Friday, February 27, 2015

Sunday September 6, 2015

Sunday September 6 can't get here soon enough thought Carly. Carly had just gotten off the phone with one of her bridesmaids Rachel. Rachel told Carly what happened to Amy Thomas one of Carly's other bridesmaids. Amy had been in a car accident. She had been taken into surgery but she didn't make it. Carly was going to make a donation to Amy's favorite charity in her honor. She sent a text message to Barry telling him what happened. Also that she would ask another friend to take Amy's place in the bridal party. Carly called Brooke Stern. Hello said Brooke. Hello Brooke it's Carly. What's up Carly said Brooke. Remember Amy Thomas? Yes said Brooke. Well she was in a very bad car accident. She was taken into surgery but she didn't make it. Oh I'm sorry to hear that said Brooke. So what are you doing later today? asked Carly Nothing said Brooke why do you ask. Amy was  supposed  to be one of my bridesmaids. Since she is gone would you like to take her place? asked Carly. What is the date asked Brooke. Sunday September 6. Sure said Brooke I'll be glad to be a bridesmaid. Great said Carly. The reason I asked what you were doing later today is I was able to get an appointment at the salon where I got the bridesmaid dresses this afternoon. I was hoping you could go there and get measured for the dress. That's so they can get the right size for you. Don't tell anyone else. I should have picked you for a bridesmaid in the first place. All Amy has done since I picked her was do a lot of bitching about stuff. She bitched about the dress color which is pale yellow. The flowers which are mango calla lilies for the bridesmaids.  She also hit on my fiancĂ© Barry more  than once. She would rub her butt up against his crotch. Whenever she kissed him she tried to pry his mouth open. She French kiss him when I wasn't looking one time. Barry told her he wasn't interested. But she wouldn't take no for an answer.  After we go to the salon to get you measured. I thought we could go grab something to eat. In fact I'll call Barry after I hang up with you and see if he's free to meet us for dinner. Then you'll be able to meet him. Wait a minute is Barry kind of tall? asked Brooke Yes said Carly. Does he have brown hair and blue eyes?  Yes he does said Carly.  Does he happen to live at 96 1/2 Hicks St. asked Brooke Yes said Carly. Now you're really scaring me said Carly. Sorry but  I believe your fiancĂ© is my next door neighbor. He is said Carly. Yes he is said Brooke. My next door neighbor Barry Manilow sent Jon and I a wedding invitation. I wondered who Barry was getting married to. All he said to us was you're going to like her. Wait till he finds out you and I are friends from high school. You know what said Brooke I'll called Jon and see if he can meet us for dinner and we'll make it a four some. Sounds like a plan said Carly. Carly got a hold of Barry and he said what's up. Well I got my friend Brooke to take Amy's place in the bridal party. Also you'll never guess who Brooke is. Who said Barry. Your next door neighbor. My next door neighbor said Barry. Yes said Carly. You know Jon and Brooke Stern? Don't you asked Carly. Yes said Barry. You and Brooke know each other. Yes we went to the same high school. We even went to same universities Wake Forest and North Carolina State We were even roommates for eight years. Brooke meet Jon at North Carolina State. Brooke studied to become a pharmacologist. Her husband Jon studied to be neurosurgeon. Well I'll be said Barry. You know there's only one hundred and ninety-four days left till Sunday September 6th said Carly.  Yes I know said Barry. I've been marking the days off on the calendar ion my studio said Barry. Just so you know you're coming out to Denver next month said Barry. I am said Carly. Yes said Barry. You're coming out to see my shows in Denver. Wednesday March 25th is your birthday and I want to take you out for dinner. I decided that I'd have you come out for the two Denver shows. The shows are at the Paramount Theatre in Denver said Barry. That's fine said Carly. In fact I took that week off she said. March 22 through March 28. You know what I'll take the train out to Denver.  I can take the Lake Shore Limited from New York to Chicago. Then from Chicago take the California Zephyr to Denver. I can leave on Sunday get into Chicago on Monday. Leave Monday and get into Denver on Tuesday. Besides that's where my one bridesmaid Hannah lives with her husband Gabriel. That will give me a chance to visit with her a bit. You'd like Gabe he's a disc jockey at KOSI 101.1 FM in Denver. Gabe is on from 5AM to 9AM.  KOSI is an Adult Contemporary radio station. Hannah says Gabe always plays your music. In fact Hannah called last week to tell me Gabe scored an in studio interview with you for March 25th. Oh yeah Marc set that up said Barry. Hannah also told me that the week before your two shows the station has tickets for fans to win. You know if you're the  fifteenth caller to the number they say you get the tickets. There will be loads of fans trying for tickets. Since I also heard from Hannah that your
Denver shows sold out in fifteen minutes. After Hannah told me that I told her that the first leg of your Brooklyn Blues Tour was completely sold out. Also that fans are trying to get tickets. Which are hard to come by since you and Marc figured out how to keep ticket sellers and scalpers from buying tickets. Also if fans are caught reselling their tickets they can be jailed just like those ticket sellers and scalpers can. I want my fans not to have to pay major bucks to see me said Barry. I know before Brian Murphy  canceled his One Last Time tour. front row tickets for fan club members were $550 each plus handling and postage. Even the back of the nose bleed section of the arenas were expensive at $105 plus handling and postage. My tickets are $135. 25 for the first  twenty-five rows.. The first twenty  are fan club seats That's all the rows in the orchestra pit and the first so many rows in the section after the pit. After that tickets are $115.50 for the middle of the main floor. $95.25 for the back of the main floor. $75.50 for the front of the balcony. $55.25 for the middle of the balcony. $25.50 for the back of the balcony. If you bring a gently used musical instrument you get two $95 tickets free.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oh NO Not Again.

