Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Next Stop Grande Paririe Texas

The buses pulled into the Crown Plaza Suites in Arlington Texas. Barry got up and went outside to collect his luggage. He went into the hotel and to the front desk. He told the lady who waited on him I'm Barry Manilow and I checking in. Oh yes Mr. Manilow your in a non smoking king suite. She told him what floor he was on and the room number. She also mentioned the free internet, wet bar and mini fridge in his room. It's nice to have you staying with us Mr. Manilow said Carole the lady who waited on him. Thanks said Barry. Barry went to the elevator a pushed the button. When the elevator came down the doors opened and Barry got in with David. Once they got to their floor they went to Barry's room first. You do know New Orleans got canceled said David. It did said Barry. Yes it did because the promoter booked Tom Jones into The Civic Theatre before he booked you.  My guess is he forgot he booked Tom so then he books you. Saw he had booked two artists for the same night. So he canceled your show since Tom was booked before you said David.  So your next stop is Memphis TN. and the Orpheum Theatre on Friday April 3rd. You mean I'm off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday said Barry. Yes you are said David. Did you tell everyone else New Orleans has been canceled. Yes I did said David  I told them it was all Tom Jones' fault. Barry and company went to the Equinox restaurant which was located in the Crown Plaza.  Barry ordered the salmon dinner. Kye said to Barry I thought you couldn't eat that. Of course I an eat this it's salmon  not shell fish.  Shell fish is what Jewish people aren't allowed to eat. You know clams, lobsters, oysters, shrimp and anything with a shell on it. Now salmon, trout, tuna, perch. haddock and those types of fish I can eat said Barry. After dinner everyone boarded the buses for the venue. The buses got to the venue and parked near the stage door. Barry and everyone went into get dressed. Barry decided that tonight he'd wear the iridescent blue jacket that a touch of teal in it. Barry went to the wings where he heard the introduction number. Then he heard the "Right here Right now." piece. Then he heard Stan Rodgers his new saxophone player play the intro to Brooklyn Blues. Barry walked out and went to the piano. He began playing the song and singing. After Brooklyn Blues Barry said hello Grand Prairie. We've got a jam packed show for you tonight. And so began the two hour show. These are some songs that you probably heard however I bet you didn't know I wrote them. Back in the early seventies I showed a guy who I met while we were singing on commercial jingles four songs. That guy many of you might know if you are a fan of the Archie's . Because he sang lead on all their records  He is Ron Dante . So I'm sure you remember this one. Barry sang a little bit of Sugar Sugar  for them. We split the fee it cost to record the demo record. We took them to different labels until Bell records bought the songs for their new artist Brian Murphy.  Brian then asked me write songs just for him. Which I did. So here's a few that I wrote said Barry. He sang Early Morning Strangers which he wrote with Hal David. Leavin' In The Morning which he wrote with Marty Panzer. You Oughta Be Home With Me which he wrote with Adrienne Anderson.  Barry continued on with the rest of his show he ended the show with the Spanish guitar version of Copacabana. Which he wrote with Jack Feldman and Bruce Sussman for their Broadway musical Copacabana. Then he sang See The Show Again which he wrote with Adrienne Anderson. Then out came the grand Prairie high school chorus to sing One Voice A cappella with him. When the song finished he blew everyone a kiss said  good night all and left the stage. Another fantastic show said Billy. Now tomorrow before we leave we need to get a newspaper to get the review of tonight's show said Barry. Barry went into his dressing room to take off his makeup and change into his street clothes. When everyone had changed they all went out to the buses to back to the hotel. Once in his hotel room Barry took his clothes off and went into the bathroom where he took a shower. When he was done he put on his pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. Barry went into the bedroom/living room. He went into the mini fridge and got a diet Coke with lime. He got the popcorn tin and went to sit on the sofa. He put the Coke on the  end table. Then he took off the wrapper piece that went around the lid. He turned on the TV and did some channel surfing. He found the Hallmark channel which was showing reruns of the Golden Girls. Estelle Getty was Bella Stern Tony Star's mom in his Broadway musical Copacabana. Estelle played Sophia Dorothy's mom. He took the lid off the popcorn tin and began munching on the popcorn.

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