Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Now What

Oh really said Scott. We'll see about that he also said. Carly hung up the phone. Barry and Carly were watching the news when they heard the sirens. Barry got up and went to the front door and opened it up. Here came the police cars and an ambulance behind them. Barry hoped it wasn't for Joe and Edna Ginsberg since they were in their eighties. Thank God it wasn't for them. The instead police were coming up their front steps. Hello officers can I help you. Can we come in they said. Sure said Barry. Carly got up to see what was going on. She came to the foyer and saw the officers. She could see behind them that the paramedics were coming up their front steps too. The paramedics said we need to come in so can you move back. Yes said Barry. So Carly and Barry moved back to let the officers and paramedics come int. Carly knew why they were here. I take it you've come for me she said to the paramedics. Yes they said. Barry looked sort of puzzled as to why they were here for Carly. Carly just had her annual physical last week and she was given a clean bill of health. I don't understand why they're here for you Carly said Barry. There here to take me to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation . Why? your wondering  to make me think I'm going insane. If I think I'm going insane then I'll have to be locked up and put away in a mental hospital. That way you and Scott Nevins can be together. I know you don't want to be with Scott Nevins. But that's what Scott wants is you and him together without me in the picture said Carly. Can I got upstairs and pack my gym bag? asked Carly. Just a few clothes and my toilet bag. Yes said the paramedics. So Carly went upstairs and packed her gym bag. She gave Charlie a hug and kiss. Came back downstairs into the living room. She handed the police her gym bag. Went over to Barry told him she loved him and gave him a kiss on the lips. She grabbed her handbag and put her cell phone inside. She gave that to one of the other officers. She then got on the gurney and laid down. One of the paramedics put straps across Carly to hold her down. Barry was glad it was late and dark outside. That way none of their neighbors would see Carly strapped to the gurney. As soon as they let me come to see you I will said Barry. The paramedics took the gurney down the front steps. Then they loaded it into the ambulance. After it was gone Barry completely lost it. He composed himself the best he could and called Jack. Jack picked up his phone and said hello. Jack it's Barry. Barry what's up you don't sound to good said Jack. Carly just left said Barry. What do you mean Carly just left said Jack. Carly just left strapped to a gurney said Barry. Strapped to a gurney said Jack. Let me start from the beginning said Barry. I got home from my boys night out. Carly was in the living room watching TV. She told me all about watching the Insider. She also mentioned she called you. I turned the TV to the news. When all of a sudden I heard the sirens. I went to the front door to see if they were coming down our street. Well here comes two police cars followed by the ambulance. I hoped it wasn't for Joe and Edna Ginsberg across the street because they're in their eighties. No it was not. The police cars  pulled in front the Andrews next door. The ambulance pulled in front of the Martins house. The police came to the door and I said can I help you officers. They said yes but can we come in. I told them sure. They came into the house. Carly got up and came to the foyer. She saw the paramedics were coming up the front steps. We backed up so they could come in. Carly knew why they were here. To take her to a mental hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. If she's considered mentally unstable she'll be put into a mental hospital. Then Carly will be out of the picture. That's so Scott Nevins and I can be together forever. Now I just thought of something said Barry. Carly thought she might have signed divorced papers earlier today. What if instead she signed papers to commit herself to a mental hospital because she thinks she's going crazy. Jack told Barry not to worry. He'd get her out as soon as he could. Barry told Jack what hospital she was taken to. If you can see her tell her I love her ok said Barry. I sure will said Jack.  Jack went upstairs and got dressed. He got in his car and headed to the hospital where Carly had been taken to. Jack made a quick call to his friend  judge Michael Yavinsky. He explained to Judge Yavinsky why he was calling. Now my clients wife thought she might have signed divorce papers. My client thinks his wife signed papers to commit herself to a mental hospital. I need to get her out why? Because she really doesn't belong in there. She's not insane, doesn't do psychiatric medications nor does she see a psychiatrist. In fact she had her annual physical last week. My clients is Barry Manilow and his wife is Dr. Carly Manilow head veterinarian at the Bronx zoo. Judge Yavinsky did what he needed to do.  Once at the hospital Jack parked his car in the parking garage. He went to the front desk and told them who he was and who he was here to see. The person at the desk told Jack what floor Carly was on and her room number. Jack went to the elevator and went up to the correct floor. A nurse saw him and asked him why he was there. Jack explained to the nurse why he was there. She told him that he could go in and see Carly. Jack knocked on Carly's door. Carly said come in. Oh hi Jack she said. Barry said to tell you he loves you. When I got to your house I could tell Barry had been crying. The nurse went to get the attending psychiatrist. Both of them came in Jack explained what had happened. While my client was at work she had to sign a punch of papers. Some of the papers needed to go out today. When she got home she turned on the TV and caught the Insider entertainment show. Their first piece was about my main client Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks Carly getting a divorce. Carly thought she might have signed divorce papers when she signed all those papers at work. Her husband Barry thinks that amongst the papers she signed today  was papers to have her committed to a mental hospital. Barry's been having to deal with this guy named Scott Nevins. Scott claims Barry is gay and that the two of them are a couple. Now the only way to get Carly out of the picture is to have her committed to a mental hospital. If you confirm she's insane then she gets put away for good. Then Barry can get a divorce from his insane wife.

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