Oh no not again said Barry while talking to Garry over the phone. I haven't had any plastic surgery. Nor do I have dental implants. I wish fans and the press would quit talking about what they think I've had done when they really don't know. It's all in my genes. My grandparents on my moms side didn't have a lot of wrinkles. Neither did my mom have a lot of wrinkles. That's why I don't have a lot of wrinkles said Barry. Actually even though I didn't know my real dad he didn't have a lot of wrinkles either. Plus they're talking about me being gay too. I wonder if any fans have seen the latest issue of People. What about the latest issue of People said Garry. Well I made the cover for the second time said Barry. Really you did said Garry. Yes I did said Barry. Which photo of you did they use asked Garry. It's a photo of me and Carly that was taken for our engagement photo that was put in the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper under engagements. The caption reads  Guess Who's Getting Married?"  The article is on page seventy-five said Barry. I want to see if any fans see it before I post the link to the article online. I'm spilling the beans about finding Carly and getting married to her said Barry. Carly was definitely ok with that since she knew this was only way to shut the fans, press and everyone up said Barry. Oh BTW Did you hear Brian Murphy decided to cancel his US tour  said Barry.  He was supposed to perform tonight in Omaha but he canceled his tour yesterday.  Marc was over on Facebook said Barry where his fans are pissed off at him  It's still full steam ahead for my tour which kicks off on Friday March 6th in Seattle at the Paramount Theatre. I finish the first part of my tour on June 20th. I'm also doing a Fourth of July concert in Central Park said Barry. The concert will on The Great Lawn. Where Garth Brooks, Simon and Garfunkle and Diana Ross did theirs. The New York Philharmonic Orchestra  will be on stage with me. After that I'm off till the end of October. Previews for my latest musical Here At The Mayflower start in August. It opens in mid October. You are coming out east at the end of August to catch previews of Here At The Mayflower asked Barry. Yes said Garry I am. I'll be there  starting August 23 said Garry. August 30th through September 6th is going to be very busy time said Barry.  Monday Carly goes to Kleinfeld's to pick up her dress. All I know about her dress is it's white. Tuesday September 1st us guys will be going to get our tuxedos said Barry. Wednesday September 2nd in the evening is a party for the bridal party Friday September 3rd that night is the bachelor party for us. While Carly and her girls have there own bachelorette party.  Saturday September 4th is the wedding rehearsal and the dinner after. Carly's girls are wearing pale yellow one shoulder dresses. All of us guys are wearing dark charcoal and black Joseph Abboud  tuxedos. Carly's bouquet is mango calla lilies. Her girls bouquet are yellow and mango calla  lilies said Barry. Our boutonnieres are a mango calla lily with some babies breathe. Carly's sister Jill is her matron of honor. Bridesmaids are  Amy, Rachel,  Kaley  Robin, Hannah and Adrienne. My guys are best man cousin Dennis. Grooms men  are Marc, you , Enoch, Jack, Marty and Bruce. Her sister Jill told me Carly was going to some how honor my parents during the ceremony. Since mom passed away in 1994 my dad in 1995 and my step-dad a few years ago. My ousin Olivia told me Carly asked her to be a bridesmaid.  Olivia told me she said no because of her rheumatoid arthritis. Carly's great niece Nicole is the flower girl. Great nephew  Kyle is ring barer. Nichole is Jill's son John's daughter. While Kyle is Jill's other son Jacob's son. Jill had twin boys John and Jacob. The wedding rings are costume made by From Bespoke out of  Leeds West Yorkshire UK. Marc and I were over in the UK to firm up the schedule for next years June UK shows. While there we made a side trip so I could pick up the costume wedding rings. They're 18ct yellow gold with musical notes hand engraved wedding rings. The musical notes on the rings are note to your favorite song. So which songs musical notes did you pick asked Garry. We picked Could It Be Magic the song I wrote with Adrienne Anderson that Brian Murphy recorded back in the seventies said Barry. The reason the flowers are calla lilies is because that's Carly's favorite flower said Barry.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Park, freedom and music.

