Sunday, August 30, 2015

New Set Of Wheels

It was Friday morning when Barry and Carly went to the Jeep dealers. Barry and Carly went out and got in Carly's Jeep Wrangler. They headed to Larchmont Chrysler Jeep Dodge. Once there Carly parked her Jeep. They looked around at the cars, SUV's and trucks. One of the dealers came over and asked if they could help them. Carly asked if  Richard Dean was working today. Jim Kelly said he was and that he'd go get him. Soon Richard came out to help them.  I'm here with Barry my husband. Barry's two thousand six Range Rover finally died. So he needs a new vehicle said Carly. Barry had decided he wanted a different color other than black. His 2006 Range Rover was black.   Actually he wanted a different type of vehicle. Barry had three different colored Range Rovers. He had a red one, grey one and a black one. Prior to the Range Rovers Barry had a BMW. and convertible Roll Royce. Barry still wasn't sure what model of vehicle to get He looked the Jeep Renegade. Then he had been thinking about the Volkswagen Beetle. So they left the Larchmont Chrysler Jeep Dodge without putting a down payment on anything. Barry also wanted to look at a Volkswagen. He was thinking maybe a Volkswagen Beetle. So on Saturday Barry and Carly took the subway into Manhattan to the Open Road Volkswagen dealer. Barry looked at the Volkswagen Beetle GRS which was yellow with a wide black stripe down the front and back,. The problem was Barry wasn't sure what he was going to do about getting a new vehicle. So right now all Barry had was his vanity license plate that read NYC RHYM. Carly told Barry that her Jeep Wrangler was ten years old. Even thought is still runs good I've decided to get a new vehicle. Carly wasn't exactly sure what kind to get. Barry and Carly went to a near by deli for lunch. After lunch they headed home to let the dogs out. Carly went to down stairs to her computer room. She turned on her computer and went to check her email. After that she went to Facebook. Over there US fans were begging for more cities. While UK fans were wondering when Barry was going to announce when he was coming to the UK. Carly quickly called Barry on his iPhone. She told him to go check Facebook. Which Barry did. Holy crap said Barry They just won't stop begging. No they won't said Carly. Carly hung up with Barry to let him get back to his work whatever that was. Barry went on his Facebook page to post a new message. Barry left his Facebook page and went to Google. That's when he went surfing for vehicles and dealers. It was now Monday and Carly was at work. So Barry decided he'd go vehicle shopping. He went to Land Rover Larchmont in New Rochelle. One of sales personal came over and introduced himself. Hi I'm Jack Richards. Can I help you find something. I looking for a new SUV said Barry. My 2006 Range Rovers engine blew up a few weeks ago. I took a drive out to Long Island in my Range Rover. On my way home I smelled smoke and pulled over. I got out of the Range Rover and ran away from it as fast as I could. When I got far enough away my Range Rover caught on fire. I called 911 and told them what  had happened. They sent out the police and a fire truck to put out the flames.  When they got there I told them exactly what happened. I also called my mechanic Doug Freeman. He came to tow the Rover and take me home. Since then I've been using a loaner. What kind of Land Rover was it? asked Jack. It was a black two thousand six Range Rover said Barry. I need a big SUV to fit my wife, two big dogs and one little dog in. Jack showed Barry a Range Rover  Sport in a red color. Barry told Jack he wanted black for his color. Barry ended up purchasing a two thousand sixteen Range Rover HSE Td5 3.0L turbocharged V6 diesel in Mariana black pearl. Jack told Barry his Rang Rover  would be in in three weeks. Barry thanked Jack for his help and then he left. When he got home Carly was already there. I was out car shopping said Barry. I went  to Land Rover Larchmont in New Rochelle.  I ordered a two thousand sixteen Range Rover HSE Td6 3.0L V^6 diesel in Mariana black pearl. It has a rear backup camera so you can see what's behind you. Button that starts the Rover without putting a key in the ignition. Sirius XM satellite radio along with the songs on my iPod programed in. Bluetooth so I can talk and keep both hands on the steering wheel. Heated seats with adjustable temperature controls. Total cost for my new Range Rover HSE Td6 with the extra charges is ninety eight thousand three hundred and forty five. It will be in three weeks. This Range Rover takes diesel and not petrol. Now the Jeep Renegade we looked at was a little too small for me said Barry. It's you and three dogs that I need to fit in my SUV. That's why I got that  one said Barry. I need some bells and whistles but not all of them. Now how about you Carly what kind of vehicle are you leaning towards? asked Barry. Two thousand sixteen Volkswagen Beetle R-line said Carly.  I left work early and went to Open Road Volkswagen in Manhattan. It's at 802 11th Avenue. I got to test drive a Volkswagen Beetle R-Line SEL hatchback it was a black one.  The sales person was a guy named Garry Feldman. I asked him if you could get every color in a hatchback. He said yes you can. I told Garry I wanted to rear spoiler on the back. He told which model came with that.  I ordered the Volkswagen Beetle R-Line 2DR hatchback. The color I picked out is called Denim. The price with everything including tax and surcharges came to thirty four thousand four hundred and fifty. Then Carly showed Barry a photo of the car on her iPhone. Wow said Barry that's super cool Beetle.
If we live out west I might have gotten a convertible said Carly. I'm getting a good trade in deal on my Jeep Wrangler. I always liked the opening to the movie Foul Play. That's where Goldie Hawn's caricature is driving on the Pacific Coast Highway 101 in a Volkswagen Beetle convertible. As she's driving your singing Ready To Take A Chance Again.  That's why I'm getting a Volkswagen Beetle said Carly.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Barry's Latest Facebook Post.

