Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Next Stop Grande Paririe Texas

The buses pulled into the Crown Plaza Suites in Arlington Texas. Barry got up and went outside to collect his luggage. He went into the hotel and to the front desk. He told the lady who waited on him I'm Barry Manilow and I checking in. Oh yes Mr. Manilow your in a non smoking king suite. She told him what floor he was on and the room number. She also mentioned the free internet, wet bar and mini fridge in his room. It's nice to have you staying with us Mr. Manilow said Carole the lady who waited on him. Thanks said Barry. Barry went to the elevator a pushed the button. When the elevator came down the doors opened and Barry got in with David. Once they got to their floor they went to Barry's room first. You do know New Orleans got canceled said David. It did said Barry. Yes it did because the promoter booked Tom Jones into The Civic Theatre before he booked you.  My guess is he forgot he booked Tom so then he books you. Saw he had booked two artists for the same night. So he canceled your show since Tom was booked before you said David.  So your next stop is Memphis TN. and the Orpheum Theatre on Friday April 3rd. You mean I'm off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday said Barry. Yes you are said David. Did you tell everyone else New Orleans has been canceled. Yes I did said David  I told them it was all Tom Jones' fault. Barry and company went to the Equinox restaurant which was located in the Crown Plaza.  Barry ordered the salmon dinner. Kye said to Barry I thought you couldn't eat that. Of course I an eat this it's salmon  not shell fish.  Shell fish is what Jewish people aren't allowed to eat. You know clams, lobsters, oysters, shrimp and anything with a shell on it. Now salmon, trout, tuna, perch. haddock and those types of fish I can eat said Barry. After dinner everyone boarded the buses for the venue. The buses got to the venue and parked near the stage door. Barry and everyone went into get dressed. Barry decided that tonight he'd wear the iridescent blue jacket that a touch of teal in it. Barry went to the wings where he heard the introduction number. Then he heard the "Right here Right now." piece. Then he heard Stan Rodgers his new saxophone player play the intro to Brooklyn Blues. Barry walked out and went to the piano. He began playing the song and singing. After Brooklyn Blues Barry said hello Grand Prairie. We've got a jam packed show for you tonight. And so began the two hour show. These are some songs that you probably heard however I bet you didn't know I wrote them. Back in the early seventies I showed a guy who I met while we were singing on commercial jingles four songs. That guy many of you might know if you are a fan of the Archie's . Because he sang lead on all their records  He is Ron Dante . So I'm sure you remember this one. Barry sang a little bit of Sugar Sugar  for them. We split the fee it cost to record the demo record. We took them to different labels until Bell records bought the songs for their new artist Brian Murphy.  Brian then asked me write songs just for him. Which I did. So here's a few that I wrote said Barry. He sang Early Morning Strangers which he wrote with Hal David. Leavin' In The Morning which he wrote with Marty Panzer. You Oughta Be Home With Me which he wrote with Adrienne Anderson.  Barry continued on with the rest of his show he ended the show with the Spanish guitar version of Copacabana. Which he wrote with Jack Feldman and Bruce Sussman for their Broadway musical Copacabana. Then he sang See The Show Again which he wrote with Adrienne Anderson. Then out came the grand Prairie high school chorus to sing One Voice A cappella with him. When the song finished he blew everyone a kiss said  good night all and left the stage. Another fantastic show said Billy. Now tomorrow before we leave we need to get a newspaper to get the review of tonight's show said Barry. Barry went into his dressing room to take off his makeup and change into his street clothes. When everyone had changed they all went out to the buses to back to the hotel. Once in his hotel room Barry took his clothes off and went into the bathroom where he took a shower. When he was done he put on his pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. Barry went into the bedroom/living room. He went into the mini fridge and got a diet Coke with lime. He got the popcorn tin and went to sit on the sofa. He put the Coke on the  end table. Then he took off the wrapper piece that went around the lid. He turned on the TV and did some channel surfing. He found the Hallmark channel which was showing reruns of the Golden Girls. Estelle Getty was Bella Stern Tony Star's mom in his Broadway musical Copacabana. Estelle played Sophia Dorothy's mom. He took the lid off the popcorn tin and began munching on the popcorn.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Wait Till You Hear This

