Saturday, August 15, 2015

Freaking Out!

Carly went on the internet. First she checked out Facebook. Then she went to Google and typed in Barry Manilow's name. She clicked on the word news to check for new articles on Barry. She found two. One was on this day which she shared on her Twitter page. The other one was about Barry and Scott Nevins which she emailed to Marc, Garry and Barry. Then she heard her name being called by Barry. She knew where he was fourth floor in his office/recording studio. She went up the stairs. What's up? Carly asked when she got to his studio. Sit Sit Sit said Barry as he pointed to the chair next to his. Carly sat on the chair next to Barry's. Barry said you've got to hear this and he pressed the button. Then all of a sudden Carly heard the wailing of a sax. The tinkling of the ivories. That velvety baritone voice that she loved. Carly sunk back in the chair and smiled  2:00AM Paradise Café II she thought. This was something she'd been waiting a long time for. It was over way too soon. Well what do you think? asked Barry. Oh my God the fans are going freak out when they hear this. When does it come out? asked Carly. Barry got up and went to a box in the corner. He pulled out an album and came back to this chair. He grabbled a silver sharpie from the pencil cup and wrote To Carly love Barry Manilow on the album. Next Tuesday August eighteenth. But here's your autographed copy of the album. Tuesday August eleventh is when I'm doing an album signing at Rough Trade records in Brooklyn. The album signing is from one pm to four pm . Or until every fan who comes  gets their vinyl album signed. There will also be CD and cassette versions of this album. Don't worry I 'll sign copies of the album for your besties Susan, Vicki, Kathy and Anita. When you go back over to Facebook you can tell your friends the good news. You can also tell them I'll be on WBGO 88.3 FM on Tuesday August elevennth during the nine pm to ten am hour with Gary Walker.  There will be a podcast to listen to if you can't listen between nine am and ten am. Barry got up and said he had to go use the bathroom . Also he said he was going down stairs to make lunch. Now I'll let you know when lunch is ready. Ok said Carly as she went down the stairs. behind Barry.  Carly went back into her computer room.  There she went back to Facebook and gave her friends the information about the album signing and the radio show. Barry yelled down stairs and said  tell your UK friends I'm doing an extended run at London's Palladium next year. June said Barry. Also  while I'm in the UK in late October I'll be doing an autograph signing for the new album. Soon Barry said lunch was ready. Carly went up stairs to the dinning room. Tomato soup and grilled cheese is what's for lunch said Barry. Then next summer I'll be doing the London Palladium extended run June through August this part of my Paradise Café II Tour Barry said. You can tell your Facebook friends all about it.  London Palladium tickets will go on sale starting on Wednesday September sixteenth at ten am eastern time. Oh and the fan club is having a convention in June two thousand sixteen in London said Barry. I'm working on getting the hotel for the fan club to stay at. Just then the phone rang. Barry picked it up and said hello. Barry it's Marc and are you sitting down. Yes said Barry Carly and I just finished lunch. Good said Marc because Scott Nevins went to the press and gave them a copy of yours and his marriage certificate. Excuse me but I never married Scott. If he does have a marriage certificate with my signature then it  was forged. Because the only marriage certificate  I signed was the court house one that both Carly and I signed.  Plus before we got married I signed the ketubah. The ketubah is up on the wall in our bedroom next to our wedding picture said Barry. The court house one that we both signed is in our wedding album. The ketubah was to big to fit in our wedding album.  Marc said I also called Garry and  your new  attorney Jack McCoy. Daniel Rodgers your old attorney just retired. Jack works for Elis, Smith and Rodgers. Now that Rodgers has retired. we'll be dealing with Jack about your regular legal issues. I told Jack all about the whole Scott Nevins thing. He said just to wait and see what Scott Nevins next move is then we'll go from there. Ok said Barry. Barry had just hung up with Marc when the phone rang again. Carly said she'd get it since Barry was in the kitchen putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Hello said Carly. Carly it's Vicki Smith. Oh hi Vicki what's up? she asked. Go turn your TV on to UPN channel  fifteen. TMZ is coming on in ten minutes. Harvey Levin is going to interview Scott Nevins about his marriage to Barry Manilow. Just then Barry came in and sat down. What's on? he asked. UPN channel fifteen said Carly. TMZ is coming up next. Harvey Levin is going to interview Scott Nevins. TMZ started and Harvey said he was going to talk to Scott Nevins about his marriage to entertainer Barry Manilow. First Harvey said to Scott "I thought Barry married his manager Garry Kief.. Scott said hell no Garry's straight. I'll talk to you later said Vicki. Ok said Carly. Then she and Barry sat there and watched as Scott told his fabricated story. What a donkey's rear end said Carly after the show ended. You got that right said Barry. Carly got up and went to get the mail. Looks like it's magazine day said Carly as she came back inside with nothing but magazines. She gave Barry Details a men's magazine and Keyboard a magazine about digital stuff, keyboards and pianos. Every Day With Rachel Ray, Food Network and People which Carly got. Carly just got People just for two thousand fifteen because of their getting married. Carly showed Barry the cover of People with their wedding photo on the cover. The cover line read "Married at last Barry Manilow and Dr. Carly Simon DVM."  Come here said Barry as he grabbed Carly and she fell into his lap. You know the best thing I ever did was marry you said Barry. Then he kissed her on the lips.

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