Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Now How About That People

At the beginning of the week Barry was in LA for three shows at the Hollywood Bowl. Of course he heard that Suzie and Scoot Nevins were looking for him. Thank goodness that Marty lived in the  LA  neighborhood of Venice Beach. Marty had bought a three bedroom bungalow on one of the streets along one of the canals. So while Barry was in LA for three days he would be staying with his friend Marty. That way Suzie and Scott would not know how to find him. If he had stayed with his other friend Enoch those two would have definitely found him. Enoch lived in Malibu and owned a house right on the beach. Why in fact Enoch lived just up the road from where Suzie lived. Enoch had sent Barry a photo of Suzie's new house that was built a few years back. Suzie's original house on her property burned down. So Suzie and her husband Alan had the remainder of what was left of  their house tore down. Then she and Alan rebuilt their beach house. At one time Barry had a house near by her house but he chose to sell it. He didn't stay at the beach house all that often. Then in 2003 Barry sold his Palm Springs home in the Mesa neighborhood to pop singer Brian Murphy. Barry got sick and tired of living Palm Springs. It was becoming way too celebrity orientated and too gay for his taste. Not that Barry hated bisexuals, gays and lesbians. He did not and some of his friends were gays and lesbians. It's just the entire time Barry lived in Palm Springs most everyone thought Barry was gay. That was because Suzie was telling just about everyone she knew that Barry was gay. Then there was Scott Nevins who had the major hot's for Barry. Scott wanted Barry to be his life partner because he was in love with him. Barry was not in love with Scott Nevins. Why would he be on love with a gay man when he wasn't gay. Barry knew Scott wanted to marry him which he didn't like that at all.  Throughout his entire life Barry dated women. The last girlfriend Barry had when he lived there was Andrea Schwartz. Andrea broke up with Barry back in nineteen ninety four. Actually Andrea dumped Barry for a seventy eight year old man named Rico De Marco. Rico was a billionaire Spaniard. He had a three residents a house in Palm Springs, a condominium in Barcelona Spain and a house on the beach in Niece France. After Andrea dumped him Barry just decided to give the dating scene a rest for a while. Barry didn't start dating  again until he moved back to the New York City in 2003. That was where Barry now lived in a five story townhouse in the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood. Barry dated a few women after he moved back to New York Abigail, Julie Ann and Skyler . Then in 2001 he met Dr. Carly Nichole Simon DVM. Barry instantly fell head over feet in love with her. Head Over Feet was a song from one of his favorite female singers Alanis Morrisette. "Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are. I couldn't help it. It's all your fault." Was some of the lyrics from the song. After Barry had been dating Carly for about a year he called his ex Susan Diexler Burnstein to tell her how right she was about him finding someone someday . Barry made sure he invited Susan and husband Larry to his and Carly's 2015 wedding. Barry also sent Susan a pair of tickets to his Shoreline Amphitheater concert so she and husband could attend the concert.  He even sprung for a limo ride to and from the Amphitheater. During the show on Friday July 28th Barry invited Susan up on stage and sang  the Everly Brothers song Wake Up Little Susie to her. Mean while back in NYC Carly had an interesting chat with Marc during their lunch date. Marc had to tell Carly that Los Vegas gossip columnist Robin Leach had just reported in his latest column that Barry had signed a seven year contract to play the Westgate Hotel and Casino. I actually contacted Robin Leach to ask him where he got that piece of information from. Robin told me where he got the information from and who told him. I then told Robin that Barry hates Las Vegas. Also that Barry's not into the glitz the Las Vegas. Then I told Robin to contact Gregory Knoffler Brian Murphy's manager. Because Brian Murphy had just signed a nine year deal to headline at the Westgate Hotel and Casino. Brian had been their in the past between February 2005 to December 2011. Five years 2005 to 2009 at what was then the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino. Two years January 2010 to December 2011 at the Paris Hotel and Casino on the strip. Barry can't stand Las Vegas. He also told me he would never play there in a million years said Carly. I've never been there but my parents went once. Both my dad and mom hated Las Vegas, On the other hand dad and mom love Atlantic City New Jersey. Most likely it's because Atlantic City had the boardwalk with the beach said Carly. I had been there seven times to with my buddies to see Barry when he played Caesars Hotel and Casino. I know that Brian Murphy signed a nine year contract to play the Westgate Hotel and Casino. I got that piece of information from Barry who got it straight from the horses mouth Brian himself. Barry's enjoying a little down time at Garry's house before he plays Snow Park Amphitheater in Deer Creek Utah on Friday August 4th.  Barry did mention when he called me on Thursday at 11:30AM. That Suzie, Alan and Scott were at all three of his Hollywood Bowl shows. Barry didn't acknowledge any of them during his three shows. Eric and  Marty helped Barry get out of the venue real quick every night before the three of them came backstage to try to see him. When they did get back stage Seth Jackson Barry's lighting guy told  the three of them Barry had already left the building. Plus staying at Marty's Venice canal house was a big help. Eric and everyone else stayed at a hotel near the Hollywood Bowl. Seth told Barry that Suzie was starting to look like a sleazy old prune. Seth said Suzie was showing to much cleavage. Plus he also said it was time for her to get some Botox.  Next month Barry is doing the 35th Annual Memory Benefit for Alzheimer's. That's at the Grand Hyatt on Saturday September 9th. Then there's the One Voice Foundation's 2nd Annual "Because It's Christmas" Gala on Sunday December 17th. That takes place at The Lighthouse NYC at Chelsea Pier 61. The One Voice Foundation is Barry's charity for defenseless animals who don't have their own voice so they can speak. That's why Barry is a big advocate of adopting shelter animals who deserve a good home with humans who will love them. Barry has two Labrador Retrievers Maggie is a shelter dog and Max has a health issue so he could not become a see eye dog. My two Pit Bulls Buster who was almost used for dog fighting and Boomer who's mom was thrown out of a moving car pregnant. Boomer was the rut of the litter. I had my partner Dr. Jeff Houston check Boomer out. He said it looked like there might be something wrong with Boomer. So I took Boomer to a veterinary specialist. Dr. Matt Rosen ran a bunch of tests on Boomer. Dr. Rosen determined  that Boomer was a dwarf Pit Bull.

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