Sunday, May 7, 2017

Facebook Post May 5, 2017

Hi Everyone
I'm back. First off my vacation to San Francisco was lousy. The first evening we were there we went out to dinner with Garry, Denise, Adrienne and Neil to a Chinese restaurant.  It was a place Garry liked. Well the next morning around 5AM I woke up and had to run to the bathroom. I spent the next hour in the bathroom being sick. So Carly decided we should cut our vacation short. Which we did so I could be at home. I got nothing done while I was out there. So I scrapped the San Francisco idea all together. I tweeted yesterday that maybe I should do New Years Eve shows in my favorite city. Well some fans thought I was going to Paris France for New Years Eve. That's Brian Murphy who's nuts about Paris. Beside with all the stuff going on in Europe I didn't think we need to go there. My very favorite city is Montreal Canada. That's where I'm spending my New years Eve. And that's where I'm hoping a lot of you will be spending your New Years Eve with me in Montreal. So on Thursday April 27th me and David went up to Montreal to sign the contract for the two shows at Centre Bell I talked to Vikki about the fan club having it's first ever New Years convention. Vikki thought that was an excellent idea. Now that's exactly what we're going to do. Have our first ever BMIFC New Years Convention up in Montreal Canada. It will be from Thursday December 28th to Sunday December 31st. There will be all the usual stuff we do. On sit down dinner night I thought we'd have a belated Christmas gift exchange. Everyone is to bring a Barry Manilow related gift for the exchange. I've booked the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel for our convention. Right now I's closed for renovations. But they assured me it will be open in time for our convention. Head on over to my Facebook page
and go into the convention site to sign up. I hope you all are enjoying my new album Williamsburg. It was going to be a mix of new original material and all ready written old material. However when I looked at the list of songs I realized it was all original material album with the exception of Avenue C. Avenue C was written by Buck Clayton, Jon Hendricks and Dave Lambert. Well I've got to take the dogs out. See you somewhere down the road this summer.

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