That One Voice Barry In Central Park Saturday July 4, 2015. Barry Manilow live in Central Park on The Great Lawn. With the new York Philharmonic Orchestra. Plus special guest saxophonist Dave Koz and guitarist, saxophonist and vocalist Curtis Stigers. Fourth of July fireworks during America The Beautiful, Let Freedom Ring and One Voice. This is a free concert for Barry Manilow fans and everyone else

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Getting Ready For The Big Day

Carly and Barry went to the new Cutler  saloon location in Williamsburg Brooklyn.  Both of them wanted to try out new hair styles before the big day. At least now neither one of them wouldn't have to go into Manhattan to get their hair cut and styled anymore. Carly wore her light brown hair to her shoulders. Carly always had to pull it back in a ponytail. So she saw this cute short cut on an African American woman and took the photo in to see if Cutler's stylist could give her this same cut.  Then she wouldn't have to pull her hair back when she worked. She had already shown the photo to Barry who said he loved it because it was cute and sassy. Barry decided he wanted a new style. Barry liked this one hair style he saw on Google under men's hair styles. So he went to the actual website where the photo was and printed it out. He took it with him when he and Carly went to the new Cutler's saloon in Williamsburg. Unlike Brain Murphy Barry didn't have a receding hairline nor did he have any bald spots or hair plugs. Brian had a receding hairline and a bald spot on the back of his head. Man was his hairline receding and his bald spot getting big. Pretty soon his bald spot would be bigger than  Prince William's bald spot. Carly loved the length of Barry's new hair style.  After they got their hair styled Barry suggested they go to the Brooklyn Bowl for dinner. Barry told Carly they had the best fried chicken in New York City. Off they went for fried chicken. Once they got there Barry said we should do a little bowling while were here. Ok said Carly I do know how to bowl. My dad is a great bowler. He's on the Bronx Zoo's bowling team. He wanted me to join. But I can't since I never know when I'm needed at the zoo. I've gone to the zoo at all hours of the night to take care of sick animals. Or when one of our expecting mothers is ready to deliver her baby.  Right now Jake Brooks the number two veterinarian is on call while I'm busy hanging out with you said Carly. We take turn being on call on the weekends. There's me, Jake Brooks,  Zak Meyers, Jamie Lee Anderson, Bradley Rodgers and Bruce Evans. Every six weeks I'm on call for the weekend said Carly. Just then Barry's iPhone rang. Barry hit answer and said hello. Marc it's Marc sorry to bother you. That's ok said Barry. What's up he asked. You haven't heard the latest have you said Marc. No said Barry. Well Brian Murphy canceled his One Last Time Tour. No he didn't said Barry. Yes he did said Marc and boy are his fans pissed. I was over on Facebook to check out your page, At the top of the Facebook home page I saw all  of this fans bitching. Then I went to Brian's personal Facebook and it was even wore over there. Complaining about canceled date and the platinum packages they were supposed to do. How could he do this to us the day before his tour started. Oh yeah his One Last Time tour started tomorrow in Omaha said Barry. I'm finishing rehearsing for mine said Barry. Oh the other reason I called was tell you that the first leg of your Brooklyn Blues  tour is completely sold out. Really said Barry. Yes really said Marc. In the display cases that flank the doors to the venues your playing there are "SOLD OUT" stickers across your tour poster. I found that out when  I started getting phone calls from venue managers wanting to know if you could add dates. I had to tell them no. But I said maybe at a later date Barry could come back. So this leg of your tour is SRO (Standing room only)  I'm dome making the phone calls I needed to make  said Barry. Oh said Marc so you called mayor Bill de Blasio,. Yes said Barry then I met with him, Mitchell J. Silver park commissioner and Doug Blonsky.  We discussed my using The Grand Lawn for a July 4th concert. The concert will be free the fans and the general public. I'm doing the Fourth of July concert with the New York Philharmonic orchestra. Plus special guest Dave Koz and Curtis Stigers.  I've already talked to  talked to Matthew Van Besien the executive director of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.  Matthew Von Besien loved the idea of backing me up on  the Fourth of July. This coming week me, the band and the orchestra are going to practice at the Metropolitan Opera house for the July concert. I got the orchestra the sheet music for the concert. Mayor de Blasio  said we can use the lake behind reservoir behind The Great Lawn for the small boats with the fire works. That will go off  during Let Freedom Ring and One Voice. I better go said Barry I'm here at the Brooklyn Bowl with Carly. We're just finishing dinner and now we're going to bowl a few games. Give Carly my love said Marc. I will said Barry. So what did Marc have to say said Carly. He said pop singer Brian Murphy canceled his entire One Last Time tour. Oh he did said Carly. Yes said Barry and boy are his fans pissed. when you consider his first show was tomorrow night in Omaha. I wasn't a fan of his said Carly though I've heard of him. What about the venues he was going to do said Carly. I'm sure they're not to happy that he canceled his tour. Yes I'm sure they aren't too happy considering he was playing arenas like the Barclay Center in Brooklyn on June 17th. The other thing Marc mentioned was that the first leg of my tour is sold out. From Seattle March 6th to New York City June 20th.  That's wonderful said Carly. Then I'm doing one more concert and that's going to be a free one on Saturday July 4th in Central Park. The concert will be on The Great Lawn. I'll have the New York Philharmonic orchestra backing me up. Then I'm having  special guest Dave Koz and Curtis Stiges perform with me on stage. Sounds wonderful said Carly. I wanted you there that night. Of course I'll be there said Carly or have you forgotten I was a huge fan of yours before we met on the Today Show.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Barry Manilow Fan Club

