Friday, July 31, 2015

Honeymoon Part Two.

Carly went back into the bedroom and crawled into bed. Barry rolled over and Carly kissed him on his fore head. She stared at his face. She thought women would kill to have eye lashes like yours. Barry had thick long eye lashes. When he slept he had a cute smile on his face. That also showed his dimples. Soon Carly too fell a sleep. The alarm clock went off at eight am. Carly rolled over and got out of bed. Barry grabbed her wrist and said do you have to get up? Well yes said Carly I need to go. Ok but you're coming back aren't you? asked Barry. Yes I am said Carly. Just to be safe maybe you should go too. I'm fine said Barry. I'm fine also said Carly. But when you got to pee you got to pee. Oh good idea said Barry. Once back in bed Carly asked Barry are you feeling any better. Yes he said. That's good said Carly. Last night I called Marc and told him everything incase Garry forgot to call him. Marc said he was going to talk to one of your lawyers. I know it's not Sandor Frankel  or C. Tucker Cheadle. Sandor is your contract lawyer and Tucker is your tax lawyer. I've met both of them. Sandor scratched his head when I said I didn't want a prenuptial agreement. I told him "I don't intend on getting a legal separation then getting divorced from Barry ever." Carly took Barry's left ring finger and slid off his wedding ring.. Look on the inside which Barry did. There he saw inscribed C and B forever. C is for Carly and B is for Barry and this marriage is forever.  You know what I did on Sunday. No what said Barry. I married my best friend. You became my friend the night I came over to your house for dinner. Remember I came at six thirty pm and I didn't leave to go home till three am. You took me home. Walked me to my front door. Gave me a kiss on my fore head. Said goodnight sleep tight to me. I stood there and watched you walk back to your SUV. As you left I was thinking "Just you wait Barry Manilow I'm going to marry you." The next day my mom called to tell me she caught me on GMA the Friday before. I said to her do you remember that right after me Barry Manilow, his two songwriting partners and the cast of 15 Minutes was on. She said yes I did. Well last night I went to Barry Manilow's house for dinner. My mom said oh! you did. I said yes I did. Barry came to the zoo last week to invited me to his house for dinner. I accepted his invitation. You know what else I said. My mom said what else. I said I'm going to marry him.  Mom said Carly Nichole how do you know. You've only gone out with him once.  Mom I told you when the right guy came along I'd know. Well the right guy Barry has come along.  I told my parents I'll know when the right guy comes along. That's what happed that Friday when we were  on GMA. The right guy you Mr. Barry Manilow came along. Carly said I think we better get up and go for breakfast. Sounds like a good plan said Barry. So both Barry and Carly got dressed and went down the restaurant for some breakfast. After breakfast they went back up to their loft suite. While there Marc called and said this would be the last time he bothered them. Marc explained that his spy told him Scott called Suzie Q. and told her about finding Barry and Carly in the lobby of the hotel. He also told her he got to be with Barry  for an hour. That was before you left and went up the elevator and that's when he lost you. He also told Suzie Q. he was staking out the lobby to see when you two would come down. Little does Scott know that you two aren't even staying there said Marc. Ok I'll let you two go. See you when you get back. Have a fun and safe honeymoon. We will said Barry. And so they went out to some sightseeing. Barry and Carly enjoyed their five days in Montreal. On Saturday night July eighteen they left Montreal by Via Rails Corridor route to Quebec, They spent Saturday July eighteen through Thursday July twenty-third. They left Quebec on Friday July twenty-four for Montreal. They stayed over night there. Then on Saturday July twenty-fifth they left Montreal for New York City. This is what always happens vacations or in our case honeymoon go by so fast said Carly. That's ok said Barry cause now we get to play house for real. As Barry scooped Carly up to carry her into his house. Welcome to your new home Mrs. Manilow has a nice ring to it don't you think? asked Barry. Yes it does said Carly. Just then sixteen sets of paws came running into the hallway. There was Barry's two Labrador Retrievers Maggie and Max. Plus Carly's Beagle Charlie and Dakota Golden Retriever Barry. There was a note on the front door that said all four dogs had gone out. Been fed and had fresh water. Also in that note it said there was baked macaroni and cheese and a salad for diner. The note was signed love mom and dad. That was nice of your parents to do that said Barry. Yes it was said Carly. Marc sent me a text message let me know that my friend Melissa Manchester fractured both of her ankles. We'll have to go see her said Carly. That we will said Barry. Barry made a quick call to Marc to find out where Melissa was. Late Sunday morning Barry and Carly left to go see his friend Melissa Manchester. Carly said to Barry se wanted to make a quick pit stop at one of her favorite places. When they got there Carly told Barry she'd be gone just a few minutes. Carly came back out with a box. Then they stopped at a flower shop that was open Barry got Melissa a flower arrangement with some of Melissa's favorite flowers in it. They made their way to where Melissa was doing her rehab. They told the lady at the desk who they were here to see. She told them Melissa's room number so off they went. They knocked on her door and she said come in. So in they went. Hey sweetie how are you holding up. Melissa said pretty good. Carly placed the box on the tray. Your going to love these. They're New York Cities best kept secret. Melissa opened the box and looked inside. They're assorted French truffles. They're made the old fashioned way by a French man who came here from France. Their dark and milk chocolate with assorted centers. Melissa bit into one and said oh my. Carly gave her a card with the address on it. That way when you get better you can go there yourself and get some. Barry and I had some of these at our wedding. Well we'll let you get some rest said Barry. We just came by to see how you were doing. They said their goodbyes and left. Now what should we do said Barry. How about lunch? said Carly. Ok said Barry. Where to he said. Carnegie Deli said Carly. Sounds fine to me said Barry. When they got there the guy behind the counter asked them what they wanted. Carly said we'll have two Barry Manilow's Barry said what did you say. I said we'll have two Barry Manilow's Oh I thought that's what you said said Barry. The sandwich is corn beef on rye with Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and spicy brown mustard. It comes with a Kosher dill pickle and chips. Damn this is good said Barry. Carnegie Deli made this sandwich because whenever you came here for lunch this is what you ordered. You know I forgot about that said Barry.

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