Barry and company were getting ready to head on to the next city. When Barry heard his iPhone play the piece of music that let him know Marc was calling. What's up Marc asked Barry. Wait till you hear this said Marc. I was over on Facebook checking your page. So I decided while I was there to check the main page. Here on the main page was a banner that read "I've been diagnosed with OBMD (Obsessive Barry Manilow Disorder) I am NEVER getting treatment for that!" Really said Barry are they nuts! They sure must be said Marc to create a banner like that. Don't tell me I'm getting some more of Brain Murphy's loony said Barry. Who knows said Marc. So how were the shows in Denver asked Marc. Fantastic said Barry. It was a sellout both nights. Last night David brought back three fans. Shelby, Gracie and Charlotte. They were wonderful to talk to said Barry. I took a picture with each one of them and signed their programs. Then as they left I surprised them each with a kiss on the cheek. And yes Carly is OK with me kissing my fans. She is said Marc. Yes said Barry. I discovered Carly is one of my biggest fans. She told me she's seen every one of my musicals more than once. Seen me in concert seventy-five times since 1984 when 2:00AM Paradise Café came out. Told me she has tickets to the Manilow Music Project Carnegie Hall benefit Sunday June 14, PBS Great Performances at the Metropolitan Opera House Lincoln Center Wednesday June 17 and the Jazz At Lincoln Center taping on Saturday June 20. She told me she's taking me out to dinner on my birthday before the PBS taping. Carly mentioned a new Chinese restaurant she thought I'd like to try. Oh and  BTW Carly said you're invited to dinner that night. Thanks said Marc. Well I'll let you board the bus for Grande  Prairie TX. Have a safe trip getting there said Marc. Oh we will said Barry. Barry boarded his bus with personal assistant David Taylor. Barry told David what Marc said about the OBMD. Those women must be really loony said David. Yes they must be said Barry. Barry sat down at the table. He opened his Mac Book Pro. He decided to go to twitter. Where he tweeted 'Superb show. The audience was very into the music." " Shelby, Gracie and Charlotte love you ladies from Barry." " Can't wait to get to Grande Prairie Texas and the Verizon Theatre for the Sunday March 28th show. Be there or be square." Barry. Then he headed over to Facebook to check stuff over there. He had linked his Twitter account to his Facebook account. So that whenever he twitted on twitter his tweets would show up on his Facebook page. When he got to the homepage all he saw was retweets  posted by one fan from her twitter account. "Saw the SEX GOD last night. Man was he on fire." "OMG what a sex-a-lisous man Barry is." What the heck is sex-a-lisous thought Barry. And when did I become a Sex God? said Barry. Damn that Brian Murphy! What said David. I said damn that Brain Murphy said Barry. If he hadn't canceled his tour then maybe some of his loony fans wouldn't be coming to my shows. My regular fans don't call me a Sex God. Or think I'm sex-a-liscous  said Barry. Oh here's someone who called me a "Stud Muffin." said Barry Ok so they're completely loony said Barry. Barry then chose to check Google Barry Manilow to see if the Denver Post review was up which it was. Barry read the super review Craig Martin wrote. Barry told Mike the driver let the other drivers know will stop in Amarillo Texas for lunch. Maybe we can find a restaurant that served barbeque. But you can't eat barbeque said David. I can't eat pork but I can eat beef and chicken said Barry. There is such a thing a barbeque beef ribs and chicken. Mike radioed the other drivers to let them know they were going to stop in Amarillo for lunch.  Soon they were coming into Amarillo. Barry said to Mike tell the other drivers we're going to Crazy Larry's Bar-B-Que it's at 4315 Teckla said Barry. The three buses pulled into the parking lot. Everyone got out and headed into Crazy Larry's Bar-B-Que to eat. When they got in Barry told them   there was eighteen in their party. So they were shown to a room with a group of tables. The waitress brought everyone a menu. She said she'd get someone to help her take their orders. Which she did.  The one waitress who came to Barry's table said her name was Sue and could she take their orders. Barry ordered first. He said I'll have the barbeque chicken meal and ice tea with lemon no sugar. Then everyone else at his table ordered what they wanted. Man I'm starving he said after the waitress left. Soon their meals came and they all ate their lunch. They went outside to go back to the buses when Barry saw a popcorn shop across the street. There's Plain Corny popcorn shop across the street. I'm going over there to get some popcorn said Barry. So Barry David T., Joey. Billy and Russ went over there to get some popcorn. Barry got a tin of the three blend mix butter, cheese and caramel corn. You and your popcorn said Kye when Barry and the others came back. It's a healthy snack except for the cheese and caramel corn flavors said Barry.  David got kettle, cheese and caramel flavors in his tin. They also made a pit stop at the local Kroger's supermarket for some twelve pack twelve ounce cans of soda. Barry got his usual diet Coke with lime. David got Dr. Pepper. Everyone else got what they wanted. So now they were ready to hit the road again. So who's taking care of Maggie and Max asked David. My next door neighbors Rachel and Jon Marx's said Barry. They're also getting my mail and my paper. I pay all my bills online said Barry. So all I get from the gas, electric, phone, sewer and dish is a  statements not bills I need to pay. Now dish includes satellite TV and Verizon home phone and internet. Then I have a separate cell phone bill with Verizon also said Barry. I also get statements from State Farm for my car and home owners  insurance and my Emblem Health HIP HMO health insurance.  I went with State Farm for my car and home since I wrote a commercial jingle for them back in the late sixties.
 You know "Like a good neighbor State Farm is there."