Barry felt like there was something missing. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.  Until he saw some fans on Facebook talking about the  newsletters the fan club use to put out .Oh yeah!  the Barry Grams said Barry. I remember I used to get them. That was the newsletter of his fan club. That's got to change Barry thought. I remember getting one three to four times a year so I could see what Alicia Galay and company put in them.  I'm sure the fans miss getting them thought Barry I know I do. Back then dues were a lot more. Now dues are $9.99 a year and what do they get. A welcome to the fan club postcard with the mailing address, email address and phone numbers on it, a membership pin and a baseball cap. Well that's got to change said Barry. We're going back to the original name which was the Barry Manilow Fan Club. No more international in the name. The Barry Manilow Fan Club would still be open to fans from all around the world. Starting as of now membership dues will be going up to $20 a year. Membership kits would include the following stuff. A welcome to the club CD with Barry Manilow's voice on it welcoming fans new and old to the club, a membership card that fans can use at all of Barry Manilow's concerts to get a ten percent discount on their entire order of merchandize, photo pack with one eight by ten, two four by sixes and two wallets all candid's of Barry Manilow,  the new fan club logo on a tee shirt transfer to iron on a tee shirt and four Barry Gram newsletters. The Barry Grams would come out four times a year March, June, September and December. There would be the usual first page with the welcoming letter. The welcoming letter was being called "The mensch speaks." That's because Barry was going to write each months welcoming letter. Plus he was going to edit the newsletters.  Barry felt fans deserve better than what they were getting. Besides the Membership kit and Barry Grams there would be other goodies. Such as fan club seats in the first ten rows whenever Barry went on tour. Conventions every year in different cities whether or not Barry was on tour. Barry would show up for every convention and do a Q&A with Barry. During conventions with no tour Barry would bring his band and backup singers for a one hour mini concert. Unlike Brian Murphy Barry was fan friendly. Barry was going on the road for a CD signing at Barns and Nobles book stores in major cities throughout the US. He was going to sign copies of his latest album New York State Of Mind. Heck Barry always had time for his fans. He heard the horror stories about the way Brian Murphy and his manager Darin Knofler treated the fans.  Darrin Knofler was a real pain in the ass from wat Barry heard. Barry's motto was "be Nice" when it came to the fans. Be nice to them and then they won't bitch about you or your management. Barry got the Be Nice from his grandfather Joseph Manilow. Barry was going to talk to director Alicia Galay about getting the ball rolling on the first convention to be held overseas. Barry figured the convention should be held in the UK when he went over there in June of 2016 for the UK and European leg of his Brooklyn Blues tour. Barry was already looking into playing either the Palladium or Royal Albert Hall. Barry was already thinking of being in London the week of the 12 through 18 of June. That's when Barry figured the UK convention should take place. He had already come up with a few ideas for stuff to do during the convention. Friday June 17 was Barry's 73 birthday. Barry already decided tthere would be a dinner before the concert that he would attend. After the concert there would be a birthday party for him with  birthday cake and ice cream. There was definitely going to be candles on the cake for him to blow out. Since it was his 73 birthday a number 7 candle and a number 3 candle would be on the cake. There would already be cut up squares of cake. White cake with white frosting and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting Then Sunday would be the brunch and Q&A with Barry Manilow. Barry loved hanging out with his fans whenever he could. Now Barry needed to decide whether to play the Palladium or Royal Albert Hall.