Friday, July 31, 2015

Honeymoon Part Two.

Carly went back into the bedroom and crawled into bed. Barry rolled over and Carly kissed him on his fore head. She stared at his face. She thought women would kill to have eye lashes like yours. Barry had thick long eye lashes. When he slept he had a cute smile on his face. That also showed his dimples. Soon Carly too fell a sleep. The alarm clock went off at eight am. Carly rolled over and got out of bed. Barry grabbed her wrist and said do you have to get up? Well yes said Carly I need to go. Ok but you're coming back aren't you? asked Barry. Yes I am said Carly. Just to be safe maybe you should go too. I'm fine said Barry. I'm fine also said Carly. But when you got to pee you got to pee. Oh good idea said Barry. Once back in bed Carly asked Barry are you feeling any better. Yes he said. That's good said Carly. Last night I called Marc and told him everything incase Garry forgot to call him. Marc said he was going to talk to one of your lawyers. I know it's not Sandor Frankel  or C. Tucker Cheadle. Sandor is your contract lawyer and Tucker is your tax lawyer. I've met both of them. Sandor scratched his head when I said I didn't want a prenuptial agreement. I told him "I don't intend on getting a legal separation then getting divorced from Barry ever." Carly took Barry's left ring finger and slid off his wedding ring.. Look on the inside which Barry did. There he saw inscribed C and B forever. C is for Carly and B is for Barry and this marriage is forever.  You know what I did on Sunday. No what said Barry. I married my best friend. You became my friend the night I came over to your house for dinner. Remember I came at six thirty pm and I didn't leave to go home till three am. You took me home. Walked me to my front door. Gave me a kiss on my fore head. Said goodnight sleep tight to me. I stood there and watched you walk back to your SUV. As you left I was thinking "Just you wait Barry Manilow I'm going to marry you." The next day my mom called to tell me she caught me on GMA the Friday before. I said to her do you remember that right after me Barry Manilow, his two songwriting partners and the cast of 15 Minutes was on. She said yes I did. Well last night I went to Barry Manilow's house for dinner. My mom said oh! you did. I said yes I did. Barry came to the zoo last week to invited me to his house for dinner. I accepted his invitation. You know what else I said. My mom said what else. I said I'm going to marry him.  Mom said Carly Nichole how do you know. You've only gone out with him once.  Mom I told you when the right guy came along I'd know. Well the right guy Barry has come along.  I told my parents I'll know when the right guy comes along. That's what happed that Friday when we were  on GMA. The right guy you Mr. Barry Manilow came along. Carly said I think we better get up and go for breakfast. Sounds like a good plan said Barry. So both Barry and Carly got dressed and went down the restaurant for some breakfast. After breakfast they went back up to their loft suite. While there Marc called and said this would be the last time he bothered them. Marc explained that his spy told him Scott called Suzie Q. and told her about finding Barry and Carly in the lobby of the hotel. He also told her he got to be with Barry  for an hour. That was before you left and went up the elevator and that's when he lost you. He also told Suzie Q. he was staking out the lobby to see when you two would come down. Little does Scott know that you two aren't even staying there said Marc. Ok I'll let you two go. See you when you get back. Have a fun and safe honeymoon. We will said Barry. And so they went out to some sightseeing. Barry and Carly enjoyed their five days in Montreal. On Saturday night July eighteen they left Montreal by Via Rails Corridor route to Quebec, They spent Saturday July eighteen through Thursday July twenty-third. They left Quebec on Friday July twenty-four for Montreal. They stayed over night there. Then on Saturday July twenty-fifth they left Montreal for New York City. This is what always happens vacations or in our case honeymoon go by so fast said Carly. That's ok said Barry cause now we get to play house for real. As Barry scooped Carly up to carry her into his house. Welcome to your new home Mrs. Manilow has a nice ring to it don't you think? asked Barry. Yes it does said Carly. Just then sixteen sets of paws came running into the hallway. There was Barry's two Labrador Retrievers Maggie and Max. Plus Carly's Beagle Charlie and Dakota Golden Retriever Barry. There was a note on the front door that said all four dogs had gone out. Been fed and had fresh water. Also in that note it said there was baked macaroni and cheese and a salad for diner. The note was signed love mom and dad. That was nice of your parents to do that said Barry. Yes it was said Carly. Marc sent me a text message let me know that my friend Melissa Manchester fractured both of her ankles. We'll have to go see her said Carly. That we will said Barry. Barry made a quick call to Marc to find out where Melissa was. Late Sunday morning Barry and Carly left to go see his friend Melissa Manchester. Carly said to Barry se wanted to make a quick pit stop at one of her favorite places. When they got there Carly told Barry she'd be gone just a few minutes. Carly came back out with a box. Then they stopped at a flower shop that was open Barry got Melissa a flower arrangement with some of Melissa's favorite flowers in it. They made their way to where Melissa was doing her rehab. They told the lady at the desk who they were here to see. She told them Melissa's room number so off they went. They knocked on her door and she said come in. So in they went. Hey sweetie how are you holding up. Melissa said pretty good. Carly placed the box on the tray. Your going to love these. They're New York Cities best kept secret. Melissa opened the box and looked inside. They're assorted French truffles. They're made the old fashioned way by a French man who came here from France. Their dark and milk chocolate with assorted centers. Melissa bit into one and said oh my. Carly gave her a card with the address on it. That way when you get better you can go there yourself and get some. Barry and I had some of these at our wedding. Well we'll let you get some rest said Barry. We just came by to see how you were doing. They said their goodbyes and left. Now what should we do said Barry. How about lunch? said Carly. Ok said Barry. Where to he said. Carnegie Deli said Carly. Sounds fine to me said Barry. When they got there the guy behind the counter asked them what they wanted. Carly said we'll have two Barry Manilow's Barry said what did you say. I said we'll have two Barry Manilow's Oh I thought that's what you said said Barry. The sandwich is corn beef on rye with Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and spicy brown mustard. It comes with a Kosher dill pickle and chips. Damn this is good said Barry. Carnegie Deli made this sandwich because whenever you came here for lunch this is what you ordered. You know I forgot about that said Barry.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Honeymoon In Montreal and Quebec.

