Sunday, March 11, 2018

Hi Everyone it's me Barry. Yes I know your bummed out about the Tropicana  deciding not to have revolving headliners. Then there's no new years eve at the Tropicana either. That's because they had already booked Tony Bennett for four nights Friday December twenty eighth, Saturday twenty ninth, Sunday December thirtieth and Monday December thirty first. I'm very bummed about that.  Now I did find somewhere else to preform for New Years Eve this December 29th, 30th and 31st of this year. I'm doing three nights at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn for New Years Eve this year said Barry. My three concerts will be Saturday December twenty ninth, Sunday December thirtieth and Monday December thirty first. The annual BMIFC New Years Eve Party Weekend will take place at the Grand Hyatt. That's where the BMIFC had their New York City Rhythm Convention back in two thousand fifteen. Remember I did PBS' Great Performances at Lincoln Center. That was Wednesday June 17th which was my seventy first birthday. Those three concerts will kick off my Paradise Café II Tour. Then next year two thousand nineteen in May I'll be in the UK. I'm doing the following arenas in Scotland, England, Ireland and Northern Ireland. They are in order Glasgow SEE Hydro 13,000, Newcastle upon Tyne Metro Radio Arena 11,000, Manchester Arena 21,000, Sheffield Fly DSA Arena 13,000, Birmingham Arena 14,150, London SSE Arena Wembley 12,000,  Cardiff Motorpoint Arena 7,500. Dublin 3 Arena 13,000 and Belfast SSE Arena 10,000. Remember when you UK fans would get all "Trembley at Wembley" years ago.  Then in the summer June, July and August I'm doing outdoor venues in Canada and the US.  I heard from Marc that Brian Murphy is doing Mexico City, Alexandra VA, Manchester UK, Leeds UK and London UK. I still have some fans who think I've signed on the doted line with the Westgate (formerly the Las Vegas Hilton). No I haven't signed with the Westgate. I'd rather tour all over than be in Las Vegas. The UK, Canada and US dates will be to support my 2:00AM Paradise Café II album. So put on your thinking caps fans and decided where you'd like to have the BMIFC's two thousand nineteen convention. Try to pick somewhere we haven't had a convention before. The Mayflower has gotten great reviews from the San Antonio theatre critics. The two month run was sold out in a week and a half. In September and October The Mayflower goes to the Forrest Theatre in Philadelphia for it's second regional. You will see Jack Feldman and Bruce Sussman running around there. You won't see me there because I'll be
"On Broadway" at the Cort Theatre for a three month Broadway run. Right now there are still seats available for the added November Cort Theatre dates.

Interesting News.

