Friday, February 6, 2015

The Barry Manilow Fan Club

Barry felt like there was something missing. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.  Until he saw some fans on Facebook talking about the  newsletters the fan club use to put out .Oh yeah!  the Barry Grams said Barry. I remember I used to get them. That was the newsletter of his fan club. That's got to change Barry thought. I remember getting one three to four times a year so I could see what Alicia Galay and company put in them.  I'm sure the fans miss getting them thought Barry I know I do. Back then dues were a lot more. Now dues are $9.99 a year and what do they get. A welcome to the fan club postcard with the mailing address, email address and phone numbers on it, a membership pin and a baseball cap. Well that's got to change said Barry. We're going back to the original name which was the Barry Manilow Fan Club. No more international in the name. The Barry Manilow Fan Club would still be open to fans from all around the world. Starting as of now membership dues will be going up to $20 a year. Membership kits would include the following stuff. A welcome to the club CD with Barry Manilow's voice on it welcoming fans new and old to the club, a membership card that fans can use at all of Barry Manilow's concerts to get a ten percent discount on their entire order of merchandize, photo pack with one eight by ten, two four by sixes and two wallets all candid's of Barry Manilow,  the new fan club logo on a tee shirt transfer to iron on a tee shirt and four Barry Gram newsletters. The Barry Grams would come out four times a year March, June, September and December. There would be the usual first page with the welcoming letter. The welcoming letter was being called "The mensch speaks." That's because Barry was going to write each months welcoming letter. Plus he was going to edit the newsletters.  Barry felt fans deserve better than what they were getting. Besides the Membership kit and Barry Grams there would be other goodies. Such as fan club seats in the first ten rows whenever Barry went on tour. Conventions every year in different cities whether or not Barry was on tour. Barry would show up for every convention and do a Q&A with Barry. During conventions with no tour Barry would bring his band and backup singers for a one hour mini concert. Unlike Brian Murphy Barry was fan friendly. Barry was going on the road for a CD signing at Barns and Nobles book stores in major cities throughout the US. He was going to sign copies of his latest album New York State Of Mind. Heck Barry always had time for his fans. He heard the horror stories about the way Brian Murphy and his manager Darin Knofler treated the fans.  Darrin Knofler was a real pain in the ass from wat Barry heard. Barry's motto was "be Nice" when it came to the fans. Be nice to them and then they won't bitch about you or your management. Barry got the Be Nice from his grandfather Joseph Manilow. Barry was going to talk to director Alicia Galay about getting the ball rolling on the first convention to be held overseas. Barry figured the convention should be held in the UK when he went over there in June of 2016 for the UK and European leg of his Brooklyn Blues tour. Barry was already looking into playing either the Palladium or Royal Albert Hall. Barry was already thinking of being in London the week of the 12 through 18 of June. That's when Barry figured the UK convention should take place. He had already come up with a few ideas for stuff to do during the convention. Friday June 17 was Barry's 73 birthday. Barry already decided tthere would be a dinner before the concert that he would attend. After the concert there would be a birthday party for him with  birthday cake and ice cream. There was definitely going to be candles on the cake for him to blow out. Since it was his 73 birthday a number 7 candle and a number 3 candle would be on the cake. There would already be cut up squares of cake. White cake with white frosting and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting Then Sunday would be the brunch and Q&A with Barry Manilow. Barry loved hanging out with his fans whenever he could. Now Barry needed to decide whether to play the Palladium or Royal Albert Hall.

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