Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Denver Convention Time.

Carly had her suitcase packed along with her backpack. Carly was leaving Tuesday afternoon from Penn Central station on Amtrak's Lake Shore Limited. She was headed to Chicago where she would change trains. Her train would depart at 3:40PM Tuesday Penn Central New York and arrive 9:45AM Wednesday Union Station Chicago. So Carly had a layover of four hours and forty-five minutes. Carly was taking the California Zephyr to Denver. The train would depart at 2:00PM Wednesday from Union Station Chicago and arrive 7:15AM Thursday Union Station Denver. Her roommates sisters Rita and Zoey were flying in to Denver early Thursday morning. Rita and Zoey were bringing the fan club stuff for their table on Friday. Friday was local fan club day. Their fan club had gotten permission from Vikki to sell their fan clubs tee shirts. The proceeds from the sale of their tee shirts would be split in half. With half going to the Manilow Music Project and the other half going to the One Voice Foundation. The One Voice Foundation was an organization started by Barry Manilow to help defenseless cats and dogs. Once Carly got to Denver she texted Barry. That was to let him know she had got there safe and sound. Carly took a cab to the Sheraton Downtown Denver. He had texted Carly his room number so she could stow her suitcase until check in. Check in wasn't until later in the  afternoon. She got to Barry's room she knocked on the door. Barry opened the door to let her in. He gave the love of his life a hug and kiss. Carly mentioned to Barry that Miss Shelia had posted photos from the Key Bank Pavilion concert.  She told everyone on the Facebook page she and friends ran  that the photos were taken by "Barry's Official Photographer" Larry Nichols. Now wait a minute Eric Schaefer is the only one who takes official photos of Barry. Eric is also the videographer who takes official video footage of Barry. Shelia loves to make everyone think she's one of my BFF's. Which she is not said Barry. Shelia's been trying for years to get into my inner circle. So the fans who like her Facebook page will think I'm BFF's with her. Now I've never been BFF's with Miss Shelia.  Carly then told Barry that Brian Murphy had added another concert in September. This concert is in Philadelphia at the Wells Fargo Arena. Now why doesn't he just go on tour instead of adding one concert at a time. Well the major news is that Brian Murphy signed a eight year contract with the Westgate Hotel and Casino formerly the Las Vegas Hilton. That's where Brian was from February 2005 to December 2009. Then he did two years January 2010 to December 2011 at the Paris Hotel and Casino. Brian begins his  new Las Vegas run at the Westgate Hotel and Casino in February of 2018  said Carly. He'll be at the Westgate Hotel and Casino thru 2026. Brian was in Las Vegas last Friday at the Westgate Hotel and Casino. ET co-host Kevin Frazer was at the Westgate when Brian made his big announcement. He talked to Brian about why he was coming back to Las Vegas. He mentioned he liked the glitz and missed performing in Las Vegas. Really I hadn't heard that said Barry. I thought Brian was through with doing major touring. Or in this case major eight year run
in Las Vegas.  I'll have to tell both Garry and Marc about that. They'll find that very interesting in deed said Barry. I did talk to Marc on Saturday so I told him about Brian Murphy's second  time in Las Vegas. This time for eight years total. Marc thought Brian had decided to slow it down. You know a few show here and a few shows there said Carly. I guess he decided not to go that route said Barry. The entire four day convention was a blast. The fans loved the barbeque picnic on Saturday. One fans even scolded Barry for eating a hot dog. Barry told her it was a kosher hot dog. You know Hebrew National. "We speak to a higher authority."   The concerts were the best.  Barry was leaving Denver on Wednesday morning. Tuesday night Barry took Carly out for an anniversary dinner.  Since Barry was leaving Denver right after breakfast. Wednesday July 12th would be their second wedding anniversary. Wednesday morning Carly took Barry out for breakfast. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips.  Barry then got into one of the vans that took everyone to the airport to catch their private plane. Barry was just renting the plane for this tour. Brian Murphy was the one who actually bought a private airplane. All the roadies and tour staff left by tour buses for their next stop in Dallas TX. Now Carly wasn't leaving Denver till 7:10PM on the California Zephyr. She would then get into Chicago at 2:50pm. she was leaving Chicago at 9:30PM on The Lake Shore Limited. The train would arrive into Penn Central at 6:23PM. Once she got to Chicago she would text message Barry to let him know she made it there. The same with making it back to New York and their house. Then it was back to work on Saturday at the veterinary hospital. Barry would see his songwriting partners at his LA concerts. He was going to see Kristen, Garry, Denise, Rob and his family at those concerts too. He figured Suzie, Alan and Scott would be there. At least he would have Garry and Rob there to help him out if Scott tried anything. Barry and Eric were staying at Marty Panzer's house in Sherman Oaks. Nobody but Kristen, Garry Rob, Adrienne, Enoch, Jack and Bruce knew where the guys were staying.  Barry had only told those seven friends along with Carly. Barry had given Carly a list of all the hotels he was staying at along with their phone number just incase she needed to get in touch with him. Tonight Friday July 14th Barry was in Houston TX. Then it was on to Phoenix Monday July 17th, San Diego Wednesday July 19th, Irvine Friday July 21st and Los Angeles Sunday July 23rd, Monday July 24th and Tuesday July 25th.

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