Barry's latest Facebook post.
August 29, 2015
Hi Gang
It's me Barry here.  So what up you ask. Well I'm getting my latest musical Here At The Mayflower ready for Broadway. Right now it's rehearsal time for the cast. The main cast members are Joseph Bologna , Lorna Luft, Diane Degarmo, Ace Young and Chris Marks as the Shadow Man. It opens for pre-views on Sunday September thirteen and ends pre-views on Saturday October tenth. Opening night is Tuesday October thirteen. Also I'm doing some US talk shows during that time. Both some  daytime and night time shows. I'll be on GMA, Rachel Ray, The View, The Chew and Late Night with Seth Meyers. Plus a whole batch of radio shows from my at home studio.  Then in late October I'm heading to the UK. I'm doing a record signing, talk shows and radio shows throughout the UK. The talk shows I'm doing are This Morning, The One Show and The Jonathan Ross Show.  Then it's back to the US for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve with family and friends. I'm still not one hundred percent sure what I'm dong at the beginning of next year. But I do know what I'm doing next summer. I'm heading across the pond to spend  June, July and August in the UK. So get ready UK ladies for some shows. How many you're wondering. Well lets just say I'm doing an extended run at the Palladium. The show opens on Wednesday June first and goes through Wednesday August thirty-first. Then UK ladies get ready for a convention. You heard me right I said a convention which starts on Wednesday June fifteenth and runs through Sunday June nineteenth This will be the first ever BMIFC UK Convention. Yes I know Lynn and Molly had one or two day conventions. But this is a total of four days.  The convention hotel is the London Hilton Metropole at 225 Edgware Road London W2 1JU United Kingdom. There are one thousand and fifty-nine rooms. I was able to get the rooms for one hundred and twenty-five a night. That's for single, double, triple and quadruple people in each room. We are limiting the convention to first one thousand people.  I'd like UK fans to have first crack at signing up for the convention. There have been a lot of conventions here in the US already. So it's the UK's turn to have a convention. So far we've lined up a seminar with Adrienne Anderson, Enoch Anderson, Jack Feldman, Marty Panzer, Bruce Sussman and me on songwriting. Sit down dinner will be on Friday June seventeenth. Convention goers will get tickets to both Friday June seventeenth and Saturday June eighteenths shows. After Friday nights show there will be a party to celebrate my seventy-third birthday. We will have cake and champagne. Then on Sunday there will be a brunch which I will attend. I'm going to draw five lucky convention goers names and they'll get to sit at my table with me. Then after the brunch there will be a two hour Q&A. There will be more information coming out in October. So get ready UK I'm coming at you next summer. Oh BTW the show I'm doing is called Manilow Live In London.

Monday, August 24, 2015

"Did Your City Make The List?"

