Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Oh No Not Again

Barry and Carly got home with Linus. Barry parked the range rover in front of the house. Carly went around to the back to let Linus do his business. Barry went up the steps and opened the front door. He went in to the vestibule and called for the dogs. Here came Maggie, Max and Charlie from wherever they were sleeping. He let them out the sliding glass door to the backyard. All three dogs went down the steps to backyard. Linus saw the other dogs and ran over to play with them. Charlie went over to Linus and started sniffing him. That's your new playmate Charlie said Carly. Soon Barry's cell phone started playing Marc's music. So Barry pressed to answer his cell phone. Hi Marc so what's up? said Barry. Well Scott Nevins is out of jail said Marc. Suzie Q. bailed him out. Oh really said Barry. Yes really said Marc. I wonder what kind of story Scott gave her so she would bail him out said Barry.  Who knows said Marc. Barry hung up with Marc. Hey Barry said Ron Martin. How's Carly doing? I'm fine said Carly. Barry took me to New York Methodist Hospital. The emergency room  physician Dr. Andrews looked at my wrist said Carly. He numbed my wrist so he could stich me up. I got a total of sixteen stiches. Dr. Andrews said they're the dissolving kind said Carly. Barry came over and told Ron Scott Nevins was out of jail. Oh he is said Ron. Yes said Barry and Suzanne Somers bailed him out. Must be nice to have friends with lots of money to bail you out said Ron. Suzanne Somers is one of my friends said Barry. But I haven't talked to her since the beginning of last year. Suzanne didn't like the fact that I moved back east in two thousand five.  Back in the late seventies I moved  from New York City to  Los Angeles. Then I bought a weekend retreat in Palm Springs. Soon I sold my Los Angeles home and bought a bigger home in Palm Springs to live in. I had a beach house in Malibu for a few years but I sold it since I didn't stay there very often. I started to wonder why was I living out west when I spend more time working back east. I came back east to look for a place here
in Brooklyn. CORE real estate agent Tom Postillo helped me find this place. I loved what I saw when I toured it. It had everything I needed. tons of storage space. Extra bedrooms for guests a family room on the garden floor. Plus the third floor which I turned into my office and at home recording studio. The backyard is big enough for Maggie and Max. Plus Carly's two dogs Charlie and Linus. Do I miss having a vegetable garden not really. There are loads of farmers markets plus Chelsea Market in Manhattan to get fresh produce said Barry. Do I miss warm weather year round. No I don't. I kind of like the changing seasons. The leaves when they turn different colors. The snow when it falls and blankets everything pure white. I can go to the health club close by to swim and exercise during the colder months. They have the two indoor tracks. One for running and one for bicycling. If I hadn't move back here I would have never met my wife Carly. So all in all moving back east was the right move for me said Barry.  That's good said Ron Martin. Ron said goodbye to Carly and Barry. I'm sure if it was up to Suzie Q. you would still be living in Palm Springs. said Carly Maybe Scott Nevins would be living with you in your house. Hell no said Barry. If I still lived out there Scott would not be living with me. I'm not gay so why would I want a gay guy living with me.   Just then Barry's cell phone played Garry's music. Hey Barry how's it going? asked Garry. Fine right now said Barry. Scott Nevins was here yesterday, What the hell was he doing over at your house. He came over to do harm to Carly. Say what said Garry. Yes he was here this morning said Barry. Carly had come inside the house. When she heard a loud banging coming from the front of the house. As she went to the front door. She hears "Let me in bitch." Carly went to the front door and looked out the glass. There was
Scott Nevins pounding on our front door yelling at the top of his lungs. Carly wasn't about to let Scott in. However Scott busted down our front door. Once inside he grabbed Carly's right arm and pulled out a pocket knife. He told her he was going to slit her wrist so people would think she did this and that she was insane. That's when he slit her wrist. He wanted to do the same to her other wrist but Carly took off for the bedroom and hid. I took Carly to the hospital to get stiches on her wrist. Scott was carted off to jail. However Suzanne Somers bailed him out. I'm guessing she wired him the amount he needed to get out of jail said Barry. I'm sure he's not finished trying to bust you two up said Garry Now last Friday night we were watching the news when the phone rang. Carly went to answer it. It was also Scott Nevins. Carly said Scott said she should be in an insane asylum because
she insane. Carly hung up on him. That night Carly had a very bad dream. She dreamt that the police and paramedics came to our house to take her away. Carly was put on a gurney and taken to a mental hospital. Then she was going to be transferred to a mental hospital in upstate New York which turned out to be an Insane Asylum for the mentally insane. Because of Scott calling last Friday night and saying what he did. That maybe why Carly had that very bad dream said Barry. Carly's ok right now except for her right wrist. I wonder what else we can do to keep Scott Nevins away from the both of us. We have restraining order out on him so he can't get within two feet of either one of us. But you see what good that did said Garry. Absolutely nothing said Barry.  Tomorrow Carly and I have a meeting with the lawyers. That's good said Garry. I switched to a New York City law firm said Barry. My neighbor captain Ron Martin of the84th precinct here in Brooklyn recommended McCoy, Novak and Carmichael law firm. That's Jack McCoy, Casey Novak, Abby Carmichael, Serena Benson and Dennis Hillard. So we'll see what Jack McCoy and company have to say tomorrow said Barry.