Marc called Garry to let him know that the newly weds had left for Montreal without any problems. Barry and Carly got up Monday morning at six fifteen am. They dressed and put their night clothes into their suite cases. Then they went down stairs to The Gastro Bar at 35th Street for breakfast. After breakfast Barry hailed a cab for Penn Station. Once there they waited for their train to be called. The train was leaving at eight fifteen am and would get into Montreal at seven ten pm that night. They were staying at the Hotel Le Crystal Monday nigh July thirteen through Saturday July eighteen. Once they got to Quebec they were staying Saturday July eighteen through Thursday July twenty-three. Their hotel in Quebec was the TRYP by Windham Then they would leave and return to Montreal for the return trip back to New York City. Marc told Garry they left on time at eight fifteen am. So they should be in Montreal by seven ten pm. Their staying at the Hotel Zero 1while in Montreal and the TRYP by Windham while in Quebec. Barry and Carly's train left on time. As soon as the train was out of the station Barry texted Marc to let him know their train had left. Carly looked at Barry and said just wait till I get home. Barry said yeah your friends are going to want to know all about last night. Which I'm not telling them what happened last night. They don't need to know what we did last night anyway said Carly.  They settled back for their ride to Montreal. Around twelve thirty they went to the café car to get some lunch. After lunch they went back to their seats  The train continued on, When they got to the US Canada border they were each asked a few questions. The person who asked the questions had a relative who liked Barry so Barry autographed a café car napkin for them. Once they got to Montreal they caught a cab to their hotel. After they put their suite cases in their room they went out for dinner. Barry and Carly found a close by bistro for a quick bite to eat,  Barry and Carly took a leisurely stroll back to the hotel. They stopped at the Popcorn Factory on the way back. You and your popcorn said Carly. At least it's a healthy snack said Barry. They got back to their decoy hotel Hotel Le Chrystal  they stopped in the gift shop for two diet Cokes. When they came out Carly noticed a guy in the lobby. It figures Carly said It figures what said Barry.  The guy sitting in on the sofa in lobby said Carly. Now how in the hell did he get here said Barry. Easy said Carly he most likely got a private jet to bring him here. Hell or high water he's going to find a way to split us up. Look what showed up said Carly as Scott came close. You think you can stop me from doing what I want to do said Scott.  I've already talked to my lawyer about getting your marriage annulled. Oh really said Carly. Oh yes said Scott. You most likely figure  we didn't consummate our marriage. Or you still believe Barry's gay and he's your boyfriend.  Oh he's gay alright said Scott. Now be like a good little girl and leave so Barry and I can be together said Scott. Carly looked at Barry and said you know where I'll be. Hopefully not in his hotel room said Scott. Carly went to the bar for a drink. Carly called Marc however his line was busy. So she called Garry. Ring ring went Garry's phone. Hello said Garry. Hi Garry it's Carly. Oh Carly what's up asked Garry. Well Scott's what's up said Carly. Son of a bitch said Garry. How did he get there that quick? Private jet said Carly. The only people that had our entire itinerary was Marc, you, my parents and the Brooks. The Brooks live next door to Barry and their taking care of Maggie and Max Barry's two dogs said Carly. Unless someone at the wedding told Scott what hotels we were staying at. Everyone knew we were going to Montreal and Quebec for our honeymoon. But that's all they knew and nothing else said Carly. So far Barry and Scott are in the lobby. But then who knows if Scott will suggest going to Barry's room. I tried Marc before I called you but his line was busy. If you can get a hold of him let him know Scott's here in Montreal ok said Carly. Sure thing said Garry. I'll let you go said Garry. I hope Barry comes here soon. Good night said Carly. Garry said good night back. Mean while in the lobby Scott said I'm glad we got rid of her. Now just maybe she'll leave us alone. Scott scooted closer to Barry. Barry knew where Scott was going by getting close. Scott touched Barry's cheek which felt uncomfortable to Barry. This whole thing felt uncomfortable to Barry. Then Scott turned Barry's face towards his. Barry scooted back a little. But that only made Scott inch even closer to Barry. He kissed Barry on the lips and made it a long searing passionate one. Along with something else  that Scott did Now Barry felt even more uncomfortable. Ewwwwww!  said Barry as he pulled away. You don't like that lover said Scott. No! said Barry as he got up from the sofa. Barry took off as fast as he could to the elevator. Luckily it closed before Scott could get in. Barry got off on one of the lower floors to throw Scott off. Then he went to the stairs and took them down to the lobby. Barry found Carly in the bar . Lets go to our actual hotel said Barry. So they left and walked to their actual hotel. Zero 1 And no! I am not ok said Barry. I just got kiss on my lips by Scott. Ewwwwww! I'm not gay and that didn't feel right at all. I took the elevator up to one of the lower floors. Then I  took the stairs back down .That was to throw him off said Barry. When we get to out hotel why don't you go take a shower preferably a cold one and put on your nightwear. When your done I'll take a shower. Then we can sit in the living space for a little while said Carly.  They got to their hotel and went to their loft suite. Barry got his nightwear and  went into the bathroom. He took a cold shower and toweled dried himself off. Then put on his pajama shorts and tee shirt. He went to sit next to Carly on the sofa. Carly got up and went into take her shower. After her shower she put on her nightwear. Carly went into the living room sat down on the sofa. She asked Barry if it was ok just to hold him. Ok said Barry. Just so you know I called Marc but his line was busy. I then tried Garry and he answered. Told him Scott was here and to tell Marc about this. Thanks said Barry, Just a minute said Carly as she got up to get a box of tissues. She came back and sat next to Barry. She put the box of tissues on the coffee table. Carly grabbed three tissues. She gave one to Barry and said I think your going to need this. If you need to cry go ahead said Carly. You do know real men cry she said. With that Barry burst into tears. You know I walked seven times around you yesterday. I told you "I am my beloved and my beloved is mine." when I put the ring on your left finger. I married you until death do us part to coin a part of the non Jewish wedding vows. Carly turned and looked at Barry. Do you know what? said Carly What said Barry. You need a kiss and with that Carly kissed Barry on his lips. Carly said you look tired so lets go to bed. So off they went into the bedroom. With in minutes Barry fell fast a sleep. Carly noticed Barry looked uncomfortable. She went into the living space and called Marc. Marc got up and said hello. Hi Marc it's Carly. Oh Carly what's up said Marc. I don't know if Garry called you or not. But Scott Nevins is here in Montreal. He's what said Marc. Here said Carly. We ran into him in the lobby. He asked me to leave so they could be alone. So like a good little girl I went to bar to wait on Barry. Barry came in an hour later. He said Scott kissed him on the lips. Which didn't feel right to him. I think if Scott could have he would have taken Barry to his hotel room to make out with him. Barry said he got up and went into the elevator. He got off at one of the lower floors then took the stairs down to the lobby. We left the Hotel Le Chrystal and walked to our actual hotel Hotel Zero 1. Barry is in the bedroom fast a sleep. I thought I better call you just incase Garry didn't. Thanks for the information said Marc. Ok said Carly. I better get some sleep or I'll be no good in the morning.  Goodbye said Marc. Carly said the same back to Marc.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Ceremony of Carly Nicole Simon and Barack Alon Manilow