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hello Denver

Barry and company made it into Denver. They had two days off before Barry's two shows in Denver. He was playing the Paramount Theatre Wednesday March 25 and Thursday March 26. Their hotel was the Weston Hotel which near the Tabor Center.  They all checked into the hotel. Barry went up to his hotel room. He put his clothes in the closet. Then decided to go outside for a walk. He knocked on David Taylor's door. David opened the door. Barry asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. David said sure why not. Barry had already called the Vintage Theatre to get a ticket for Ain't Misbehavin' the musical. He was going with David Taylor, Joey Melotti. Kye Bracket and Muffy Hendricks. While  everyone else had tickets to see Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks at the Pepsi Center arena. David had suggested they go to a Mexican restaurant for dinner on Tuesday. Barry said to David lets find the nearest  drug store or supermarket. I'm hungry for some microwave popcorn. You know there's a microwave in my hotel room said Barry. So I can pop me some popcorn tonight for a snack. Boy did you have some crazy fans last night said David. Oh yeah said Barry. Like the one woman in the front row who bared her boobs. Didn't she also yell out "sign my boobs" said David. Yes she did said Barry. Maybe it's because Brain Murphy canceled his tour you're getting some of his loony's said David. Must be said Barry. They soon came upon a Walgreens drugstore. They went in and headed towards to food aisle. Barry found the Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn. They had regular, movie theatre, light and salt with lime. Barry decided on the movie theatre kind. He also went to coolers where they kept the sodas. He picked out two twenty ounce bottles of decaffeinated Coke Cola. Barry paid for his Cokes and popcorn. David had got two twenty-four ounce bottles of Dr. Pepper and two bags of Dorito's black pepper Jack nacho chips. They left Walgreens and headed back to the hotel. Barry and David took their soda's and snacks to their rooms. Then they came back out to go to dinner with everyone else.  Russ had looked on line and found Marco's Coal Fired Pizzeria and suggested they go there for dinner. Then maybe we can do the Vesta Dipping Grill on Wednesday night after the show said Barry. I heard they have good food. Now tomorrow night Me, David Taylor, Joey Melotti, Kye Brackett and Muffy Hendricks are going to a Mexican place before the musical said Barry. While the rest of you head over to the Pepsi Center for the Trisha Yearwood/Garth Brooks concert. Hopefully we won't have any nutty fans on Wednesday and Thursday said Kye. Those girls in the front row last night were very crazy. Especially the one with huge hooters who took off her top and bra to bare them. Isn't that the one who yelled "sign my boobs" at the top of her lungs. Yes that was said Barry rotating his finger in a circle on the side of his head. David figured they might have been Brain Murphy's fans since he canceled his entire US tour the day before his first show said Barry. Don't forget you have a CD signing at FYE in the Tabor Center on Wednesday said David. It was announced in the Denver Post last week. It's a surprise signing for my surprise album Something's Comin' Up.  Which is a batch of songs I wrote for Brian Murphy and some that I didn't write for him. I took those songs he recorded that I liked and gave them all  jazz arrangements. When fans buy that CD they'll get the free CD  Something More with  five extra songs that I gave  jazz arrangements too. Fans will have  their choice of Something's Comin' Up in either on compact disc or vinyl. Either way they get the bonus CD called Something More. Tomorrow night and Thursday your picking five lucky fans David. Those fans will get to come back and meet me after the show. Just give me twenty minutes before you bring them back. That's so I can get my makeup off and get out of my stage attire said Barry. Next up is Grande  Prairie TX on Saturday March 28 Verizon Theatre. Then it's on to New Orleans LA Tuesday March 31 The Civic Theatre.  Memphis TN The Orpheum Theatre Friday April 3 and Lexington KY  Lexington Opera House Sunday April 5.  So slowly but surely we're making it across the US from west to east said Barry. After the second Denver David brought back three lucky fans Shelby, Gracie and Charlotte. These three fans were all friends. They got to talk to Barry for twenty minutes. Then they each got their picture taken with Barry. Plus he signed their programs. Barry then surprised each of them with a kiss on their lips. Barry watched as the three fans floated out of his dressing room.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Where To Go?

