Thursday, December 4, 2014

New York State Of Mind Album

Barry Manilow's new album New York State Of Mind was coming out on Tuesday January 5th. Barry was already for the media blitz. The day before the album was to be released Barry was  going to be Rachel Ray's  co-host. Barry was doing her "What's for dinner" segment since he was a decent cook. He was also doing The Today Show.The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Barry refused to do The View because he hated Rosie O' Donald with a passion. Barry liked Whoopie Goldberg. In fact Whoopie stared in one of Barry and Bruce's musicals on Broadway years ago. He also wrote the score for her movie On The Fly. Plus back in the late eighties he was on her half hour talk show. It was Rosie's loud mouth Barry didn't like. Not her sexual orientation. Then he was going to LA to do the west coast talk shows. Good Morning LA and  Ellen and. Along with Access Hollywood and The Insider. Plus the usual radio blitz. Then next year starting in January Barry was going on the road to promote his album. The tour was called the Brooklyn Blues Tour . Just then Marc called to tell Barry that Brian Murphy was doing his One Last Time Tour. Oh really said Barry. Yeah said Marc he' quitting his performing career.  Interesting said Barry. We'll see  how long that lasts.  Is he going to announce he's retiring after he finishes his tour however long that takes. He just can't do the US and UK without doing Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Mexico and Canada. Now tomorrow I have an appointment with Leslie Hamel  to try on my concert attire. Leslie is the step daughter of his dear friend Suzanne Somers. Susanne is married to Leslie's dad Alan Hamel. After talking to Marc Barry was going Manhattan to meet Bruce for lunch at Del Posto's. One more thing said Marc. They're  talking about your face again. Really said Barry I've been open from day one about what I've had done to my face. I had a little melanoma on my face removed from laying out in the sun and that's it. No Botox or plastic surgery ever. Brian Murphy's the one who's had Botox and three plastic surgeries 1995, 2003 and 2006. Well I've got to go. I'm meeting Bruce for lunch at Del Posto's.  I need to take Max and Maggie out before I leave said Barry. Barry took the dogs out and put them inside. He then left for the subway station near his house. He boarded  the train to go into Manhattan. He got off the train and took the cab down to Tribecca where Del Posto's is. He meet Bruce in front of the restaurant. Hi said Bruce  What's new with you? he said. Not much said Barry I'm having my fitting  for my tour attire tomorrow. Then I'm going to get some new shoes to go with my tour attire.  On Saturday I'm going out to get my Christmas tree.  I decided to get a fresh cut tree this year. I've always gotten a real tree. But this is the first time I'm getting one that has to be cut down first. I'm also going to decorate the outside of my house for Christmas. I'm doing the front window and the bushes below the window with lights. I'm also putting a wreath on my front door.  Oh I also got asked to be on the Rockefeller  Tree lighting show Wednesday December 3rd on NBC. I'm doing a duet with Melissa Manchester on My Favorite Things and I'm singing Joni Mitchell's River.  So what are you doing for Christmas asked Bruce. Well I'm having family over tor Christmas. dinner. Cousin Dennis,  his wife, cousin Olivia and her husband are coming. Dennis's son's Greg and Jordan are spending Christmas with their in-laws. Dennis is coming from Boca Raton Florida. That's where Dennis retired to. Olivia lives out on Montauk Long Island. I'm cooking prime rib with baked potatoes, roasted asparagus. I'm getting sick of having turkey. Then later on we'll have coffee and cookies for desert.

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