It was five pm and the wedding was about to begin. First Barry went into a room where he signed the marriage contract called the ketubah. He then went out to walk down the aisle with his cousins Dennis and Olivia. He turned around so he could see Carly walk in with her parents. That's when his dear friend Melissa Manchester began singing "Looking Through The Eyes Of Love" from the movie Ice Castles. Carly looked like an angel when she walked down the aisle with her parents. Carly saw Barry reach into his jacket pocket for a hanky. When they got to the chuppah Carly's dad gave Barry Carly's hand. Carly looked over at Barry she saw tears streaming down his check. She took her thumb and ran it across his check to wipe a tear away. Carly then walked around Barry seven times like she was supposed to do. Seven of their friends got up to recited one of the seven blessings.  Then Rabbi Ginsburg poured the wine into a glass. He handed the glass to Barry who took a drink. Barry then gave the glass to Carly to took a drink. She then handed the glass back to the rabbi. Rabbi Ginsburg asked Barry to recite his vows as he placed the ring on her right index finger. Then he asked Carly to recite her vows and place the ring on Barry's left ring finger. Rabbi Ginsburg placed the glass inside a hanky and placed it on the floor. Barry put his foot down on the hanky and everyone yelled Mazel tov then Barry gave Carly a kiss on her lips. They turned towards everyone and Rabbi Ginsburg said may I present Mr. and Mrs. Barry Manilow. Barry took Carly's hand and they walked down the aisle. Now once they were out of sight Barry said to Carly we did it.  The two of them went out doors to take a few more photos. After taking a few more photos outside Barry and Carly went back inside. Barry's cousin Dennis took to the mic and said may I present Mr. and Mrs. Barry Manilow. Barry and Carly came in and went out on the dace floor. Melissa Manchester went to stand in front of the band to sing I Just Want To Be The One In Your Life while Barry and Carly danced. Then Carly danced with her dad while Barry danced with her mom. After that Carly danced with Dennis and Barry danced with Olivia. Then they went to their table to sit down. Dinner started with Tuscan garden salad or Polenta with  truffle oil with pine nuts and dinner rolls. Main entries were salmon, baby rack of lamb or roasted vegetable kabobs with a bouquet of fresh seasonal vegetables and golden fried potato croquette. Desert was a chocolate desert piano Later on there would be the cutting of the raspberry torte wedding cake. There was also a candy station from Dylan Candy Bar  so guest could make themselves a bag of assorted candy to take home. After dinner the dancing began. Carly and Barry went outside to be alone for a few minutes. You know we're not done with Scott Nevins said Carly.  Yes I know said Barry. His next move most likely will be to get us to divorce. I wonder who Scott called when given his one phone called asked Barry. I'm thinking he called Suzie Q and told her everything said Carly. But of course Suzie Q. will be very pissed that she wasn't invited to our wedding. Well we better get back inside to be with our guests said Barry.  They went back inside. Marc came over and asked if they were ok. To which Barry replied yes they were. Carly dad came over and let them know that Scott would be spending the night in jail. I told the police that you two were leaving tomorrow morning on Amtrak's Adirondack around eight fifteen am for Montreal. I asked the main detective if they would not release him until after ten am. Detective Murphy said sure no problem. By then you two should be somewhere between Kingston  and Hudson New York said her dad. Barry and Carly cut their raspberry torte wedding  cake and took a piece. They fed each one another a piece of the cake. Carly's mom said not to worry she'd make sure the top cake got to Barry's house tomorrow. Norah said she'd make sure it was put into Barry's freezer down stairs She also said she'd get an extra slice for them to eat when they got back from their honeymoon. Soon it was time for the bouquet toss and the garter flinging. Carly tossed her bouquet and her third cousin Sophie  second cousin Jonathan's daughter caught it. Then Barry went up under Carly's wedding gown skirt and found her garter. All the non married guys got ready. Gaby's son Stephen caught the garter. Barry and Carly said their goodbyes to everyone. Carly's parents and her sister followed them. They each went into separate room to change clothes. Carly's mom and sister helped her out of her gown. They put the gown into a zippered bag along with her headpiece and veil. Then they hung a draw string bag with her shoes over the hanger. Carly's dad helped Barry put his tuxedo into the zippered bag with his shirt, vest and tie. Then he put a draw string bag with his shoes over the hanger. Barry thanked John for all his help. John gave  Barry a big hug and told him I know you'll take good care of my Carly. Carly gave her sister a hug then her mom. Carly and Barry came out with their back packs. Carly also had her Ameribag cross body handbag Carly gave her dad a hug. While Barry gave her sister and mom hugs. Well Mrs. Manilow are you ready to go said Barry. Yes said Carly. They went outside and caught a cab to their hotel near Madison Square Garden. Barry and Carly were staying at the TRYP hotel by Wyndhan. The cab got them to their hotel. Barry had already signed them in and taken their suite cases to their room. So when they got to the hotel they just went straight to their room. Just then Barry's cell phone rang. Barry said hello. Hi Barry it's Marc I hate to bother you two. But I found out from Greg Martin that Scott Nevins did indeed make his one phone call to Suzie Q. Greg said Scott told Suzie Q. everything. Suzie Q. then called him and told him everything. Greg just listened to her since he already knew all about your wedding to Carly. I asked him how he was doing. He said he was doing much better. He felt sorry he missed your wedding said Marc. Well I'll let you go. Give Carly my love and have a safe trip. Ok we will said Barry. Who was that said Carly as she came out of the bathroom. Carly had on a matching pair of shorts and a tank top.  Barry had already changed into pajama shorts and a tee shirt. Oh that was Marc. He called to tell me Scott Nevins called Suzie Q. and told her everything. Greg Martin who couldn't come to our wedding because his gall bladder surgery called him and told Marc that Suzie Q. called him. What do you say we get some sleep. Oh really said Carly as she came over to Barry. I think it's time we made this official  Mr. Manilow. Carly caught Barry off guard with a searing kiss to his lips. I have wanted to kiss every inch of your gorgeous face she said. With that she did and they made it official.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Day Had Finally Arrived Pt. 2