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Sweet Surprise

Barry said that donkeys backside. I wish the police would lock Scott up without bail. But most likely is not going to happen he said. Barry took Carly to New York Methodist Hospital at 506 6th St. in Brooklyn. He parked the range rover in the emergency parking lot. Both he and Carly got out of the range rover and went in the emergency doors. Barry went to the desk and told the person behind the desk His wife had a slashed right wrist and she need some medical attention. The person called for a nurse. Nurse Jamie Farr came down the hall. What's up? she asked Meg behind the desk. This lady need medical attention right now. Ok said Jamie. Follow me she told Barry and Carly.  They went into one of exam rooms. Jamie told Carly to get on the exam table. Carly did just that. Ok now tell me what happened. I came in from the back yard with the dogs. I then hear someone banging on the front door. He was yelling "Let me in bitch." I went to the front door stood on my tippy toes to look out the glass piece in the front door. There was Scott Nevins. I wasn't going to let him in. However he busted  the door down came in and grabbed my right wrist. He pulled out a pocket knife ran the knife across my right wrist. He wanted my left wrist to do the same thing to it. He wanted everyone to think I slit my wrists so everyone would think I wanted to commit suicide.  Nurse Jamie took off the bandana to see how bad the slash was. That's pretty deep said Jamie. Let me go get Dr. Andrews the physician that's on call. Jamie went to get Dr. Andrews . On the way back to the exam room she told Dr. Andrews what happened. Dr. Andrews came into the room. He said let me take a look at your wrist. Carly looked at Dr. Andrews name tag.  Dr. Andrews said he'd be right back. Carly said to Barry his name tag said Dr. Archie Andrews. So it made me think of the comic books titled The Archies. Dr. Andrews came back in. He told Carly she need some stiches. He numbed her wrist and then he gave Carly sixteen stiches. He wrapped her wrist with some gauze bandages. Meg from the desk came back with Carly's insurance card. Carly here's your insurance card back. Dr. Andrews said  now I remember a Carly. Her full name was Carly Simon and she was at  Duke University the same time I was. She was in my freshman biology class. We did our homework in the library with some others in our freshman biology class. I was studying for my bachelors in science. Because I wanted to be an emergency room doctor. Carly was also getting her bachelors in science. She wanted to be a veterinarian and work in a zoo just like her dad did. I wonder whatever happened to her? said Dr. Andrews. I'll tell you exactly what happened to me Archibald said Carly. After I graduated from Duke with my bachelors in science. I went to North Carolina State where I got my doctors in veterinary medicine. I'm the head veterinarian at the Bronx zoo. So that's what I've been up to said Carly. Carly is that you said Archie. Yes it's me said Carly Archie was at Duke the same time I was. We both graduated in nineteen seventy nine with our bachelors degree in science said Carly. Now where did you go for the doctors degree? asked Carly . I went to the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine said Archie.  Dr. Andrews asked Carly when was the last time she got a tetanus shot. Carly told him about five years ago. I think it's time you got another one said Dr. Andrews. He told nurse Jamie to give her a tetanus shot. Nurse Jamie did just that. Ok you're free to go said nurse Jamie. Barry and Carly left the exam room and went out to the range rover. Once in the rover Barry called Ron Martin. He told Ron what happened a the hospital. Ron said he temporarily fixed their front door. He also told them Scott had been taken to the precinct for booking. The captain on duty told him Scott's finger prints were all over the pocket knife not Carly's. Barry told Carly what Ron told him. Then Barry said lets go for that drive I promised you said Barry. Ok said Carly. Barry soon got on the Jack Robinson parkway. He told Carly they were headed to Hicksville New York. So why don't you call your friend Susan Barrett and see if she busy today. Tell her if she's not we'd like to take her out for lunch. Carly looked up Susan Barrett on her cell phone pressed to call her. Susan picked up her phone. Susan it's Carly. Oh hi Carly what's up? Barry and I are going for a drive. Now we're heading out your way and Barry said to ask you if you're free today. If you are we'd like to take you out for lunch. Sure I am said Susan. Barry made reservations at Fanatico at the Jerecho Mall. We'll call you when we get into Hicksville ok. That's fine said Susan. Maybe seeing your friend Susan Barrett will make you feel better said Barry. Soon they came into Hicksville. Carly called Susan again and told her they were in Hicksville. They found Susan place and Carly went to the front door and knocked. Susan came to the front door and I'm ready to go. She came out locked her front door and went to the rover. Oh wow said Susan. I get a ride in the range rover. Hi Susan said Barry. Hi Barry said Susan. I made reservations at Fanatico said Barry. Once at the restaurant the waitress gave them a booth. Susan noticed Carly's bandaged right wrist. She asked Carly what happened to you? Carly told Susan what happened to her. What a jack ass said Susan. I remember when he showed up at your wedding to stop you from marring Barry. My UK friends are a little discussed with me because I'm not going to the BMIFC's UK convention in June said Carly. I'm going in July so Barry and I can celebrate our first wedding anniversary together. I'm also taking off in November for Barry Manilow's first ever cruise at sea. I didn't know Barry was doing a cruise at sea said Susan. Dave Koz ahs been doing these cruises at sea since two thousand eleven. It's Dave Koz some of his friends in the entertainment business and his fans on a week long cruise. My sister Jill and I went on Dave's first one which went to Alaska. Barry's going to make the first announcement on Monday said Carly. I want to go because I've never been over to Asia said Carly. The ports of call are Shanghai China where the cruise starts, Okinawa Japan, Hong Kong China, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam and Singapore Singapore where the cruise ends. So far I've asked Dave Koz, Brian Culbertson, Michael Lington, Melissa Manchester, Lorna Luft, Liza Minnelli and Diane Shuur said Barry. All of them have said yes to going on my Barry Manilow & Friends Cruise. After lunch Barry and Carly took Susan back to her place. Carly said goodbye to Susan and she and Barry left. Once they got back into the range rover Barry headed for home. Back in Brooklyn Barry said he had to make one more stop before they went home. Barry drove to BQE Pet Food Exchange at two fifty-three Wythe St.  