Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Facebook Post August 15

Hi Gang it's me Barry coming to you from Albuquerque New Mexico. Contrary to what was posted in Monday's Las Vegas Review Journal, I don't  intend on signing any contracts with any Las Vegas hotels.  I have seven more dates on my Williamsburg summer Tour. Then there's the Memory Gala for Alzheimer's Saturday September 9th at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Next year The Mayflower musical opens for regional number one in San Antonio, It plays The Majestic Theater March and April. June is Williamsburg Tour down under Australia New Zealand. The Mayflower musical's second regional Philadelphia in September and October. The last two weeks in December I'm at Royal Albert Hall for Christmas and New Years. I do know that Brian Murphy signed a ten year contract with the Westgate Hotel and Casino. It use to be the Las Vegas Hilton. So Brian will be in Las Vegas at the Westgate Hotel and Casino till 2028. That came from the horses mouth. I know that a lot of you fans can not afford to go to Las Vegas. Besides I'm not crazy about Las Vegas. I'd rather go on the road when I tour. This entire Williamsburg Tour has been a blast. I love meeting you fans. I also enjoyed this year BMIFC Denver Convention. I have put up a new question asking all of you where you'd like to have future conventions held. One fan suggested a convention at sea on a cruise ship. Someone else said "But Barry gets motion sickness." No I do not get motion sickness. That again is Brian Murphy. I'll have to look into convention cruse idea. Let me get going since it's lunch time.

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