Over at Barry house he heard a knock at his front door. He went to see who it was. It was his best man Dennis and grooms men Enoch, Jack, Marty and Bruce. Along with his manager Marc Hulett and Rob Shutter. Hi guys said Barry. Hi they all chimed in. Just then Barry's phone rang. He went to answer it. Hello Barry said. Barry it's Garry I thought I'd better give you the heads up Scott Nevins is here. He's staying at they same hotel me and Deanna are at. If Marc's there let him know Scott Nevins is here. Barry looked over at Marc he  said it's Garry and he said Scott Nevins is here. Oh great said Marc. Bruce asked why was Scott Nevins here? He's here because he wants to stop Barry and Carly's wedding form taking place said Marc. Now why would he want to do that asked Marty. Because he's obsessed with Barry. Scott swears Barry is gay and that he's Barry's partner. Rob said yeah he keeps ranting about that all over the place. I think he's delusional said Rob. I agree said Bruce. That's why there will be plain clothes detective's in tuxedos so they'll blend right in said Marc. The detective;s
came highly recommended by John Simon Carly's dad. Carly's dad use to be on a bowling team with those guys. John said they're part of Brooklyn's finest. Oh was Carly's dad a policeman asked Marty. No said Barry Carly's dad use to be the head veterinarian at the Bronx Zoo before he retired. That's where Carly got her love of animals. She decided to follow in her dad's foot steps and become a veterinarian herself. After her dad left the zoo they gave his job to Jim Leonard one of the other veterinarians. From what Carly told me he came in drunk way to may times so they fired him.  That's how he Carly became the head veterinarian.  Interesting said Marty. Oh by the way said Marc. Barry and Bruce are to receive a Kennedy Center Honors this year. Oh wow said Enoch that's great. Along with the other honorees Liza Minnelli actress/singer, David Benoit musician, San Waterston actor,  Diane Sawyer news journalist and John Williams conductor/composer.  Mean while over at Carly's house. There was a flurry of activity going on. Carly's attendants were putting on their dresses. Her attendants were her sister Jill who was her matron of honor. Her friends Susan Barrett, Vicki Smith, Kathy Thacker and Adrienne Anderson. Adrienne Anderson was Barry's only female songwriting partner. Carly said to her mom it's to bad Barry's parents can't be here. His mom Edna passed away in September  nineteen ninety four. His step-dad Willie Murphy passed away in April two thousand and five. Maybe their looking down on him today said her mom. Her  mom and sister Jill helped Carly put on her dress. Soon there was a knock at the door it was her dad. He came in and handed her a box from Barry. Then she opened the box from Barry. Inside was a gold chain with a diamond heart hanging from the chain. There was a little note with it that said "You have captured my heart forever Barry." Carly's mom put the necklace around her neck. Back over at Barry's house the phone rang. Marc picked it up and said hello. Marc it's Garry again. So what's up said Marc. Well I'm taking a quick look on Facebook. Here's a photo of Barry shared from Pinterest by some fan. Underneath that was three related articles. The last article header reads "Barry Manilow's Rumored Boy Toy and OMG He's Hot!"  Gay Celebrity Say what said Marc. Barry came down stairs and Marc said just a minute Garry. It's Garry I think you need to talk to him. Hi Garry what's up. Garry said I have to read something to you. So he read Barry the header and then the article from Gay Celebrity He said you and Scott were already in the National Enquirer and now you two are in  this  and Radar Online. Garry I really don't have time for this right now. I've got a wedding to go to mine said Barry. Barry got his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed his good friend WNBC news  4 anchor Tony Martinez. Tony picked up his cell phone. Hello Tony it's Barry, Hi Barry so what's up? asked Tony. Well said Barry. Don't worry said Tony I'm at the station with a TV camera crew. We're dressed and ready to go. We'll meet you at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier. Thank so much said Barry. Barry called John Simon's cell phone. John it's Barry. Oh hi Barry what's up. Well said Barry and he read him the article from Gay Celebrity Who is this Scoot Nevins? asked John. He's a delusional guy who swears I'm gay and that he's my partner. You gay said John that's a bunch of bull shit. Yeah I know said Barry. But what are you going to do? I'm sure he knows where the wedding is taking place by now said Barry. Garry Kief said Scott was staying at the same hotel he was. Garry and Deanna saw him there yesterday in the lobby. My good friend news anchor Tony Martinez and the crew from WNBC 4 are on their way there. John told Barry that they were in the limo and on their way to the venue. Barry said goodbye to Carly's dad. John then told Carly what Barry had told him. I'm sorry this had to happen to ruin your wedding said her dad. Nothing is going to ruin my wedding said Carly.Not even delusional Scott Nevins. They pulled up to the curb in front of the Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier. John got out first, then his wife and Carly. The limo with Carly's honor attendants pulled behind them and they got out. Carly quickly explained why the WNBC 4 news crew was here. Carly then said excuse me and handed her bouquet  to her sister. She walked towards the guy with the smug face. If you're here to ruin my wedding day you've got another thing coming. Because if I wasn't wearing this wedding dress I let you have it. Oh you would said Scott. Oh yes  I would said Carly. Scott just laughed in her face. Now you've really pissed me off said Carly. She made a fist and decked him in the face.  Scott yelled at the top of his lungs you damn bitch as he lunged towards her. One of the plain clothed detectives ran over as fast as he could. He grabbed Scott's right arm and put it behind his back. He pushed Scott up against the wall. Took his left arm and also put that behind Scott's back. The detective pulled out his handcuffs and put them on him. He took him outside to a waiting unmarked squad car and put him in the back, The WNBC crew caught the whole thing on tape. Everyone else went into the Lighthouse before the others showed up. Soon the limo with the groom and his guys showed up. They all got out and Barry's friend Tony Martinez  told Barry exactly what happened. Scott's been carted off to the nearest precinct for processing. You know serves him right said Barry. Tony played the video footage of Carly confrontation with Scott on his cell phone for Barry and Marc to see. Marc went to go check up on Carly. Oh my Carly did that said Barry. Yes said Tony your bride sure has one powerful right hook. Marc came back and said I checked on Carly and she fine. Feisty but fine said Marc. I guess no one should mess with your girlfriend Tony said to Barry.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Day Had Finally Arrived