He parked the range rover on the street just down from BQE. Barry got out of the range rover and Carly followed suit.  Barry opened the door and they went in. Barry said to the guy behind the counter "I'm here to see Casey." Joe who was behind the counter went and got Casey. Casey came out and told Barry she'd be right back. Soon Casey came out with a beagle on a leash. You asked me to let you know when a beagle came in. This is Linus a two year old beagle his owner's family surrendered him. They surrendered him because his owner just died from lung cancer and none of them had room for Linus in their homes. Well hello Linus said Barry as he crouched down to pet him.  Barry then picked up Linus and handed him to Carly. Charlie needed a playmate his own size to play with. Now I know he likes to play with Maggie and Max but they're too big for Charlie to play with. Linus is just the right for Charlie to play with said Barry. Hi Linus said Carly Charlie's going to love having you to play with.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Barry's Facebook post for September 27, 2015

Hi Gang It's me Barry
Exiting news everyone. We're cruising in November 2016. But wait he gets motion sickness. That's pop star Brian Murphy that gets that not me. So you heard me right we are cruising in November 2016 to  China, Japan, Vietnam and Singapore aboard Royal Caribbean's MS Ovation. Our cruise is called Cruising With Manilow and Friends.. This is a twelve day cruise. Our ports of call are Tianjin China, Shanghai China, Okinawa Japan, Hong Kong China, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam and Singapore Singapore. Day 1. We'll depart on Friday November 18 at 5pm from Tianjin China. Day 2 Saturday November 19 Cruising Day 3. Sunday November 20 Shanghai China. Day 4. Monday November 21 Cruising. Day Five Tuesday November 22 Okinawa Japan. Day 6. Wednesday November 23 Cruising Day 7. Thursday November 24 Hong Kong China Day 8.Friday November 25 Hong Kong China. Day 9. Saturday November 26 Cruising. Day 10. Sunday November 27 Cruising. Day 11.Monday November 28 Ho Chi Minh Vietnam Day 12. Tuesday November 29 Singapore Singapore arrive 7am. The cost pre person is $1,341. So far I've heard back with a yes from Dave Koz (Who's an old pro at this. He's done some of these.) Brian Culbertson, Michael Lington, Melissa Manchester, Lorna Luft, Liza Minnelli and Diane Schuur . Now I'm waiting to hear back from Nancy Wilson and the guys from Uncle Festive.  I'm bringing my band and backup singers with me. I'll have my band with me Russ McKinnon drums, David Rosenblatt percussion, Mark Levine bass, Mike Lent guitar, Ron Pedley keyboards, Jake Thomas saxophone, Rodger Keller trumpet, Gary Herbert trombone and Joey Malotti keyboards and musical director. Plus my backup singers Melanie Nyema vocals, Debra Byrd vocals, Billy Kidd keyboards/vocals and Kye Brackett vocals. Muffy  Hendricks is on the road with Michael  Mac Donald. And since AI was over Debra Byrd said yes to coming on board with Melanie Nyema, Billy Kidd and Kye Brackett. Our ship is Royal Caribbean's MS Ovation which has 4,180 staterooms. The MS Ovation has two venues The Royal Theatre which seats 1,299 and The Opal Theatre which is smaller. I will be putting out another Facebook message that lets you all know when we start doing the bookings for the cruise. Next year should be very exiting with my London Palladium run and my Night Tianjin To Singapore Cruise. US fans don't for get I'm on TV the first week in October to promote my album 2:00AM Paradise Café II.. Monday October fifth  it's Co-host Monday on Rachel Ray's with me Barry Manilow Rachel's co-host. Oh I'm also doing the "What's For Dinner" segment. Yes you read that right. I'm cooking up what's for dinner.  I'm cooking a spinach manicotti and Italian green beans for dinner. Her producers know that I'm cooking. But Rachel doesn't know that yet. Then on Wednesday I'm doing The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.  Friday I'm doing GMA during the eight to nine hour. Then Friday night I'm doing Late Night with Seth Meyers . I'll also be doing a whole batch of radio shows in the US from my at home studio.  On Tuesday October sixth I'm doing an album signing at Rough Trade Records at 64 N. 9th St. between Wythe and Kent in Williamsburg. For twenty-five dollars you get both the vinyl signed and the CD of 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Then at the beginning of December I'm headed to the UK to promote the new album. By doing a few TV shows and some radio shows from their actual studios.  While in the UK I'm doing This Morning live from the London Palladium. The hosts Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holms will announce when tickets will be available for their live show at the Palladium with me. I'm going to be their only guest for the entire show. There's also going to be a mini Q&A so maybe you'll get picked to have your Q? answered. I'm also doing an album signing during my UK visit. The album signing will be the same as the US album signing. So when you buy the vinyl copy you'll get that one signed and the CD version too. After that I'm off to spend the holidays with family and friends. To coin a Rachel Ray phrase "See you when I see you."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's On The Bus Already

