Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Day Had Finally Arrived

The day had finally come. Barry thought it would never get here. He got out of bed and did his usual stuff in the bathroom. He cam out and went to his chest of drawers and got out a pair of running shorts, a tee shirt and some socks. He got dressed and put on his running shoes. He grabbed his wallet and headed down stairs. He got his keys and went out for his run.  Ran into his neighbors from up the street Andy and Kate. He said hi to them and they said hi back. Kate said todays the big day. Yes today is the day said Barry. After today I'll no longer be a bachelor any more. I'll see you at the wedding later said Barry as he continued on his run. Carly woke up and headed into the bathroom. She did her usual stuff. Then she went back into the bedroom. Carly got out of her chest of drawers a pair of shorts, tee shirt, bra and socks. She put everything on but the socks. She then sat down in a chair to put on her socks and athletic shoes. She picked up Barry and called Charlie so he could follow her. She grabbed her keys, pooper scooper and a grocery bag. She took the dogs out into the backyard. Carly put Barry down so he could do his business which he quickly did. She picked up after him and then Charlie. She let Charlie and Barry run around the yard for a while. Soon Barry came over to her and pawed her leg so Carly picked him up. She gave Barry a huge hug and scratched his fur. Then Charlie came over and jumped up on the chair. So Carly gave both dogs a huge hug. Ok guys we're going back inside. Once inside she changed their water and gave each one a bowl of food. Carly then grabbed her cell phone and went to her shed. She unlocked the shed door and got out her bicycle Today was her day for a bike ride. So off she went for her bike ride. When Barry got back home he checked his cell phone and his answering machine. There was one message on his answering machine. It was from Marc. It was to let Barry know there would be some plain clothed police at the Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier. Barry then called  Marc to find out more. Marc said the plain clothed police were there just incase some uninvited guests show up. Namely one Scott Nevins said Marc who Barry thought was delusional. Now I wouldn't put it passed Scott not to show up. He is so obsessed with you said Marc. Yeah I know he is said Barry. Well are you getting exited? said Marc Yes said Barry I can't wait to marry Carly. Oh I just talked to Garry he and Deanna are staying at the Mandarin Oriental hotel. That's great said Barry. He mentioned that Suzie Q. asked him how you were doing since she hasn't talked to you in a while. He told her you were ding just fine. And no he didn't tell her about your up and coming nuptials. He figured he'd leave that up to you to tell her about your marriage to Carly. That's true I haven't talked to Suzie Q. since before I started my Brooklyn Blues tour back on Friday February 10th in Seattle. Then after her saying what she said on Andy Cohen's Bravo talk show I chose not to talk to her at all. Garry said he saw her , Alan and Scott Nevins at El Diego a new Mexican restaurant in Palm Springs. Garry said they looked all chummy. Today I mixed it up said Barry. Instead of my usual Raisin Bran, cream cheese and bagel. I made myself a kitchen sink omelet. I had some left over veggies in the fridge. Onions, red and yellow peppers and spinach. I also put some pepper jack cheese in the omelet. Fried up some home fries and made some whole wheat toast. Marc said you know you weren't supposed to eat. Oh well said Barry.  Have you talked to Carly asked Marc. No I haven't called her yet. But I will soon as I get done talking with you. I'm going to wait until I think she's done eating her breakfast said Barry. Remember she's not supposed to eat either said Marc. Just then Barry heard a beep. Marc I have another call coming in so I will see you later at the wedding. Ok said Marc. Barry said hello. Hello soon to be a married man said Garry. Oh hi Garry. I just talked to Marc who told me you were here and where you were staying. He also told me about the plain clothed police that would be at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier later. Marc explained why the plain clothed  police would be at your wedding said Garry. Yeah said Barry I told Marc that I thought Scott was delusional. Claiming I'm gay and his lover really. I've been straight my whole life. I was married to my first wife Susan Deixler for a year and six months. I walked out on her. Then I asked her for a divorce. No she didn't have our marriage annulled because I am gay. Susan realize later on that we weren't right for each other. I know she had boyfriends because she has two kids but she never got remarried. Must not have found the right one like I did said Barry. Well I'll let you go said Garry see you later today. Ok said Barry. Barry figured that Carly had probably eaten by now so he called her. Hello said Carly Hello sunshine said Barry. Are you ready Mrs. Manilow or is it Dr. Manilow. Mrs. Manilow is fine said Carly. Dr. Carly Manilow will be my professional name at work. That's what it says on my new name tag. When I'm not there I'm Mrs. Barry Manilow. A couple of my friends could believe I was changing my name. I told them why wouldn't I. I guess they figured I'd either keep my last name of Simon Or  have a hyphen put in between the two names. Just so your aware there will be plain clothed police at the venue today. Oh said Carly. Marc has a sneaky suspicion that Scott Nevins might show up to stop the wedding. Marc figures Scott might come right out and say I'm gay and I've been his lover for many years. Now last night when I went to bed I put Barry in his doggie bed and he whined said Carly. I thought just until he fell a sleep he could sleep on my bed. I brought him up on my bed and put him next to me. I put my one arm around him and we both fell asleep. When I woke up this morning I realized Barry is just a puppy. I need to find him  the clock that I used for Charlie when he was a puppy. That way he'll think that noise is his mommy. Well five and a half more hours until you become  Mrs. Manilow said Barry. Yes said Carly so I think I better get off the phone so I can get ready. Me too said Barry Oh one more thing before I  let you go I boo booed and ate breakfast said Barry. That's ok said Carly I did the same thing too.  I'll let you go because I  need to shave, shower and wash my hair before I put on my tux. I love you he said She said I love you back. They both headed to their bathrooms to do what they needed to do in there. Once Carly got out of the bathroom she heard a knock at her door. She threw on underwear pants, shorts and a tee shirt. Carly went down stair to see who was at her door. It was her honor attendances and her mom. Hello everyone said Carly. Her mom said boy do you have such  a nice fiancĂ©. Oh said Carly.  He paid for our airline tickets to get here. When he played Jacksonville Florida he sent your dad and I tickets to his show. He also came down to Key West before he proposed to you in December two thousand thirteen. He told us he wanted to do the right thing by asking your dad for your hand in marriage.  Carly honor attendants split up into the two guest rooms. While Carly and her mom went into her bedroom. You know what said Carly. What said her mom. Both Barry and I boo booed this morning.  Boo Booed said her mom. Yes Carly we both ate breakfast and we weren't supposed to. Oh said her mom. You know your dad and I did the same thing the day we got married. I think the rabbi's let that slide since some people have to take insulin shots and eat because their diabetic.

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