Saturday, August 19, 2017

Facebook Post August 19th.

Hi Gang
It's me Barry again coming at you from the road. We have a few new pieces of merchandise that we want to show you. First the Barry Manilow Williamsburg Tour backpack to store all your stuff. Second I've brought back "The Last Of The Hip White Boys." slogan and put it on a tee shirt with a more currant photo of me. Third the Barry Manilow Williamsburg Tour metal water bottle. These metal water bottles keep your hot drinks hot for a long time. As well as keeping your cold drinks cold for a long time. Also I got the convention hotel for the BMIFC Holiday Convention 2018. That's when I do my fourteen night Christmas/ New Years Eve run at Royal Albert Hall Sunday December 23, 2018 thru Saturday January 5, 2019. The convention starts Friday December 28th and runs thru Monday December 31st. We're staying at the Hilton Metropole the same hotel we used last year for the BMIFC London Convention 2016. That convention took place while I did an almost three month run at the London Palladium. I will have another Facebook post coming out soon. There is some new rumors swirling around about me. I need to address them first before I tell everyone what they are. So just bare with me while sort through all the incorrect information. Also do what I know needs to be done about a few people who know better than to give false information to the press and tabloids. My lawyer Jack McCoy had been notified about the false information that was given to the press and one of the major tabloids. He is working on our plan of action for taking care of this.

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