Friday, November 17, 2017

My Music Quote.

Your what? thought Barry. Your music will tell fans more about you than you ever will. Now really Brian! said Barry. One hundred percent of  the music you've sung was written by other songwriters. You don't play any musical instruments at all said Barry.  The only way your fans will ever get to know who you are is if you tell them about yourself. Try doing an all about me on your Facebook page. That way your fans will get to know you better. You don't hid anything from your fans except what you do in your bedroom sexy wise. Unlike you I've never hid anything from my fans except what I do in my bedroom sexy wise said Barry.  That's why I started my Ask Barry? column. So my  fans can ask me just about anything within reason. I will not and won't answer any questions about my sex drive. Nor what I do and with whom I do it with under the covers. Yes I've shook the sheets. But that's not my fans business with whom I've shook the sheets with. All I will say is I've never shook the sheets with any guys. Yes Suzie would like everyone to believe that I am gay which I am not. I happen to be a happily married straight guy.  I wear a wedding ring on my left ring finger. I fooled most everyone.Yes a few people knew that we got married on Sunday July 21, 2014. But
they were told not to tell anyone. Sunday July 21, 2014 was also the day that Brian Murphy and Gregory Knoffler got married. Suzie was Brian's best woman, Same as the best man only Suzie is a woman not a man. Brian and Gregory got married in their backyard. Which use to be my house before I sold it in 2004 13 years ago. You could say I planed it that way so Suzie wouldn't be at my wedding. However someone told Scott Nevins that I was getting married on Sunday July 21, 2014.
He showed up to ruin our wedding day. Scott always thought all wedding ceremonies had the line.
"If anyone of you has reasons why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." The line was used mostly in the movies not in real wedding ceremonies. In fact nothing like is used in a traditional Orthodox Jewish wedding ceremony. Any way Scott figured out how he could
interrupt our ceremony. My father-in-law John Simon paid for the tuxedo clothed detectives to be there. Once Scott started his rant they came a took him away. Scott spent the night in jail. I heard Suzie wired him bail money. That was how she found out I had gotten married. Boy was she pissed about that. Now Barry had only two more benefit concerts left to do. Orlando 11/13 and Pensacola 11/16. After that it was back home for him. Barry couldn't wait to meet the newest furry member of the family Aji Carly's Labrador retriever puppy. Finally Barry was home from his four city hurricane relief benefit concerts. The minute he opened the door this little ball of champagne colored fur came running. Hello puppy said Barry as he scooped him up. Oh my you must be Aji Carly's new puppy. Aji licked Barry's face. Carly heard a voice coming from the entry way. She came from the kitchen to see who it was. I see you met Aji said Carly. Yes I did said Barry. Boy is his fur is so light colored he said. Carly replied Aji's a champagne color which comes from both parents having the dilution gene  dd. Aji is in the yellow Labrador Retriever family along with the red fox and white. Aji came from the Retriever Rescue Group. They rescue Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers from puppy mills. Aji was the runt of the litter. Peggy one of the people who works at Retriever Rescue said that because he was the runt nobody wanted him. My beagle Charlie came from a beagle rescue. Beagles INC is a rescue group who rescues beagles from animal testing sites. I took Aji to Brooklyn Pet Care so Dr. Jeff could take a look at him. I told Jeff that the Retriever Rescue had a veterinarian who gave Aji all his shots. He was also dewormed while he was there. Maggie been kind of mothering him. I seem to find those two curled up on Maggie's doggie bed a lot. Putting the dogs beds by the sliding glass doors to the backyard is the perfect place with all the sunlight that comes in. Monday  I went over to Rachel Ray's Nutrish website to see if there was any new products that Brooklyn Pet Care could carry. I found out Nutrish comes in a puppy formula called Bright Puppy. I wrote a reminder in my calendar that we needed to order some. I needed a few groceries so I went to Trader Joe's over on 445 Gold St. Down in the dog food aisle I found a bag of the Nutrish Bright Puppy so I bought it for Aji. Just like Maggie and Max like Nutrish Dish chicken and brown rice and beef and brown rice. Aji loved the Nutrish Bright Puppy food. Later I went over to Rachel Ray's twitter account to thank her for making a puppy food formula. I said a lot of the owners who bring their dogs to Brooklyn Pet Care have been asking if Rachel Ray would some day make a Nutrish puppy formula. They will be happy to know that you do make a Nutrish puppy formula. Also Brooklyn Pet care will be proud to carry this as well. Dr. Carly Manilow DVM Brooklyn Pet Care. Carly then went over and gave Barry a kiss on his lips. Here's the latest rumor on Brian Murphy. Which we know is true. This comes from Vital Vegas. According to them "Hearing Brian Murphy has signed on for Westgate residency starting in April. Same place he performed 2005-2010." Not including Mexico City January 25th and 26th , San Antonio January 3st, Grand Prairie (Dallas) February 1st, Sugar Land (Houston) February 2nd,  Sarasota February 16th,  Jacksonville February 18th and Estero February 20th which have also been announced. I'm sure there might be a few more Florida dates added. Pensacola, Orlando, Tampa and Miami. What was that Brian said about no more touring? said Barry. Las Vegas again! Doesn't Brian remember what happened last time? He announced a five year run at the then LV Hilton. Brian said "Now you can come see me and I don't have to come see you." You know what happened his fans starting complaining that Vegas was to expensive so they couldn't go. Starting in 2006 and continuing to now Brian went outside Las Vegas to do shows all over the US, Canada and UK. Yes Brian still keeps bugging me to headline in Las Vegas. He keeps saying You'll really love it Barry.
Now Brian knows I hate Las Vegas said Barry. Besides I'd much rather play allover the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Now those are the only places I go to perform.. I played in Cologne Germany. I came out to the intro to I'm Your Man then I started to sing. I got half way through the song when I heard booing from the audience. So I left and refunded their money back. Same with Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Madrid and Lisbon I got booed off the stage. They got their money back too. That was back in 1985 when I did my first concert tour  to promote 2:00AM Paradise Café and Manilow. I also did songs from my earlier musical and rearranged some of the song I wrote for Brian Murphy. Most of the people in those cities didn't care for jazz. They only wanted pop music like Brian Murphy does. I never went back  to Asia, Mexico, South America, Europe and Russia. Those people didn't know what they were missing. I did a two hour concert with encores back then and I still do that even today. My concerts are always very high energy. Unlike Brian Murphy who's scaled down his shows to doing seventy to ninety minutes with or without an opening act. So far I still have the Brooklyn NY and Montreal Canada concerts for this year. Next year it's London, Australia, New Zealand and London again for the holidays Along with getting At The Mayflower my latest musical up for two regional runs San Antonio and Philadelphia.  I'm going to let you fans give me suggestions for next years holiday concert city or cities.

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