Monday, July 6, 2015

A Quick Trip To NYC.

Barry was off till Friday April the third. His New Orleans show had never happened because of the venue being booked already. The promoter booked Tom Jones into the Civic Theatre before he also booked Barry. Barry had gotten a phone call after the Verizon Theatre show from Marc. Marc had called Barry to tell him The Globe was doing a cover story on his sexual life. Marc found out about the article  from the secretary for  the head editor. She had seen the article in question that dealt with his sexual business. Since she was a fan of Barry's she called his fan club and talked to Alicia who put her in touch with Marc. You know I'm off till Friday said Barry. Friends have been bugging me to come clean. See if you can get a hold of someone from ABC news said Barry.  Tell them I'd like to do an interview to come clean about the sex issue.. Barry said goodbye to Marc and hung up the phone. Marc called Steve Marks Barry usual pilot. Steve flew the private airplanes that Barry took when he needed to get somewhere fast. He told Steve where Barry was and that he needed to come in to New York quickly. Barry's doing an  interview with Robin Roberts of GMA said Marc. I got in touch with the people at ABC news. I told them why Barry wanted to do an interview.  Someone got in touch with Robin Roberts and told her why Barry wanted to an interview.  Robin jumped at the chance to interview Barry. So you're to fly to the Grand Prairie Municipal Airport to pick up Barry and David Taylor. Ok I'll  get my over night bag and head over to the airport. I'll leave as soon as I can said Steve.  Once I get to Grand Prairie I'll find a hotel to get some sleep. I'm going to set my alarm for six-thirty am. Tell Barry and David to be at the airport at eight am sharp. So as soon as Barry  and David get there we can leave. Ok that sounds like a plan said Marc. Marc called Barry back. He said I talked to Steve Marks. He said he was heading straight to the airport. As soon as he could he was going to fly out to pick you and David to fly you to New York ok said Marc. That's fine  with me said Barry. They goodbye to each other before they hung up.  Barry then called Carly
to check in with her since he hadn't talked to her in a few days. Carly thought she heard her phone ringing. She got up to answer it. Hello she said. Hello it's me said Barry. So how was last nights show? she asked. Fantastic another sellout said Barry. The reason I'm calling is because Marc called to tell me The Globe tabloid is doing a cover story on my sexual business. Oh you mean the gay issue that's been dogged you your entire career. Yes that issue said Barry. Now  I'm coming into New York for an interview with Robin Roberts of GMA. This is going to be a special edition of 20/20.  I figured now's the time to come clean and squelch the gay issue once and for all.  The New Orleans date never happened because the promoter booked Tom Jones into the Civic Theatre before me. Lucky I hadn't put tickets on sale for that show. We're all off till Friday April 3rd when I play The Orpheum Theatre in Memphis. The interview with Robin Roberts  will air live on Friday April third at ten pm. It  Now I happen to be off Thursday said Carly. Jeff who's the number two veterinarian needed Saturday off for a wedding. I switched with him so I can go  with you on Thursday. Your definitely going to need me said Carly. I'm going to need you said Barry. Yes your going to need me said Carly. We might as well spill the beans so to speak and tell everyone everything. Tell everyone everything said Barry. Yes you know let everyone in on our relationship. The fact that you found someone who became your girlfriend. You realized she was the one you wanted to spend forever with. You got engated to her (me) at the end of  2013 and now we're getting married. The only people so far that know all about me and you is my family, co-workers and a few friends.  Other than that no one else that I know knows about you. I have loads of friends. The people I went to high school and universities with. Friends I met when I became a fan of yours and joined your fan club.  None of them know I've been seeing you since November 2011. Whenever any of them ask me if I'm dating someone. I tell them I haven't found the right guy yet. Which is a bold face lie. Since I found the right guy which is you . I got engaged to you and now I'm going to marry you said Carly. You know Dr. Carly Manilow has a nice sounding ring to it. Don't you think said Carly. Yeah Dr. Carly Manilow does have a nice sounding ring to it said Barry. On Thursday Barry picked Carly up at her house. They made the trek into Manhattan to the ABC news studios where 20/20 was taped. Barry and Carly walked in together. The first person they saw was Lara Spencer. Barry said hi to Lara in passing. Barry and Carly then ran into George Stephenopoulis. George said hi to both of them. Barry said to George I'm here to see Robin Roberts. Oh yeah she's interviewing you for a special edition of 20/20. Carly excused herself to use the ladies room. Yes she is said Barry.  It's time to come clean so to speak said Barry. Then in came Robin Roberts. She said hello Barry are you ready to start the interview. Yes as soon as Carly gets here said Barry. Barry saw Carly coming back from the ladies room.  Carly came up and stood next to Barry. Barry then said I'd like to introduce my my fiancée Carly Simon.  Carly is the head veterinarian at the Bronx Zoo. We first met here on GMA in November 2011. I was on with my songwriting partners  Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson. Plus the cast of 15 Minutes. Carly was on to introduce some of the zoos newest babies.  Two weeks later I went to the zoo and asked her out and we've been together ever since. This September 6th we're getting married said Carly. Oh said George now I remember you Carly. Carly said I'm here because I told Barry it's time to spill the beans so to speak about our relationship. I really don't care if the whole world knows about me and Barry. If this gets rid of the gay rumors then I'm glad to talk about my relationship with Barry. The two of them went on air with Robin Roberts to tell the whole story of how they met.

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