The day had finally come. Barry thought it would never get here. He got out of bed and did his usual stuff in the bathroom. He cam out and went to his chest of drawers and got out a pair of running shorts, a tee shirt and some socks. He got dressed and put on his running shoes. He grabbed his wallet and headed down stairs. He got his keys and went out for his run.  Ran into his neighbors from up the street Andy and Kate. He said hi to them and they said hi back. Kate said todays the big day. Yes today is the day said Barry. After today I'll no longer be a bachelor any more. I'll see you at the wedding later said Barry as he continued on his run. Carly woke up and headed into the bathroom. She did her usual stuff. Then she went back into the bedroom. Carly got out of her chest of drawers a pair of shorts, tee shirt, bra and socks. She put everything on but the socks. She then sat down in a chair to put on her socks and athletic shoes. She picked up Barry and called Charlie so he could follow her. She grabbed her keys, pooper scooper and a grocery bag. She took the dogs out into the backyard. Carly put Barry down so he could do his business which he quickly did. She picked up after him and then Charlie. She let Charlie and Barry run around the yard for a while. Soon Barry came over to her and pawed her leg so Carly picked him up. She gave Barry a huge hug and scratched his fur. Then Charlie came over and jumped up on the chair. So Carly gave both dogs a huge hug. Ok guys we're going back inside. Once inside she changed their water and gave each one a bowl of food. Carly then grabbed her cell phone and went to her shed. She unlocked the shed door and got out her bicycle Today was her day for a bike ride. So off she went for her bike ride. When Barry got back home he checked his cell phone and his answering machine. There was one message on his answering machine. It was from Marc. It was to let Barry know there would be some plain clothed police at the Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier. Barry then called  Marc to find out more. Marc said the plain clothed police were there just incase some uninvited guests show up. Namely one Scott Nevins said Marc who Barry thought was delusional. Now I wouldn't put it passed Scott not to show up. He is so obsessed with you said Marc. Yeah I know he is said Barry. Well are you getting exited? said Marc Yes said Barry I can't wait to marry Carly. Oh I just talked to Garry he and Deanna are staying at the Mandarin Oriental hotel. That's great said Barry. He mentioned that Suzie Q. asked him how you were doing since she hasn't talked to you in a while. He told her you were ding just fine. And no he didn't tell her about your up and coming nuptials. He figured he'd leave that up to you to tell her about your marriage to Carly. That's true I haven't talked to Suzie Q. since before I started my Brooklyn Blues tour back on Friday February 10th in Seattle. Then after her saying what she said on Andy Cohen's Bravo talk show I chose not to talk to her at all. Garry said he saw her , Alan and Scott Nevins at El Diego a new Mexican restaurant in Palm Springs. Garry said they looked all chummy. Today I mixed it up said Barry. Instead of my usual Raisin Bran, cream cheese and bagel. I made myself a kitchen sink omelet. I had some left over veggies in the fridge. Onions, red and yellow peppers and spinach. I also put some pepper jack cheese in the omelet. Fried up some home fries and made some whole wheat toast. Marc said you know you weren't supposed to eat. Oh well said Barry.  Have you talked to Carly asked Marc. No I haven't called her yet. But I will soon as I get done talking with you. I'm going to wait until I think she's done eating her breakfast said Barry. Remember she's not supposed to eat either said Marc. Just then Barry heard a beep. Marc I have another call coming in so I will see you later at the wedding. Ok said Marc. Barry said hello. Hello soon to be a married man said Garry. Oh hi Garry. I just talked to Marc who told me you were here and where you were staying. He also told me about the plain clothed police that would be at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier later. Marc explained why the plain clothed  police would be at your wedding said Garry. Yeah said Barry I told Marc that I thought Scott was delusional. Claiming I'm gay and his lover really. I've been straight my whole life. I was married to my first wife Susan Deixler for a year and six months. I walked out on her. Then I asked her for a divorce. No she didn't have our marriage annulled because I am gay. Susan realize later on that we weren't right for each other. I know she had boyfriends because she has two kids but she never got remarried. Must not have found the right one like I did said Barry. Well I'll let you go said Garry see you later today. Ok said Barry. Barry figured that Carly had probably eaten by now so he called her. Hello said Carly Hello sunshine said Barry. Are you ready Mrs. Manilow or is it Dr. Manilow. Mrs. Manilow is fine said Carly. Dr. Carly Manilow will be my professional name at work. That's what it says on my new name tag. When I'm not there I'm Mrs. Barry Manilow. A couple of my friends could believe I was changing my name. I told them why wouldn't I. I guess they figured I'd either keep my last name of Simon Or  have a hyphen put in between the two names. Just so your aware there will be plain clothed police at the venue today. Oh said Carly. Marc has a sneaky suspicion that Scott Nevins might show up to stop the wedding. Marc figures Scott might come right out and say I'm gay and I've been his lover for many years. Now last night when I went to bed I put Barry in his doggie bed and he whined said Carly. I thought just until he fell a sleep he could sleep on my bed. I brought him up on my bed and put him next to me. I put my one arm around him and we both fell asleep. When I woke up this morning I realized Barry is just a puppy. I need to find him  the clock that I used for Charlie when he was a puppy. That way he'll think that noise is his mommy. Well five and a half more hours until you become  Mrs. Manilow said Barry. Yes said Carly so I think I better get off the phone so I can get ready. Me too said Barry Oh one more thing before I  let you go I boo booed and ate breakfast said Barry. That's ok said Carly I did the same thing too.  I'll let you go because I  need to shave, shower and wash my hair before I put on my tux. I love you he said She said I love you back. They both headed to their bathrooms to do what they needed to do in there. Once Carly got out of the bathroom she heard a knock at her door. She threw on underwear pants, shorts and a tee shirt. Carly went down stair to see who was at her door. It was her honor attendances and her mom. Hello everyone said Carly. Her mom said boy do you have such  a nice fiancé. Oh said Carly.  He paid for our airline tickets to get here. When he played Jacksonville Florida he sent your dad and I tickets to his show. He also came down to Key West before he proposed to you in December two thousand thirteen. He told us he wanted to do the right thing by asking your dad for your hand in marriage.  Carly honor attendants split up into the two guest rooms. While Carly and her mom went into her bedroom. You know what said Carly. What said her mom. Both Barry and I boo booed this morning.  Boo Booed said her mom. Yes Carly we both ate breakfast and we weren't supposed to. Oh said her mom. You know your dad and I did the same thing the day we got married. I think the rabbi's let that slide since some people have to take insulin shots and eat because their diabetic.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Oh No!

Oh no was right. Carly was having a not good day. She had been up half the night with Schroeder her beagle puppy. Schroeder wasn't feeling to well. So Carly called her veterinarian. He said he'd meet her at his office.. Carly called her next door neighbors Steve and Dana. She explained to them that Schroeder was sick and would they watch Charlie for her. They said sure. Steve and Dana came over. Dana said she'd take Charlie home with her. While Steve would take Carly and Schroeder to the vets office. Once at the vets office Dr. Marx looked at Schroeder. He took his temperature checked his breathing and listened to his heart. Schroeder's heart didn't sound good.  Dr. Marx said he'd keep Schroeder at the hospital and run some other tests on him. When all the tests came back Dr. Marx called Carly. He told her Schroeder's heart was failing him. During the day Schroeder's little heart just gave out and he passed away. Dr. Marx's called Carly again to tell her Schroeder had passed away. He then said he would do what needed to be done for the dog. He told Carly he was sorry about Schroeder's dying. Once she got off the phone she heard a knock at her door there was Barry. What's up asked Barry. I took Schroeder to Dr. Marx's last night because he was sick. Dr. Marx kept him to run some test on him. Sometime earlier today Schroeder pass away. Dr. Marx just called to tell me about him passing away. He explained that Schroeder had congenital heart disease. Which meant he had a hole in his tiny little heart. Dr. Marx's said it's a wonder Schroeder lived as long as he did. He also said he'd what needed to be done. Aw I'm so sorry said Barry as he hugged her tight. I'll be fine said Carly. There was a knock on her door Carly went to answer it. It was Steve with Charlie. I thought I'd bring Charlie back to you.  Steve said oh hi Barry. Hi Steve said Barry. Carly then told Steve about Schroeder dying during the day at the hospital.Aw I'm sorry said Steve.  Steve then left and went next door. Are you going to be ok said Barry. I have an errand to run he said. Yes I'll be fine said Carly. Off Barry went. He had been wondering what to get Carly for a wedding present besides the gift he got her when he was in Chicago. Now he knew exactly what to get her. Carly's phone rang soon after Barry left. Carly went to answer it. It was Dr. Marx. Hello Carly it's Dr. Marx. Hi Dr. Marx what's up well I thought I'd call you and see how your holding up.  I'm fine said Carly I still have Charlie my other beagle. That's good said Dr. Marx's. Well I'll let you go he said. You take care of yourself and my buddy Charlie ok. Ok said Carly. Carly decided she and Charlie would go for a walk to the dog park. While there Carly let Charlie off his leash so he could run around with his doggie friends. When they got back home there was Barry sitting on her front steps. He was holding something in his lap. What have you got in your lap asked Carly.  I was wondering what to get you for a wedding present besides this. He gave Carly a small white box with a lavender ribbon around it. Carly pulled on end of the ribbon and off it came. She then took the lid off the box and took out the black velvet box. She opened the box and inside was a Cartier Love band. You can wear this on top of your wedding ring on your left hand or on your right had. You didn't have to said Carly. Even though she had a surprise wedding present for Barry too. Now what's that in your lap said Carly. I know it's sort of too soon seeing that Schroeder just passed away today. But he's so cute I just couldn't resist. Something you don't know about me is when I'm home I'm a foster doggie parent.  I'm a foster doggie parent for the Brooklyn Pet Rescue. My last foster dog Jack the Labrador Retriever got adopted right before my Brooklyn Blues tour.Now when I got back I was going to foster another dog. I just went to pick up my new foster doggie. He's a Dakota Golden Retriever puppy. Who's part cocker spaniel, English spaniel and golden retriever. Since he's oh so cute I decided to adopt him for you. Oh said Carly as Barry placed him in her lap. Carly looked down at the little guy and her heart melted. Dose he have a name? Carly asked. Yeah said Barry he does and of al the names out there  that he could have been named he's called Barry. Now there's only thing said Barry. What's that said Carly. You can't change his name. It suits him and I kind of like it on him.  Hello Barry said Carly as she looked at him. Carly picked Barry up and hugged him. She looked at her other Barry and gave him a kiss on his check. I love my wedding gifts said Carly. Let me put Barry in the backyard so he can do his business. Then we can go to your house ok. Ok said Barry. Carly took Barry to the back so he could do his business. Which he did. She put him in the house with Charlie. Then off they went to Barry's house. Once they got there Carly said come on I want to show you something. So Carly took him to his fourth floor. Now you've got to close your eyes she said. She grabbed his hand and took him in to his office/recording rooms. Ok you can open your eyes. Barry opened his eyes and looked all around. Oh my was all Barry could say. He turned to Carly and gave her a hug and kiss.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