Where to go thought Barry. Maybe the train thing was a good idea. He had never took a good look at his own country up close. Whenever he was on tour it was here and there without taking time to look. So maybe taking a look around at the scenery was a good idea. Actually he had never taken the train. Just the subway in New York City. Other than that it was limos and vans to get from the airports to the hotels and theatres he played in. Also cars and SUV's when he drove himself or if others did the driving. So maybe sitting back and allowing someone else to get them there besides and airline pilot. Being able to see actual sights instead of clouds was sounding like a plan. So Barry called Carly's number. Hello said Carly. Hello Carly it's Barry. Ok what's up asked Carly. Have you ever taken a train? asked Barry. Have I ever taken a train. Yes I did when I was younger. My family went from New York City to Boston once. Then another time we went from New York City to Chicago. Dad said something about looking out the window and seeing the scenery as the train rolled down the track. Some of the scenery was nice and some wasn't especially when you went past junkyards. Why do you ask? asked Carly. I'm thinking we should take the trains for our honeymoon. It sure would
definitely be something different. Other than the usual Caribbean island, Mexican or Hawaiian island honeymoon. I use to do the beach thing however I got some melanoma on my face and had to have that removed. So I quit laying out in the sun to get a tan. I was also thinking about the train since I don't have to be back in New York until Thursday October 8th. That's  when Here At The Mayflower open on Broadway. Ok said Carly Where would we start and where would we go? Just then Barry heard a beep. Just a minute Barry said to Carly. Let me answer this. So hold on said Barry. Ok said Carly. Hello Barry it's Marc. Hi Marc what's up? asked Barry. Just so you know Verve Records got bought by Universal Music. Oh said Barry. The day to day responsibility for Verve label has been absorbed by its hip hop and pop operations Interscope Geffen A&M the home of Eminem and lady Gaga. I'm glad Garry got you not to sign with David Foster and Verve said Marc. That's when David Foster came calling and was trying to get you to change labels. I'm comfortable being on Concord Records jazz label Concord Jazz said Barry. David Foster sounded like another Clive Davis. A person who wants their artists to record nothing but cover albums.  Yes I know New York State Of Mind and Something's Comin' Up with More Something are cover albums. But I took the songs on those albums and gave them all jazz arrangements. In facet Something's Comin' Up and More Something have songs that I wrote with others or that I wrote by myself for Brain Murphy. I took the ones I liked and gave them jazz arrangements said Barry. Well I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing said Marc. Ok said Barry. I was talking to Carly about what we should do for our honeymoon. I was thinking about a train trip. Sounds like a great plan said Marc. Bye said Marc. Bye said Barry. Barry went back to Carly and said I'm back. That was Marc. I told him we were thinking about a train trip for our honeymoon. He said that sounds like a great plan said Barry. Marc was telling me about Verve records being swallowed up by Universal music's Interscope Geffen A&M. That's more hip hop stuff. David Foster did come calling a few years ago and wanted me to join Verve. I told him I wasn't interested in leaving Concord Records. I know why he wanted you to switch to his Verve label. It's because everything you've put out since your 1984 album 2:00AM Paradise Café has debuted on Billboards Hot 200 Album Chart at either number one or in the top five. Plus every time one of your albums came out they were certified Platinum or higher. How do you know that? asked Barry. I know that because I've been a fan of both your Broadway songwriting career and your jazz recording career said Carly. In fact back in 1984 when you did a record signing for 2:00AM Paradise Café I went to your signing at Tower records. I have that album in an album frame on my wall in the room where I keep my computer. I also have on a shelf on a shelving unit an autographed copy of Here At The Mayflower on CD. That's in a frame for keeping stuff like that. While you were talking to Marc. I was thinking we aught to stay at bed and breakfasts on our honeymoon instead of hotels. I also think the train trip instead of the beach or overseas destinations sound much better. What do you think about going to Montreal by Amtrak. Staying four nights and five days. Then taking Via Rail to Quebec City. Staying there four nights and five days. That sounds wonderful said Carly Oh don't forget we have a cake tasting on Thursday. I was thinking said Barry. What about assorted cupcakes for the guests instead of a piece of cake? We would still have a two tiered cake for us to share a piece. Then keep the top part for our first anniversary. Then we could have assorted cupcake flavors. Like chocolate, vanilla, carrot and a spice. Each cupcake could have white whipped cream frosting with an orange calla lily made from icing on the top. I like that idea said Carly. We already have the menu figured out. First course is either Spinach salad or French  onion soup. Main course  Chicken or  salmon, baked potato and asparagus. Eggplant ptarmigan for those who are vegetarian. Desert  is assorted fancy cookies and  cupcakes. Bar for those who like mixed drinks. wine and champagne.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