Marc was across the pond to finish up the last minute details on Barry's London Palladium run. As well as the BMIFC's first ever convention in London. Yes Lynn and Molly who ran the BMIFC-UK had some two day conventions and parties. But never a four day convention like the BMIFC-US has had. Marc had brought along BMIFC director Alicia Galay to help with the convention details. Marc and Alicia had already seen ads for Barry's London Palladium run on a few buses. Boy they're fast said Marc. Marc and Alicia went back to their hotel. Marc decided to call Barry to see what was happening back home. Barry was out for his morning run when he heard his cell phone play some music. He pressed the right spot to answer his cell phone. Hello said Barry. Hi Barry it's Marc. Oh Marc what's up? asked Barry. Well Alicia and I have finalized everything for next years BMIC UK convention. We checked out the ballrooms for the formal sit down dinner, Q&A with you and your songwriting partners and the brunch/Q&A with just you. Oh and we saw about three double decker buses that already have ads for your London Palladium run for next year. Wow cool said Barry. So how's things going back there? asked Marc. Well Carly had a very bad dream last week. She thought she was being admitted to an insane asylum because she was mental insane. I reassured her it was just a bad dream. I told her Scott Nevins can't come within two feet of either one of us. However Carly said Scott friended her on Facebook. So I told her to figure out how long Scott had been bugging her. Then unfriend everyone that she had friended since Scott friended her and started bugging her. I also told her to tell all her groups what was going on.  Jack McCoy has looked into how we can get Scott Nevins to quit bothering us. We already have the restraining order out on him. But there should be more that we can do to get him from bothering us. Back at the house Carly was coming in with the dogs from the backyard. Once she got in she heard loud banging on the front door. She could also hear someone yelling real loud. "Let me in bitch." Carly went to the front door stood on her tippy toes to lookout the glass piece in the door. There was Scott Nevins standing there. Carly was not going to let him in. However Scott kicked in the door even tough it was locked. He grabbed Carly by her right wrist. He then pulled out a knife and ran the blade across her right wrist. Carly flinched when she felt the blade go into her flesh. Now give me your other wrist so I can slash it too. Then everyone will see how mentally insane you are. When I tell them you tried to kill yourself by slashing both your wrists. Carly broke free from Scott grip and ran upstairs. She hid in the master bedroom closet. Scott came upstairs into the master bedroom to look for Carly. He yelled I know your in here bitch. Come out so I can slash your other wrist yelled Scott. Carly took her bandana and wrapped it around her right wrist to stop the bleeding. She called nine one one and told them there was a crazy man in her house. Carly also gave them her address so they could come to her house. Soon Carly heard the police coming up the stairs. They came into the bedroom and asked Scott what was going on. Scott said I came to visit my friend but he must not be here right now. However I could hear his wife yelling at me to go away and leave her alone. I figured she might be doing something to herself so I broke down the door. That's when I caught her slashing her wrist with a knife. She was going to slash her other wrist when I got the knife away from her. She ran away from me and must of came up here. So I came up here to find her and help her said Scott. Mam if you're in the closet would you come out said the officer. So Carly came out of the closet. She was holding the bandana tightly around her right wrist. All of a sudden Barry came home and said "What the hell." He came in the hall and said Carly are you home? One of the officers went downstairs to talk to Barry. Your friend Scott came to see you. He said he knocked on your front door. A women answered yelling go away and leave me alone. He said he tried to help her before she slashed her other wrist. But she ran upstairs and hid in the master bedroom closet. Barry ran upstairs to see what was going on up there. He came into the master bedroom and saw Scott, Carly and two other officers. What the hell are you ding here? asked Barry. I was helping your wife who was trying to commit  suicide said Scott.  I took a restraining order out on you Scott. Your not supposed to be within two feet of me or my wife said Barry. I took it out on you  after you tried to stop our wedding and ruin our honeymoon. That's because you continue to claim I'm gay which I'm not. Also that I'm your partner which I'm not. Barry went over to stand next to Carly. He grabbed her left hand and held it tight Soon Barry heard another voice saying "Is everything alright in here." Barry knew who that was.  In to the bedroom came next door neighbor James Martin. Is everyone ok? asked James. James noticed the bandana wrapped around Carly's right wrist. What happened here? asked James. Scott said she tried to slash her wrists to commit suicide. Where's the knife? asked James Scott handed James the pocket knife that was used to slash her wrist. Scott looked at James and said "Who in the hell are you?" I'm police captain  James Martin of Brooklyn 's 84th precinct. I'm Barry Manilow's next door neighbor said James Who are you? asked James. I'm Barry's dear friend Scott Nevins said Scott. Actually he's someone who thinks Barry's gay and claims to be Barry's partner said Carly. Barry said I should get Carly to the emergency room to have her wrist looked at. Ok said James Martin you can take Carly to the hospital. While you and Carly are gone I'll temporarily fix your front door. Maybe while you two are at the hospital they can admit Carly to the psychiatric ward for trying to commit suicide said Scott. Barry told Carly to get her handbag so they could go to the hospital. Once in Barry's range rover he asked Carly what actually happened. Carly told Barry how Scott busted down their front door as he said "Let me in bitch." Then he grabbed my right wrist and pulled the knife across my wrist. Then he wanted my other wrist so he could slash it too. Then everyone could see that I was mentally insane because I tried to commit suicide. When in actuality Scott slashed my wrists to make it look  like I was trying to commit suicide.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It Was All Just A Bad Dream.