One Sneaky Guy

Barry was one sneaky guy. He and Carly made up a fake wedding invitation to throw off the paparazzi. That was so they could have a private wedding ceremony without all the fuss. Their fake wedding invitations were on yellow card stock. It had pale yellow calla lilies with pale grey stems. On the front it said the same thing their actual invitation said. "Come celebrate with us our Happily Everafter." It was the inside that was fake. It said they were getting married on Sunday September sixth two thousand and fifteen at B'nai Avraham of Brooklyn synagogue  in Brooklyn at five pm. The reception was at The Palm House on the Brooklyn Botanic  Gardens. When in actuality their wedding was taking place this coming Sunday July twelfth two thousand and fifteen at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier at five pm. With the reception to follow at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier . Rabbi Michael Goldberg of B'nai Avraham of Brooklyn synagogue was marring them.  Their invitations were pale grey card stock with pale lavender calla lilies with green stems. Barry was being escorted down the aisle by his cousins Dennis and Olivia. While Carly was being escorted down the aisle by her parents John and Norah. Barry's best man was his cousin Dennis Tartakow. Groom's men were Enoch Anderson, Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer and Bruce Sussman. Carly's matron of honor was her sister Jill Bernstein. Brides maids were Susan Barrett, Vicki Smith,  Debbie Nelson and Adrienne Anderson. Ring bearer was Daniel Bernstein Jill's grandson. Flower girl was Katie Bernstein Jill's granddaughter. The wedding colors were pale lavender and pale grey. Barry's dear friend Melissa Manchester was going to sing at the wedding. Melissa was singing Looking Through The Eyes Of
Love from the movie Ice Castles. Barry couldn't wait to marry the one he wished found when he was younger. If he had then he would have had kids. Carly was everything Barry could have asked for. As Barry said once before she was a cute dynamo in a small package.

Home Sweet Home

Barry was home again. The fourth of July concert with the Grant Park symphony went off without a hitch. No rain or nothing. Barry surprised everyone by doing two songs from his soon to be released album 2:00AM Paradise Café II. He told the audience the album would be out on November twenty-fourth. Barry enjoyed his few days in Chicago. He made sure to bring home a large tin of Garret's popcorn. He like the Chicago style half caramel and half cheese. He also did a little shopping and got something for Carly. Barry went to his computer room/office. He turned on his iMac and went to check his email. Answered a few friends who sent emails. Then he went to Google. He Google his name in and clicked go. He went to the news section there was a snip of The National Enquirer article on his supposed sex romps with Scott Nevin. The article was due out on July 17th. Barry called Marc to ask if he'd seen it. Marc said yes he had and he called Garry to ask him what he should do about it. Garry told me to wait till you got home so I could talk to you about it. Right how I'm not in the mood to sue The National Enquirer said Barry.  I have another pressing matter to attend to said Barry. Namely my wedding to Carly this coming Sunday July twelfth . We put out a fake wedding invitation for Sunday September sixth. It was to throw the paparazzi off. That is so they won't show up at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier this coming Sunday. Instead they'll show up on Sunday September sixth at both the synagogue and the Botanic Gardens where there won't be anyone. Now at the botanic gardens there will be the regular people who decided go on Sunday September sixth .  So this coming Sunday when Carly and I actually get married at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier the paparazzi won't be there. Neither will there be any fans hanging around there except the One Voice members who got invited. Melissa Manchester is going to sing at our wedding. She's singing Looking Through The Eyes Of Love from the movie Ice Castles as Carly walks down the aisle. The next day Monday July thirteenth we're leaving on our honeymoon. Carly and I are going to Montreal and Quebec Canada by train. We have a total of five hundred guest coming to our wedding. I invited most of my celebrity friends.  Glen Barros the head of Concord Records. Everyone at Stiletto, Manilow Music Project and the BMFC. Plus a few neighbors from my Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Carly invited her relatives, Her co-workers from the zoo. The sixty-five members of the One Voice Fan Club. Plus a few of her Bronx neighbors. I counted you in with the Stiletto staff since that's who your under said Barry.  Marc could hear a tapping noise. What's that he asked Barry. Oh that's the contractor working down stairs in the kitchen. . I'm having the kitchen remodeled. While I was on the road my stove die on me. The refrigerator, stove and dishwasher were here when I moved in six years ago. Now I don't know how long those appliances were in the house before I moved in. The kitchen is getting all new appliances, cabinets, backsplash and paint. The paint color is Sherwin Williams HGTV Home Butter Up which is a yellow color. The appliances are from the GE Café line. When it's done it will look nice said Barry. Before I left on the road in February I had my master bedroom and bath remodeled. I had the tub removed and a large walk in shower put in it's place. A toilet went where the shower was. The sinks got moved over. Next to the sinks I had a linen closet put in. There we two closets in the master bedroom that were torn down. Both rooms got a fresh coat of paint in honest blue. I invited a few neighbors over for a paint party at my house. We pained both the living room and dinning room creamy from the Rustic Refined collection The fourth floor which is where my recording studio and office are got painted too. It was painted the cloudburst color from the global spice collection.  Pizza and paint go good together. I made the pizza and my neighbors provided the muscle and man power.  I also got a new bedroom suit from the Oregon company and Simons beauty rest Harmony king sized mattress set. Then next year I'll tackle the garden floor.

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Quick Trip To NYC.