You're Invited

The invitation on the front read. Come celebrate our Happily Ever After. Inside it said You're invited to the wedding of Carly Nicole Simon and Barry Manilow on Sunday September 6, 2015 at 3:00PM  B'nai Avarham of Brooklyn 117 Remsen St. Brooklyn, New York 11201 Reception to follow at  6:00PM The Palm House at Brooklyn Botanic Gardens 990 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11225 RSVP BY June 19, 2015. The invitation had two calla lilies on the front of  the white  invitation.  The wedding was going to take place at the B'nai Avraham Orthodox Synagogue in Brooklyn at 3:00 PM. Carly's parents John and Norah Simon were going to walk their daughter down the aisle. Since both his parents and step-dad had passed away. Barry was going to walk down the aisle with his cousins Dennis and Olivia.The flowers in the synagogue were going to be  mango calla lilies. The reception would be at 6:00PM  at The Palm House at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. Before the reception there would be time for Carly and Barry to take photos with their bridal party.  Carly and Barry had decided to have a small intimate wedding with very close family and friends. Then a year later on Sunday September 5, 2016 they would have a larger blowout reception for those not invited to the actual wedding and reception. The bigger reception would take place at the New York Marriot at the Brooklyn Bridge.  Since The Palm House capacity was 300 people only. People in the music business who already knew about the wedding. Asked if Barry had invited Clive Davis to the wedding. Barry said no because I wasn't really close with Clive Davis like Brian Murphy was. I only recorded five albums for his Arista label. They were  2:00AM Paradise Café, Swing Street, Showstoppers, Singing With The Big Bands  and Manilow Sings Sinatra . I left Arista for Concord Records when Clive Davis started asking me to do cover albums. That was after Clive came back to Arista. I put my foot down and told him no  to the covers. Unlike Brian Murphy who said yes to doing covers for Clive. I meet Glen Barros the head of Concord Records at a party in 2000. I liked what his label stood for creative freedom. At Concord records I've got total creative freedom. My albums  at Concord  so far are Here At The Mayflower, Scores Songs From Copacabana and Harmony, In The Swing Of Christmas, Night Songs and New York State Of Mind. My Broadway cast albums came out on Columbia Records. Then Columbia changed their Broadway label to Sony Columbia Broadway Masterworks. Now Broadway label is the Masterworks Broadway label. Columbia for a while quit putting out cast albums. The Broadway label was called Sony Columbia Broadway Masterworks. Now it's called Masterworks Broadway. I've always kept my Broadway cast albums  on one label. While my Jazz albums I've keep on another label. I'm actually on Concord's Concord Jazz label. I'm label mates with Kenny (G.) Gorlick and Dave Koz. For a while Kenny G. and I were on Arista. While Dave Koz and I are good friends. I want to get some of my other friends like Melissa Manchester, Dionne Warwick and Nancy Wilson to switch to Concord Records. said Barry. I heard Brian Murphy tried his own record label. But that fizzled out. So now Brian Murphy's on  Verve records said Barry. Some people say David Foster is also famous for making his artists do covers. Maybe that's why Brian Murphy put out My Dream Duets for his first album on Verve. Just think this coming Friday I'm in Seattle for two shows at the Paramount Theatre.  Barry asked Garry are you coming to the Pantages Theatre shows? Yes said Garry. I'm coming up out visit Kristen and see how she's doing with the company. Do you have a few minutes to listen to something said Barry. Yeah sure said Garry. What is it? Well I took Could It Be Magic which I wrote with Adrienne Anderson and gave it a romantic jazz feel to it. so Garry listened to the romantic jazz version of Could It Be Magic. Super cool said Garry. That sounds even better than the Take That  version that Brian Murphy does. You know the Take That BAM crotch  thrust version said Garry. Right said Barry. I always felt that dirtied the song with the erected crotch thrusts that Brian did said Barry. So where are you and Carly going on your honeymoon asked Garry?  We're not exactly sure what we're going to do. Since I don't have to be back in New York till Thursday October 1st when Here At The May Flower opens. Now Carly told me  her parents took the Crescent Limited train to New Orleans for their honeymoon. So we just might take a train somewhere. In fact last October Carly's parents took Amtrak's Adirondack from New York to Montreal. Then Via Rail's Canadian from Montreal to Vancouver. They made a few stops for two days stays in different Canadian cities along the way.  Carly said her parents loved doing that. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Barry Manilow's Tour Bus

