Friday, December 5, 2014

Oh Really Yeah Right!

Barry got to thinking about what Marc had said about Brian Murphy. It was back in 2004 that Brian did One Night Live at the Mandalay Bay Resorts event center on Saturday June 5tth.  He did a  Midnight with Murphy after that. Then he did Blenheim Palace for the second time on Sunday July 4th. Then between Thursday September 30th and Saturday November 20th Brian did his One Night Live One Last Time mini tour. Soon after that Brian announced his residence at the Las Vegas Hilton. Brian had signed a contract for a five year run. 2005 to 2009. Then he signed a two year contract with the Paris Hotel on the strip 2010 and 2011. Then after the Paris Brian did show here in the US and the UK 2012 and 2003. Brian's had been off since June of 2013. He did do UK shows in May of this year. But after the UK shows he's been off the road. The first year Brian was at the Hilton he didn't play anywhere else but the Hilton. The next year and every year after that while he was in Las Vegas Brain did shows outside Las Vegas. That's because some of his fans couldn't afford to go to Las Vegas to see him. Back in 2004 Brian said he hated the late planes, sleeping in hotels and the hotel food. Now he was saying that again. Barry thought to himself "Brian Murphy your full on BS." Yeah right!  we'll see if this is the last time you ever tour  again after you've given everyone one last show. Just then Barry's phone rang. Hello said Barry hello Barry said Garry. I guess you heard about Brian Murphy retiring? said Garry. Yeah said Barry I heard. So what are you up to? asked Garry I'm getting ready to the holidays and rehearsing for my Brooklyn Blues Tour which kicks off February 14, 2015 in Los Angeles California at the Pantages Theatre. While Brian Murphy's been off the road  I took some of Brain 's band members. I took Russ McKinnon drums, David Rosenblat percussion, Mike Lent guitar, and Ron Walters JR. keyboards and musical director.  Then I've got my band guys Mark Levine bass, Joey Melotti keyboards and Ron Pedley keyboards. I also took two of his backup singers Kye Brackett and Melanie Nyema. Two of my regular backup singers  Kayley Vincent  and Debra  Byrd  will round out my backup group. I'm doing a bunch of major cities here in the US and  Canada between February and August. Then I'm taking one month off before I head down to Mexico and South America in October. In March of 2016 I'll be heading over to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the Philippines, China and Japan. Then the UK, Europe and Russia will be in 2017. That's sure is a major tour and are you up to it? asked Garry Sure said Barry unlike Brian Murphy I don't do wild shows. Remember Garry I'm a jazz artist not a pop artists like Brian is. Besides my shows are more mellow with a touch of wildness thrown in said Barry. Garry I don't do BAMS, hip swiveling and microphone straddling. I'm way to classy for that said Barry. Besides my recording career is not my main focus. That's my Broadway songwriting career.  During the US leg of my Brooklyn Blues World Tour I'm taping a two hour show from the Chicago Theatre for a PBS special. The PBS special will air during their November pledge break. The night of the Chicago show there will be both audio and video guys taping for a duel disc. A CD and DVD combo which will be sold during the airing of the Brooklyn Blues show in November. Garry said well I'll let you go. It's time to take the dogs out.
Ok Garry have a great rest of the day said Barry. Also give my ,love to your wife. Barry said goodbye to Garry and Garry did the same to Barry. Barry went back to what he was originally doing. Which was doing his laundry. He got his towels out of the dryer and folded them one by one. He then took them to his  linen closet and put them up. Time to let the dogs out. Which he  let them out the back door.

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