Carly woke up crying and shaking violently. She sat up in bed and got herself a tissue. Barry had gone outside to let the dogs out. He then brought them back in. He gave them fresh water and kibble. Then he went upstairs to see if Carly was up. He went into the bedroom where he found Carly crying. What's a matter sunshine? asked Barry. I had a very bad dream said Carly. Barry went and sat on the bed. Tell me all about it sunshine said Barry. It was boys night out said Carly. So when I got home I saw your note. I went upstairs to take a shower. I put on my pajamas and went downstairs. I made myself some dinner which I ate while watching TV. It was seven thirty and the Insider was on. The male host mentioned you and I were getting a divorce. So I call Jack McCoy our lawyer and told him all about it. We had a good talk. Soon you came home from being out. You sat on the sofa next to me. You turned on channel 4 WNBC for the eleven o'clock news. All of a sudden we hear sirens. You got up to go look out the front door. Coming down the street were two police cars and one ambulance. The police cars went in front of the Martins house. The ambulance went in front of the Curtis' house. The police came up our front steps and asked if they could come in. You told them yes. I got up and came in to see what was going on. I could see the paramedics were coming up our front steps. They asked to come in. So we all moved back. They said that someone had called for them to come here. We looked at each other trying to figure out who called them. One of the paramedics said they were here for Carly Manilow. I asked if I could get a few things to take with me. They said I could. So I went upstairs and filled my duffle bag with some things. I came back downstairs. I hugged Charlie, petted Maggie and Max and hugged and kissed you. I gave the police my duffle bag. Then I got on the gurney and they strapped me in. The paramedics loaded me into the ambulance and we went to New York Presbyterian's psychiatric hospital in White Plains. One we got there one psychiatrist saw me. After he left then another one came in to finish the evaluation. That psychiatrist told me I was going to go to Clinton Psychiatric Hospital. I stayed over night. Then the next day I woke up. Three guys came into take me to La Guardia airport. We had to fly up to Plattsburgh airport to get to Clinton New York. Clinton Psychiatric Hospital turned out to be Clinton Asylum for the chronically insane. They put restraints on my ankles and wrists so I couldn't get away. After they were on I fell once. That's was when I burst into tears. Because I realized I wasn't ever going to see you, my family or anyone else. I woke up right after that.. Sunshine it was just a very bad dream said Barry. Go get dressed and we'll do something special today. I'm going downstairs to fix breakfast. So Barry went downstairs to fix breakfast. Carly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She a few things in there and came out. Carly got dressed and went downstairs. She picked up Charlie and hugged him. Then she went to the dining room and  pulled out a chair to sit on. Already on the table were glasses of orange juice, a glass of milk for her and a cup of coffee for Barry. Barry came out with two plates with Belgium waffles on them. I made your favorite Belgium waffles said Barry. He pulled out a chair and sat down. Is it ok if I run something past you Barry asked. Sure you can said Carly. Since two thousand eleven my good friend and label mate Dave Koz has been doing cruises.  Meaning every year Dave does his Dave Koz and Friends At Sea cruise. The cruises last one week and goes to different places. Like Alaska, the Caribbean and Western Mediterranean.. Each and every year Dave's cruises  are sold out. Two thousand sixteen's cruise is already sold out. So is his two thousand seventeen cruise. Dave decided to add a second two thousand seventeen cruise. Which I'm sure will also get sold out said Barry. I know about Dave Koz's cruises said Carly. In two thousand eleven my sister Jill and I went on Dave Koz & Friends At Sea inaugural cruise to Alaska. The cruise started in Vancouver British Columbia then on to Tracy Am Fjord, Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan and back to Vancouver British Columbia. We had all these entertainers performing for us during our trip. Dave only invites the best artists said Carly. I see you've heard of these cruises said Barry. Yes I have said Carly. I was thinking about doing one of these cruises myself next year. My idea is a cruise for November two thousand sixteen. It would be a twelve day cruise.  Our itinerary would be day one departure from Tianjin China at five pm, day two cruising, day three Shanghai China, day four cruising, day five Okinawa Japan, day six cruising, day seven  and day eight Hong Kong China, day  nine and ten cruising, day eleven Ho Chi Minh Vietnam, day twelve cruising and day thirteen arrive in Singapore Singapore. The price which includes everything is one thousand three hundred nineteen.
You can tell your friends that I am following in Dave Koz's footsteps. By doing a sea cruise with my friends and fans.  If your friends can think of any other artist that they'd like to see on this cruise they can tell you. Then you can tell me who they are and I'll contact them to see if their interested in this. Now I have one little thing I need to do and then we can leave said Barry. Barry went into the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Her then went upstairs to do his one little thing. Carly went down to her computer room. She turned on her computer. First she want to check her email. Then she went over to Facebook. She went into her UK friend Shelia's group. Carly reminded the group about Barry's London Palladium run next summer. Then she told them about Barry's cruise idea. Why would Barry want to do a cruise said Barbara he gets motion sickness. Carly commented to Barbara the it's Brian Murphy who has motion sickness not Barry Manilow. Then one of the other members asked Carly if she was coming to London June twelfth through June nineteenth.  That was the week when the BMIFC was having their convention starting on Wednesday June fifteen and going through Sunday June nineteenth. Carly commented that she was not coming that week. Barbara said "Oh but you have to come." I can't come that week commented Carly. Shelia commented she was sorry Carly couldn't come then. Debbie commented "Don't worry she will be coming that week." Carly knew it was time to tell them everything. Carly added the comment "I'm coming over in July. I'll  be there Friday July eighth through Monday July seventeenth.  That because  I want to celebrate my first wedding anniversary with my husband." Your husband is more important than Barry Manilow I don't think so said Debbie. Barry had come down and saw Debbie's comment. He said to Carly let me take care of this. Carly got up  from her chair and Barry sat down. He commented to what Debbie said. By saying " So you're saying that I'm not as important as Barry Manilow is. That's interesting when you consider that I am Barry Manilow. With that Barry got up and let Carly have her chair back. Carly added a photo of her and Barry on their wedding day underneath Barry's comment. With the comment Mr. and Mrs. Barry Manilow July 12, 2015.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Totally Insane

