Friday, February 27, 2015

Sunday September 6, 2015

Sunday September 6 can't get here soon enough thought Carly. Carly had just gotten off the phone with one of her bridesmaids Rachel. Rachel told Carly what happened to Amy Thomas one of Carly's other bridesmaids. Amy had been in a car accident. She had been taken into surgery but she didn't make it. Carly was going to make a donation to Amy's favorite charity in her honor. She sent a text message to Barry telling him what happened. Also that she would ask another friend to take Amy's place in the bridal party. Carly called Brooke Stern. Hello said Brooke. Hello Brooke it's Carly. What's up Carly said Brooke. Remember Amy Thomas? Yes said Brooke. Well she was in a very bad car accident. She was taken into surgery but she didn't make it. Oh I'm sorry to hear that said Brooke. So what are you doing later today? asked Carly Nothing said Brooke why do you ask. Amy was  supposed  to be one of my bridesmaids. Since she is gone would you like to take her place? asked Carly. What is the date asked Brooke. Sunday September 6. Sure said Brooke I'll be glad to be a bridesmaid. Great said Carly. The reason I asked what you were doing later today is I was able to get an appointment at the salon where I got the bridesmaid dresses this afternoon. I was hoping you could go there and get measured for the dress. That's so they can get the right size for you. Don't tell anyone else. I should have picked you for a bridesmaid in the first place. All Amy has done since I picked her was do a lot of bitching about stuff. She bitched about the dress color which is pale yellow. The flowers which are mango calla lilies for the bridesmaids.  She also hit on my fiancĂ© Barry more  than once. She would rub her butt up against his crotch. Whenever she kissed him she tried to pry his mouth open. She French kiss him when I wasn't looking one time. Barry told her he wasn't interested. But she wouldn't take no for an answer.  After we go to the salon to get you measured. I thought we could go grab something to eat. In fact I'll call Barry after I hang up with you and see if he's free to meet us for dinner. Then you'll be able to meet him. Wait a minute is Barry kind of tall? asked Brooke Yes said Carly. Does he have brown hair and blue eyes?  Yes he does said Carly.  Does he happen to live at 96 1/2 Hicks St. asked Brooke Yes said Carly. Now you're really scaring me said Carly. Sorry but  I believe your fiancĂ© is my next door neighbor. He is said Carly. Yes he is said Brooke. My next door neighbor Barry Manilow sent Jon and I a wedding invitation. I wondered who Barry was getting married to. All he said to us was you're going to like her. Wait till he finds out you and I are friends from high school. You know what said Brooke I'll called Jon and see if he can meet us for dinner and we'll make it a four some. Sounds like a plan said Carly. Carly got a hold of Barry and he said what's up. Well I got my friend Brooke to take Amy's place in the bridal party. Also you'll never guess who Brooke is. Who said Barry. Your next door neighbor. My next door neighbor said Barry. Yes said Carly. You know Jon and Brooke Stern? Don't you asked Carly. Yes said Barry. You and Brooke know each other. Yes we went to the same high school. We even went to same universities Wake Forest and North Carolina State We were even roommates for eight years. Brooke meet Jon at North Carolina State. Brooke studied to become a pharmacologist. Her husband Jon studied to be neurosurgeon. Well I'll be said Barry. You know there's only one hundred and ninety-four days left till Sunday September 6th said Carly.  Yes I know said Barry. I've been marking the days off on the calendar ion my studio said Barry. Just so you know you're coming out to Denver next month said Barry. I am said Carly. Yes said Barry. You're coming out to see my shows in Denver. Wednesday March 25th is your birthday and I want to take you out for dinner. I decided that I'd have you come out for the two Denver shows. The shows are at the Paramount Theatre in Denver said Barry. That's fine said Carly. In fact I took that week off she said. March 22 through March 28. You know what I'll take the train out to Denver.  I can take the Lake Shore Limited from New York to Chicago. Then from Chicago take the California Zephyr to Denver. I can leave on Sunday get into Chicago on Monday. Leave Monday and get into Denver on Tuesday. Besides that's where my one bridesmaid Hannah lives with her husband Gabriel. That will give me a chance to visit with her a bit. You'd like Gabe he's a disc jockey at KOSI 101.1 FM in Denver. Gabe is on from 5AM to 9AM.  KOSI is an Adult Contemporary radio station. Hannah says Gabe always plays your music. In fact Hannah called last week to tell me Gabe scored an in studio interview with you for March 25th. Oh yeah Marc set that up said Barry. Hannah also told me that the week before your two shows the station has tickets for fans to win. You know if you're the  fifteenth caller to the number they say you get the tickets. There will be loads of fans trying for tickets. Since I also heard from Hannah that your
Denver shows sold out in fifteen minutes. After Hannah told me that I told her that the first leg of your Brooklyn Blues Tour was completely sold out. Also that fans are trying to get tickets. Which are hard to come by since you and Marc figured out how to keep ticket sellers and scalpers from buying tickets. Also if fans are caught reselling their tickets they can be jailed just like those ticket sellers and scalpers can. I want my fans not to have to pay major bucks to see me said Barry. I know before Brian Murphy  canceled his One Last Time tour. front row tickets for fan club members were $550 each plus handling and postage. Even the back of the nose bleed section of the arenas were expensive at $105 plus handling and postage. My tickets are $135. 25 for the first  twenty-five rows.. The first twenty  are fan club seats That's all the rows in the orchestra pit and the first so many rows in the section after the pit. After that tickets are $115.50 for the middle of the main floor. $95.25 for the back of the main floor. $75.50 for the front of the balcony. $55.25 for the middle of the balcony. $25.50 for the back of the balcony. If you bring a gently used musical instrument you get two $95 tickets free.

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