"Did your city make the list?" What list said Barry as he looked at a post on Facebook. There is no list of fifty cities on my Facebook page people. I need some "ME" time and some "CARLY and ME" time. Not more come to my city Barry and do a concert please. I just finished a twenty-eight city tour. Barry shut off his iMac and went down stairs. He took the dogs out and after they did their business he let them in. Then he went out the front door and down the stairs to his Range Rover. He opened the door and got in. Barry started up the Range Rover but nothing happened. So he went back inside and waited a half hour. He went back out and tried again no such luck. Barry called his mechanic Doug and told him his Range Rover wouldn't start. So Doug sent over one of his guys Kevin. When Kevin got there he tried the jumper cables but those didn't work. So  he popped the lid of the Range Rover and looked at the engine and such. Kevin told Barry he was going to tow the SUV back to the garage. He told him either he or Doug would call him when they knew what was wrong. After Kevin left then Carly came home. How was your da? she asked Barry. Well all right said Barry. Except my Range Rover died and Doug sent Kevin over to look at it. Kevin towed it away and told me either he or Doug would call when they knew what was wrong. When did you get your Range Rover? asked Carly. Let me see. it was two thousand and six said Barry. So you've had your Range Rover for nine years total. Plus you moved back east in two thousand and nine. That was the year you drove cross country in your Range Rover with your two dogs. You've also drove it out to the Hamptons many times. Plus you drove it to upstate New York   Saratoga Springs, Albany and the Adirondacks So that put a lot wear and tear on your SUV. Maybe it's time you got a new vehicle. You could be right said Barry. Ok I have an idea. How about we go out for pizza and a movie. I'll treat and you get to pick the pizzeria and the movie said Carly. How about Dellarocco's of Brooklyn at 214 Hicks St. for the pizza. Then we can got to Cobble Hill Cinema. I know this sounds stupid but I'd like to see the movie Shaun The Sheep. I checked and it's playing at   the Cobble Hill Cinema. That doesn't sound stupid said Carly. There is a kid in all of us who likes to see animated movies. Like Shaun The Sheep, The Little Mermaid,  Rapunzel and etc. Let me change clothes and I'll be ready to go. When Carly came back down off they went for pizza and a movie. After the movie ended they headed home. Once back at home Barry took the dogs out. Carly went up stairs to put her pajamas on. Then she came down to the living room. Barry came back in with dogs. He then went up stairs and put his pajamas on. When he got down stairs Carly was watching WNBC 4  eleven pm news. Barry went into the kitchen and got a bag of Chester's Cheese Puff Corn for their snack. They both munched on the puff corn while they watched the news. After the news they watched Late Night with Seth Meyers. Barry digital video recorded the show from the night before. Then they went up stairs did what they needed to do in the bathroom. They crawled into bed. Barry said goodnight to Carly and kissed her on the lips. Carly said goodnight back to Barry. Soon Carly felt Charlie snuggle next to her. Barry didn't mind Charlie on the bed since he was a thirteen inch beagle. Barry's two black Labrador retrievers slept in doggie beds against one of the bedroom walls. Soon the alarm clock went off. Both Barry and Carly got up and got dressed. They went down stairs. Carly took the dogs out while Barry made breakfast. While eating breakfast Carly asked "What's up for today?" Well said Barry I need to do the grocery shopping I didn't get done yesterday. Ok said Carly I need to put gas in my Jeep. So we'll go out and run some errands. They got into Carly's Jeep and headed to Shell gas station at 1064 Atlantic Ave because it was open twenty-four hours a day. Then they went to Trader Joes supermarket for some groceries. They took the groceries home and put them away. Then the phone rang. it was Doug Barry's mechanic he called to tell him that the engine in his Range Rover was shot. So Doug told Barry he better get himself a new set of wheels. Barry told Carly that Doug had called about his Range Rover. He told Carly what Doug said was wrong with the Range Rover. So I need a new vehicle said Barry. I guess your going to want another Range Rover said Carly. Barry not really. I thinking of getting something different this time. I was thinking maybe I'd get a Jeep. I know the right Jeep dealer said Carly. I got my two thousand five Jeep Wrangler from Larchmont Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge. Actually that's where I've gotten all my Jeeps from. When I went on Google and searched New York City Jeeps dealers Larchmont Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge had no one star ratings. You can give the dealers a one to five star rating. After lunch let go up there and look around ok said Carly. Ok said
Barry. They ate their lunch. After lunch Barry took the dogs out one more time. He brought the dogs back in  then they left for the Jeep dealers.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Twenty-first of August No Word Yet!