So if I say that Carly's mentally insane then she maybe put into a mental hospital for good. Yes said Jack. Then Scott Nevins and his husband Barry Manilow can be together. This is what Scott wants Carly Manilow in a mental hospital. If we still had insane asylum's that's where Carly would be. Since Scott would love to see her placed in one of those places. Did you ever see the movie The Nuns Story with Audrey Hepburn? No said Dr. Ginsberg. Well in that movie Audrey's caricature Sister Luke ends up in a Belgium insane asylum where the patients are kept in rooms with doors that have bars across the only window they have. Where they sat in metal bathtubs with wooden covers. The water in the bathtubs was very hot. You can hear their heels hitting the tub floor because of that said Jack. Actually Scott would love it if Carly could end up in some place like that. Well that's not going to happen said Dr. Ginsberg. I talked to Carly right after she got in here. I didn't find anything wrong with her at all. I'm going to have a nurse type up discharge papers to have Carly released said Dr. Ginsberg. Dr. Ginsberg left the room to find the night floor nurse. He found nurse Michaels and told her to type up some discharge papers for Carly Manilow. Dr. Ginsberg said he'd be back after he saw Susie Nicholas. Nurse Michaels went to type up the discharge papers. Once she did she went back down the hallway towards Carly's room. Dr. Emory saw her and said let me see these. He grabbed the papers out of nurse Michaels hands. He looked at them and then tore them up. Dr. Emory said she's not ready to be discharged. We haven't even begun her psychiatric evaluation. He then went into Carly's room and told her and Jack that she wasn't leaving any time soon. We haven't even begun to started her psychiatric evaluation. Also it's way past visiting hours so I think you need to leave said Dr. Emory. Jack gave Carly a kiss on the cheek. He told her he'd talk to Barry and tell him what's going on. Now try to get some sleep he said. Staying up all night worrying won't do any good Jack said. Jack left with Dr. Emory. Carly got up and went to her gym bag. She took out a photo of Barry and her Webkinz beagle.Then Carly put the photo on the nightstand. Got into bed with her Webkinz beagle. Nurse Michaels came in and said she was sorry that Dr. Emory tore up her discharge papers. That's ok said Carly. Now is it ok to have a photo of my husband Barry on my nightstand? asked Carly. Sure said nurse Michaels. This Webkinz beagle reminds me of my own beagle at home Charlie. Actually we have two Labrador Retrievers named Maggie and Max too. They're Barry's two dogs said Carly. Nurse Michaels handed Carly a Miss Fields bag with some of her nibblers and a glass of milk. This is for you and you can call me Kate. I'll be your night nurse tonight. So if you need anything just press this button on your bed controls ok. Tomorrow you'll have  nurse Gabby Lawrence. Oh and Dr. Emory won't be here tomorrow during the day. In fact he's going on vacation for the next two weeks said nurse Michaels. Which is actually good since of the nurses on this floor  don't like him. He's way to mean to the patients.  So you try to get some sleep ok said nurse Michaels. Ok said Carly. Then  she began to cry after nurse Michaels left. The next morning nurse Gabby Lawrence came into the room. Hi Carly she said. Did you get any sleep last night? A little bit said Carly. Gabby handed Carly her cell phone. Go a head a call your husband Barry. I'm sure he's worried about you. That's awfully nice of you said Carly. Dr. Emory is the only mean one on this floor. I think he wishes we still had insane asylums so we could put people away forever. Nurse Kate Michaels said he would be gone for the next two weeks said Carly. Yes he will be but I need to check your charts to see if he signed off on anything. If he did then we have no choice but to follow his orders. Gabby pulled up Carly's chart on her lap top. She looked to see what was there. It looks like you might be getting transferred to another hospital said Gabby. It looks like your chart says Buffalo Psychiatric Center in Buffalo, South Oaks Hospital in Amityville and New York Presbyterian Westchester Division White Plains. Maybe they're trying to figure out which one has a bed for you. Carly quickly made her phone call just incase someone else came and wouldn't let her talk. The phone rang and Barry said hello. Hi said this squeaky voice it's me Carly. Oh sunshine how are you holding up asked Barry. Ok said Carly.  Dr. Emory was a real pain last night. I heard said Barry. Jack stopped by and told me all about it.At least the nurses are nice. Gabby who's my nurse today let me use her cell phone to call you. That was real nice of her said Barry. Then last night nurse Kate Michaels brought me some Mrs. Fields little nibblers cookies and a glass of skim milk. I better let you go incase someone else comes in and I get busted for talking to you. Ok said Barry I love you. I love you too said Carly. Carly gave Gabby back her cell phone. I did not want to talk to long incase someone else came in and busted me for talking on the phone. Gabby said she needed to check on another patient and she'd be right back. Soon there was a knock on Carly's door. In came a attendant with a wheel chair. The person said it's time to go. Go where? asked Carly. The persons named on their shirt was James Stark. He said just swing your legs down. Carly swung her legs down off the bed. James then put restraints around her ankles. He then told Carly to get up which she tried to do. But it was hard walking with the restraints on. She ended up falling on the floor. Get up barked James. Carly tried to get up but couldn't. So James grabbed her arm and pulled her up. That's when Carly began to cry. James said Dr. Emory was right you are insane. To bad we don't have insane asylums any more. You should be put in one he barked. Carly just kept crying. Right now she felt defeated. Gabby came back into the room where she saw Carly in the wheel chair. She asked the guy where are you going with her. It's time for her to go said James. And why is she wearing restraints?  asked. Gabby. Because she's insane said James. That's what Dr. Emory put on her chart chronically insane. Gabby pressed call bell on Carly's bed and asked for someone to come quick. Dr. Harris came as fast as he could. What's up he asked. This is what's up said Gabby pointing to Carly sitting in the wheel chair. Carly was blotting her eyes with a tissue. Dr. Harris noticed the restraints on Carly's  ankles. Now why is she wearing those? asked Dr. Harris as pointed to the restraints.  James said because  she's chronically insane. Who said she was chronically insane? asked Dr. Harris. Dr. Emory said Gabby. Last night when she was brought in Dr. Ginsberg initially saw her. Nurse Michaels said Dr. Ginsberg had one more patient to see and he would be back. However Dr. Ginsberg never did come back. It was Dr. Emory who came in to see Carly. I have a feeling Dr. Emory made sure Dr. Ginsberg didn't come back in to see Carly. Who is her attending physician? asked Dr. Harris. Gabby checked Carly's chart and found out it was Dr. Emory. Gabby said Dr. Emory and he's on vacation for the next two weeks. Sorry but that means whatever Dr. Emory ordered for Carly she gets. Or can we over ride his orders? asked Gabby. I'll have to look into that said Dr. Harris.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Now What