Rita sent Carly an article from Vital Vegas that dealt with her husband Barry Manilow. The Vital Vegas article mentioned that Barry was going to start his Westgate shows in April.  Barry's still going to be in San Antonio Texas in April thought Carly. Barry, Adrienne, Enoch, Jack, Marty and Bruce's latest musical The Mayflower would still be at the Majestic Theatre. The Mayflower would be at at the Majestic Theatre from March first till Sunday April twenty ninth. There was no way Barry was going to be at the Westgate in April or any other month this year.  Maybe that's when Brian Murphy would start his run at the Westgate. Carly read the article thoroughly and it did say Barry Manilow not Brian Murphy. Carly made a quick call to David Taylor to tell him she sent him the Vital Vegas article that dealt with Barry. David said he had already read the article. Marc saw the article then emailed it to Garry, Barry and me. I'm sure Barry will be livid when he see that article said David. More like pissed major said Carly. I was going through my scrapbooks which has my tickets from every Barry Manilow concert I ever attended. Barry did back in nineteen eighty eight played at Caesars in Lake Tahoe Then in nineteen eighty nine he did Caesars in Lake Tahoe again. Then in
nineteen ninety five played Harrah's Resort and Casino in Lake Tahoe Nevada. Carly had tickets for all the shoes shows. Carly even had a New Years Eve sweatshirt from Barry's nineteen eighty eight New Years Eve concert at Caesars in Lake Tahoe. I even found ticket stubs for Harrah's in Reno Nevada. Nineteen ninety nine and two thousand five. I went to the Caesars Lake Tahoe shows  and the Harrah's Reno shows with Rita and Zoey. Barry will play Lake Tahoe and Reno. But he won't play  in Las Vegas. Barry's still up in the air about where to do his New Years Eve two thousand eighteen shows said Carly. That's because he was suppose to play the Tropicana in Atlantic City this New Years Eve. But then right before Barry left  for San Antonio he got a call from The Tropicana. Tropicana called Barry to tell him they made mistake and forgot they had signed Tony Bennett first.
Right now Barry isn't sure where he's going to preform this New Years Eve said Carly. I know that fans were pissed when they found out that the Tropicana decided not to have revolving headliners. Then they were even more pissed when Barry had to tell them he wasn't playing the Tropicana for New Years Eve this year. Barry was very bummed about not playing the Tropicana on New Years Eve. Carly said goodbye to David so she could get the dogs outside. Carly got the dogs out and once she came back in the phone rang. Carly picked up the phone to answer it. Hi sunshine said Barry. Hi Barry said Carly back to him. So what's up she asked him? I got in contact with the Barclay Center to see if I could do three nights in December. I told the person I talked to that I checked their online website and scrolled through their calendar for this year. I told them I noticed none of the dates in December were filled with anything. The person said ok what dates in December do you want to play here? I said I want to do three nights in December. Saturday December 29th, Sunday December 30th and Monday December 31st. The guy I talked to said I'm marking you down right now for those three nights. Then I called the Grand Hyatt Hotel and talked to a woman at the reservation desk. I told her who I was and she said "How can I help you Mr. Manilow." I'm doing three nights at the Barclay  at the end of December. I usually have a New Years Eve Party Weekend to go along with my doing concerts during New years Eve. I'd like to have my annual BMIFC New Years Eve Party Weekend at your hotel. The party weekend will at the end of December. I need  Friday December 28th, Saturday December 29th, Sunday December 30t and Monday 31st. She said I'll mark it on the calendar. Just call us back when you know how many rooms you need. Then we'll let you know what the group rate will be. So I put an announcement out on my Google Plus page and my website said Barry. Mark me, Rita, Zoey and Julie for the fan clubs New Years Eve Party Weekend said Carly. What happened to  your friend Abby said Barry. Abby is no longer a fan of yours, She's always been a a Brian Murphy fan.  s far back as I can remember Abby has always loved both you and Brian Murphy.  Why she quit being a fan of yours that I don't know.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A New Look.

Rita emailed Carly a few photos from Brain Murphy's Florida show. Carly was looking at them when Barry walked in. Who's that guy? Barry asked. That's Brian Murphy with a shorter hair style. He told his fans at his shows in Florida at his age  that it was time for shorter hair cut.  I'm three years older than Brian said Barry and I'm letting my hair grown out a little. Remember the poll from  last year. I asked you fans "Of all the different hair styles I've had. Which one did you like the best?" The over whelming choice was my hair style from 1987 to 1991. The longer fuller looking hair style. So I decided to give that hair style a modern twist. So what do you think? asked Barry. Carly turned around to checkout Barry new style. Wow! I love it said Carly. It makes you look totally hot. He
smiled and said cheeseburger. Whenever Barry smiled and said cheeseburger Carly knew that Barry was mugging for the camera. She took his photo with her cell phone. Upload the photo and let me know what the fans think said Barry. Carly uploaded the photo and sent it to sisters Rita and Zoey to see what they thought. Rita replied back and said "Who's that gorgeous guy?" Carly replied back to Rita saying that gorgeous guy is Barry. At the end of last year Barry asked us fans of all of his hair styles which one did we like the best. The over whelming choice was his hair style from 1987 to 1991 during Barry's Big Fun Tour de Force, Barry Manilow Live On Broadway and Showstoppers tours. That must be a photo from back in the late eighties early ninety's said Rita. Actually no it's not said Carly. I just kook that photo with my cell phone. I took the photo at 4:45PM. That's a current photo
as of today. Barry said I can pass the photo around to my Barry Buddies. That's why he mugged for the camera and said cheeseburger. So you can also pass that around to other fans said Carly.  Now
Barry thought Brian's new hair style was a little too short. Barry hates the spikey look on the top. Remember back in the nineties Barry had that spiked look on top. Oh yeah I remember that said Rita. Also remember the brown hair with the blond chunks Brian had in his hair. Barry said that didn't look good on Brain at all. Then there was the grey hair look said Rita. Because Brian had grey hair for a while. We now know that Brian colors his hair since it's no longer grey. Maybe he'll  quit coloring his hair one day said Carly. You do know that Shirley and the fans who follow her Facebook page are still thinking Barry's going to do the Westgate in Las Vegas said Rita. Not going to happen since
Barry detests Las Vegas said Carly. In fact Barry said the Tropicana changed their mind about having rotating headliners. So what's Barry going to do instead? asked Rita. Barry said summer road trip across Canada and the US. Just like last year he's playing the outdoor venues. Then Barry, band members and backup singers are going by tour bus. Just like they did two years ago in two thousand fifteen during the Brooklyn Blues Tour. Barry's taking four tour buses on tour next year. The tour is being called the Paradise  Café II Tour. After Barry's new jazz album that comes out on Thursday November fifteen of this year. Barry's also doing another run on Broadway. Three months at The Cort Theatre from September third thru November thirtieth. That's Tuesday thru Sunday with Monday's off . That's because Monday's are black with no shows on Broadway. This is what the tour logo looks like  on the tour buses said Carly. Carly sent Rita a photo of Barry's tour buses. You can also pass that photo on to other fans. Now are you sitting down? said Carly. Why? asked Rita. Because  Barry's playing Blenheim Palace for the thirty fifth anniversary of the Concert At Blenheim
Palace that he did on Saturday August twenty seventh  nineteen eighty three. This time around the concert will be on Monday August twenty seventh two thousand eighteen. Barry's going to bring out
the conga drums and the safari jacket for The Lion Sleeps Tonight. he's going to start the show with You're Looking Hot Tonight like he did back then. He'll take everyone back to New York City by doing New York City Rhythm. Then he'll also do Oh Julie and No Other Love. Least we forget  Barry "Mr. Dynomite" Manilow. Then there's his rock and roll number Some Kind Of Friend. One Voice with a chorus backing him up. I mentioned he needed to do Lay Me Down and sit at the edge of the stage with his legs dangling down. Barry's already brought himself three pairs of athletic shoes to wear in the second half.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