Shelia McKinnon posted a message in her Manilow Friends Facebook group. She mentioned todays date twenty-first of August and that nothing has been said about Barry doing any shows next year two thousand sixteen. Chris Hayword, Barbara Lake, Karen Gardiner, Linda Hull, Deborah Adams, Chris Gibbs and Patricia Livingstone all commented to Shelia's post. Linda Hull said "Hope it's May of next year?" Someone replied to Linda's comment. The person said "How does the London Palladium June first through August thirty-first of next year sound?" I often wondered if any entertainers had ever an extended run on the West End. Like I and others have done here in the states on Broadway. "Who are you?" asked Patricia. "Who am I?" he asked. Well I'm six foot tall, light brown hair, blue eyes and I'm one hundred and sixty-five pounds. I was born on Thursday June seventeenth nineteen forty-three at Beth Moses hospital Brooklyn New York. I lived in the neighborhood of Williamsburg with my mother Edna and my grandparents Joe and Esther. I graduated in nineteen sixty-one from Eastern District High. I was married to my high school sweetheart Susan Dexlier. I worked in the mailroom for a while at CBS TV in New York City, I wrote commercial jingles for KFC, Band Aids, State Farm insurance, Chevy cars, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Stridex, McDonalds and others. I've had many musicals on Broadway and London's West End. Maybe you've seen Copacabana, Down Avenue C, Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed, London, Heaven, Harmony, 15 Minutes. Or maybe you've bought one of my albums. 2:00AM Paradise Café, Swing Street,  Live On Broadway, Because It's Christmas, Showstoppers, Singing With The Big Bands, Manilow Sings Sinatra, In The Swing Of Christmas, Here at The Mayflower, New York State Of Mind and Something's Comin' Up. Maybe you've heard Daybreak, It's A Miracle, This One's For You and others that I wrote for pop singer Brian Murphy. I just recently got married for the second time to Carl Manilow on Sunday July twelfth. Oh you can't be who I think it said Karen. Who do you think I am? he commented, No you can't be him said Barbara. Who can't I be? he again commented. Chris Hayword said Barry Manilow. Now what if I am? he said. What if you are said Shelia well I just don't believe you one bit. Ok do any of you have Skype? he asked, Chris Gibbs said she did since her brother moved to the states after he married his American wife. So can you other ladies meet at Chris Gibbs' house? he asked. Because if you can then maybe we can Skype sometime. Shelia said that they were all getting together at Chris Gibbs' house next Friday, Saturday and Sunday for their Barry weekend. Great he said. Chris can you give me your number. Then next Saturday August twenty-ninth I'll Skype you at three pm EST Brooklyn New York City time. Which is eight PM BST London England time. Will that work for you ladies he said. Yes they each commented to his post. Well the week couldn't go any faster than it did. Because now it was Saturday night August twenty-ninth. Exactly at eight pm Chris Gibbs got her Skype call. Chris said hello. Hi Chris said Barry. Oh My God girls get in here it's Barry Manilow. Come on said Shelia you must be joking. No I'm not said Chris Gibbs' So the other ladies came in and sat down. Hello ladies said Barry. Oh my you weren't joking said Barbara. Shelia never realized I joined her Facebook group Manilow Friends. I used my actual name when I asked to join. I actually joined a couple of Facebook groups besides Manilow Friends. I'm in Night Songs and Just One Voice. Right now Carly not here. She's at the Bronx zoo delivering a new baby giraffe. It's a girl and she's being named Lola. Carly is the head veterinarian at the Bronx zoo. So she gets called out when she's need to deliver a baby animal. She said to tell Shelia, McKinnon, Chris Hayword, Agnes Gowens, Barbara Lake, Cheryll Hammett and Lain Clairingbold hi. Also that she hopes to see them next year at the BMIFC UK convention. Oh maybe you ladies remember Carly  before she got married. Her maiden name was Simon. Oh my said Shelia Carly told us she was getting married. But she didn't say who she was marring. Well I'm the lucky guy. Or maybe you ladies would say she's the lucky girl to be marring me. I better let you girls go so you can enjoy the rest of your Barry weekend. Oh one more thing. Chris did you get the package I over knighted to you? Yes said Chris. Before I finally let you go open up the package I sent you Chris. Chris opened the package and found twenty-four
Twelve are from Wednesday June seventeenths Metropolitan Opera House concert that was taped for PBS' Great Performances. Then the other twelve are from Saturday June twentieth Delacorte Theatre concert for BMIFC members only. Both concerts were taped for DVD's said Barry so there's one for each of you plus Agnes Gowens, Cheryll Hammett and Lain Chairingbold. Enjoy ladies. Bye Barry they all said to him. When Shelia looked at her clock it was eleven pm. Do you girls know we were on Skype with Barry for three hours. Well have to watch one of the DVD's tonight and the other on tomorrow night. Shelia chose the Delacorte Theatre one since it was a BMIFC members only concert.

Now What?

