Sunday, October 11, 2015

More Interesting Stuff On Facebook

Carly got up went into the bathroom. Then came out and got dressed. She went downstairs to take the dogs out. Once they did their business they all came in. Carly's phone rang and she went to answer it. Hello said Carly. Hi Carly it's Vicki. Have you been on Facebook yet? No I haven't said Carly. I just came in from taking the dogs out. So what's up over there? asked Carly. This one fan Jackie posted two black and white drawings of Barry Manilow. With the two drawings she posted a message telling fans she was selling prints of these for fifteen pounds I believe. Or twenty-two seventy-six US money said Vicki. Doesn't she know that Barry Manilow's name and likeness are copyrighted by Hastings, Clayton and Tucker? said Carly. I guess she doesn't know that said Vicki. Her actual drawings and paintings are two hundred or more. She better watch it because if Marc sees her post he'll email her a private message like Garry Kief use to do when fans did stuff they weren't suppose to do said Carly. So what's on your plate for today? asked Vicki. I'm not sure said Carly. You haven't been getting any more phone calls from Scott Nevins? asked Vicki. No said Carly. We got an unlisted landline number and got rid of the one that was in the phone book. The only people who know our new number is our families and close friends said Carly. That's good said Vicki. Well I'll let you go said Vicki. They said goodbye to each other then hung up. Carly went into the kitchen to get herself some breakfast. After breakfast Carly went down to get on her computer. She checked her emails and replied to a couple. Then Carly went over to Facebook and she saw Jackie's post about her prints and how much they cost. Carly thought she better watch it in case Marc was checking Facebook. Marc would send her a cease and desist letter just like Garry did. Carly knew a couple fans who got cease and desist letters from Garry. Scott Nevins was also hanging out on Facebook. He was asking fans if they knew where Barry was. A couple fans said most likely Barry's at home in Brooklyn, Actually he is on his way home from London. Barry went over there to house hunt. Barry decided to rent a house next year while doing his Palladium run. Carly got off her computer and went upstairs to take the dogs out. So after the dogs did their business Carly brought them in. Once back in the house Carly made herself some lunch. Carly heard the phone ring so she picked it up. Hello she said. Hi Carly it's Marc. How are you doing? he asked. Fine said Carly. You heard Scott Nevins was trolling Facebook said Marc. Yes I saw his post over on Facebook said Carly. If he only knew that Barry was in London. The other thing I saw on Facebook was fans bitching about the credit snafu. They are blaming Garry Kief for that happening said Carly. I don't know why said Marc. When Garry's retired, Kristen runs Stiletto and I manage Barry Manilow. Well I better take my dog out said Marc. Ok said Carly. Right after Marc called Carly got another call. This one was from Gabriela. Hi Carly said Gabriela. Hi Gabriela said Carly. So new? asked Gabriela. Not much said Carly. I'm sure you saw Scott Nevins post said Gabriela. Yes I did said Carly. I didn't comment to his post. It was worth my time and effort to respond to him. Carly heard the front door open. Barry said hello is anyone home? Carly said to Gabriela Barry's home so I'm going to let you go. Ok said Gabriela In the living room said Carly. Barry came into the living room went over and gave Carly a kiss on her cheek. So what's been going on while I saw gone? asked Barry. Scott Nevins was over on Facebook asking fans where you were. I didn't comment on his post. Didn't want to waste my time and effort said Carly. Also there was the credit card snafu and fans are blaming Garry Kief for that. He doesn't run Stiletto anymore said Barry. Maybe they don't know that he doesn't run it anymore said Carly. So how was your trip? asked Carly. Great said Barry, I found a house to rent in Bloomsbury neighborhood of London. Also while I was over in London I ran into some of your UK buddies said Barry. Oh you did said Carly.  Yes I went into this one record store and saw PJ Nelson, Kim Andrews, Stacy Kenny and Jamie Burns. They didn't see me but I saw them. I went up behind them and said boo! You should have seen them jump said Barry. When they turned around and saw me the yelled  Barry. I said hi ladies what you up to? PJ said it was a girls day out. Oh ok I said. What are you doing in London? asked Jamie. I told them I was house hunting for next summer. Now I'm headed to the Palladium to check it out. Do you ladies want to tag along? They are you kidding? I said no I wasn't. So your friends and I went to the Palladium to check it out. There was a piano on stage. I told the ladies to sit down in the front row and I'll play and sing a couple of songs for you. So I did Could It Be Magic, Who Needs To Dream, a jazzy version of Rain and Let Me Take You To The Paradise Café from 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Your friends were thrilled to get their private mini concert. I asked them if they were coming to the Palladium shows and going to the convention. Which they all said yes they were. I said one more thing before we leave. You know me I'm always prepared. I went into my back pack and pulled out five vinyl copies of  2:00AM Paradise Café II. I autographed a copy for each one of them. Then I got the stage guy to take a photo of the six of us. He used mine and Stacy's cameras. Then he took a photo of each of the girls and me. I told Stacy after she got the photos developed to give each girl her photo with me standing next to her. I told them it's kind of like a platinum without paying the platinum price. Yes they each got a hug and kiss too. So I'm sure your friends are in sweet heaven. Sorry for the pun said Barry. Have you eaten yet? asked Barry. No said Carly I haven't had dinner. Ok what do you say we go out for a burger? Sounds fine to me said Carly. Barry went and made quick stop to the bathroom. Then they went out and got in Carly's Beetle. Barry drove to the Burger Club in Astoria Queens. Once there Barry parked in a parking space. They got out and went to the entrance. Barry and Carly went inside. The waitress showed them to a booth. She asked them what they would like to drink. Barry said they wanted two diet Cokes. Also he said I'd like the braised short ribs and fries appetizer. The waitress went to put in their order and get their drinks. she brought back their drinks. Then she asked them if they were ready to order. Barry said we are and we'll have two classic cheeseburgers with an order of onion rings. Also on Facebook Carlos posted that someone on the network said you were playing Havana next year said Carly. I'm going to have those social network sights taken down said Barry. There's way to much rumor spreading going on over there. Some fans think they own the network so they think they can run it. I've heard that fans who don't go along with certain others get kicked off the network buy the administrator. So I'm going to get rid of MMN, Manilow UK, Maniklow Australia and Manilow Europe. Some fans really don't know how to play nice. Or be nice for that matter. And no I'm not playing Havana Cuba next year. I'm doing the three month run June to August at the London Palladium. Then in November I'm going cruising with my friends and fans on Royal Caribbean. That's it for next year said Barry. So I don't know who's telling fans I'm playing Havana Cuba next year said Barry. Just then Carly's cell phone rang. Hello she said. Hi Carly it's Vicki. What's up? asked Carly. Well Jackie is selling her waist up naked painting of Barry Manilow with the towel around his neck on eBay. Just a minute said Carly. Barry what's up? It's Vicki Smith and she said the waist up naked painting of you is on eBay for fans to bid on. Jackie doesn't get it does she that my name and likeness are copyrighted said Barry.

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