Monday, April 10, 2017

Home Again

Ah yes Home Again. Barry and Carly enjoyed their over two week vacation in San Francisco. While there they toured a home that was for sale in the Pacific Heights neighborhood. They chose to buy the home. Barry and Carly put an offer on the home which was accepted before they left San Francisco. They also met up with Garry, Denise, Adrienne, Neil and Marty for dinner one night. They stayed at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco.  Barry had signed to do two nights at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. He would be playing Saturday December 30th and Sunday December 31st. The BMIFC was going to have a weekend in San Francisco during Barry's two shows at the Oracle. The weekend would begin on Friday night with a meet and greet. Then on Saturday at noon there would be a New York deli styled lunch. An afternoon Q&A with Barry, his band and backup singers. Italian buffet. Then off to the Oracle for concert number one. Ice Cream bar after the show. Sunday  Q&A brunch with Barry. Afternoon Barry Bingo with Barry as the caller. Sunday sit down New Years Eve dinner. New Years Eve concert at the Oracle. Decadent desert bar after the show. Barry, his band, backup singers and tour crew would be attending the desert bar after the new Years Eve concert.  Barry was also thinking they should celebrate the holidays out in San Francisco.  Barry had been thinking about buying himself a private airplane. He looked a few different brands on line. He finally decided on the
Bombardier brand. He got a 2016 Bombardier Global Express Black Diamond private airplane. After he got his private airplane hehad it customized. Both sides of the tail got a treble cleft that had his name inside of it. Also with a I heart with arrow NY decal and I heart Brooklyn decal. Plus his name was along both sides of the plane done in the Chopin font. This was the first time for Barry having a private airplane. Brian was the one who used to have a Viscount private airplane. He used it during his Brian and Copacabana tours back in the 80's. The tour buses  that Barry used back in 2015 were rented ones. Now Barry could fly into smaller airports and avoid the bigger crowded airports. Like JFK, LAX, O'Hare, Sky Harbor and all the rest. Once they got home Marc called to tell Barry about the latest news. Which was that Suzie opened up her big mouth to tell everyone Barry's supposed personal business. What personal business was she telling everyone? asked Barry. It was about you and Garry said Marc. What about me and Garry asked Barry. Suzie  was talking about you coming out of the closet. Also that you and Garry have been married to each other for three years. She said it was so freeing for you said Marc. Garry and I are married but to our wives not each other. Garry's married to Denise and I'm married to Carly. Marc said to Barry he had to go back to work. Marc was getting things in order at Stiletto Entertainments New York City office. Marc mentioned to Barry he would called People and tell them that the information they got was false. Since Barry was in his home studio he decided to called WPLJ-FM Race Taylor was on air. Race said your our next caller and asked who is this. Hi Race it's me Barry. Hi Barry said Race. So what up. Well I called you so I can set the record straight. I found out from my previous manager Marc that I'm coming out of the closet. It's going to be in the April 17th issue of People Magazine. The thing is I'm not coming out of a closet I was never in. I'm not gay nor was Garry my one time manager. We're both happily married to our wives said Barry. That's why I called you to tell your listeners that the People article on me is false. Barry got off the air with Race and called David his manager to tell him the news. He also told David that Marc was going to handle People Magazine. I think Suzie would like it if was gay said Barry. Just like she wishes I still lived in my house in Palm Springs. I moved back to New York City in 2004 because I spent to much time flying back and forth between Palm Springs and New York. That is why I moved back here for good. I have a nice space for my home office/recording studio said Barry. There are also loads of super  recording studios here in New York where I can record my albums.  I check out the Westin St. Francis Hotel for the BMIFC function In San Francisco at the end of December.  That's great said David the contract is here for you to sign for the two nights at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. Ok I'll stop by tomorrow to sign it when I come by to see the new Stiletto offices here in New York. They're two floors up from the BMIFC's two floors. Vikki told me they just finished sending out the of the membership kits. In fact our next door neighbor Kevin brought over our mail. In amongst the mail was Carly's BMIFC 2017 membership kit. She got a 2017 sticker to put on her Club 99 membership card. The other kit pieces were the membership pin. Welcome to club postcard with contact information. Email, mailing address, phone number and website addresses. A 5X7 inch candid of me. Also a notebook with the new BMIFC's  logo.

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