35 Years Ago Saturday August 217, 1983.

Hi Friends
It's me Barry once again. Thirty five years ago on Saturday August twenty seven nineteen eighty three I did a one night only concert at Blenheim Palace near Woodstock Oxfordshire UK. The one night only concert was on the Blenheim Palace ground in front of over forty thousand fans, the Duke and the Duchess. I told David my manager wouldn't it be nice If I did another one might only concert to celebrate the thirty fifth anniversary on that first magical night. David was going to get in contact with the current Duke of Marlboro. However the Duke got in touch with my ex-manager Garry Kief. He asked Garry if I would do another one night only concert on the Blenheim Palace grounds. Garry  told the Duke he was no longer my manager. He did give the Duke my current manager David his phone number. David then called me to ask if I wanted to do another concert at Blenheim Palace. I told David yes I would love to do another concert there so that's what I'm doing on Monday August 27, 2018. Take care.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Bad News Good News

Hi Everyone it's me Barry. I've got some bad news and I've got some good news. First the bad news to get that out of the way. The Tropicana Resort and Casino has decided not to have rotating headliners in their theatre. Then David called me to tell me that the Tropicana had already booked someone for New Years Eve December 30 and 31, 2018. That's before the booked me into their theatre. Yes I'm pretty bummed about this. I still want to play Atlantic City for New Years Eve 2018. Now for the good news. David's been looking into me playing another resort/casino in Atlantic City. Well he found me somewhere else to play this New Years Eve. There use to be a resort/casino along the boardwalk called the Revel. The Revel folded up in two thousand fourteen. . It was brought by some guy from Florida. But his ides never came to fruition. The property was finally bought by a company called Integrated Properties. Integrated Properties has chosen to name the resort/Casino Ocean Resort and Casino. Ocean's Resort and Casino is set to open in June or July of two thousand eighteen. The wife of one of the guys of Integrated Properties is a huge fan of mine. When she heard her husband was thinking about having me do some shows. She told her husband that he had to sign me up for at least two weeks worth of shows. So I'm going to do two weeks at the end of this year two thousand  and eighteen. I'll be at their five thousand seven hundred seat theatre from Sunday December twenty third two thousand eighteen thru January fifth two thousand nineteen.. Now I don't know what their theatre is being called. When it was the Revel the theatre was called the Ovation Theatre. Tickets for the two weeks at the Ocean Resort and Casino will go on sale at the end of March. When I know I'll let you know exactly what day the tickets will go on sale.