Now what thought Barry as he was checking the internet. Here was Scott Nevins over on Facebook telling everyone about him and Barry.  I have someone you idiot my wife Carly Manilow. Why do you keep on insisting that I'm gay when I'm not. Barry sat back in his computer chair. He could see her. Five foot six inches tall, medium blonde hair to her shoulders, blue eyes and one hundred twenty five pounds. Like he said four years ago Carly was a dynamo in a small package. Barry was totally in love with Carly. He got up and went to get their wedding album. He looked through all the photos. Carly looked so beautiful on their wedding day. He remembered when they went outside after they got married. Carly told Barry she had married her best friend which was him. There was the photo of them dancing their first dance to "I Just Want To Be The One In Your Life." His dear friend Melissa Manchester sand that song. She also sang "Looking Through The Eyes Of Love." from the movie Ice Castles as everyone walked down the aisle. He saw the photo of them feeding each other a piece of the raspberry torte wedding cake.  Just then he heard foot steps coming up the stairs. Barry turned to see who it was. There she stood in her khakis and boots. Damn he thought Carly looked so good in anything she wore. How was your day? Carly asked Barry. Ok said Barry except Scott Nevins was over on Facebook telling everyone about him and me said Barry. I looked at the computer screen and called him an idiot. Did it make you feel any better? asked Carly. Yes well sort of said Barry. What do saw we dress up to the nines and go into Manhattan for dinner? said Carly. Marc was able to score opening night tickets to the musical  Smokey's Café. He stopped by the zoo to drop them off. He figured that if we went to opening night we'd get photographed and end up in tomorrows New York Posts Page Six. The more exposure we get as a couple the more the public won't be thinking about you and Scott being an item. So Carly went down to the second floor to get ready. While she was in the bathroom Barry came in and got his black dress suite, white shirt, black  socks, black tie and shoes. He went up stairs to the third floor. Where he quickly took a shower in the guest bathroom. He went back down to put his clothes away. He went into the bedroom and there stood Carly. Oh wow! said Barry. Don't you look beautiful. Carly had on a sleeveless black dress with a full skirt beige nylons and black heals She also had on her dress watch and a strand of pearls. Carly told Barry Marc had gotten them a limo for the evening. They were going out to dinner first. Marc had made them reservations at Felida at 245 E. 58th St. Felida was owned by Lidia Bastianich and Mario Batali. Felida was an Italian restaurant., After dinner they made their way over to the theatre to see  the musical Smokey's Café . Oh my was the paparazzi out in full force thought Carly. One of them asked if he could take her picture. He asked her who she was with? My husband Barry Manilow Carly replied. The paparazzi took their picture. Then a whole bunch more took pictures of the two of them together. Carly said is that Bette Midler over there? as she pointed at the couple just coming out of the limo. Sure is said Barry Bette and Martin walked over and she said hi to Barry. Bette this is Carly said Barry. Hi said Bette to Carly. So you're Barry's date? she asked. Actually she's my wife said Barry. Oh so your Barry's wife said Bette. Bette said to Barry what a donkey's rear end Scott Nevins is. I saw his rant on Facebook about him and you being an item. You played in a bathhouse   twice  and they think your automatically gay said Barry. Then here came Lorna Luft and her husband Colin Freeman. Barry gave Lorna a kiss on her cheek and asked her how she was doing. Lorna said she was doing ok. So this is Carly said Lorna. Yes said Barry this is Carly. You'll have to come over and see our wedding video since you couldn't come to our wedding he said. Did Susie Q. come to your wedding? asked Lorna. No said Barry I didn't invite her. She did that Bravo show in February where she told the host that I had married my manager Garry Kief. Then there's Scott Nevins who been telling everyone that he and I are married. That's because Garry Kief is straight and according  to Scott I'm not. He was ranting on Facebook earlier today. I called him an idiot while I looked at his rant on the screen. Don't worry about him said Lorna. He's not worth you thinking about him. It made Barry feel a little better to scream at the computer screen today said Carly. Scott even found out we were in Montreal for our honeymoon. Thank God we had chosen a fake hotel. That's where we went after we got to Montreal. Scott met us in the lobby of that hotel. He wanted t be alone with Barry so I left and went to the bar for a soda said Carly. Scott kissed Barry and tried to get intimate in the lobby with him. But Barry got up and left to hit the elevator. Someone else went into the elevator with Barry. The other person pressed their floor number and Barry pressed a higher number. However Barry got off on the same floor as the person who rode up in the elevator with him. Barry gave that person an autograph said Carly. He then took the stairs down and we high tailed it out of there. We then caught a cab to our actual hotel. I'm sure Scott had a field day trying to find what room he thought Barry went to said Carly. There's more than one way to skin a cat said Barry. We never saw Scott after that. So our honeymoon was wonderful said Carly. Now what are you up to Barry? asked Lorna. Well I'm doing an album signing on Tuesday at Rough Trade records in Brooklyn. We're still in rehearsals for Here At The Mayflower. Ok said Lorna. I should be ready to go next week. That will be great said Barry. Then after previews and opening night I'm off to London to do an album signing for 2:00AM Paradise Café II. I'll also be on a few UK talk shows wile I'm over there said Barry.  They went and got their seats The musical was super. When it was over Barry and Carly went outside to get into their limo.  Yesterday on Facebook some fan named Doreen asked her friend Rachel if she was going to the shows this year in Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. I thought when did Barry announce shows in Ft. Lauderdale and Miami. Right now your musical Here At The Mayflower is in rehearsals. It opens for pre-views September third and goes to October third. Then opening night is Tuesday October sixth. You leave on Saturday October twenty-fourth to promote 2:00AM Paradise Café II in London. Your doing an album signing plus some radio and TV shows while you are over there. You'll be back by Tuesday November third said Carly. Then I'm some much needed "ME" and "US"
said Barry

