Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Interesting To Say The Least.

Carly was talking on the phone to her friend Rita. Barry is still confused about his last name. He went somewhere else online and found two other names Manilows and Manilowich. The ich makes the name sound Polish and Barry's family was not from Poland. He finally talked to a genealogist who specializes in genealogy. She thought Barry last name of Manilow was strange She didn't think it was a Jewish name. Barry showed her on his iPad the Surname Database where he found out that his last
name was English. Which the genealogist said looked to be right. She told him that most likely his last name got changed when his relatives came over from Europe. So would that have meant that  my grandfather's dad changed his last name once he got here asked Barry Most likely the did said the genealogist. His  great grandfather Louis Manilow and his wife Anna came over to the US with their kids. One of those kids was Joseph Manilow his grandfather. Barry told her he heard they were from somewhere in the western part of Russia.  He also told her his great grandparents Louis and Anna, grandparents Joseph and Esther, his aunt Rose and his mom Edna were all deceased. The only family still living was his aunt Rose's two kids cousin's Dennis and Olivia of course they really didn't know any more than he did. I think if Barry knew his great grandfather Louis had changed his last name once he got here. Barry would changed it back to his great grandfather's original last name. I'm kind of guessing that Barry is uncomfortable with his last name. His first name is actually Barack which is Hebrew and means lighting. His middle name is Alon which is Hebrew and means tree or oak tree. However Manilow according to Surname Database said his last name was English. On the site it mentioned the name Mann leof from pre 7th century. Leof meaning dear and mann meaning friend.  So how was your San Francisco vacation asked Rita? Lousy said Carly. Our first full day there we went out to dinner with Garry, Denise, Adrienne and Neil. Garry took us to a Chinese place in China Town. Garry, Barry and Adrienne all had the same thing. Early the next morning I woke up no Barry in bed. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. There he was on his knees kissing the toilet. I knew he wasn't feeling good. I said to him I think we better cut our vacation short. It would no fun to go sightseeing with you stuck here sick. Plus I'm sure you'd feel much better resting in your own bed.  I called Delta and got a flight for early that afternoon. Amtrak just loves Barry so he would be able to get a refund on our tickets. We got dressed packed our bags went downstairs and checked out The clerk asked if everything was ok. I told him Barry wasn't feeling good so we were cutting our trip short. Once we got to the airport I called Garry to tell him we were going home early and why. Denise answered the phone so I told her what was going on. She then told me Garry was sick. I said to you think they got food poisoning? Denise said I'm sure they did. She had already called the board of health and told them about her husband. They told her that restaurant should have been closed two months ago. The board of health told Denise they sent one of their inspectors to checkout the place two months ago. She found out the restaurant paid the inspector off so they could stay in business. Lucky Barry got better so he didn't have to cancel the Barclay Center concert and the album signing. Barry did feel bad about our vacation being cut short. I told him we can do something after his summer sheds tour. Barry also said no more to going to San Francisco. Once we got home David called to tell us Suzie was flapping her yap again.  Is that why you got asked up on stage after Barry sang The Girl From The Bronx? asked Rita. Yes said Carly I think he wanted to introduce everyone to the girl from the Bronx. Now what this about McCallum Theatre concert said Rita. McCallum Theatre concerts said Carly. Yes said Rita someone in the Mani-Fanilow group just posted that Barry was going to do five concerts at the McCallum Theatre at the beginning of December.  Barry's doing his summer Williamsburg Tour across the US. It's all the outdoor sheds Jones Beach, Jiffy Lube Live, Red Rocks, Hollywood Bowl and ETC. He's finished with that tour at the beginning of August. Then he's off until December 30th when he does his New Years Eve shows in Montreal Canada. Barry's