Headed To San Antonio

Barry took a cab to Penn Central train station at eleven am. He was leaving New York City for New Orleans on Amtrak's Crescent train. His train would leave at two fifteen pm. Barry would then get into New Orleans on Tuesday at seven thirty two pm. Barry was staying over for one night. After he got to his hotel he went out for dinner. He also stopped at Café Du Monde for some Beigents to go. He would eat them on the train for breakfast on Wednesday. Wednesday morning Barry was going to get on the Sunset Limited at nine am headed for San Antonio Texas. The Sunset Limited would make it into San Antonio at five minutes after twelve pm. Bruce and Jack were going to meet Barry's train. Jack asked Bruce why does Barry take the train when he can fly? Bruce said when Barry not in a rush he loves to take the train. When you fly all you see out the window is clouds, sun and very small stuff on the ground. When you go by rail you look out the window and see the gorgeous scenery. Just like in two thousand fifteen when Barry, his band and backup singers use tour buses for his tour . Barry has mentioned he's love to do that again. Use tour buses to travel from concert to concert. Tour buses are what most of country artists use when they go on tour said Bruce. Barry's train pulled into the San Antonio Amtrak station exactly on time. Bruce told Barry that Jack wonder why he took the train to get here. I told Jack why you came by train said Bruce. I also told him about the tour buses. Speaking of tour buses I 'm going to use them again in two thousand nineteen when I go on my Paradise Café II Tour said Barry. Bruce and Jack took Barry to get his rental vehicle. Once there Barry got his SUV he took off for the house David had rented for him. Barry went inside to unpack. Then he went back out and got into his rented SUV to go to the supermarket near by. Barry was in the mood for some Chinese stir fry. He was also going to stop at the States Store which sold liquor, wine and ETC. He got a couple of  bottles of great wines and some ale. He headed home to put the groceries, wine and ale away. Then he called Carly to tell her he made it safely to San Antonio. David called me on the train down here to tell me the Tropicana is choosing not to have rotating headliners. My New Years Eve shows have been canceled there. So now I have to find somewhere else to preform on New Years Eve  said Barry.  Luckily I hadn't announced the sale of tickets yet. The Cort Theatre's three month Broadway run is still on the schedule. The Cort Theatre people asked me to do a third month at their theatre due to popular demand typed Barry. In two thousand nineteen I've decided to go on another summer road trip and play the outdoor venues. Just like I did last year said Barry. I still have the list of outdoor venues I played last summer. Plus I'm adding some outdoor venues in Canada. Edmonton The Brick Field 33,234, Manitoba Investors Group Field 40,000, Regina Mosaic Stadium 33, 350 and Toronto Budweiser Stage 16,000. Over on my Google Plus page I posted a question about where we should have our BMIFC two thousand nineteen convention. I also put up all the cities I intend to do concerts in. Denver has been marked off since we had a convention there last year. I am doing five nights at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, four nights at The Greek Theatre and two nights at the Aloha Stadium in Halawa neighborhood of Honolulu Hawaii. After you fans give me a list of cities. I'll post the list so you can vote for where you want next years convention to be said Barry. It has to be in one of the cities I'm preforming in next year. Remember The First Barry Manilow Convention in Toronto in nineteen eighty five. I played Kingswood outdoor venue. The Manilow Memphis Convention in Memphis in nineteen ninety seven  In Memphis I played two nights at Mud Island said Barry since it seats only five thousand people total. Denver BMIFC Convention in two thousand seventeen. Most all the outdoor concerts are one night only. Except for Red Rocks Amphitheatre, The Greek Theatre and Aloha Stadium which are more than one night only. Shirley is telling her group that I'm going to preform at the Westgate Resort and casino. That's not going to happen ever. I do know that Brian Murphy was suppose to do the Westgate Resort and Casino this year. But so far he hasn't announced any dates for the Westgate said Barry. So far it's two nights in Mexico City, two nights in Vienna Virginia,  three nights in London and one night in Manchester. Carly thinks either he's being quite or else he's on vacation somewhere down the road. Sorry for the pun said Barry. Davis thinks that Brian's having a nip here and tuck there. Brian's had loads of plastic surgery. The only plastic surgery I've ever had if you want to call it that was to my nose. Years ago I got up in the middle of the night to use my bathroom and I went the wrong way. I must have thought I was at the house in Palm Springs. When in reality I was at my Malibu beach house. I broke my nose and had to have a plastic surgeon re-set it.  Some people must be so vain . As for me I'm not vain I just let nature take it's course said Barry.  Everyone out east please take care. I heard from Carly you fans out east are having a Nor-Easter with high winds, rain and snow. By the way thanks for all your suggestions everyone. I have a journal that I write all your suggestions in. When I used one of your suggestions I put a line through it. So keep those suggestions coming friends.