Barry was off till Friday April the third. His New Orleans show had never happened because of the venue being booked already. The promoter booked Tom Jones into the Civic Theatre before he also booked Barry. Barry had gotten a phone call after the Verizon Theatre show from Marc. Marc had called Barry to tell him The Globe was doing a cover story on his sexual life. Marc found out about the article  from the secretary for  the head editor. She had seen the article in question that dealt with his sexual business. Since she was a fan of Barry's she called his fan club and talked to Alicia who put her in touch with Marc. You know I'm off till Friday said Barry. Friends have been bugging me to come clean. See if you can get a hold of someone from ABC news said Barry.  Tell them I'd like to do an interview to come clean about the sex issue.. Barry said goodbye to Marc and hung up the phone. Marc called Steve Marks Barry usual pilot. Steve flew the private airplanes that Barry took when he needed to get somewhere fast. He told Steve where Barry was and that he needed to come in to New York quickly. Barry's doing an  interview with Robin Roberts of GMA said Marc. I got in touch with the people at ABC news. I told them why Barry wanted to do an interview.  Someone got in touch with Robin Roberts and told her why Barry wanted to an interview.  Robin jumped at the chance to interview Barry. So you're to fly to the Grand Prairie Municipal Airport to pick up Barry and David Taylor. Ok I'll  get my over night bag and head over to the airport. I'll leave as soon as I can said Steve.  Once I get to Grand Prairie I'll find a hotel to get some sleep. I'm going to set my alarm for six-thirty am. Tell Barry and David to be at the airport at eight am sharp. So as soon as Barry  and David get there we can leave. Ok that sounds like a plan said Marc. Marc called Barry back. He said I talked to Steve Marks. He said he was heading straight to the airport. As soon as he could he was going to fly out to pick you and David to fly you to New York ok said Marc. That's fine  with me said Barry. They goodbye to each other before they hung up.  Barry then called Carly
to check in with her since he hadn't talked to her in a few days. Carly thought she heard her phone ringing. She got up to answer it. Hello she said. Hello it's me said Barry. So how was last nights show? she asked. Fantastic another sellout said Barry. The reason I'm calling is because Marc called to tell me The Globe tabloid is doing a cover story on my sexual business. Oh you mean the gay issue that's been dogged you your entire career. Yes that issue said Barry. Now  I'm coming into New York for an interview with Robin Roberts of GMA. This is going to be a special edition of 20/20.  I figured now's the time to come clean and squelch the gay issue once and for all.  The New Orleans date never happened because the promoter booked Tom Jones into the Civic Theatre before me. Lucky I hadn't put tickets on sale for that show. We're all off till Friday April 3rd when I play The Orpheum Theatre in Memphis. The interview with Robin Roberts  will air live on Friday April third at ten pm. It  Now I happen to be off Thursday said Carly. Jeff who's the number two veterinarian needed Saturday off for a wedding. I switched with him so I can go  with you on Thursday. Your definitely going to need me said Carly. I'm going to need you said Barry. Yes your going to need me said Carly. We might as well spill the beans so to speak and tell everyone everything. Tell everyone everything said Barry. Yes you know let everyone in on our relationship. The fact that you found someone who became your girlfriend. You realized she was the one you wanted to spend forever with. You got engated to her (me) at the end of  2013 and now we're getting married. The only people so far that know all about me and you is my family, co-workers and a few friends.  Other than that no one else that I know knows about you. I have loads of friends. The people I went to high school and universities with. Friends I met when I became a fan of yours and joined your fan club.  None of them know I've been seeing you since November 2011. Whenever any of them ask me if I'm dating someone. I tell them I haven't found the right guy yet. Which is a bold face lie. Since I found the right guy which is you . I got engaged to you and now I'm going to marry you said Carly. You know Dr. Carly Manilow has a nice sounding ring to it. Don't you think said Carly. Yeah Dr. Carly Manilow does have a nice sounding ring to it said Barry. On Thursday Barry picked Carly up at her house. They made the trek into Manhattan to the ABC news studios where 20/20 was taped. Barry and Carly walked in together. The first person they saw was Lara Spencer. Barry said hi to Lara in passing. Barry and Carly then ran into George Stephenopoulis. George said hi to both of them. Barry said to George I'm here to see Robin Roberts. Oh yeah she's interviewing you for a special edition of 20/20. Carly excused herself to use the ladies room. Yes she is said Barry.  It's time to come clean so to speak said Barry. Then in came Robin Roberts. She said hello Barry are you ready to start the interview. Yes as soon as Carly gets here said Barry. Barry saw Carly coming back from the ladies room.  Carly came up and stood next to Barry. Barry then said I'd like to introduce my my fiancée Carly Simon.  Carly is the head veterinarian at the Bronx Zoo. We first met here on GMA in November 2011. I was on with my songwriting partners  Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson. Plus the cast of 15 Minutes. Carly was on to introduce some of the zoos newest babies.  Two weeks later I went to the zoo and asked her out and we've been together ever since. This September 6th we're getting married said Carly. Oh said George now I remember you Carly. Carly said I'm here because I told Barry it's time to spill the beans so to speak about our relationship. I really don't care if the whole world knows about me and Barry. If this gets rid of the gay rumors then I'm glad to talk about my relationship with Barry. The two of them went on air with Robin Roberts to tell the whole story of how they met.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Here We Go .

