Friday, July 10, 2015

Oh No!

Oh no was right. Carly was having a not good day. She had been up half the night with Schroeder her beagle puppy. Schroeder wasn't feeling to well. So Carly called her veterinarian. He said he'd meet her at his office.. Carly called her next door neighbors Steve and Dana. She explained to them that Schroeder was sick and would they watch Charlie for her. They said sure. Steve and Dana came over. Dana said she'd take Charlie home with her. While Steve would take Carly and Schroeder to the vets office. Once at the vets office Dr. Marx looked at Schroeder. He took his temperature checked his breathing and listened to his heart. Schroeder's heart didn't sound good.  Dr. Marx said he'd keep Schroeder at the hospital and run some other tests on him. When all the tests came back Dr. Marx called Carly. He told her Schroeder's heart was failing him. During the day Schroeder's little heart just gave out and he passed away. Dr. Marx's called Carly again to tell her Schroeder had passed away. He then said he would do what needed to be done for the dog. He told Carly he was sorry about Schroeder's dying. Once she got off the phone she heard a knock at her door there was Barry. What's up asked Barry. I took Schroeder to Dr. Marx's last night because he was sick. Dr. Marx kept him to run some test on him. Sometime earlier today Schroeder pass away. Dr. Marx just called to tell me about him passing away. He explained that Schroeder had congenital heart disease. Which meant he had a hole in his tiny little heart. Dr. Marx's said it's a wonder Schroeder lived as long as he did. He also said he'd what needed to be done. Aw I'm so sorry said Barry as he hugged her tight. I'll be fine said Carly. There was a knock on her door Carly went to answer it. It was Steve with Charlie. I thought I'd bring Charlie back to you.  Steve said oh hi Barry. Hi Steve said Barry. Carly then told Steve about Schroeder dying during the day at the hospital.Aw I'm sorry said Steve.  Steve then left and went next door. Are you going to be ok said Barry. I have an errand to run he said. Yes I'll be fine said Carly. Off Barry went. He had been wondering what to get Carly for a wedding present besides the gift he got her when he was in Chicago. Now he knew exactly what to get her. Carly's phone rang soon after Barry left. Carly went to answer it. It was Dr. Marx. Hello Carly it's Dr. Marx. Hi Dr. Marx what's up well I thought I'd call you and see how your holding up.  I'm fine said Carly I still have Charlie my other beagle. That's good said Dr. Marx's. Well I'll let you go he said. You take care of yourself and my buddy Charlie ok. Ok said Carly. Carly decided she and Charlie would go for a walk to the dog park. While there Carly let Charlie off his leash so he could run around with his doggie friends. When they got back home there was Barry sitting on her front steps. He was holding something in his lap. What have you got in your lap asked Carly.  I was wondering what to get you for a wedding present besides this. He gave Carly a small white box with a lavender ribbon around it. Carly pulled on end of the ribbon and off it came. She then took the lid off the box and took out the black velvet box. She opened the box and inside was a Cartier Love band. You can wear this on top of your wedding ring on your left hand or on your right had. You didn't have to said Carly. Even though she had a surprise wedding present for Barry too. Now what's that in your lap said Carly. I know it's sort of too soon seeing that Schroeder just passed away today. But he's so cute I just couldn't resist. Something you don't know about me is when I'm home I'm a foster doggie parent.  I'm a foster doggie parent for the Brooklyn Pet Rescue. My last foster dog Jack the Labrador Retriever got adopted right before my Brooklyn Blues tour.Now when I got back I was going to foster another dog. I just went to pick up my new foster doggie. He's a Dakota Golden Retriever puppy. Who's part cocker spaniel, English spaniel and golden retriever. Since he's oh so cute I decided to adopt him for you. Oh said Carly as Barry placed him in her lap. Carly looked down at the little guy and her heart melted. Dose he have a name? Carly asked. Yeah said Barry he does and of al the names out there  that he could have been named he's called Barry. Now there's only thing said Barry. What's that said Carly. You can't change his name. It suits him and I kind of like it on him.  Hello Barry said Carly as she looked at him. Carly picked Barry up and hugged him. She looked at her other Barry and gave him a kiss on his check. I love my wedding gifts said Carly. Let me put Barry in the backyard so he can do his business. Then we can go to your house ok. Ok said Barry. Carly took Barry to the back so he could do his business. Which he did. She put him in the house with Charlie. Then off they went to Barry's house. Once they got there Carly said come on I want to show you something. So Carly took him to his fourth floor. Now you've got to close your eyes she said. She grabbed his hand and took him in to his office/recording rooms. Ok you can open your eyes. Barry opened his eyes and looked all around. Oh my was all Barry could say. He turned to Carly and gave her a hug and kiss.

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