Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hello Denver

Barry and company made it into Denver. They had two days off before Barry's two shows in Denver. He was playing the Paramount Theatre Wednesday March 25 and Thursday March 26. Their hotel was the Weston Hotel which near the Tabor Center.  They all checked into the hotel. Barry went up to his hotel room. He put his clothes in the closet. Then decided to go outside for a walk. He knocked on David Taylor's door. David opened the door. Barry asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. David said sure why not. Barry had already called the Vintage Theatre to get a ticket for Ain't Misbehavin' the musical. He was going with David Taylor, Joey Melotti. Kye Bracket and Muffy Hendricks. While  everyone else had tickets to see Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks at the Pepsi Center arena. David had suggested they go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner on Tuesday. Barry said to David lets find the nearest  drug store or supermarket. I'm hungry for some microwave popcorn. You know there's a microwave in my hotel room said Barry. So I can pop me some popcorn tonight for a snack. Boy did you have some crazy fans last night said David. Oh yeah said Barry. Like the one woman in the front row who bared her boobs. Didn't she also yell out "sign my boobs" said David. Yes she did said Barry. Maybe it's because Brain Murphy canceled his tour you're getting some of his loony's said David. Must be said Barry. They soon came upon a Walgreens drugstore. They went in and headed towards to food aisle. Barry found the Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn. They had regular, movie theatre, light and salt with lime. Barry decided on the movie theatre kind. He also went to coolers where they kept the sodas. He picked out two twenty ounce bottles of decaffeinated Coke Cola. Barry paid for his Cokes and popcorn. David had got two twenty-four ounce bottles of Dr. Pepper and two bags of Dorito's black pepper Jack nacho chips. They left Walgreens and headed back to the hotel. Barry and David took their soda's and snacks to their rooms. Then they came back out to go to dinner with everyone else.  Russ had looked on line and found Marco's Coal Fired Pizzeria and suggested they go there for dinner. Then maybe we can do the Vesta Dipping Grill on Wednesday night after the show said Barry. I heard they have good food. Now tomorrow night Me, David Taylor, Joey Melotti, Kye Brackett and Muffy Hendricks are going to a Mexican place before the musical said Barry. While the rest of you head over to the Pepsi Center for the Trisha Yearwood/Garth Brooks concert. Hopefully we won't have any nutty fans on Wednesday and Thursday said Kye. Those girls in the front row last night were very crazy. Especially the one with huge hooters who took off her top and bra to bare them. Isn't that the one who yelled "sign my boobs" at the top of her lungs. Yes that was said Barry rotating his finger in a circle on the side of his head. David figured they might have been Brain Murphy's fans since he canceled his entire US tour the day before his first show said Barry. Don't forget you have a CD signing at FYE in the Tabor Center on Wednesday said David. It was announced in the Denver Post last week. It's a surprise signing for my surprise album Something's Comin' Up.  Which is a batch of songs I wrote for Brian Murphy and some that I didn't write for him. I took those songs he recorded that I liked and gave them all  jazz arrangements. When fans buy that CD they'll get the free CD  Something More with  five extra songs that I gave  jazz arrangements too. Fans will have  their choice of Something's Comin' Up in either on compact disc or vinyl. Either way they get the bonus CD called Something More. Tomorrow night and Thursday your picking five lucky fans David. Those fans will get to come back and meet me after the show. Just give me twenty minutes before you bring them back. That's so I can get my makeup off and get out of my stage attire said Barry. Next up is Grande  Prairie TX on Saturday March 28 Verizon Theatre. Then it's on to New Orleans LA Tuesday March 31 The Civic Theatre.  Memphis TN The Orpheum Theatre Friday April 3 and Lexington KY  Lexington Opera House Sunday April 5.  So slowly but surely we're making it across the US from west to east said Barry. After the second Denver David brought back three lucky fans Shelby, Gracie and Charlotte. These three fans were all friends. They got to talk to Barry for twenty minutes. Then they each got their picture taken with Barry. Plus he signed their programs. Barry then surprised each of them with a kiss on their lips. Barry watched as the three fans floated out of his dressing room.

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