Oh really said Scott. We'll see about that he also said. Carly hung up the phone. Barry and Carly were watching the news when they heard the sirens. Barry got up and went to the front door and opened it up. Here came the police cars and an ambulance behind them. Barry hoped it wasn't for Joe and Edna Ginsberg since they were in their eighties. Thank God it wasn't for them. The instead police were coming up their front steps. Hello officers can I help you. Can we come in they said. Sure said Barry. Carly got up to see what was going on. She came to the foyer and saw the officers. She could see behind them that the paramedics were coming up their front steps too. The paramedics said we need to come in so can you move back. Yes said Barry. So Carly and Barry moved back to let the officers and paramedics come int. Carly knew why they were here. I take it you've come for me she said to the paramedics. Yes they said. Barry looked sort of puzzled as to why they were here for Carly. Carly just had her annual physical last week and she was given a clean bill of health. I don't understand why they're here for you Carly said Barry. There here to take me to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation . Why? your wondering  to make me think I'm going insane. If I think I'm going insane then I'll have to be locked up and put away in a mental hospital. That way you and Scott Nevins can be together. I know you don't want to be with Scott Nevins. But that's what Scott wants is you and him together without me in the picture said Carly. Can I got upstairs and pack my gym bag? asked Carly. Just a few clothes and my toilet bag. Yes said the paramedics. So Carly went upstairs and packed her gym bag. She gave Charlie a hug and kiss. Came back downstairs into the living room. She handed the police her gym bag. Went over to Barry told him she loved him and gave him a kiss on the lips. She grabbed her handbag and put her cell phone inside. She gave that to one of the other officers. She then got on the gurney and laid down. One of the paramedics put straps across Carly to hold her down. Barry was glad it was late and dark outside. That way none of their neighbors would see Carly strapped to the gurney. As soon as they let me come to see you I will said Barry. The paramedics took the gurney down the front steps. Then they loaded it into the ambulance. After it was gone Barry completely lost it. He composed himself the best he could and called Jack. Jack picked up his phone and said hello. Jack it's Barry. Barry what's up you don't sound to good said Jack. Carly just left said Barry. What do you mean Carly just left said Jack. Carly just left strapped to a gurney said Barry. Strapped to a gurney said Jack. Let me start from the beginning said Barry. I got home from my boys night out. Carly was in the living room watching TV. She told me all about watching the Insider. She also mentioned she called you. I turned the TV to the news. When all of a sudden I heard the sirens. I went to the front door to see if they were coming down our street. Well here comes two police cars followed by the ambulance. I hoped it wasn't for Joe and Edna Ginsberg across the street because they're in their eighties. No it was not. The police cars  pulled in front the Andrews next door. The ambulance pulled in front of the Martins house. The police came to the door and I said can I help you officers. They said yes but can we come in. I told them sure. They came into the house. Carly got up and came to the foyer. She saw the paramedics were coming up the front steps. We backed up so they could come in. Carly knew why they were here. To take her to a mental hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. If she's considered mentally unstable she'll be put into a mental hospital. Then Carly will be out of the picture. That's so Scott Nevins and I can be together forever. Now I just thought of something said Barry. Carly thought she might have signed divorced papers earlier today. What if instead she signed papers to commit herself to a mental hospital because she thinks she's going crazy. Jack told Barry not to worry. He'd get her out as soon as he could. Barry told Jack what hospital she was taken to. If you can see her tell her I love her ok said Barry. I sure will said Jack.  Jack went upstairs and got dressed. He got in his car and headed to the hospital where Carly had been taken to. Jack made a quick call to his friend  judge Michael Yavinsky. He explained to Judge Yavinsky why he was calling. Now my clients wife thought she might have signed divorce papers. My client thinks his wife signed papers to commit herself to a mental hospital. I need to get her out why? Because she really doesn't belong in there. She's not insane, doesn't do psychiatric medications nor does she see a psychiatrist. In fact she had her annual physical last week. My clients is Barry Manilow and his wife is Dr. Carly Manilow head veterinarian at the Bronx zoo. Judge Yavinsky did what he needed to do.  Once at the hospital Jack parked his car in the parking garage. He went to the front desk and told them who he was and who he was here to see. The person at the desk told Jack what floor Carly was on and her room number. Jack went to the elevator and went up to the correct floor. A nurse saw him and asked him why he was there. Jack explained to the nurse why he was there. She told him that he could go in and see Carly. Jack knocked on Carly's door. Carly said come in. Oh hi Jack she said. Barry said to tell you he loves you. When I got to your house I could tell Barry had been crying. The nurse went to get the attending psychiatrist. Both of them came in Jack explained what had happened. While my client was at work she had to sign a punch of papers. Some of the papers needed to go out today. When she got home she turned on the TV and caught the Insider entertainment show. Their first piece was about my main client Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks Carly getting a divorce. Carly thought she might have signed divorce papers when she signed all those papers at work. Her husband Barry thinks that amongst the papers she signed today  was papers to have her committed to a mental hospital. Barry's been having to deal with this guy named Scott Nevins. Scott claims Barry is gay and that the two of them are a couple. Now the only way to get Carly out of the picture is to have her committed to a mental hospital. If you confirm she's insane then she gets put away for good. Then Barry can get a divorce from his insane wife.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Opening Night Gala Cape Fear Cominity College