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Freaking Out!

Carly went on the internet. First she checked out Facebook. Then she went to Google and typed in Barry Manilow's name. She clicked on the word news to check for new articles on Barry. She found two. One was on this day which she shared on her Twitter page. The other one was about Barry and Scott Nevins which she emailed to Marc, Garry and Barry. Then she heard her name being called by Barry. She knew where he was fourth floor in his office/recording studio. She went up the stairs. What's up? Carly asked when she got to his studio. Sit Sit Sit said Barry as he pointed to the chair next to his. Carly sat on the chair next to Barry's. Barry said you've got to hear this and he pressed the button. Then all of a sudden Carly heard the wailing of a sax. The tinkling of the ivories. That velvety baritone voice that she loved. Carly sunk back in the chair and smiled  2:00AM Paradise Café II she thought. This was something she'd been waiting a long time for. It was over way too soon. Well what do you think? asked Barry. Oh my God the fans are going freak out when they hear this. When does it come out? asked Carly. Barry got up and went to a box in the corner. He pulled out an album and came back to this chair. He grabbled a silver sharpie from the pencil cup and wrote To Carly love Barry Manilow on the album. Next Tuesday August eighteenth. But here's your autographed copy of the album. Tuesday August eleventh is when I'm doing an album signing at Rough Trade records in Brooklyn. The album signing is from one pm to four pm . Or until every fan who comes  gets their vinyl album signed. There will also be CD and cassette versions of this album. Don't worry I 'll sign copies of the album for your besties Susan, Vicki, Kathy and Anita. When you go back over to Facebook you can tell your friends the good news. You can also tell them I'll be on WBGO 88.3 FM on Tuesday August elevennth during the nine pm to ten am hour with Gary Walker.  There will be a podcast to listen to if you can't listen between nine am and ten am. Barry got up and said he had to go use the bathroom . Also he said he was going down stairs to make lunch. Now I'll let you know when lunch is ready. Ok said Carly as she went down the stairs. behind Barry.  Carly went back into her computer room.  There she went back to Facebook and gave her friends the information about the album signing and the radio show. Barry yelled down stairs and said  tell your UK friends I'm doing an extended run at London's Palladium next year. June said Barry. Also  while I'm in the UK in late October I'll be doing an autograph signing for the new album. Soon Barry said lunch was ready. Carly went up stairs to the dinning room. Tomato soup and grilled cheese is what's for lunch said Barry. Then next summer I'll be doing the London Palladium extended run June through August this part of my Paradise Café II Tour Barry said. You can tell your Facebook friends all about it.  London Palladium tickets will go on sale starting on Wednesday September sixteenth at ten am eastern time. Oh and the fan club is having a convention in June two thousand sixteen in London said Barry. I'm working on getting the hotel for the fan club to stay at. Just then the phone rang. Barry picked it up and said hello. Barry it's Marc and are you sitting down. Yes said Barry Carly and I just finished lunch. Good said Marc because Scott Nevins went to the press and gave them a copy of yours and his marriage certificate. Excuse me but I never married Scott. If he does have a marriage certificate with my signature then it  was forged. Because the only marriage certificate  I signed was the court house one that both Carly and I signed.  Plus before we got married I signed the ketubah. The ketubah is up on the wall in our bedroom next to our wedding picture said Barry. The court house one that we both signed is in our wedding album. The ketubah was to big to fit in our wedding album.  Marc said I also called Garry and  your new  attorney Jack McCoy. Daniel Rodgers your old attorney just retired. Jack works for Elis, Smith and Rodgers. Now that Rodgers has retired. we'll be dealing with Jack about your regular legal issues. I told Jack all about the whole Scott Nevins thing. He said just to wait and see what Scott Nevins next move is then we'll go from there. Ok said Barry. Barry had just hung up with Marc when the phone rang again. Carly said she'd get it since Barry was in the kitchen putting the dishes into the dishwasher. Hello said Carly. Carly it's Vicki Smith. Oh hi Vicki what's up? she asked. Go turn your TV on to UPN channel  fifteen. TMZ is coming on in ten minutes. Harvey Levin is going to interview Scott Nevins about his marriage to Barry Manilow. Just then Barry came in and sat down. What's on? he asked. UPN channel fifteen said Carly. TMZ is coming up next. Harvey Levin is going to interview Scott Nevins. TMZ started and Harvey said he was going to talk to Scott Nevins about his marriage to entertainer Barry Manilow. First Harvey said to Scott "I thought Barry married his manager Garry Kief.. Scott said hell no Garry's straight. I'll talk to you later said Vicki. Ok said Carly. Then she and Barry sat there and watched as Scott told his fabricated story. What a donkey's rear end said Carly after the show ended. You got that right said Barry. Carly got up and went to get the mail. Looks like it's magazine day said Carly as she came back inside with nothing but magazines. She gave Barry Details a men's magazine and Keyboard a magazine about digital stuff, keyboards and pianos. Every Day With Rachel Ray, Food Network and People which Carly got. Carly just got People just for two thousand fifteen because of their getting married. Carly showed Barry the cover of People with their wedding photo on the cover. The cover line read "Married at last Barry Manilow and Dr. Carly Simon DVM."  Come here said Barry as he grabbed Carly and she fell into his lap. You know the best thing I ever did was marry you said Barry. Then he kissed her on the lips.