Barry Manilow had decided that for his Brooklyn Blues Tour  he would get three custom motor coaches. Barry did his research and chose Newell Coach from Miami Oklahoma. The three coaches were all black. Barry heard Newell coach had partnered with car maker Porsche for the Cadillac of motor coaches. The exterior of the coaches were black with the Brooklyn Blues Tour logo on them. The Interior of each coach was black, grey and silver. One bus was for him and David his personal assistant. One was for Melanie, Muffy, Billy and Kye. One was for Russ, Davis, Mark, Mike, Ron, Jake, Gerry, Rodger and Joey.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

They Just Don't Get It

They just don't get it thought Barry as he took off his makeup. Tonight's show was great except for the fan who thought she could come up on stage. I don't sing Can't Smile Without You with a fan. That's Brian Murphy who does that said Barry to Joey Malotti as they were going out the stage door. Then I heard some fans were complaining on Facebook because I don't do Platinum packages. That again is something Brian Murphy does. What I like to do is have David Taylor my personal assistant go roaming the floor before the show. I have him pick two lucky fans who get to come backstage after the show for a meet and greet. When the fans come back they get to talk to me, have their picture taken with me and I autograph their tour program. The two fans get a half hour backstage with me said Barry. I'll start that once I get to Los Angeles. Right now I'm  finishing the tail end of a cold. Now  I don't want to give any of my fans what I had. The bad part was the sneezing said Barry. I just couldn't stop sneezing. Barry, Joey and the rest of the group boarded the bus. Barry told the driver where he wanted to go.  The place is  called Le Fondue. It's a place that does both savory and sweet fondues. I'm starving said Barry. Yes I know I had a big dinner. But I always have a snack before bedtime. Tomorrow I need to check the Seattle paper to see if there's a review of tonight's show. David said he saw the reviewer wearing his press pass. Plus the photographer was also there with  his press pass on. Barry and company got out of the bus and headed towards the door. Barry opened the door and held it open till everyone went in. Everyone was ushered back to a small room. The waiter took their drink order and said he'd be back with their drinks. Once he came back Barry ordered both savory and sweet fondues. Kye said Barry did you see the girl over on the right in front row. No not really. Why asked Barry. She was flirting with you major said Kye. Oh I really didn't notice said Barry. What I did notice was the older guy sitting in the second row over on the left. When I sat at my piano and turned towards the audience I could see him really snapping his fingers. He reminded me of my grandpa said Barry. His wife was sitting next to him on his right. She pulled his cap off his head. My grandma did that the first time she and grandpa went to my first musical on Broadway. Now we have one more show tomorrow night and then it's on to Portland Oregon said Barry for two shows. You know It's kind of nice doing the tour buses like the country artists do said Billy. By the way Dana is meeting me in Los Angeles said Billy. Maybe we could have her come on stage as a surprise musical guest said Barry. That would be cool said Joey. Dana was my saxophone player in the eighties said Barry.  That's when my band consisted of Bud Harner drums/musical director, Vanessa Brown percussion /vocals,  Mark Levine bass/vocals , John Pondel guitar/vocals , Ron Pedley keyboards/ musical director. Kevin De Simone keyboards/vocals , Joey Malotti keyboards/vocals, Debra Byrd vocals, Dana Robbins saxophone/flute/ vocals and Billy Kidd keyboards/vocals said Barry.  