Barry went on his iMac to check his email. He saw he had one from Cape Fear Community College. They wanted him to be a part of their inaugural performance season along with Alanis Morrisette, The B-52 and Natalie Cole.  Liza Minnelli was going to open the Humanities and Fine Arts Center on Saturday October third. Cape Fear Community College wanted these other artists to be a part of the inaugural performance. Barry emailed them back to tell them he was busy with opening night of the musical Hare At The Mayflower that night. He also mentioned he was free after October third and could do a solo concert on another Saturday night. He told them to email him if they wanted him to do a show at their Humanities and Fine Arts Center. He then shut off his iMac and went downstairs to take the dog out. Once the dogs were done doing their business he brought them back in. He then went out got into his car to meet up with the guys. It was boys night out. Mean while earlier in the day over at the zoo Carly was giving the penguins their annual checkups. CJ the newest veterinarian came into her office to give her a batch of papers that needed her signature. Carly quickly signed them all. Since CJ said some needed to get sent out today. Carly then went to the lunch room for lunch. Someone had ordered four extra large Napoli's Best pizzas with the works. Carly took two slices and put them on a paper plate. She then went into the fridge for a diet Coke. Carly went and sat in between CJ Nelson and Jeff Freeman. She ate her lunch and then went back to doing checkups on the penguins. Soon it was time to go home. Once Carly got home she saw Barry's note. Carly decided to get a shower and put on her pajamas. Then she went downstairs to make some dinner,. Out of the fridge she got the leftover meat loaf, provolone cheese and Italian bread. She got the Panini press out of the pantry. She made herself meat loaf and provolone sandwich on Italian bread. She got some chips and a glass of skim milk to go with the sandwich. She put everything on a tray and took it into the living room to eat.  Carly decided to eat dinner in the living room while watching TV. She turned on the TV and put it on WCBS channel 2. She looked at clock on the wall. The time was seven thirty. The Insider came on with hosts Kevin Harris and Thea Andrews. Kevin Harris was first up with some breaking news. Kevin said that according to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow were getting a divorce. The reliable source also said they saw the divorce papers with Carly Manilow's signature. Holy Mackerel said Carly. She picked up her iPhone and called lawyer Jack McCoy. Jack was at home when he said hello this is Jack McCoy speaking. Jack it's Carly Manilow. What's up Carly? said Jack. I'm at home watching the Insider TV entertainment show. Host Kevin Harris said he had breaking new to report. According to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow are getting a divorce. Also according to the reliable source they saw the divorce papers with my signature on them. My newest veterinarian CJ Nelson came into my office right before lunch with a batch of papers for me to sign. CJ mentioned that some of them needed to get out today. So I quickly signed all the papers before I went to lunch. I didn't really look at the papers as I signed them. I could have signed divorce papers without knowing it. Barry's not here right now. It's boys night out. Now I'm by myself. I have a good idea who might be behind this said Carly Scott Nevins. Scott came to our wedding on Sunday July twelfth to stop us from getting married. He then came to Montreal and met us at the fake hotel. Barry figured Scott Nevins might try bothering us at our Montreal hotel. So he told only his manager Marc Hulett and former manager Garry Kief the actual hotel in Montreal we were staying at. Everyone else was told a fake hotel. Scott has always said that Barry was gay. Also that Barry was his boyfriend. Back in the mid sixties Barry married his high school sweetheart Susan Dexiler. They were married for a year and a half. Barry left Susan and asked her for a divorce. Since then Barry's had his share of girlfriends. Lorna Luft, Lorraine Mazzola, Linda Allen, Roberta Kent, Dana Robbins, Abigail Stern, Julie  Berkovic, Skylar Herzbach and me. We saw each other on GMA back in November 2011.  Zoo keepers Tom Hart and John Curtis  were to be on that day. Tom and John were going to show some of the zoos newest baby animals. John got sick so I took his place. Barry, Enoch Anderson, Adrienne Anderson and the cast of 15 Minutes was also on that Friday. That's how we first saw each other said Carly. I wouldn't put it past Scott Nevins to do something to get us divorced, I don't have my own lawyer. I use to use my dad's lawyer James Shift. If I need a lawyer now Barry has  your law firm McCoy, Carmichael and Southerlyn at Law.  The only way that someone else would have been able to file divorce papers would be if they're doing it on my behalf. That would be because I couldn't file the papers on my own due to mental or physical health issues. Well I'm going to let you go said Jack. I'll see what I can find out seeing as I use to be a district attorney. Once I find out something I'll let you and Barry know. Jack said goodnight to Carly. Carly said goodnight to Jack. Carly went back to watching TV. She turned on the Cooking channel to watch Unwrapped 2.0, The Best Thing I Ever Ate and Unique Sweets. She wasn't in the mood to go on her computer. Soon she heard the car door slam. Then she heard someone coming up the front steps. The door opened and it was Barry. Hello sunshine Barry said. How was your day? he asked. Ok until I got home. What happened Carly? asked Barry. I came home took a shower and put on my pajamas. Came downstairs and made myself some dinner. Which I took into the living room to eat while watching TV. I turned on WCBS channel 2 and the Insider came on. Host Kevin Harris said he had breaking news to report. I wondered what the breaking news was. According to a reliable source Broadway songwriter/jazz artist Barry Manilow and his wife of eight weeks veterinarian Dr. Carly Manilow were getting a divorce. Also according to the reliable source they saw the divorce papers with my signature on them. Just then the phone rang. Carly said let me get it. Carly picked up the phone. Hello is Barry there. Carly knew who that was. Listen here  you sob you're going to wish you had never tangled with me said Carly. Oh really said Scott.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Barry and Carly's Cars

Barry's new car a 2016 Range Rover HSE Td6 3.0L turbocharged V6 diesel. The color is Mariana black pearl with black leather interior. The Range Rover cost  ninety eight thousand three hundred fifty five.
Carly's new car a 2016 Volkswagen Beetle R-Line 2DR hatchback diesel. The color is called denim. The Volkswagen Beetle R-Line cost thirty four thousand four hundred fifty.