 playing at the Centre Bell. That's Saturday December 30th and Sunday December 31st. So I don't know where that group got their information from said Carly. Just then Barry walked in. Carly told him about the five concerts at the McCallum Theater that some Facebook group said he was going to do in early December. I'm not doing any concerts at the McCallum Theatre said Barry. Maybe that's Brian Murphy who's doing the five shows there. Boy  am I glad I moved back to New York  City said Barry. Palm Springs got to be too celebrity for me. New York is full of celebrities but their not out there like they are in LA and Palm Springs.  I have that BMI award I'm getting on May 8th. So I'm
leaving on Monday for LA. I should be back some time on Wednesday. I'm talking my PA Eric Schaefer with me said Barry. I just hope I don't run into certain people. You mean like Suzie said Carly. Yes Suzie, her hubby Alan and Scott Nevins.  I'm not happy about her staying untrue stuff about me. Nor do I like Scott Nevins hanging all over me. I'm not interested in having any sort of relationship with him what so ever. Besides I'm a happily married man. So why would I want a relationship with a gay man when I'm straight. Yes I know certain people still think I'm gay but I'm not. what do you say we go out for dinner tonight said Barry. Sounds fine to me said Carly. I called Bruce and asked him if he and Rob wanted to go out with us for dinner. Bruce said sure he and Rob would love to go out with us for dinner. I suggested Italian for dinner. I made reservations at Felidia which is an Italian restaurant at 243 E. 58th St. I'm hungry for manicotti said Barry. Carly shut off her computer. She went upstairs to the bedroom to change clothes. Carly put on a coral dress with some black heals. Barry changed into charcoal grey pants, white shirt,  grey tie, charcoal grey jacket and black loafers. We'll be meeting Bruce and Rob in front of Felidia's said Barry. Once ready Barry and Carly walked to the High Street stop . They got on the correct subway train into Manhattan..  The train stopped at the correct stop and Barry and Carly got off. They didn't have that far to walk to Felidia's. When they got there they saw both Bruce and Rob. Barry mentioned to Bruce about going out to LA for the BMI award. I just hope I don't run into Suzie, Alan and Scott said Barry. Rob said Scott Nevins. Yes Scott Nevins said Barry. He tried to wreck your wedding said Bruce. Yes he did. It's sort of creepy having a gay guy who got the hot's for me said Barry. Then there's Suzie who's all for Scott and me making a love connection. I don't think she likes the fact that I'm a happily married man. Especially since I'm married to a woman which makes no sense since according to her and Scott I'm gay. Both of them still think I'm gay. That's Brian Murphy who's gay. Brian's been married to his partner Gregory Knoffler for three years. Everyone in LA and Palm Springs knew that Brian Murphy was gay. I've known since 1972 that Brian was gay said Barry. There was just something about him that was different. He dressed like Liberace and pranced on stage like Freddie Mercury said Carly. I went once to Madison Square Gardens with Janice, Kathy, Eileen, Rita and Zoey to a Brian Murphy concert.  The next day I met up with Rita and Zoey. Both of them said they weren't too crazy about Brian Murphy. Janice, Kathy and Eileen were hoping that me, Rita and Zoey were going to Brian Murphy's Nassau Coliseum concert on Tuesday April 25th.  I told them we had tickets to see Barry Manilow at the Barclay Center on that night. Me Rita and Zoey had front row left of center seats. I found out from Janice that she, Kathy and Eileen were in the third row from the stage for Brian's concert. The thing is Barry gave us his usual two hour show with twenty minute intermission. While Brian Murphy gave his fans a ninety minute show. His usual opening act Dave Koz is on one of his jazz cruises. So Brian had Michael Lington another saxophone player open for him. The thing is Barry's 73 and Brian's three years younger at age 70. Some people wonder why Barry doesn't have an opening act. Or why he doesn't tour with some other artist or group. Barry felt that cheats the fans when you have another very successful artist or group touring with you. Beside as he says "My fans come to see me and not some other artist or group besides me." So we got our usual two hours with twenty minute intermission.  After the show ended Barry went back stage. Then the fans did what they usually do. Which is stomping on the floor and yelling we want Barry. Barry came back out and said "Isn't it time to go home?" The fans yelled NO! You want more said Barry yes they said. So Barry ended up giving us thirty minutes more. He said it's a school night and he wanted the moms to get home. Brian quit doing encores in the early 90's said Barry. He also quit doing two hour concerts around that same time too.

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