Sunday, June 25, 2017

Onward We Go

Barry and company made it to Scranton Pennsylvania for Wednesday nights Toyota Center concert. So far the tour was going great. Barry got to see some new tour merchandize that The Manilow Shop was going to sell. He just really loved the BAM hoodie which was patterned after the GAP hoodies that he owned. There was also a BAM tee shirt The hoodie was done in navy with the word BAM done in navy light blue and white plaid. The BAM tee shirt was done in navy with the word BAM in navy, light blue and white plaid. Also the tee shirt was done in black with the BAM in white and in red with the BAM in black. BAM coffee mug in blue with white letters.  Then the Barry Who? wear.
Red hoodie with white lettering. Tee shirt in red with white lettering. Red baseball cap with white lettering. Black baseball cap with red lettering. A Barry Who? black coffee mug with white lettering. The Williamsburg Tour 2017 wear and gear. Williamsburg Tour 2017 tee shirt and hoodie. The tour logo was done in graffiti letters. The Williamsburg Tour 2017 graffiti keychain. For those who just have to have him a 6'  life sized head to toe of Barry. It was made out of some very heavy material that would stand up to anything. The life sized Barry wouldn't be coming out until after the tour was over. Lfe sized Barry would be wearing his first half outfit. The Harley Davidson biker boots in black, Lee cowboy boot cut jeans in black, white six button long sleeved sixties styled shirt and the leather duster coat in black. Barry was going to make sure that Carly, Rita and Zoey would each get one of the life sized Barry's for their own. Mean while back in Brooklyn Carly heard from her friend Janice. Janice had just sent her some photos of Brian, Gregory, Suzie, Alan and Scott hanging out in Cannes France. She mentioned they had rented a four bedroom villa along the beach. This is where they were going to spend three weeks  total. That would include July fourth. Carly send the message Janice sent to her to Garry. Garry got Carly's message and went over to Suzie's Facebook  page to take a look. That's where he saw Suzie telling all her Facebook followers that she wished Barry could have come to Cannes with her, Alan, Gregory, Brian and Scott. Barry was on tour all summer long so he couldn't go to Cannes to be with all of them. Nor did Barry want to go to Cannes to be with them.
He just didn't want to be anywhere near Scott Nevins. So that Scott could try to do something with him. The last thing Barry wanted was to have Scott Nevins trying to get him in a romantic way. No  Barry wasn't gay nor did he want a relationship with a gay man when he was married. Now why Suzie and Scott thought Barry was gay was what Garry could not figure out. Besides his relationship with Barry was more like a brother relationship than anything else Garry did have one older brother Robert. Where as Barry was an only child. Garry's parents loved Barry like another son. In fact they started the Barry Manilow Fan Club/Barry Manilow International Fan Club back in nineteen seventy eight. Nineteen seventy eight was the year when Garry took over as Barry's new manager. That was after Barry fired his previous manager Miles Laurie. Barry understood what Garry was saying about having a separate manager and lawyer. Instead of having one person doing double duty like Miles was doing. Plus the financial guy Miles hired put Barry's money in bad investments. At least now Barry understood more about the financial side of things than he did back then. Since Barry moved back to New York he switch business managers. Barry found himself a great business management company here in New York. The company was called NYC Management Company. Since he had been with them. his finances had doubled. NYC Management Company managed a lot of the New York theatre actors/actresses, TV actors/actresses and recording artists. His management company
Stiletto Entertainment had just added a New York office headed up by his former personal assistant and manager Marc Hulett. His attorneys were all out here now. C. Tucker Cheadle tax attorney, Sandor Frankle contract attorney. Jack McCoy and Abby Ross general attorneys.  NYC Management Company business managers Matthew Brooks, Andrea Marsh, Richard Dean and Zara Jacobs. The Barry Manilow International Fan Club had moved here too. Vikki Thomas director,  Alicia Galay assistant director editor of the online Barry Grams, Marcus Stevens artistic director of the online Barry Grams, Gladys Pinch membership coordinator, Mad Man Jackson Gray head of the Manilow Store for Barry Manilow merchandize.  Garry realized that moving back to New York was the right move for Barry. Plus having his attorneys, business managers and his manager in New York was also another good move. If Barry had stayed in Palm Springs he would have been pestered all the time by Scott Nevins. Besides he would have never met the love of his life Carly Nichole Simon who became Dr. Carly Manilow DVM.

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