In 1984 and 1984 Victor Vanacore was my musical director. He also played keyboards and piano. Bud and Ron were musical directors during Big Fun Tour de Force and Barry Manilow Live On Broadway tours. Joey wasn't with us then. You joined us in n1987 at the beginning of the Big Fun Tour de Force tour. We were together from 1984 to 1989. It's my band from my Showstoppers tour that I can't remember who all was in it. I remember Kevin Bassenson was my musical director and one of my keyboard players. Billy said Mark Scholl was your drummer, Steve Welch was another keyboard player. Debra Byrd, Kye Brackett, Craig E. Mayer, Donna Cherry and Michelle Nicastro who passed away recently were your backup singers. I remember Debra telling me that during The Greatest Hits and Then Some Tour. For that tour it was Mark Scholl drums, David Rosenblatt percussion/ vocals, Larry Antonio bass/vocals, Mike Lent guitar/vocals, Ron Pedley keyboards, Steve Welch keyboards/vocals/musical director, Debra Byrd vocals, Dana Robbins saxophone/flute/vocals and Billy Kidd keyboards/vocals said Barry. Now some of you like Russ McKinnon, Jacob Stevens, Gerry Miller and Rodger Smith I took from Brian Murphy. I don't think he minded since he was off  the road at the time I asked you four to join my band. Did you all hear Brian Murphy canceled his entire tour?  On Monday February 9th the day before his Omaha show he announced he was canceling his entire tour said Barry. Boy were his fans pissed at him big time. Really said Billy. Yes really said Barry I also heard his manager Darren Knoffler is a  royal pain in the you know where said Barry. They finished their fondue and headed to the bus to go to the hotel. Once at the hotel Barry said goodnight to everyone. He headed to his hotel room to get some shut eye. Barry chose not to call Carly since it was 3:00AM on the eastern time. Barry figured Carly would be in bed sleeping.  He would call her tomorrow around 4:00PM that would be about 7:00PM eastern time. He figured by then she should be done eating dinner. So Barry put on his PJ bottoms and a tee shirt. Brushed his teeth a crawled into bed. Soon enough the alarm went off. Barry put on a button front blue and brown plaid shirt, blue jeans, navy socks and a pair of casual tie shoes. He put his clothes, toilet bag into his suitcase. He went down the elevator to meet up with the band, back up singers and David his personal assistant. They all went into the restaurant for breakfast. When the waitress came over to take their orders. Barry said I'll have a bowl of raisin bran with skim milk, a bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee with a splash of cream. David said that's what you always have. Well I'm Jewish so pork products like bacon , ham and sausage are out for me. Beside bran is good for your digestive system said Barry. After everyone ordered the driver of Barry's bus
came over and said. As soon as everyone's finished the buses  will be waiting out in front. Me and the other two drivers took the buses to the gas station to fill them up with gas. After breakfast they all got into the their correct bus and off they went to Portland Oregon.

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Brooklyn Blues Tour Set List

Intro number a medley of songs from Barry Manilow's albums. Plus the Right Here Right Now piece. 1. Opening the show with New York State Of Mind
2. Do You Know Who's Living Next Door?
3. I'm Coming Back
4. They Danced
5. Home Medley Early Morning Strangers Home Again The Two Of Us
6. In Another World
7. Something's Comin' Up
8. Chelsea Morning
9. Sounds Of Silence
10. Cities Medley Brooklyn Blues, New York City Rhythm Only In Chicago London
11. Paradise Café
12. Swing Street Big Fun
13. Blue with Muffy Hendricks
14. Big City Blues with Kye Brackett and Billy Kidd
15. Could It Be Magic smooth jazz style
16. Give My Regards To Broadway Medley All I Need Is The Girl, Luck Be A Lady Where Or When
17. Leavin' In The Morning
18. Meet Me In St. Marks Square
19. Come Fly Come Dance
20. Strangers In The Night
21. Where Do I Go From Here
22. Rain
23. Copacabana done Latin jazz style
24. See The Show Again
25 One Voice Just Barry and a high school chorus

