Saturday, December 12, 2015

"It's A War Zone In Here.."

"It's A War Zone In Here" Figuratively speaking. Barry and Carly's kitchen was a total mess. It was being remodeled. All new kitchen cabinets, appliances, backsplash, paint color and etc. I'll be glad when this is finished said Barry. Luckily they had a smaller kitchen downstairs on their garden floor.  Barry had a refrigerator, range and a microwave in the garden floor kitchen. He did that was  so he wouldn't have to bring hot dishes down a flight of stairs. The main kitchen on the parlor floor was  being remodeled. The appliances that were in there when Barry moved in were eleven years old. So Barry figured it was time to remodel the kitchen. He and Carly chose to get Whirlpool appliances.  They looked at the different colors and settled on the white ice color. Which was white appliances with stainless steel handles. The new cabinets were Canyon Creek solid rustic alder. The over all theme of the kitchen was rustic farmhouse with the colors being peachy rust. Behr sunshine delight paint color was used on the walls. The backsplash had medium squares with smaller squares of peach and slate on them. The floor tile was a medium peachy color. Above the sink there was a recess light. There were three hanging lights down the center of the ceiling. The appliances were by Whirlpool.
The appliances were the white appliances with stainless steel handles caked white ice. At least they had a garden floor kitchen so they could still eat at home. Barry had professionals do the entire job. When it was done he took a whole bunch of photos to post on his remodeling Hicks Street Pinterest board. Every room that got remodeled Barry took photos and pinned to his Hicks Street Pinterest board. That way all his friends from the east cost to the west cost could see each room after it got remodeled. The kitchen was the last room to be remodeled. His at home recording studio and office floor was remodeled by professionals. It was his birthday/wedding present from Carly. Carly talked to Barry's tour sound guy Ken Newman. she asked Ken what type of recording equipment to have installed in his at home studio. Ken as able to get the recording equipment at a lower price for Carly. He told Carly not to worry about how much the stuff cost. Ken said he always got his boss Barry something for his birthday. He also said Seth Jackson gave a little towards the birthday present. Seth Jackson was Barry's tour lighting guy. Now that the kitchen was finished it was on to other things. Carly found out that Brian Murphy was doing some benefit shows at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Springs this week. The shows were Tuesday December eighth thru Saturday December twelfth. Her Facebook friend Shelly from San Diego told her all of Brian Murphy's shows were sold out. Shelly went to the Tuesday night show and said Brian was fantastic. Shelly also told her she saw Suzanne Somers and her hubby Alan Hamel there. Carly mentioned to Barry that Shelly a friend on Facebook saw Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel at Tuesdays Brian Murphy show. Shelly said she over heard Suzanne in the lobby telling Scott Nevins she wished Barry still lived here in Palm Springs.  When I  lived in Palm Springs I spent more time flying back and forth. So I figured it would be a lot easier just to live here instead of out there. I realized I was missing my home borough of Brooklyn. That's why I moved back east. Actually I should have never moved to Los Angeles in the first place said Barry. Then to Palm Springs which I think is "Too Gay." Also I was  getting sick and tired of Scott Nevins bugging me all the time.  Every time I turned around there was Scott. He was everywhere I went. I was getting sick and tired of see him. Besides if I hadn't moved back here I would have never met you Carly said Barry.  Shelly also mentioned  she could see Suzanne, Alan and Scott from where she was sitting.  Shelly did mention that Scott Nevins is a real jerk. She said he came up to her and asked her to sign his online petition.  He said he started the petition to get you Barry to move back to
Palm Springs. Just for the heck of it she went to his Facebook page. That's where she saw the link to the petition. There weren't very many signatures. Why would your fans want to sign a petition that starts with a message. "Everyone please help me get the love of my life Barry Manilow to move back to Palm Springs. I'm sure he doesn't really want to live in New York City anymore.  So if you help me get him to move back here then maybe he will." All your fans know you spent way to much time flying back an forth from New York City to Palm Springs because of your Broadway musicals. Plus you had to rent a place to live while in New York City. Also we fans have known all along that you were straight and not gay. You were always open about your love life and girlfriends.Whenever you were out somewhere with one of your girlfriends and a photographer caught the both of you. You would pose for pictures. I also took a look at Scott's Facebook page. I saw the link to the petition.  I also saw the link to the house he wanted  fans to beg you to buy. I thought the was ugly. It was a Spanish styled home with a stucco finish with a clay roof. There was a separate guest quarters that Scott said you could turn into your at home recording studio. Plus office space, kitchen and half bath. Scott said the price was ten million three hundred thousand forty seven five hundred and thirteen dollars. Scott said the house was perfect for you. Then he mentioned something about how hot you would look lounging by the pool naked. I thinking what a delusional person Scott is said Carly. I know he has the hot's for you.  I sold the Mesa house at the beginning of two thousand ten to Brian Murphy. Brain had been in that house a few times and loved it. So when he found out I was selling it he asked me to take off the market. He said he would buy it after the holidays. Brian bought the house in January two thousand ten for  seven million two hundred and twenty four thousand six hundred and seventeen.  Brian gave me the full asking price for my home in the Mesa. Brain Murphy and his partner Gregory Knopfler moved into the house after they bought it. I was very glad to rid of it. I will totally agree with you that Scott Nevins is delusional. Oh and when I did go into the petition page I saw a reply from some fan who called Scott an idiot. The fans said "If you think Barry's going to move back to Palm Springs your an idiot. Being a Broadway songwriter that's where Barry needed to be in New York City. That's why he lives in Brooklyn to be close to the theatre district. Close to all the theatres where his musicals would be. P.S. Broadway is in Barry Manilow's blood."  Wow! That's what I love about you fans you'll stick up for me. What we fans love about you is how fan friendly you are. I remember back in nineteen seventy eight when Vicki Smith and I went to see your musical Copacabana the night it opened on Broadway at the Uris Theatre. We saw you after it was over. You stopped to talk to us for a few minutes. Then you invited me and Vicki to go with you to the cast party. I still have the playbill with yours, Bruce and Jack's signatures on it. It's in a display box on my shelving unit with all my other autographed stuff you and others signed. The signed vinyl is in LP frames on one wall. 2:00AM Paradise CafĂ©,  Showstoppers, Night Songs, New York State Of Mind and Barry Manilow Putting It Together The Songs of Stephen Sondheim all signed by you.

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