Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Brian Murphy More Show Dates?

Brian Murphy was maybe (?) adding a few more show dates for next year 2018. They would be Mexico City Mexico? Brasilia Brazil? Buenos Aires Argentina? and Santiago Chile?  Everyone knew that Brian was going to do these four shows next year in Mexico and South America. Now what was
that Brian Murphy said about  no more flying, no more hotel food and no more hotel rooms. Famous last words yeah right Brian Murphy.  Brian had just added another New York City Nassau Coliseum show to his growing list of dates. Now why (?) didn't Brian just go back on tour instead of doing a few shows here and a few shows there. Barry Manilow and others who knew him felt that he was becoming too much of a diva. Now wait a minute weren't divas mostly women? Yes they sure were mostly women not men. But that was what was happening to him he was becoming too much like a diva. Garry Kief thought Brian was acting too much like a prima Dona.  Garry saw Brian this past summer when he played The LA Forum. He got to go back and meet Brian backstage. Brian was bossing everyone around just like a diva would do. Garry had gone down to LA to visit his daughter Kirsten and her family. That was Kirsten her  husband Matthew Brownstein and her son Robby. Garry mentioned that Brian acted like a real diva with an attitude and all to Barry Actually Matthew Brownstein was actually related to Barry's first personal assistant Paul Brownstein. Matthew was Paul's brothers David's son. Brian was actually out east doing some show right now. New York City, Philadelphia and Verona Turing Stone Casino. Brian had recently gotten his right ear pierced. He had even started dressing more like Liberace. Wearing glittery suits like Liberace wore. Brian's shows were now more glitz and glamor than they used to be. Brian had four backup singers. Kye Brackett, Sharon Hendricks, Melanie Taylor and Melanie Nyema. He was doing Copacabana in the middle of his show. That was so his three female backup singers could wear the showgirls styled outfits. Brian had been ok with Barry taking a few of his band members when he took some time off. From Brian's band Barry took Russ McKinnon, Ron Pedly and Joey Melotti.  So Brian still had the rest of his band members and all of his backup singers. He still had Stan Sargent bass, David Rosenblatt percussion, Ron Walters keyboards, piano and musical director, Rich Jacobs trombone, Henry Lockhart trumpet and Warren Burk saxophone. Brian just added Steve Michaels guitar, Kevin Simons and Greg Jarrett keyboards. Turing Stone was Brian's last concert for a while. He was heading back to his house in the Mesa area of Palm Springs. Brian had bought the house off of Barry Manilow. When Barry decided to move back to New York City. Brian couldn't believe that Barry would give up such a gorgeous home. But then again he understood why he moved back east. He spent more time in New York City with his Broadway songwriter career. Now actually Barry could be a recording artist from anywhere Brian thought. Brian heard about Barry's Hurricane Harvey Benefit concert for  Sunday September 17th. It was just like Barry to quickly put together a benefit together.  Brian also heard that Barry invited saxophonist Kenny G. and singer Cyndi Lauper. The next time Brian  would be doing a show would be in October when he did his benefit show for The Gift Of Song on Sunday October 8th in LA. Also he had a shows in Boston, Newark, Allentown, New York City and his Gift Of Love shows in Palm Springs. After all of those shows Brian and Gregory were going to take a vacation. He and Gregory were going to China and Japan. While over in China and Japan  Gregory suggested they look into some venues for doing a few shows next summer in both China and Japan. Gregory was thinking Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing in China. Nagasaki, Osaka and Tokyo in Japan. Brian remembered back to the night in 1985 when he rocked the Buddakan in Tokyo. Brian thought the roof  was going to cave in. Also when he played the QE2 which was anchored in Osaka harbor. Brian and Gregory were thinking  Asia World Arena Hong Kong, Merc Arena Shanghai, Beijing National Indoor Stadium, Buddakan in Tokyo and Kyocera Dome Osaka. Those would be added to Mexico City, Buenos Aries, Santiago and Brasilia which Brian had already signed the contracts for. Brian had been seen at a local shopping mall in Verona. Some lucky fan got her picture taken with Brian. Brian went into one of the Facebook pages started for him. Some fan asked if Brian was in the Diesel store to buy underwear. No Diesel did not sell underwear. They mostly sold jackets, jeans. pants, shirts, tee shirts, bags and backpacks. Besides Brian wore Calvin Klein brand underwear. That got Brian to start laughing when he thought of the tighty whitey's underwear. As for whether Brian wore boxers, briefs, boxer briefs, bikinis and thong style underwear. Brian liked the bikini style the best.  Garry took his daughter Kirsten to Brian's Forum concert. Kirsten mentioned to her dad that Brian was looking even more skinnier than before. Brian was 6'2" and he weighted 140 pounds. Barry was two feet shorter than Brian and twenty-five pounds heaver than Brian. Barry was 6'0" and weighted 165 pounds. Now Barry worked out seven days a week. He switched between running eight miles a day and bicycling for three hours. Close to Barry's Brooklyn Heights home was a new fitness club. This club had both an indoor running and indoor bicycling tracks. They also had the latest in fitness equipment and an indoor pool. Brian did a little bit of exercising but not as much as Barry did. Brian had watched the Emmy Awards on Sunday to see if his favorite shows, actors and actress won. Brian couldn't wait to go on vacation in November. He and Gregory were going at the first part of November. Since Brian had to be back before December 7th show at the Nassau Coliseum. Just three more shows next month and it would be vacation time.

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