Monday, August 10, 2015

London's West End Theatre District.

Barry and Marc caught a cab to JFK international airport for their flight. One there they checked in their bags. They each had one carry on and a backpack.They were headed across the pond for a meeting with Really Useful Theatre Group's head Andrew Lloyd Webber.. Barry was going to do his first ever extended run on London's West End. This would exactly like what he did in 1989 and 2013 when he did extended runs on Broadway. Barry and Marc were going over to London so Barry could sign the contract. After they checked in their bags they went to the gate to board American Airlines  for their flight to London's Heathrow airport. Soon they heard the flight being called. They boarded the airplane and found their seats in first class.  Soon after Barry sent Carly a text message letting her know they were in the air and that he loved her. Carly then made a long distance call to one of  her UK Barry Buddies Shelia McKinnon. Shelia answered her phone. Hello Shelia said. Hi Shelia it's Carly are you off work tomorrow? Now why do you ask that said Shelia. Well guess who's on his way to the UK as of right now. I don't know who? said Shelia. Barry Manilow said Carly. Now why is Barry Manilow coming to the UK? asked Shelia. To t meet with  the head of the Really Useful Theatre Groups. Oh said Shelia Yes said Carly. Wednesday morning Barry and Marc have a meeting with Andrew Lloyd Webber. Barry wondered if an actor/actress, comedians and music artists had ever done an extended run at a West End Theatre. Like what Barry did here in the US twice  one at the Gershwin in 1989 and the St. James in 2013. Barry mentioned the fist time he played London was at the Palladium for a whole week.  He said what he wanted to do was an extended run next summer at London's Palladium. He's thinking June tenth through August thirty first. Oh my. Carly you must be joking said Shelia. No I'm not joking said Carly. Back in 1983 Barry enjoyed doing a week at the  London  Palladium. So he wanted to do it for  an extended run this time. Oh my God so you're really not joking are you said Shelia. Nope I'm not said Carly. Barry's on  his way over there as we talk. He's on American Airlines flight 617. He and Marc will be landing at Heathrow at eleven forty-five am tomorrow morning. Thought I'd give you the heads up incase you're off tomorrow and want to head over to Heathrow for a Barry sighting.  Well I'm actually off tomorrow. And so is Chris Haylard,  Cheryl Hammett, Agnes Gowans and Lain Clairngbold. We were going out for lunch. Well now you just have do lunch after you ladies go to Heathrow and meet Barry's plane. He coming in with his manager Marc Hulett. You remember Marc used to be his personal assistant. After Garry Kief retired a few years ago Marc took over as manager. While on the plane Barry heard his phone play a certain piece. He knew that was Carly sending him a text message. Her message said I hope you don't mind but I told Shelia McKinnon about you coming to London. Shelia, Chris Haylard, Agnes Gowans, Cheryll Hammett and Lain Clairngbold will be waiting to greet you and Marc. Barry and Marc had a smooth flight to London. Once at Heathrow they went to pick up their bags. They went up the escalator towards the entrance to the airport. Along the way they saw Shelia, Chris, Agnes, Cheryll and Lain. Barry stopped and talked to them for a few minutes. Are you really doing an extended run at the Palladium Theatre  in London's West End next  year? asked Shelia Yes I am said Barry. The run will start on Wednesday June first and run through Wednesday August thirty-first.  He showed the ladies the  Palladium Theatre concert poster on his cell phone. Now the silhouette of the guy with his arms up is what I'm thinking might go on the actual sweatshirt and tee shirt. The logo on the silhouette sweatshirt will also be used for a decal, pin, baseball cap and a scarf. So if you girls can think up some other merchandize just post your ideas on my Facebook page. Well Marc and I need to get going to our hotel. Oh wait one more thing said Barry. Barry had brought with him a plastic bag with  six vinyl copies of 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Just in case he ran into some pf his fans. He pulled out a silver sharpie out of his jacket pocket and autographed a copy for each one of them. I have one extra do you have another friend who would love an autographed copy.  Agnes said there's Barbara Lake who's at home with a fractured ankle. So Barry signed the sixth copy for Barbara. Shelia said is this just a cardboard poster of the vinyl album? No said Barry it's the actual vinyl album. It comes out next Tuesday August eleventh world wide. I'll be back here again at the end of October to autograph copies of the vinyl album. So when you buy the vinyl copy you'll get the CD version free. Plus I'll also be doing some UK TV shows to promote the album. Oh and you have my permission to tell the rest of your UK friends about this. Marc quickly took a photo of Shelia, Chris, Agnes, Cheryll and Lain standing with Barry. Marc used Shelia's digital camera to take the photo. Have a nice rest of the day ladies said Barry. Barry and Marc then went out to catch a cab to their hotel. One they got to their hotel they checked in. When Barry got to his room called Carly to let her know he made it safely to London. I met Shelia, Chris, Agnes Cheryll and Lain. What a nice bunch of ladies they are said Barry. I took six copies of 2:00AM Paradise Café II incase I ran into some fans so I gave each one of your friends a copy. Plus Shelia mentioned Barbara Lake who's laid up with a fractured ankle. So I autographed the sixth copy for her. Oh I forgot about Barbara Lake said Carly. Shelia, Chris, Agnes, Cheryll, Lain and Barbara were just here in June for the New York City convention.  There was twelve of us that hung out together during the convention. Six from the US and six from the UK said Carly. Well I'll let you go she said. Love you said Barry. Same here love you too said Carly.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Road Trip Summer Sheds 2016