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Something's Comin' Up

Surprise everyone. Something's Comin' Up Friday March 6, 2015. Yes that's right something was comin' up. A surprise album from Barry Manilow that fans never saw coming. That's because albums usually come out on Tuesdays not on Fridays.  Barry took twelve songs written for Brian Murphy and gave them jazz arrangements. Some were songs he wrote with his partners Adrienne Anderson, Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer and Bruce Sussman. Some he wrote by himself. While others were written by other songwriters that Brian recorded.. Barry chose for  Side 1 1. Dance Away Troy Seals Richard Kerr, 2. Early Morning Strangers Barry Manilow Hal David, 3. In Another world Richard Kerr Charlie Dore, 4. Leavin' In The Morning Barry Manilow Marty Panzer, 5. See The Show Again Barry Manilow Adrienne Anderson and 6. You Oughta Be Home With Me Barry Manilow Adrienne Anderson. Barry chose  for Side 2.  1. Rain Barry Manilow Adrienne Anderson, 2. Only In Chicago Barry Manilow Maurice White, 3. The One That Got Away Hammer Slater, 4.A Little Traveling Music B. Manilow B Sussman J. Feldman, 5. Something's Comin' Up Barry Manilow and 6. Don't Fall In Love With Me Barry Manilow John Bettis.  Plus there was a five song bonus disc Something More  that contained 1. Could It Be Magic Barry Manilow Adrienne Anderson 2.London B. Manilow J. Feldman B. Sussman 3. Where Do I Go From Here  Parker McKee 4. Loosing Touch Barry Manilow 5. Copacabana B. Manilow J. Feldman B. SAussman.  Both Something's Comin' Up and Something More would be available at all of Barry concerts and through Starz.bz. Something's Comin" Up  Then Something's Comin' Up CD and vinyl would be available  from Amazon, CD Universe,  all online record sites and  all record stores. During Barry's Brooklyn Blues concert Barry  would be doing song from 2:00AM Paradise Café, Swing Street, Here At The Mayflower Night Songs, New York State Of Mind, Something's Comin' Up and Something More.  Only two more days till Manilow Time. That's sort of like Hammer Time. You know MC Hammer the rapper who did the song Can't Touch This.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Brooklyn Blues Merchandize

Brooklyn Blues tour merchandize. Brooklyn Blues Tour gear was in. Loads of boxes with  Brooklyn Blues Tour books, Brooklyn Blues Tour tee shirts black with Brooklyn Blues Tour logo,  Brooklyn Blues tee shirts white with photo of Barry Manilow on it,  Black hoodie with Brooklyn Blues Tour logo on the back. Plus boxes with bumper stickers, baseball caps, coffee mugs,  fridge magnets and lanyards. Everything else but the magnets would be the Brooklyn Blues Tour logo name. The fans were really going to love the tour book with it's candid photos of Barry Manilow. Barry in his at home recording studio, on his front porch, in front of his fireplace. Some of those photos would even have his Labrador Retrievers Maggie and Max in them. Barry, the band and backup singers during rehearsals. Barry and the musicians and singers in the recording studio during the recording of New York State Of Mind album. Only five more days till the tour kicks off in Seattle Washington at the Paramount Theatre for two nights March 6th and 7th. Barry had tried on all his concert attire. He had a black leather jacket with the NYC Rhythm logo in sliver on the back.  Also he had two jackets with embroidered designs on them. One was all white the other was navy with silver embroidery all over. Plus some plain colored jackets. A red one, powder blue one and a charcoal grey one. Underneath the jackets Barry was thinking of wearing different white stand up necked shirts  his pants would be black dress pants. Not those tuxedo pants with the satin strip down the side like Brian wore.  He also decided he wasn't going to wear black button front shirts like Brian Murphy wore. While black was dramatic black was also boring so to speak.