Saturday, July 4, 2015

Here We Go .

Barry got up and headed into the bathroom. He did his usual morning routine in there Then he went back into the bedroom. Barry went to his chest of drawers. He pulled out a pair of running shorts, a tee shirt a hoodie from the closet and some athletic socks. He put them on and sat on his bed to put on his socks and running shoes. He then went down stairs to let the dogs out. Picked up their business and put them back in the house. He went out his front door an put his keys, wallet and cell phone in his hoodie pocket then off he ran. Boy did the air feel good this morning thought Barry. Barry usually ran every other day and bicycled the other days. He waved at his neighbors the Bakers. Dan was off to catch the subway into Manhattan since he worked down on Wall St. Suzanne was off to Brooklyn College where she was a professor of English. He then saw Larry Curtis who was out mowing his lawn. Just then Barry rounded the corner when he started to smell the fresh bagels. Goldberg's Bakery made the best bagels ever. Barry thought I need to come back past here and get a dozen bagels. Barry loved the raisin bagels and the sesame bagels the best. Barry kept on running. He always did five miles every other day. Soon he was at the Brooklyn Bridge. He stopped for a second and turned around to head home. He remembered to stop at Goldberg's Bakery. He went in and Mrs. Goldberg was behind the counter. Hello Barry she said. Hi Mrs. Goldberg said Barry. I'm here for a dozen bagels. Ok said Mrs. Goldberg. Barry said I need four raisin, three sesame, two everything, two plain and one onion. Mrs. Goldberg always gave Barry a bakers dozen which was thirteen. So he always got one extra raisin bagel. Tell John I said hello ok said Barry I will said Mrs. Goldberg. Barry headed home with his bagels. Once he was home he put the bagels in the kitchen. Changed the dogs water and gave them fresh dog food. He headed up stairs to take a shower and wash his hair. After doing that he went into his closet got a pair of blue jeans, his Barry Who? tee shirt that someone gave him after a concert  and a belt . He also pulled out a denim shirt just in case  he needed it. Put his clothes on, his socks and his athletic shoes. He headed down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. The coffee was already waiting for him. So he poured himself a cup with a splash of cream. He put  half of the bagels in a Hefty zipper bag. Those went into the freezer. The others went into the fridge part. While in there he got out the cream cheese and the skim milk. He split one of the raisin's in half and put it into the toaster. He then got a plate and bowl from the cabinet. He went into the pantry and got the box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, You know two scoops of raisin's in every box. Then he got a knife and spoon from the  drawer. He put the bowl, box of cereal and cream cheese on the kitchen table. He went over to the toaster and got his bagel. Barry filled his bowl with raisin bran and poured milk on it. He smeared cream cheese on his bagel and began to eat. At least he ate three square meals and a bedtime snack. Brian Murphy didn't like to eat. No wonder he was so skinny thought Barry. Barry then went back upstairs to pack. Tomorrow Tuesday June thirtieth Barry was taking Amtrak to Chicago for the fourth of July concert with the Grant Park symphony and chorus. The band and backup singers were coning from the west coast where they lived. Also his dear friend Debra Byrd was coming out to perform with him too. Barry was taking the Lake Shore Limited to Chicago. He would be leaving Penn Central at three forty-five pm Tuesday and getting into Chicago's Union Station at nine forty-five am Wednesday. Barry then went into his computer room/ office. He turned on his iMac computer. Barry checked his email and replied to a couple people. He then went to Facebook to checkout what was happening there. There was that one fans still asking if Barry got her drawing or whatever it was. No he hadn't gotten her drawing or painting. You don't talk to Kirsten Kief she runs Stiletto Entertainment. You don't talk to Vikki Thomas either she runs the Manilow Music Project. If you want to get something to me you need to talk to Alicia Galay director of the Barry Manilow Fan Club. Barry got up went to his mini fridge to get a bottle of water. Always keep yourself hydrated thought Barry. Barry did some more running around on Facebook. He checked a certain Facebook page to see what they were up to. Oh gees I'm not friends with the co-owners of the group said Barry. So why do they give their members the impression I am when I'm not friends with them. Pretty soon it was noon and lunch time.  Barry went down stairs to make himself some lunch. Now what should I have thought Barry. Barry went looking in the fridge to see what was there. Ah leftover meatloaf would make a great sandwich. Maybe I should put a slice between two pieces of whole wheat bread with some sharp cheddar cheese. Then stick the sandwich  in my Panini press.  Which is exactly what Barry did/ He also got himself some potato clips to go with his sandwich. He got himself a glass and poured some milk to drink with his sandwich and clips. He took his lunch out on his back deck to eat. Just then his cell phone rang. Hello said Barry.. Hello said Marc. So what's up asked Barry. Well said Marc  it seems that a certain person is telling The Globe all about yours and his sex romps Oh don't tell me Scott's at it again said Barry You got it said Marc. Oh and this time he has Suzie Q. talking about it too. You know I haven't spoken to her since Christmas said Barry. What were you doing when I called asked Marc. Eating my lunch on the back deck said Barry. it's a grilled leftover meatloaf sandwich with chips and milk. Now tonight I'm going to the Brooklyn Bowl with Carly. We're going for their fried chicken and bowl a few games. Because tomorrow afternoon I'm leaving on Amtrak for Chicago. Did I tell you Debra Byrd is coming to Chicago to be a part of the backup singers. So I'll have Kye Brackett, Muffy Hendricks, Melanie Nyema-Rosenblatt and Debra Byrd backing me up on July 4th. We're rehearsing with the Grant Park symphony and chorus on Thursday afternoon. The rehearsal is open to the public. I decided to kick off with Yankee Doodle Dandy. I'm even going to have a top hat and cane. Remember on my One Voice TV special I did some tap dancing. Well I'm going to do some Friday during the dress rehearsal and Saturday. I'm wearing a full black tuxedo with a white shirt, blue vest and a black bow tie said Barry.

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