Monday, July 27, 2015

The Honeymoon In Montreal and Quebec.

Marc called Garry to let him know that the newly weds had left for Montreal without any problems. Barry and Carly got up Monday morning at six fifteen am. They dressed and put their night clothes into their suite cases. Then they went down stairs to The Gastro Bar at 35th Street for breakfast. After breakfast Barry hailed a cab for Penn Station. Once there they waited for their train to be called. The train was leaving at eight fifteen am and would get into Montreal at seven ten pm that night. They were staying at the Hotel Le Crystal Monday nigh July thirteen through Saturday July eighteen. Once they got to Quebec they were staying Saturday July eighteen through Thursday July twenty-three. Their hotel in Quebec was the TRYP by Windham Then they would leave and return to Montreal for the return trip back to New York City. Marc told Garry they left on time at eight fifteen am. So they should be in Montreal by seven ten pm. Their staying at the Hotel Zero 1while in Montreal and the TRYP by Windham while in Quebec. Barry and Carly's train left on time. As soon as the train was out of the station Barry texted Marc to let him know their train had left. Carly looked at Barry and said just wait till I get home. Barry said yeah your friends are going to want to know all about last night. Which I'm not telling them what happened last night. They don't need to know what we did last night anyway said Carly.  They settled back for their ride to Montreal. Around twelve thirty they went to the café car to get some lunch. After lunch they went back to their seats  The train continued on, When they got to the US Canada border they were each asked a few questions. The person who asked the questions had a relative who liked Barry so Barry autographed a café car napkin for them. Once they got to Montreal they caught a cab to their hotel. After they put their suite cases in their room they went out for dinner. Barry and Carly found a close by bistro for a quick bite to eat,  Barry and Carly took a leisurely stroll back to the hotel. They stopped at the Popcorn Factory on the way back. You and your popcorn said Carly. At least it's a healthy snack said Barry. They got back to their decoy hotel Hotel Le Chrystal  they stopped in the gift shop for two diet Cokes. When they came out Carly noticed a guy in the lobby. It figures Carly said It figures what said Barry.  The guy sitting in on the sofa in lobby said Carly. Now how in the hell did he get here said Barry. Easy said Carly he most likely got a private jet to bring him here. Hell or high water he's going to find a way to split us up. Look what showed up said Carly as Scott came close. You think you can stop me from doing what I want to do said Scott.  I've already talked to my lawyer about getting your marriage annulled. Oh really said Carly. Oh yes said Scott. You most likely figure  we didn't consummate our marriage. Or you still believe Barry's gay and he's your boyfriend.  Oh he's gay alright said Scott. Now be like a good little girl and leave so Barry and I can be together said Scott. Carly looked at Barry and said you know where I'll be. Hopefully not in his hotel room said Scott. Carly went to the bar for a drink. Carly called Marc however his line was busy. So she called Garry. Ring ring went Garry's phone. Hello said Garry. Hi Garry it's Carly. Oh Carly what's up asked Garry. Well Scott's what's up said Carly. Son of a bitch said Garry. How did he get there that quick? Private jet said Carly. The only people that had our entire itinerary was Marc, you, my parents and the Brooks. The Brooks live next door to Barry and their taking care of Maggie and Max Barry's two dogs said Carly. Unless someone at the wedding told Scott what hotels we were staying at. Everyone knew we were going to Montreal and Quebec for our honeymoon. But that's all they knew and nothing else said Carly. So far Barry and Scott are in the lobby. But then who knows if Scott will suggest going to Barry's room. I tried Marc before I called you but his line was busy. If you can get a hold of him let him know Scott's here in Montreal ok said Carly. Sure thing said Garry. I'll let you go said Garry. I hope Barry comes here soon. Good night said Carly. Garry said good night back. Mean while in the lobby Scott said I'm glad we got rid of her. Now just maybe she'll leave us alone. Scott scooted closer to Barry. Barry knew where Scott was going by getting close. Scott touched Barry's cheek which felt uncomfortable to Barry. This whole thing felt uncomfortable to Barry. Then Scott turned Barry's face towards his. Barry scooted back a little. But that only made Scott inch even closer to Barry. He kissed Barry on the lips and made it a long searing passionate one. Along with something else  that Scott did Now Barry felt even more uncomfortable. Ewwwwww!  said Barry as he pulled away. You don't like that lover said Scott. No! said Barry as he got up from the sofa. Barry took off as fast as he could to the elevator. Luckily it closed before Scott could get in. Barry got off on one of the lower floors to throw Scott off. Then he went to the stairs and took them down to the lobby. Barry found Carly in the bar . Lets go to our actual hotel said Barry. So they left and walked to their actual hotel. Zero 1 And no! I am not ok said Barry. I just got kiss on my lips by Scott. Ewwwwww! I'm not gay and that didn't feel right at all. I took the elevator up to one of the lower floors. Then I  took the stairs back down .That was to throw him off said Barry. When we get to out hotel why don't you go take a shower preferably a cold one and put on your nightwear. When your done I'll take a shower. Then we can sit in the living space for a little while said Carly.  They got to their hotel and went to their loft suite. Barry got his nightwear and  went into the bathroom. He took a cold shower and toweled dried himself off. Then put on his pajama shorts and tee shirt. He went to sit next to Carly on the sofa. Carly got up and went into take her shower. After her shower she put on her nightwear. Carly went into the living room sat down on the sofa. She asked Barry if it was ok just to hold him. Ok said Barry. Just so you know I called Marc but his line was busy. I then tried Garry and he answered. Told him Scott was here and to tell Marc about this. Thanks said Barry, Just a minute said Carly as she got up to get a box of tissues. She came back and sat next to Barry. She put the box of tissues on the coffee table. Carly grabbed three tissues. She gave one to Barry and said I think your going to need this. If you need to cry go ahead said Carly. You do know real men cry she said. With that Barry burst into tears. You know I walked seven times around you yesterday. I told you "I am my beloved and my beloved is mine." when I put the ring on your left finger. I married you until death do us part to coin a part of the non Jewish wedding vows. Carly turned and looked at Barry. Do you know what? said Carly What said Barry. You need a kiss and with that Carly kissed Barry on his lips. Carly said you look tired so lets go to bed. So off they went into the bedroom. With in minutes Barry fell fast a sleep. Carly noticed Barry looked uncomfortable. She went into the living space and called Marc. Marc got up and said hello. Hi Marc it's Carly. Oh Carly what's up said Marc. I don't know if Garry called you or not. But Scott Nevins is here in Montreal. He's what said Marc. Here said Carly. We ran into him in the lobby. He asked me to leave so they could be alone. So like a good little girl I went to bar to wait on Barry. Barry came in an hour later. He said Scott kissed him on the lips. Which didn't feel right to him. I think if Scott could have he would have taken Barry to his hotel room to make out with him. Barry said he got up and went into the elevator. He got off at one of the lower floors then took the stairs down to the lobby. We left the Hotel Le Chrystal and walked to our actual hotel Hotel Zero 1. Barry is in the bedroom fast a sleep. I thought I better call you just incase Garry didn't. Thanks for the information said Marc. Ok said Carly. I better get some sleep or I'll be no good in the morning.  Goodbye said Marc. Carly said the same back to Marc.

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