Sunday, October 4, 2015

Very Interesting Stuff On Facebook

Carly went on her computer. She checked her email and answered her parents and sister back. Then she headed over to Facebook. Once on Facebook she poked her friends back who poked her. She checked a couple of Facebook groups. In one group one of the members had posted a head shot painting of Barry minus any shirts. Oh gees said Carly. Why do these fans think it's ok to paint my husband half naked. That doesn't even look like Barry thought Carly. Carly went into her photos on her computer. She posted a photo she took of the painting Richard Young did of her husband Barry. With the photo she posted "This is what a painting of Barry Manilow really  looks like. Jacqueline's painting doesn't look like Barry at all. The actual painting which is by Richard Young is on my wall in my Barry Manilow inner sanctum. It's my room filled with all things Barry Manilow. Barry came into Carly's Barry Manilow inner sanctum. This was where Carly kept all her Barry Manilow stuff. Shelves with stuff from Barry Manilow's Broadway songwriter career. Stuff from Barry Manilow's jazz recording artist career. Binders with BMIFC Barry Gram newsletters. Photo albums with photos of Barry Manilow on stage during his concerts. Totes in the closet with tee shirts. Posters of Barry Manilow's Broadway Musicals and actual Barry Manilow posters on the walls. Her most prized pieces were her autographed Copacabana and Harmony programs autographed by the cast and songwriters. Her autographed vinyl copies of 2:00AM Paradise CafĂ©, Showstoppers, Here At The Mayflower and New York State Of Mind. Her autographed Night Song CD. Carly made sure that she traded with veterinarian Jeff Warner to have next Tuesday off. That's so she and her Barry Buddies Susan Barrett, Vicki Smith, Kathy Thacker and Anita Lyles could camp out in front of Rough Trade records for the album signing on Tuesday. Look at this said Carly as she showed Barry Jacqueline's painting of himself naked from the wait up. What do you expect when their minds are in the gutter said Barry. Beside that painting doesn't even look like me. Just to remind you Susan Barrett, Vicki Smith, Kathy Thacker, Anita Lyles and I are camping out in front of Rough Trade records Monday night for Tuesdays album signing said Carly.  Call me about seven am and tell me how many fans are camped out at Rough Trade records. I'll have Louie from The Bagel Store send one of his delivery guys over there with breakfast for everyone said Barry. Fresh bagels, cream cheese, coffee and milk for non coffee drinkers.   That's very nice of you said Carly. Fan friendly Manilow at your service mam said Barry.  How's your wrist doing? asked Barry. Much better said Carly. The week of October fourth through the tenth went by real fast.  It was already Thursday October fifteenth. Barry was in the bedroom packing his suite case. Carly had already gone to work and had said goodbye to Barry. Barry  finished packing his suite case. He made sure the dogs had gone out and done their business. He took them inside and fed them. He left Carly a note letting her know where he was going to be. Barry was headed across the pond for some business. He was going over to London England to sign the papers on the house. Barry decided that instead of renting  an apartment for three months he would buy a house. Barry found a house in the Bloomsbury neighborhood of London. He also located an orthodox synagogue he could attend on Saturday mornings. Central Synagogue in Greater Portland 36 Hallan Street London W1N 6NN.  Rabbi Barry Marcus was Central Synagogues rabbi. Barry was going to London at the beginning of May. That was so he could get a feel of the area near his house in Bloomsbury. Plus rehearsals started two weeks before  the June opening. Barry was taking his Novara Gotham bicycle with him. Barry figured he could bicycle most everywhere he wanted to go. Carly got home and saw Barry's note. She checked the answering machine to see if there were any messages. There were two one from Suzie Q. and one from Garry. Carly called Garry to see what he wanted. So how are you holding up? asked Garry. Fine said Carly Barry's across the pond.  He went over to London to sign the papers on the house he bought. Barry bought a house said Garry. Yes said Carly. It's in the Bloomsbury neighborhood of London. It has a basement with the mechanical and laundry room. The next floor has the kitchen and dining room. With sliding glass doors to the garden. The parlor floor has the living room. The second floor has a guest bedroom , bath and the at home studio. The third floor is the master bedroom and bathroom. Barry figured instead of renting a place he's buy one.  I texted Barry to tell him Suzie Q. called and left a message on the answering machine. I told him after he listens to it let me know he listened to her message then I'll take it off the machine. I don't want to listen to what she had to say said Carly. Has Scott been bugging you lately? asked Garry. No he hasn't said Carly. That's good said Garry. You , Marc and I are the only ones that know Barry's over in London. That way Scott won't bother him while he's over there. The other thing we did was to get rid of the phone number we had that was not unlisted. Now Scott can't call us here at the house. That's the only phone number Scott knew said Carly. He doesn't know our cell phone numbers or our unlisted home phone. You and Suzie Q. were the last two phone calls on our listed phone number before the phone company shut it off. Here is our unlisted phone number said Carly. Marc, Lorna, Dave, my family and a few others have this number. They all know what Scott's done and won't give him our numbers. Last week went fine for Barry said Carly.  Did you catch Rachel Ray on Monday? asked Carly. Yes said Garry we did. Boy was Rachel totally in shock when Barry said he was cooking "What's for dinner." said Garry. Barry made sure he typed up the recipes for Rachel so she can put online. Well I'll let you go said Garry. Ok said Carly. Garry and Carly said goodbye to each other before they hung up. Just then Carly got a text message from Barry telling her he listened to Suzie Q's message on the answering machine. So she could delete it off the answering machine. Carly went upstairs to take a shower and get ready to go out. Carly, Vicki and Anita were going to Smokey's Place a new jazz club in Brooklyn that everybody was raving about. Tonight was open mike night which meant anyone could get up and sing with Smokey's band. Anita and Vicki showed up at Carly's house so they could go. The girls went outside to get into the cab to go to Smokey's Place. Tonight was open mike night which meant anyone could sing with Smokey's house band. The girls got to Smokey's Place and went in. The waiter showed them to their table. They each order a drink.  After the drinks came they ordered their food. One guy got up to sing and wasn't  too bad. Then some girl got up and she was awful. Most of the open mike singers were good. It was getting late so the girls left to go home. They hailed a cab and gave the driver Carly's address first. While in the car Anita mentioned that Brian Murphy was going on the road next year. He must be doing much better after his hip replacement surgery he had earlier this year said Vicki. I'll have to text Barry about that said Carly. The cab got to Carly's house and she got out. She said goodbye to her two friends and went up the front steps. Once in the house she called for the dogs and let them outside one more time. Once they were all in Carly went upstairs to put her pajamas on. Then she came downstairs to look at the mail. Carly had already sorted the mail and put Barry's up in his office.  Among the mail Carly got was her two thousand fifteen BMIFC membership kit. Dang Barry got creative this time said Carly. Carly got up and went to get the home phone. She called Vicki  to see if she got home ok. Also to tell her she got her two thousand fifteen BMIFC membership kit. What did you get? asked Vicki. I got a membership pin, membership card,  a photo postcard with all the contact information. You know addresses and phone numbers and a welcome to club CD. It says this is Barry welcome to the club message. On the CD is Barry's welcome message to the members. Plus a song that's just for us members to hear. The BMIFC logo got changed. It's really classy said Carly. That's great said Vicki. Carly and Vicki said goodnight to each other. Carly went to bed.

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