Barry was going to surprise his US and UK fans big time. First off he was releasing a new original material album on Tuesday August 11th. The album was called 2:00AM Paradise Café II. This was the sequel to his first jazz album 2:00AM Paradise Café which came out in 1984. Second of all next year during the summer of 2016 he was playing small outdoor sheds here in the US and over in the UK. This tour was being called the Paradise Café II Tour. Yes he knew he just finished his Brooklyn Blues tour in the US. But Barry was in the mood to tour. This tour would be his jazziest tour to date. He would be doing songs from his jazz albums 2:00AM Paradise Café, Singing With The Big Bands, New York State Of Mind, Something's Comin' Up and 2:00AM Paradise Café II. Barry knew Singing With The Big Bands wasn't exactly true jazz. But the songs on it sort of had a jazzy feel. Barry had already put together a list of twenty-six small outdoor sheds to play in the US. Now he just needed for find some over in the UK. Well he didn't have much luck finding outdoor venues in the UK. Just then Marc called. What's up? said Barry. Well said Marc. You've been invited to repeat your one night only concert at Blenheim Palace. This time Charles James Spencer Churchill the twelfth Duke of Marlboro has invited you to preform at Blenheim Palace. He looked back to when you played there the first time. That was Saturday August 27, 1983. Guess what August 27, 20156 falls on next
year. said Marc What day is it on  next year? asked Barry. Saturday said Marc so it would be thirty-three years ago to the date when you played Blenheim Palace.  That's sounds like we need to get that plan in motion said Barry. It will have to be an all day affaire that ends with my convert staring me at eight pm said Barry. So Barry went on the internet to book a flight for him and Marc to go over to England. Barry called Marc back and told him about their flight to London. Marc called the Duke back and told him Barry was up for doing Blenheim again thirty-three years to the date. Barry then went down stairs to find Carly. Carly was in their bedroom putting away laundry she had just done.   Barry came up behind her and kissed her on the cheek. Ok what's up? asked Carly you sound so happy. Well Marc just called and said the twelfth Duke of Marlboro called and asked if I wanted to
play Blenheim Palace again. I said of course.