Barry got up and headed into the bathroom. He did his usual morning routine in there Then he went back into the bedroom. Barry went to his chest of drawers. He pulled out a pair of running shorts, a tee shirt a hoodie from the closet and some athletic socks. He put them on and sat on his bed to put on his socks and running shoes. He then went down stairs to let the dogs out. Picked up their business and put them back in the house. He went out his front door an put his keys, wallet and cell phone in his hoodie pocket then off he ran. Boy did the air feel good this morning thought Barry. Barry usually ran every other day and bicycled the other days. He waved at his neighbors the Bakers. Dan was off to catch the subway into Manhattan since he worked down on Wall St. Suzanne was off to Brooklyn College where she was a professor of English. He then saw Larry Curtis who was out mowing his lawn. Just then Barry rounded the corner when he started to smell the fresh bagels. Goldberg's Bakery made the best bagels ever. Barry thought I need to come back past here and get a dozen bagels. Barry loved the raisin bagels and the sesame bagels the best. Barry kept on running. He always did five miles every other day. Soon he was at the Brooklyn Bridge. He stopped for a second and turned around to head home. He remembered to stop at Goldberg's Bakery. He went in and Mrs. Goldberg was behind the counter. Hello Barry she said. Hi Mrs. Goldberg said Barry. I'm here for a dozen bagels. Ok said Mrs. Goldberg. Barry said I need four raisin, three sesame, two everything, two plain and one onion. Mrs. Goldberg always gave Barry a bakers dozen which was thirteen. So he always got one extra raisin bagel. Tell John I said hello ok said Barry I will said Mrs. Goldberg. Barry headed home with his bagels. Once he was home he put the bagels in the kitchen. Changed the dogs water and gave them fresh dog food. He headed up stairs to take a shower and wash his hair. After doing that he went into his closet got a pair of blue jeans, his Barry Who? tee shirt that someone gave him after a concert  and a belt . He also pulled out a denim shirt just in case  he needed it. Put his clothes on, his socks and his athletic shoes. He headed down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. The coffee was already waiting for him. So he poured himself a cup with a splash of cream. He put  half of the bagels in a Hefty zipper bag. Those went into the freezer. The others went into the fridge part. While in there he got out the cream cheese and the skim milk. He split one of the raisin's in half and put it into the toaster. He then got a plate and bowl from the cabinet. He went into the pantry and got the box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, You know two scoops of raisin's in every box. Then he got a knife and spoon from the  drawer. He put the bowl, box of cereal and cream cheese on the kitchen table. He went over to the toaster and got his bagel. Barry filled his bowl with raisin bran and poured milk on it. He smeared cream cheese on his bagel and began to eat. At least he ate three square meals and a bedtime snack. Brian Murphy didn't like to eat. No wonder he was so skinny thought Barry. Barry then went back upstairs to pack. Tomorrow Tuesday June thirtieth Barry was taking Amtrak to Chicago for the fourth of July concert with the Grant Park symphony and chorus. The band and backup singers were coning from the west coast where they lived. Also his dear friend Debra Byrd was coming out to perform with him too. Barry was taking the Lake Shore Limited to Chicago. He would be leaving Penn Central at three forty-five pm Tuesday and getting into Chicago's Union Station at nine forty-five am Wednesday. Barry then went into his computer room/ office. He turned on his iMac computer. Barry checked his email and replied to a couple people. He then went to Facebook to checkout what was happening there. There was that one fans still asking if Barry got her drawing or whatever it was. No he hadn't gotten her drawing or painting. You don't talk to Kirsten Kief she runs Stiletto Entertainment. You don't talk to Vikki Thomas either she runs the Manilow Music Project. If you want to get something to me you need to talk to Alicia Galay director of the Barry Manilow Fan Club. Barry got up went to his mini fridge to get a bottle of water. Always keep yourself hydrated thought Barry. Barry did some more running around on Facebook. He checked a certain Facebook page to see what they were up to. Oh gees I'm not friends with the co-owners of the group said Barry. So why do they give their members the impression I am when I'm not friends with them. Pretty soon it was noon and lunch time.  Barry went down stairs to make himself some lunch. Now what should I have thought Barry. Barry went looking in the fridge to see what was there. Ah leftover meatloaf would make a great sandwich. Maybe I should put a slice between two pieces of whole wheat bread with some sharp cheddar cheese. Then stick the sandwich  in my Panini press.  Which is exactly what Barry did/ He also got himself some potato clips to go with his sandwich. He got himself a glass and poured some milk to drink with his sandwich and clips. He took his lunch out on his back deck to eat. Just then his cell phone rang. Hello said Barry.. Hello said Marc. So what's up asked Barry. Well said Marc  it seems that a certain person is telling The Globe all about yours and his sex romps Oh don't tell me Scott's at it again said Barry You got it said Marc. Oh and this time he has Suzie Q. talking about it too. You know I haven't spoken to her since Christmas said Barry. What were you doing when I called asked Marc. Eating my lunch on the back deck said Barry. it's a grilled leftover meatloaf sandwich with chips and milk. Now tonight I'm going to the Brooklyn Bowl with Carly. We're going for their fried chicken and bowl a few games. Because tomorrow afternoon I'm leaving on Amtrak for Chicago. Did I tell you Debra Byrd is coming to Chicago to be a part of the backup singers. So I'll have Kye Brackett, Muffy Hendricks, Melanie Nyema-Rosenblatt and Debra Byrd backing me up on July 4th. We're rehearsing with the Grant Park symphony and chorus on Thursday afternoon. The rehearsal is open to the public. I decided to kick off with Yankee Doodle Dandy. I'm even going to have a top hat and cane. Remember on my One Voice TV special I did some tap dancing. Well I'm going to do some Friday during the dress rehearsal and Saturday. I'm wearing a full black tuxedo with a white shirt, blue vest and a black bow tie said Barry.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sunday June 28, 2015

Hi Gang,
It's me Barry here. Well that sure was a super tour across the US. I enjoyed taking the scenic route this time. Going by tour bus was a blast . Now it's on to some new adventures. Which I know you're going to love. Right now I'm in the recording studio with Steve Gadd, Marc Levine, John Pondel, Ron Pedley, Michael Lington and the Manhattan Transfer to record 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Marc Levine, John Pondel and Ron Pedley were one third of the jazz quartet Uncle Festive. I tried to get Bud Harner but he now works as an A&R guy at Verve Records.Then on July 4th I'm in Chicago at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion with the Grant Park Symphony and chorus. I hope see some of you fans there. Starting on Monday August third it's rehearsals for Here At The Mayflower the musical. Then on Sunday September sixth Carly and I are getting married. Carly and I will be on our honeymoon till Sunday September twentieth. On Tuesday September twenty-nine Here At The Mayflower opens for previews. Then on Sunday October twenty-fifth it's opening night for Here At The Mayflower. Now this is where plans have changed. The few shows here in the states and Canada tour have been canceled. Yes I hear the groans from the peanut gallery. But just listen up you might like this even better. First off I'm doing some talk shows to promote 2:00AM Paradise Café II which will be out on December fifteen.  I'll be on GMA, The View Rachel Ray, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen.  When I do Rachel Ray I'll be her cohost. Little does she know I've already talked to her producers about doing her what's for dinner segment. Should be a blast. since I'm cooking for her and her hubby John. Now the Borgata Hotel and Casino uses their Music Box sometimes as a comedy club. It seems they decided to quit using the comedy club out of the theatre. And instead they've decided to put a headliner in the theatre. Now  guess who's been asked to be their first headliner me. Yes little old me Barry Manilow. I know I'm not little at six foot tall.  I might be old but not that old. Plus I still got it at twenty-seven LOL!! I put my John Hancock on the dotted line for the next five years to headline at The Music Box theatre. I'll be there ten months out of each year. Each month I'll be there for three weeks doing four shows each week I'm there. That's Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Now that's a grand total of one hundred and twenty shows a year. Tickets will go on sale starting Wednesday October 8th through the fan club for next year. Tickets are one hundred and thirty- five, ninety-five, seventy-five and forty-five. I'm not like Brian Murphy who charges an arm and leg  just for fans to see him. Now when he played Las Vegas did you all know to sit down in the first five rows cost three hundred and ninety-five dollars Oh and platinum's were two thousand five hundred just to go backstage and meet him. It's a wonder his fans could afford tickets at all with those kind of prices. Now I will be doing my sneaky meet and greets after each show. When I mean sneaky meet and greets I mean I send David Taylor my personal assistant out to scan the audience. Then David randomly picks four lucky fans to come backstage after each show. The lucky four will get to chat with me, have their picture taken with me, get a camera with photos of our chat and an autographed program. Brian Murphy's fans paid two thousand five hundred to do that and your getting that for nothing. Right and would Brian post a message like this on his Facebook page. Hell No! I don't think he's in it for the fans Meaning he's not make music to make the fans feel good like I am. Now I'm thinking maybe in two thousand sixteen or two thousand seventeen there will be a fan club convention in Atlantic City. So send me or the fan club your suggestions for stuff to do during the convention. As always I'll show up for the brunch and Q&A on the last day of the convention. Maybe we should do the convention during the month of June. So you can help me celebrate either my seventy-third or seventy-fourth birthday depending on which year we have the convention. Since I'll be there from February two thousand sixteen to December two thousand and twenty. Heck maybe we should have a convention in June all five years I'm There. Then you can help me celebrate my seventy-third, seventy-fourth, seventy-fifth, seventy-sixth and seventy-seventh birthdays. Well I got to go. I really mean I got to go to the bathroom. Plus take let the dogs out. Talk to you soon.
Love and sloppy wet kiss,