing these cruises at sea since two thousand eleven. It's Dave Koz some of his friends in the entertainment business and his fans on a week long cruise. My sister Jill and I went on Dave's first one which went to Alaska. Barry's going to make the first announcement on Monday said Carly. I want to go because I've never been over to Asia said Carly. The ports of call are Shanghai China where the cruise starts, Okinawa Japan, Hong Kong China, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam and Singapore Singapore where the cruise ends. So far I've asked Dave Koz, Brian Culbertson, Michael Lington, Melissa Manchester, Lorna Luft, Liza Minnelli and Diane Shuur said Barry. All of them have said yes to going on my Barry Manilow & Friends Cruise. After lunch Barry and Carly took Susan back to her place. Carly said goodbye to Susan and she and Barry left. Once they got back into the range rover Barry headed for home. Back in Brooklyn Barry said he had to make one more stop before they went home. Barry drove to BQE Pet Food Exchange at two fifty-three Wythe St.  He parked the range rover on the street just down from BQE. Barry got out of the range rover and Carly followed suit.  Barry opened the door and they went in. Barry said to the guy behind the counter "I'm here to see Casey." Joe who was behind the counter went and got Casey. Casey came out and told Barry she'd be right back. Soon Casey came out with a beagle on a leash. You asked me to let you know when a beagle came in. This is Linus a two year old beagle his owner's family surrendered him. They surrendered him because his owner just died from lung cancer and none of them had room for Linus in their homes. Well hello Linus said Barry as he crouched down to pet him.  Barry then picked up Linus and handed him to Carly. Charlie needed a playmate his own size to play with. Now I know he likes to play with Maggie and Max but they're too big for Charlie to play with. Linus is just the right for Charlie to play with said Barry. Hi Linus said Carly Charlie's going to love having you to play with.

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