Saturday, March 3, 2018

Headed To San Antonio

Barry took a cab to Penn Central train station at eleven am. He was leaving New York City for New Orleans on Amtrak's Crescent train. His train would leave at two fifteen pm. Barry would then get into New Orleans on Tuesday at seven thirty two pm. Barry was staying over for one night. After he got to his hotel he went out for dinner. He also stopped at Café Du Monde for some Beigents to go. He would eat them on the train for breakfast on Wednesday. Wednesday morning Barry was going to get on the Sunset Limited at nine am headed for San Antonio Texas. The Sunset Limited would make it into San Antonio at five minutes after twelve pm. Bruce and Jack were going to meet Barry's train. Jack asked Bruce why does Barry take the train when he can fly? Bruce said when Barry not in a rush he loves to take the train. When you fly all you see out the window is clouds, sun and very small stuff on the ground. When you go by rail you look out the window and see the gorgeous scenery. Just like in two thousand fifteen when Barry, his band and backup singers use tour buses for his tour . Barry has mentioned he's love to do that again. Use tour buses to travel from concert to concert. Tour buses are what most of country artists use when they go on tour said Bruce. Barry's train pulled into the San Antonio Amtrak station exactly on time. Bruce told Barry that Jack wonder why he took the train to get here. I told Jack why you came by train said Bruce. I also told him about the tour buses. Speaking of tour buses I 'm going to use them again in two thousand nineteen when I go on my Paradise Café II Tour said Barry. Bruce and Jack took Barry to get his rental vehicle. Once there Barry got his SUV he took off for the house David had rented for him. Barry went inside to unpack. Then he went back out and got into his rented SUV to go to the supermarket near by. Barry was in the mood for some Chinese stir fry. He was also going to stop at the States Store which sold liquor, wine and ETC. He got a couple of  bottles of great wines and some ale. He headed home to put the groceries, wine and ale away. Then he called Carly to tell her he made it safely to San Antonio. David called me on the train down here to tell me the Tropicana is choosing not to have rotating headliners. My New Years Eve shows have been canceled there. So now I have to find somewhere else to preform on New Years Eve  said Barry.  Luckily I hadn't announced the sale of tickets yet. The Cort Theatre's three month Broadway run is still on the schedule. The Cort Theatre people asked me to do a third month at their theatre due to popular demand typed Barry. In two thousand nineteen I've decided to go on another summer road trip and play the outdoor venues. Just like I did last year said Barry. I still have the list of outdoor venues I played last summer. Plus I'm adding some outdoor venues in Canada. Edmonton The Brick Field 33,234, Manitoba Investors Group Field 40,000, Regina Mosaic Stadium 33, 350 and Toronto Budweiser Stage 16,000. Over on my Google Plus page I posted a question about where we should have our BMIFC two thousand nineteen convention. I also put up all the cities I intend to do concerts in. Denver has been marked off since we had a convention there last year. I am doing five nights at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, four nights at The Greek Theatre and two nights at the Aloha Stadium in Halawa neighborhood of Honolulu Hawaii. After you fans give me a list of cities. I'll post the list so you can vote for where you want next years convention to be said Barry. It has to be in one of the cities I'm preforming in next year. Remember The First Barry Manilow Convention in Toronto in nineteen eighty five. I played Kingswood outdoor venue. The Manilow Memphis Convention in Memphis in nineteen ninety seven  In Memphis I played two nights at Mud Island said Barry since it seats only five thousand people total. Denver BMIFC Convention in two thousand seventeen. Most all the outdoor concerts are one night only. Except for Red Rocks Amphitheatre, The Greek Theatre and Aloha Stadium which are more than one night only. Shirley is telling her group that I'm going to preform at the Westgate Resort and casino. That's not going to happen ever. I do know that Brian Murphy was suppose to do the Westgate Resort and Casino this year. But so far he hasn't announced any dates for the Westgate said Barry. So far it's two nights in Mexico City, two nights in Vienna Virginia,  three nights in London and one night in Manchester. Carly thinks either he's being quite or else he's on vacation somewhere down the road. Sorry for the pun said Barry. Davis thinks that Brian's having a nip here and tuck there. Brian's had loads of plastic surgery. The only plastic surgery I've ever had if you want to call it that was to my nose. Years ago I got up in the middle of the night to use my bathroom and I went the wrong way. I must have thought I was at the house in Palm Springs. When in reality I was at my Malibu beach house. I broke my nose and had to have a plastic surgeon re-set it.  Some people must be so vain . As for me I'm not vain I just let nature take it's course said Barry.  Everyone out east please take care. I heard from Carly you fans out east are having a Nor-Easter with high winds, rain and snow. By the way thanks for all your suggestions everyone. I have a journal that I write all your suggestions in. When I used one of your suggestions I put a line through it. So keep those suggestions coming friends.

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